tivix · 5 days
headcanon №928373939220 Magnus has gambling addiction
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i liked stakh/lara/vlad jr when i was a teen and i have 0 idea why or how. but anyway some possible dynamics ??
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haharuspex · 7 months
projecting my buryat tho(ugh)ts on artemy and attempting to draw him more and more asian bc white-passing artemy my ass fuck off
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mary-fantg · 3 months
Что вы думаете о Лиззи, Татьяне и Мэй?
Hello) this is the first question on tumblr to me and I'm a little worried, thank you for your interest in my opinion and for the opportunity to speak out, this is very important to me. I will try to answer succinctly, describe the main qualities of the character and his key aspects in his relationship with Tommy.
I'll make a reservation right away, all of the following is just my purely personal opinion.
Character: prostitute, poorly educated ("I did not graduate from school, went to work early" s5), prudent; understands that the only way to break out of her vicious circle is to successfully marry a man with money, candidates for selection are mainly men from criminal circles (Shelby, Changretta); loves children; is only sweet with those with whom it is profitable; knows how to keep secrets and not go where they don't ask; emotional; arrogant; jealous; short-tempered, but at the same time responsible, executive. It is still a big mystery to me how she worked as a secretary and conducted business in the Company, despite the fact that she could not write correctly (s5, when Tommy talks about her letter).
Lizzie/Tommy: initially, the prostitute-client relationship, which eventually developed into a confidential and friendly communication, "your man", thanks to which in s2 the relationship moves into a new direction employer-subordinate, "I need a person who looks through his fingers at everything."
I don't know, I didn't get the feeling that Lizzie loved Tommy, I saw in her only a financial interest and a desire to become a respectable woman. After Grace's death, Lizzie made every effort to become Tommy's constant lover, slowly and faithfully she went to her goal, trying to be there when he was completely broken and needed a woman's warmth. Being the mistress of the coolest gangster in Birmingham was very flattering for her. An accidental pregnancy became her "lucky ticket" to a luxurious life that she would not have dreamed of under any other circumstances. Which is exactly what Linda noticed in s4. In PB, every word has weight and meaning, so not once did Lizzie talk about her feelings for Thomas, neither before marriage, nor in marriage, nor in moments of his mental anguish, when he was weak in front of her and vulnerable, not once did she say that she loved him. All her speeches are only about money and what she will have left when he is gone, "I value my head for shilling more" is the main reason why she tolerates Tommy's indifferent attitude towards herself and their marriage. Only greed and calculation. Of course, it can be noted that she tried to be a normal wife, most importantly a mother for Charlie (I think this is the main reason for their marriage, Tommy saw that Charlie was lonely, he needed a mother). But due to the fact that they are completely different in intelligence and ambitions, there is no mutual attraction (chemistry) between them, their relationship does not add up. If it hadn't been for Ruby's death and Thomas's aggravated PTSD, I think they could have continued to live together in a "guest marriage" mode. But we see that by the end of s6, Tommy's psyche was exhausted and destroyed so much that he completely withdrew into himself, and Lizzie did not have the potential to help him recover, we see that she is completely unaware of how broken he is.
Character: a runaway aristocrat from the Russian Empire, a princess, smart, educated, beautiful, has a position in society, rich, prudent, cynical, depraved, cruel, desperate, for the sake of her goals she will go over her heads, a devil woman, a fire woman. She is unhappy in her own way, since from a young age she was treated as a commodity, part of the deal, her aunt "sold" her niece repeatedly, as we see from the stories about Georgia and in the situation with Shelby. This experience killed everything "bright" in her, it seemed to me that she does not know how to love, to be compassionate, she absolutely does not understand Tommy's love and sorrow for his dead wife, and why he took her to the guest bedroom causes her perplexity. She liked to hurt him by breaking into his bedroom with Grace, his memory room, standing with her feet on his marital bed, using his wife's perfume. His love for his wife caused her inner envy and jealousy, so she tried to behave as subtly as possible in Thomas's house and trample on what was dear to him. Although why did he let her in there at all?!!
Relationship: exclusively business, with elements of sex and alcohol. No future was planned there.
