top100k · 6 months
Что делает рерайтер ▶▶▶ https://kahgo.ru/zqSMPYU
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- Копирайтерам и SMM-спецам: Вы научитесь формировать медиа-контент для бизнес-процессов: слова для баннеров, социальных сетей, рассылок и прочих маркетинговых каналов Повысите лойяльность аудитории, конверсию площадок и сумеете предъявлять права на более высокую зарплату.
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Чему вы непременно научитесь:
- Создавать яркие тексты: Вы обучитесь сочинять тексты в разного рода форматах — начиная от пресс-релизов и до нативных подборок, вести речь с аудиторией на ее языке и собирать иллюстрации. Копирайтер пермь удаленно.
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- Редактировать себя лично и других: Познаете, как сочинять без канцеляризмов, очищать лишнее и производить фактчекинг. Школа редакторов бюро горбунова. Разберетесь, как создать контент, который клиент захотит прочитать от первой до последней страницы. Копирайтер новичок вакансии.
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- Приносить прок бизнесу: Сориентируетесь, каким способом ставить цели контент-менеджмента и усиливать этим конверсию и выручку. Кто такой копирайтер и что он делает.
- Александр Амзин, Co-founder в Alex and Alex. Сколько может заработать копирайтер.
Ex-владелец The Bell, автор книжек «Новостная интернет-журналистика» и «Бессистемные советы», соавтор тулкита «Медианавигатор». Работа на дому корректор либо копирайтер.
- Дмитрий Колодин, Представитель Pornhub в Рф. Начать работу копирайтером.
Несёт ответственность за стратегическую линию в творческом агентстве Fancy Shot. Копирайтинг картинки.
- Константин Коваленко, UX-редактор в банковском учреждении «Открытие». Работа писать статьи.
Писатель текстов для «Ростелекома» и «Тинькофф». Копирайтеры это кто.
Рeклама - Информaция о pекламодaтеле пo cсылкам в описaнии
Что делает рерайтер #Что #делает #рерайтер
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temnayajija · 4 months
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itscringeearlwtf · 7 months
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Ихихи мерч на завтрашний маркет (в тг есть ссылка на вк)
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ulysses000 · 6 months
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(ノ●ˇ∀ˇ●)ノ✧ DESSERT
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red-tea-lover · 2 months
Стимборд по жильцу из тук тук?))
Стимборд по жильцу из тук-тук )
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Лес для леса за окном , луна и деревья для тёмной части игры и леса , книжки и рукописи для записок из игры и шерстяные нитки для шарфа))) Не стала включать сюр из головы и т.п ради более эстетичной картинки но вот он )
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bloominghogweed · 6 months
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знаешь, я так соскучился
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pinopinko · 8 months
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'mom aoi' era
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oppipopi · 1 year
Tragedy in AvA 5
I've been in fd sticks for almost 2 years now and how tired I am of seeing a Lord in the role of a villainous villain from time to time for the reason "Well, his name is the Dark Lord, so he's evil and does evil things" You don't think that I'm trying to justify him somehow, no. He's an asshole and it's true. But I just want to say that perhaps the personality of Lord is much deeper and more complex than it may seem at first glance.
In short, post-reflections on the personality of Lord, his conflict with Chosen, as well as their relationship. I don't pretend to any canonicity, it's just my thoughts. Let's go!
To begin with, the stick names have no effect on the personality and character of the characters. This is proved by Vic, who in the first minute of his life swore at the creator and almost "defeated" Alan, as well as Chose, who from the first second of his appearance decided to choose the path of ultra violence and blow everything to hell. I think no one will argue that these are slightly different associations that come to mind when we hear the words Victim and Chosen One. Thus, we conclude that the name of the stick affects only the abilities of the bearer, but not the personality.
let's move on
I often see such an interpretation of the personality of Lord, where he is arrogant, aggressive and does not disdain to assert himself by bullying those who are weaker. (I'll make a reservation right away. This interpretation takes place and I do not forbid anyone to think so, but now about something else)
I don't think Lord has the desire to assert himself at the expense of the weak. He does not have the same bitterness towards the world and unremitted rage that Chosen has (four years in prison is no joke to you, and he was kind of mad from the very beginning, so yes …), which he releases at large. I think Lord has more fear of being rejected and abandoned again (as he was abandoned by Alan during the battle with Chosen), so he arranges the whole debauch more out of the thought that "This is what Chosen likes. This is what unites us"
Have you ever thought about what a really big influence Chosen could have on the Lord, and that most likely Lord in AvA5 is what he is to a greater extent because he got involved with the "bad company" in the person of Chosen?
