#[open starter placeholder];
twicecut · 2 months
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            "They're not toys." Diego curled his lip, offended. A nerve had been struck. "These," he unsheathed one of the throwing knives from his harness, "are tools. You gotta respect 'em."
          With a flick of the wrist, he sent the knife spinning expertly into the wall calendar, dead center of the little "o" in October. Bullseye.
          "You can't just pick one up and use it," he said. "You have to understand them first. Feel the weight of 'em in your fingers, know how that's gonna change the throw..." And maybe have an unnatural ability to control the trajectory of most moving objects. Diego unsheathed another knife, smaller than the last. He held it out to them. He didn't make a habit of letting anyone touch his knives, much less share them, but he'd make an exception this once if it kept them from accidentally cutting off a finger in the future.
          (And maybe he secretly enjoyed impressing them. Hey, he's kind of a show off. Sue him.)
          "Here. Hold it like this, yeah..." Diego carefully arranged their fingers around the blade. "Feel it? The way it's weighted there? Okay. I want you to try to hit the calendar. Shoulders square to the target." Rounding them, nudging their shoulders, tapping their hip. "Now, lock your wrist, keep that elbow tight... and throw."
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Star Trek TOS slash bits (Season two)
This is my personal rundown of all the slash scenes in TOS season two. I've omitted episodes when I didn't find anything remarkable in them.
-What I count: lingering touches or affectionate looks, clinginess, actions that show a strong concern/familiarity with each other, suggestive scenes...
-What I DON'T count: friendly gestures (like smiling or looking amused when someone says something funny), scenes taken out of context, physical proximity just because there's not enough space...
I'll try to illustrate some scenes when necessary, though screenshots usually don't do justice to it.
For season one analysis go here.
There's no slash per se, but the episode has an underlying theme of love being independent of and transcending the sex of two individuals, or even their species. Spock comes off a bit more narrow-minded than the others, since he only considers the possibility of the Companion being in love with Cochrane once he learns the Companion is female. However, Kirk and McCoy had already reached this conclusion long before they knew the Companion even had a gender. And then there's, of course, Cochrane's indignation about men of the future being so open-minded, and having "no notion of decency and morality". An attitude that Spock defines as "parochial". And McCoy's take on it: "There's nothing disgusting about it. It's just another life form, that's all. You get used to those things." (And may I say, good for him to be used to alien entities entering him, considering the whole katra affair years later...)
It's been pointed out that Kirk's heartfelt speech about the Companion being unable to join "the man", is actually a revelation of his feelings for Spock. Personally, I think that's too much of an extrapolation. Even supposing that Kirk's talking in part about himself here, this may be just because of his inability to have a long-lasting relationship with anyone (not just Spock). Something that the show has already established firmly at this point.
Friday's Child
Spones Spock finds Eleen holding McCoy's hand, and McCoy quickly removes his hand, as if embarrassed for being caught cheating by his boyfriend. Unlike other times, when Spock looks amused by men flirting with women, this time he seems rather disappointed. Besides, this episode was written by D. C. Fontana, the same writer who introduced the concept of hand-touching as a specially intimate act for Vulcans.
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There's also the scene where McCoy tries (unsuccessfully) to teach Spock how to hold a baby, which mirrors the one where he teaches Eleen the same.
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Spirk When Kirk regrets that Spock can't come with the landing party, it seems as if Kirk's mind was wandering in an altogether different place.
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Amok Time
Spirk Many instances. For starters, Spock's hand gets really trembling when Kirk approaches him, and later when he grabs his wrist during a confrontation. Notice that this kind of nervousness happens mainly when Spock is approached by women (potential mates), as when he throws Chapel's soup, or when he hears Uhura's voice through the intercom. Later, Kirk is willing to risk his career to save Spock. And once in Vulcan, Spock breaks through the plak tow to beg for Kirk's life, even if he shouldn't be able to even speak in that state. Then there's, of course, the fight itself, which could be interpreted as a placeholder for sex, considering all the suggestive imagery, and the fact that it resolves magically Spock's pon farr.
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As for the outcome of the fight, Spock refuses to "live long and prosper", after seemingly killing Kirk. His reaction upon finding out that Kirk's alive wouldn't be so noteworthy if Spock was a normal human. However, such an open smile is very, very rare for Spock. McCoy (like any good shipper) notices at once his unusually intense emotions.
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Spones There's another character that elicits a trembling in Spock's hand, while getting physically close for a medical check-up. A clue: it's not Chapel.
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The Changeling
Spirk Kirk grabs Spock very tightly after Nomad's mind assault (and probably accidentally, Shatner squeezes Nimoy's pec so hard, that he hurts him).
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Right after this, Kirk still holds Spock for a very long time, until he's sufficiently recovered.
The Apple
Spirk Spock jumps illogically in front of Kirk to save him from the poisonous flowers, and almost dies as consequence. This earns him a reprimand from Kirk, who points out that he could have just shouted a warning. Apart from this, Kirk compliments Spock's appearance with the flower bracelet.