To be honest, these s3 series, immediately after Grace's death, caused such a storm of emotions in me, I still can't understand why it was necessary to introduce such a plot with an abundance of debauchery, orgies so quickly, and most importantly, why it was necessary to bring it all to the house where a few months ago we played a wedding with a woman that Tommy will love for the rest of his life. I understand that this is all a movie, but I physically felt pain, bitterness and resentment for such an attitude to Grace's memory, it all looked like nothing terrible had happened, guys, moving on. I think it was rude to the fans of the T/G couple, who were already shocked by her murder. I am very angry at SK for this. Apparently, the author wanted to show the depth of Tommy's despair, the hell he found himself in, complete disorientation, and went all out. That's the only way I can explain it to myself.
Character: an attractive, educated, bored widow with good connections in high society, the owner of a stud farm, an excellent business partner for Tommy, opening up new horizons for his business. Ambitious, adventurous, suspicious, prudent, the mind prevails over the heart.
Relationship: Thomas is a pleasant exotic adventure for her, a curiosity, a "racketeer". A partner for sex, with him she feels like a woman again, "alive". Of course, this is a misalliance. It is unlikely that their relationship would end in marriage, I think they could only be lovers for a certain time, later the relationship would come to naught. In their communication, May's superiority over Thomas was felt, her tone always seemed to me imperious, she obviously tried to "bribe" him with her connections in high offices, thereby taking control of him. In her environment, Thomas would always be an outsider, from the lower society, even the groom in her stables allowed himself to be arrogant to Tommy, mockingly hinting at "gypsy stuff" when he gave good advice.
The whole essence of May's relationship to Thomas is shown in May's dialogue with Grace. For her, Shelby is primarily a lover, and she is a profitable connection for him. In her eyes, he is a man only about business: business, business and only business. She rules out the possibility that Thomas might love someone.
In conclusion (a little bit about Grace).
All the female characters who appeared in Thomas's life throughout all 6 seasons perceived him as an attractive, extraordinary, intelligent, very interesting man. But none of them loved him completely, with all his flaws and injuries. Only Grace. She was the one who sacrificed everything for him. In the first season of her career, she "betrayed all the principles given to her by birthright." In the second season - a quiet rich life, position in society, respect for his family. In the third season, with her life itself, though not consciously, but I'm sure if it were necessary, she would give her life for him voluntarily.
Grace was like Thomas, with her skeletons in the closet, with her injury, and her hands were "covered in blood." They were burned by circumstances and this made them "the same", they understood the motives of each other's behavior.
Other women in Tommy's life (excluding Tatiana, on the contrary, she was more "sick in the head", not controlled), were emotionally healthy, they did not cross the line, they were not broken, so they would never have been able to understand and accept Tommy to the end.
Thomas understood all this, felt and knew that there was no such Grace and never would be, which is why he never forgave himself for her loss. He died inwardly with her.
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
I find it fascinating how in Narcissenkreuz quests Jakob doesn't care who is the dragon and who is the knight in a particular iteration of the story. It only matters that there is one of each.
This somehow rhymes with Childe's Liyue and Fontaine arcs for me. How him being a hero this time doesn't necessarily mean he got any character development. It's just that in his story (one of his stories, anyway) there's always a city, a sea monster, and a flood and this time the coin landed on him saving the place and not drowning it.
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ulysses000 · 2 days
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@northblueprince2 I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY
Katakuri and Ichiji……. in my head Ichiji was the most not-catching-crashes and more cold (because ‘well I'm number ONE, I need to be the best at everything, no love, one time hookups at most’) BUT, BUT, BUT…… Katakuri can so understand him/her……
An oppressive parent who doesn't give you the exact parental attention you deserve (✅)
Responsibility for younger siblings because you fucking HAVE TO CONTROL EVERYTHING because of your position as an older sibling (✅)
Inferiority trauma due to a parent (✅)
Saving little sibling because ‘GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BABY’ (yes, Ichiji's belatedly, but ✅)
PLUS Katakuri loves sweets and from the sbs we know that Ichiji loves strawberries (✅)
Well just a modern!au where Ichiji walks into his favourite pastry shop, sees the last strawberry cupcake/ponch already reaching for it and suddenly runs into Katakuri who is also very interested in this little sugar and strawberry bomb……..