Just to remind you that they were friends for seven years. SEVEN YEARS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!?? And for at least five years, Chosen was satisfied with his way of thinking in the spirit of "arrange destruction, order sucks" and "there are bastards everywhere, cattle all around, give them heat, arrange a pogrom!"
I'm leading all this to the fact that it was Chosen who dragged Lord into all this. He showed him this world and how to behave in it. He held out his hand to him and offered to destroy Alan's computer to smithereens!
It's hard not to be grateful when someone who is capable of killing you, and was going to do it, suddenly decides to save your life and even offer cooperation. I don't know if Lord agreed out of fear, or for some other reason, but I think at this moment Lord mentally exalted Chosen over himself, put him in priority I mean, Lord is the only character who has been assigned a mission (and not just any, but the destruction of Chosen! I think this also played a role in his attitude to destruction and murder). What is it like to be born and immediately receive an order from above? Do not have your own opinion about the situation, but still faithfully execute orders… Despite the fact that eventually Lord stopped following the decree, I think he is still subconsciously waiting for orders. Only now from Chosen. And when he gets it (it doesn't matter if Chose says it directly, or if Lord himself thinks out what he might like), he does it. I am leading to the fact that Lord has completely lost his moral compass. He has no understanding of what is good and what is bad. On top of everything else, He is also follower! He has his own opinion, but no one has taught him how to use it. He only chooses a leader for himself and takes his words and views at face value. Of course, over time, from an authoritative figure, Chosen becomes a best friend in the eyes of Lord. But he still puts him above himself. He puts Chosen's ideals above his own. (although, I don't think that Lord had any ideals before meeting Chosen)
But Chosen's ideals have changed over time, and he forgot to tell Lord about it… Or is it a little different here?
As I wrote above, Chosen himself changed the personality of Lord, and therefore, we can say that Lord in AvA5 is in many ways similar in character, and even in habits to Chosen from AvA3.
By the way, have you ever noticed how much the Chosen from AvA2-3 and the Chosen from AvA5 actually differ in vibe? In AvA5, Chosen seems to me much more restrained, collected, quiet and thoughtful. And also immensely tired. We know that Chosen has rethought his views, but what prompted him to do it? Previously, he did not care about the screams of others, their fear. What has changed? I think that through destruction, intimidation, violence, Chosen released his endless anger and hatred, which seems to have been with him from the very beginning (maybe all the empty-heads created by Alan have their own conditional collective mind? And that's why Chosen got Vic's experience on some mental level? He doesn't know the situation, he doesn't have Vic's memories. Only a feeling of fear, rage and a desire to escape.) But at some point it just stopped producing results. One day he just froze in the middle of the burning streets and realized that he felt absolutely nothing but emptiness devouring from within. Then Chosen probably wondered for the first time, is this really what he wants? He wanted to be free, but is it freedom? Then Chosen begins to change and withdraw more and more into himself, trying to figure out what he wants. And he understands. He understands that he no longer wants to live like this, that he no longer wants to have anything to do with the person he was before, understands that he wants to be better. He wants to contemplate and create, not destroy. That this is the only way to become truly free.
Chosen becomes disgusted with the person he was in 2011. He hates him. He's disappointed in him.
And he sees this man in Lord too clearly.
The same habits. The same facial expressions. The same mindset.
Lord reminded him too much of the one he hated so much, the one he wanted to forget forever. Renounce. Expunge from life.
Maybe that's why he put off this conversation for so long? Maybe that's why he got so angry when Lord (usually docile) did not listen to him and went against him?