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Mirror Mirror Spones McCoy risks being left stranded in the mirror universe to save Spock's life. And it's not even HIS Spock! Kirk acknowledges how important this is for the doctor, and grants him those extra minutes. Right after, mirror Spock corners McCoy against a wall, and forces a mind meld on him. While Bones behaves quite submissively. It's both suggestive and disturbing.
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In the end, McCoy says that he liked Spock better with a beard, since it gave him "character". After his similar scene with Kahn, it seems that McCoy just has a thing for "bad boys".
The Deadly Years
Spirk Kirk makes a videocall to Spock while half naked, so his tits are right on his face. Unlike the similar scene in "The Corbomite Manouver", Kirk doesn't have a particular reason to be half naked here, and he's calling Spock specifically.
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And this may be a bit far-fetched, but while flirting with his previous girlfriend, Dr. Wallace, Kirk compares her with his First Officer.
McKirk Kirk is quick to point out that McCoy is growing some white hairs, in a good-natured way. And he's a bit flirtatious while the doctor reprimands and checks him.
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Bread and Circuses
Spones Pretty one-sided on McCoy's part. He's touched by the fact that Spock saved him in the arena, and tries to make amends and open his heart to the Vulcan. However, he fails to get a "genuine, warm, decent feeling" from Spock, and gets very hurt by his indifference (one could say, he feels "scorned"). After this, he lashes out at Spock in a specially vicious way.
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Then the scene transitions to...
McSpirk ...once McCoy and Spock both admit how worried they are about Jim.
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Meanwhile, Jim is in no danger, but fooling around with Drusilla. And later, he seems ashamed to tell them about his affair with her. Of course, there's also the fact that Merik and the Proconsul know immediately that putting Spock and McCoy in danger, would be the best way to blackmail Kirk into cooperating.
Journey to Babel
McKirk It's just a little thing, but Kirk and McCoy seem to be dressing in the same cabin.
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Spones McCoy is eager to learn anything about Spock's childhood from his mom, specially the embarrassing details. And he beams with joy upon finding out that Spock used to have a "teddy bear".
A Private Little War
Spirk At the start of the episode, Kirk is so worried about Spock's injury, that he snaps at the bridge crew in frustration. And he goes back to sickbay to check on Spock's condition, despite having been there a few minutes before, and having just called McCoy about it. His looks at the unconscious Spock say it all:
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McKirk Bones is very caring towards Kirk for most of the episode, specially since the latter is injured several times. And he's also quite worried about the possibility of Kirk being really enslaved by Nona. Apart from this, there's his gentle caressing of Kirk's naked chest...
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Spones McCoy is reluctant to leave Spock and beam down to the planet, after having just said that doctor M'Benga could perfectly take care of him. At the end, McCoy is overjoyed to find out that Spock is alright (it's remarkable that Kirk, instead, doesn't react visibly to Spock's voice). However, the Vulcan dismisses McCoy's reaction, once again embittering him.
On the other hand, what the hell was going on between Kirk and Tyree!?
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All that talk about them being "made brothers", and Tyree's refusal to tell his wife about their past... Nona seems even jealous, and says she's also "his sister" (kind of putting Kirk in the same level as Tyree's wife). McCoy tries to make Kirk reconsider his strategy of arming both sides, by reminding him that Tyree could also die in the war. And during the final fight, Tyree is about to crush Kirk with a rock, but Kirk's intense stare makes him recover his sanity.
The Gamesters of Triskelion
Spones Despite all the bickering going on between Spock and McCoy in this episode, the following exchange reveals that McCoy is actually eager to meet Spock's expectations:
SPOCK: I would welcome a suggestion, Doctor, even an emotional one, as to where to look. MCCOY: First time you've ever asked me for anything, and it has to be an occasion like this.
Spock looks at him surprised, together with comedic music in the background. At the end, McCoy finally smiles, when Spock accepts his help to rescue the others.
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McKirk Very similar scene to the one in "Balance of Terror". McCoy enters Kirk's cabin while he's in bed, and tries to comfort him, saying that he wasn't responsible for the deaths aboard the Farragut. However, the argument gets intense, to the point that Kirk warns the doctor not to push their friendship.
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The Immunity Syndrome
Spones There's a lot to unpack here. At first, Spock and McCoy are competing for the (dubious) honor of entering the amoeba. But then Spock makes McCoy understand how truly dangerous the mission is, when he asks him to wish him luck. McCoy is taken aback, and can only do so, shyly, once Spock can't hear him anymore.
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Later, he seems sorrowful when Spock reminds him that he should have wished him luck. Still, McCoy doesn't want to believe that Spock is dead:
KIRK: What's on your mind? MCCOY: Spock. Is it me, Jim? Am I so sentimental that I just have to keep believing that he's still alive in that mass of protoplasm?
At the end, McCoy is so happy to find Spock alive, that he blurts out an order to rescue him, forgetting he's not the Captain, much to Spock's amusement. The doctor seems a bit embarrassed, and he feels the need to berate Spock afterwards, in true tsundere fashion. Meanwhile, Kirk seems to be having a lot of fun with all this.
