#|| nonsense; tbd
mysterycitrus · 5 months
the popular flattening of tim drake and jason todd annoys me because in their post-crisis, pre-flashpoint iterations they were very successful foils to each other.
think about this — they’re both defined by the choices they make. tim chooses to become robin, chooses to stay with bruce, chooses to continue to separate himself from his civilian life, chooses to distance himself from others after kon’s death, chooses chooses chooses. jason chooses to reject bruce’s ideology, chooses to kill, chooses to hurt others, chooses to spurn reconciliation, chooses chooses chooses.
they’re both defined by the insurmountable shadows they stand in — jason in dick’s, and tim in a ghost in a glass box. tim chooses in comparison to jason being murdered. jason leaves in comparison to tim holding on with both hands. jason can’t measure up to robin, tim has a literal memoriam as a reminder of what happens if he slips, if he fails.
stripping them of their ability to make decisions, of their ability to choose, removes so much of their internal motivation, of their power as characters. who is tim drake if he does not choose to leave in red robin? who is jason if he does not choose to stay after bruce’s death?
also they hate each other more than anyone else on earth peace and love 😙🫰
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alannah-corvaine · 2 years
A Scion road trip would look like:
Thancred driving
Y'shtola in shotgun with the map
But she's really navigating from memory from making the same trip 7 years ago
They are 682 malms off course
The twins are squashed in the middle
Between Urianger and WoL in the back
Raha's in a carrier taking a nap after yowling for two hours
The radio only plays Eorzean NPR (Y'shtola's preference), American 80's classic rock (Thancred's), or acoustic KidzBop on AM radio
Alphinaud is out of juice boxes
Alisaie has to pee
Urianger is using tarot to divine if they'll all survive this trip
Tataru absolutely did not account for WoL stress eating an entire gas station worth of snacks in their trip budget
Or the side trip to see Eorzea's largest ball of yarn (Raha's idea)
The gas tank is on E and the nearest gas station is two Thancred mental breakdowns away
Followed by 10 hours of driving by nothing but scenic out of season corn fields (so basically Ohio)
Ryne and Gaia took their own car (a dark purple convertible) and passed Thancred hours also while blasting California Gurls at an obscene volume and singing along
They made it to the hotel just fine and now wont answer their phones because they're chilling by the pool
At one point Thancred stops the car to get out and yell at the sky for 45 seconds, then gets back in and resumes driving like nothing happened
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owari-no-suffering · 6 months
shoutout to lan wangji and luo binghe for being endlessly tormented by their love interests' mixed signals, reaching their breaking point, and then proceeding to never be normal about their (always reciprocated) crushes (turned husbands) ever again.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 7 months
i will say is seeing people unironically go 'gale's arc is about how bad he is at communicating' is just the funniest fucking thing i have read in my entire life and i haven't laughed that much at something since the early access conspiracy theories
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dominicsorel · 2 months
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hhhhhh their willingness to lose their sense of self THEIR VERY NAMES to do the right thing
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lucienarcheron · 2 months
There are actually so many takes people have in this fandom be it through headcanons/fanart/general thoughts that make me wanna fist fight sometimes but you know what is best to do? Block/disengage/mute/ignore - whatever it is that I need to do to never see it again and I take responsibility for what I consume. Even though sometimes it's people who are my mutuals and friends that I generally enjoy connecting with. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye and that is perfectly okay!
But also...it would be super nice to be able to click on a tag/fanart/whatever and not see fighting or negativity or general asshole behavior. It would be SUPER nice if passive-aggressive tags weren't added to everything. Because I can disagree with your interpretation of something and not like it without it meaning I'm being a jerk. Without it meaning I'm being vague about someone or something. I'm not obligated to engage with things I don't agree with or like. But people can have different thoughts and that is okay. It stops being okay when you tell me that my thoughts are wrong and you're right and because you're "right" I should go fuck myself. Canon is canon, fanon is fanon and everything else outside of what is actually in the books is speculation. Everyone is guessing and whenever the next fucken book comes out, you'll know if you're "right" even though at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter because being right isn't the point, it's about actually enjoying the stupid books.
When people who have been in this fandom for years tell you they're burnt out, you can't wonder why when general fan behavior is crusty as hell. These characters aren't going to come out of the book and fuck you. Go eat some grass, touching it isn't enough.
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cargopantsprentiss · 3 months
I actually, naively, thought I might have one foot half out the Jemily brain rot door and then Ms Andrea Joy had to come out with this nonsense
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daisynik7 · 2 months
and so what if I've fallen for that deadbeat dad/murderer/awful human being? 'cause my love is mine all mine, my love mine mine mine, nothing in the world belongs to me but my love, mine all mine
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atomiqueen · 18 days
me whenever i see a post that refers to "seggsual" content: ...we can say "sex" here, sir.
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galedekarios · 6 months
i think tomorrow, i'll do another, deeper dive into the new epilogue content, including the files. 🖤
also thank you for everyone who has sent me messages about my thoughts on the epilogue as a whole or specific things about it.
i'll def answer them once i've gathered my thought a bit more!
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thiefscant · 2 months
spent like 2 hours yesterday taking apart my joycons so i could change the shell and give my switch the aesthetic of an old school gameboy and i’m kinda proud of the results. all the buttons seem to work!
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shessoft · 16 days
how did i get here
Considering her past behavior this seems like a wild conversation to have with Regina George, of all people. Except for the fact that the summer between Junior and Senior year was a formative time for the girls of North Shore. Specifically Regina and Cady because, and they will take this to their graves, they hooked up on fourth of July weekend. The rest of their friends were away on family trips and Aaron and Cady were broken up at the time.
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heartsdefine · 2 months
y'all i just got an email about scheduling an interview for a grad assistant position so ig they are considering me after all!!!!
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siabann · 1 month
soap's bite count: ghost (x10000), price (x2), kick (x15), roach ( new ! )
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cargopantsprentiss · 1 year
You ever think about the fact Jennifer Jareau canonically wore thigh high boots to Bailey’s funeral because, uh, I sure do.
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daisynik7 · 6 months
I wish all the big ideas in this tiny, useless brain of mine would just automatically transfer into writing because I swear, my best thinking is either thunk during my commutes or as I'm drifting to sleep. then, as soon as I actually start typing on the keyboard, my brain just goes blegh and I'm incapable of formulating any coherent thoughts 🙃
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