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In short this ship fulfils all the requirements of north blue ships: lots of fucking glass and a little bit of sweetness (And yeah Niji really needs to join Luffy fanclub...)
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maryasnezhevna · 3 months
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В основном, когда рисовала Мурату, смотрела на ранний концепт известного персонажа из Натлана 🤔
Я не особо углублялась в подробности лора Пиро Архонта и рисовала как вижу.
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shiza-shitai · 24 days
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charliemonroe · 7 months
Django - Sobre
Ps. Но это да... Рэпперы плохие образцы для обучения, но полезно для понимания ютуберов.
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gingerias · 1 year
Скоро в продаже✨✨✨
(на второй карабинчик на конце верёвочки 🥺)
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sovamurka · 14 days
Мне мой научрук сказала после проверки диплома, что я спокойно пройду антиплагиат. Очень надеюсь, что она права 🥹💙
#в отличие от моей однокурсницы которой она сегодня сказала что ей очень много надо переделать именно из-за этого#даже сравнила наши работы и сказала что мне меньше доработок придется вносить благодаря адекватному переиначиванию текста других ахха#я думала что у меня дофига заимствований а оказалось что примеры в практической части занимают от силы 9k знаков. из 90k.#хорошо что маме вчера зачитала диплом и она меня успокоила...#КАК ЖЕ МЕНЯ ВЧЕРА НАША РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬНИЦА ПО СЕМИНАРУ НАУЧНОМУ ВЫБИЛА ИЗ КОЛЕИ#пришлось блять билеты покупать и от мамы которую я и так редко вижу уезжать.#я знаю что диплом это херня но бля. это всё же итог определённого жизненного этапа.#и меня очень это ломает после всего пережитого.#я не улетела ментально в ебеня но мне плохо.#я иногда вижу своё внутреннее отражение и начинаю его душить и плакать т.к. знаю что она не во всём виновата.#мы с мамой обговаривали что и мне и ей нужна помощь психолога. очень.#у неё вообще все проблемы из детства но ей так больно их вскрывать что она долгое время боялась психолога искать.#а проблема НЕ из детства уже заключается во мне. она винит себя. думает что если бы была рядом то 'смогла бы меня спасти'.#но чему суждено было произойти то и произошло и это не исправить.#я научилась жить с эпилепсией а ей до сих пор сложно до конца это принять но мы работаем над этим.#ей больно и мне тоже. я люблю её и понимаю что ей очень много пришлось пережить. мы учимся друг у друга.#единственное в чём я могу её полноценно обвинить так это в комментариях по поводу моего веса. но я её простила.#и она сегодня заплакала когда я ей в этом призналась. я понимаю.#это всё было из беспокойства за меня т.к. набор веса для меня в большинстве случаев был НЕ естественным.#но она даже не знала как мне больно слышать было слова 'Какой красивой ты была вот тогда-то и тогда-то'#а больно было потому что я прекрасно помню как в эти 'тогда-то и тогда-то' она мне говорила что мне нужно сбросить вес.#для неё красивой я была в ретроспективе и она сегодня осознала как неправильно было думать подобное.#и слава богу что мы поговорили.#господи это ушло в совершенно другую сторону и превратилось в личную сторону жизни но да пофиг.#делюсь своей душой и жалеть лучше об этом не надо.
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fredy-carter · 11 months
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ulysses000 · 8 months
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Day 10 ~ It's Lonely On The Top
Robin is mekhet 1131 y/o Has the status of Mother in the Circle of the Crone Taught Sanji cruac Likes to spend her nights talking with Trafalgar about the "deep inner world" of people or with Nami about what works of art have appeared in her collection (Nami allows Robin to borrow some of them for a while (she doesn’t even charge for it)) But she's still 1131 years old and still feels lonely sometimes
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zaez2020 · 3 months
Если 3 человека заметят этот пост то так уж и быть
Я на выходных попробую рассказать о своей au по сонарии
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oblacko-huyoblacko · 2 years
Как я вам?
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wyrmwoodstar · 1 year
йоу ты как? на днях что-то тебя вспоминала
ооооо привет :3 да лучше всех, работаю как дурак на своей нищебродской работе, высаживаю огород на общественном газоне, курить бросил (нахуя только)
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