Speaking of Lord. Let's look at the situation from his side. You and your best and only friend have been keeping the entire Internet at bay for several years in a row, living soul to soul and just having fun. But at some point your friend suddenly changes. He no longer laughs with you, does not rejoice at the new trashed site. Does not look in your direction. Your friend no longer likes everything that once united you. All that he himself showed you. It's unclear. It's scary. And you're trying to fix it. To take revenge on the common offender. Increase the scale of destruction (maybe then Chosen will have fun again? Maybe he just needs more entertainment??) But he tell you no again. Without explaining anything. You're angry. Get angry because you don't understand. Get angry because you're scared. And you keep doing the only thing you know best, in the hope that it will fix something…
The main tragedy in AvA 5, as for me, is that Chosen created an enemy for himself. He had won Lord over to his side. Chosen himself raised the Dark Lord as we see him in AvA5 And then he changed. But he couldn't change Lord again, because he couldn't cope with his own hatred.
It's really very sad.
And, by the way, I'm not trying to put all the blame on Chosen. He has come a difficult way. He made himself and it's really cool. In AvA 5, he is in fact only at the beginning of his path of becoming the person he would like to be. So it's not surprising that things didn't go so smoothly. I believe that eventually Chosen will be able to accept his mistakes and take responsibility for them. Then his life will really begin to change for the better
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divanstrawberry · 3 months
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-Какая встреча!Добрый день,Иса.Это моя дочь Ноэль.
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-Мы лет пятнадцать не виделись,вижу у тебя тоже дети?
-Да,три дочки.Двое со мной,третья в школе.
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-Мам,мы готовы!
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girlsinner666 · 1 year
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eterra · 9 months
находишь стихотворение нового поэта > восхищаешься > гуглишь его биографию > читаешь дневники современников о нем > читаешь какой он мудак > читаешь какой он невыносимый мудак > неверие > агрессия > отрицание > депрессия > принятие > читаешь следующее стихотворение этого поэта
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top100k · 6 months
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Perfect smile veneers цена 👉👉👉 https://kahgo.ru/jBosOpJ
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Pеклaма - Инфoрмaция о рeкламoдатeле пo сcылкам в oписaнии
Perfect smile veneers цена #Perfect #smile #veneers #цена
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sovamurka · 2 months
Из-за буйной соседки по палате я провела ночь в ингаляционной на кушетке 👍 чудеснейший экспириенс
#тот факт что у меня в палате две диаметрально противоположные бабули...#одна постоянно бредит. орет на бедных врачей. при этом практически неспособна к самостоятельному передвижению.#вторая же наоборот хоть и в очень слабом состоянии физически но всё делает сама и старается держаться как может.#ночевать в ингаляционной пришлось кстати из-за первой. сначала горланила в три часа ночи Свету и Наташу каких-то.#после того как её медсестра утихомирила она вроде заснула. А ПОТОМ БЛЯТЬ В ПЯТЬ УТРА Я ПРОСЫПАЮСЬ И НАХОЖУ ЕЁ НА ПОЛУ ПОЧТИ У МОЕЙ КРОВАТИ#иду за медсёстрами. мол 'бабуля упала'. они вдвоем пытались поднять - не смогли. пришлось медперсонал с первого этажа звать.#меня тут всячески жалеют потому что я единственная молодуха на этаже и помогаю медикам. сегодня меня выписывают.#и я не знаю как вторая бабуля будет справляться с первой.
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itscringeearlwtf · 10 months
ИТАК тк меня спрашивают про шмель я наконец сделала анонс мерча в ВК
Группа: https://vk.com/ptichnikofearl
Маркет: https://vk.com/ya_ne_pchola
Пост в ВК выйдет в 19:30 по мск
если вы придете его лайкать в это время и чо нибудь чирканете в комменты я буду БЕЗМЕРНО БЛАГОДАРНА потому что алгоритмы ВК обососные и их надо конкретно так пинать
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zaez2020 · 5 months
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red-tea-lover · 2 months
Привяяяяяяяяя))))))) С СНЯТИЕМ ШАДОУБАНА!АА!А!А!А!А!А Хочу стимборду по Стелле из spiritfarer и ее котича
Стимборд по Стелле и Нарциссу из Spiritfarer 🥮💚💡
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Хехе пасиба )) Рада вернутся спустя треть года в активное ведение блога
Кароче решила в стимборд добавить котича потому что да Нарцисс котич))) Бирюзовый и жёлтый ради палитры а лампочки из за дизайна )
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