By Any Other Name
Spones McCoy holds Spock for a long time, after he's shocked while mind-melding with Kelinda, even when Spock is already up and walking. A bit later, he's still concerned and hovering over him. He also keeps Spock in his arms when the latter induces a trance on himself, and in general, he's very close to him whenever they're in the same scene.
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For his part, Kirk's fight with Rojan is rather suggestive, specially since he gives him a long speech while grabbing him like this:
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After this, he takes him by the shoulders in the typical "Kirk embrace", usually reserved for women he's about to kiss.
Return to Tomorrow
Spirk At the end, Kirk is devastated when he thinks that Spock has died. So much that Sargon, having understood how important Spock was to him, had saved his conscience beforehand, so he could be revived.
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Patterns of Force
Spirk The kinky episode. First we have Kirk's uniform fetish, when he regrets that Spock's uniform isn't as attractive as his. And then, of course, the prison porn scene. A half naked Spock climbs on top of a half naked Kirk, while the latter sweats and screams "Oh my goodness. Beautiful. Oh Spock, Spock!". Has to be seen to be believed.
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I'd be almost tempted to include the bit where the nazi guards catch them all inside a closet, under the pretense that McCoy was drunk, if this wasn't taking things too out of context.
The Ultimate Computer
McKirk McCoy comforts Kirk when the latter is feeling insecure about losing his command to a machine, and assures him he's not being unfair at all. Later, McCoy comes to Kirk's quarters to have a drink together, and makes a toast for him. Then Kirk... recites poetry to McCoy.
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The Omega Glory
Spirk A redshirt is seriously injured and lying on the floor, and yet Kirk quickly forgets about him and is like "Mr. Spock! Are you alright!?"... But Spock is just standing there, looking perfectly FINE.
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Kirk and McCoy's worry is justified later, once Spock is injured for real, but here is kind of hilarious.
Spirk: 9 out of 26 episodes Spones: 9/26 McKirk: 5/26 McSpirk: 1/26
Season one was the Spirk season, but in this season Spones has gained a lot of ground.
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engr4vedlesso · 1 year
《 Therapy Sessions♡
《 Pairings: Lady Lesso x reader ft dovey
Psychiatrist: Okay so today, I brought a budget hat with papers in it, and depending on what you pull out, we'll talk about it today.
- All three of you nod
Psychiatrist: Okay, Who's first? *smile*
You and Lesso: *looks at Dovey*
Dovey: What? *confused*
Psychiatrist: You dont mind pulling first, do you?
Dovey: Not at all! *puts hand in hat and pulls out paper* *opens paper* "Have you had any past trauma you'd like to share?"
Dovey: *deep breath* Well, there was this one time.. I took Lesso's trench coat.. I wore it to breakfast that morning and she had a smile on her face.. *shiver* The next day when I went to choose my dress.. THEY WERE DYED BLACK! ALL OF THEM.. *sniffle* *sob*
Lesso: *rolls eyes* Atleast it wasnt your shampoo, I was being considerate..
Dovey: Lesso! *starts long ass lecture*
You: Hey, is this bread? *points at bowl in middle of table*
Psychiatrist: Yes, and- uh-
You: mm? *mouth stuffed with bread*
Psychiatrist: Alright, whose next?
Lesso: I'll go-
Dovey: I AM NOT FINISHED! *sigh* *glares*
You: *swallows bread*
Lesso: Woah! Calm down princess.. *shiver*
Dovey: *groan* Do whatever you want.
Lesso: *puts hand in hat and pulls out paper* *reels open paper* "Any relationship problems that come to your mind that need adressing?" *burns paper*
Lesso: Well for starters.. *points at you* Everytime she comes into my room, she HAS to have an article of my clothing on. I dont understand why?
You: Well, what do you mean? Its bloody cold? *frown* I should be allowed to help myself..
Lesso: Your body is just a placeholder to crush them up. *scoff*
You: Well pardon me.. *stands up* *walks infront of Lesso* Anything that's yours is mine..
Lesso: Is it?
You: It is..
Lesso: It is unnecessary. You have your own clothes..
Psychiatrist: Alright.. May I have a say?
You and Lesso glare at the psychiatrist
Psychiatrist: first of all.. y/n why dont you allow your lover to access some of your things.. I deem it unfair if only you can access her things..
You: *looks at Lesso* I give myself to her.. what else does she want..?
Lesso: *blushes out of embarrassment*
You: What else does she need.. *sits down* *thinking deeply*
Psychiatrist: Oh dear, my comment must have been taken the wrong way..
You: What if-
Lesso: shut up..
You: *looks up*
Lesso: You are enough for me.. I dont need anything else from you, darling..
You: *evil smile* See.. she doesn't need anything else from me.. *laughs*
Lesso: *glares* Why you-
Dovey: BOTH OF YOU, quiet down.. *holds head*
You: I guess I'll pull now.. *puts hand in hat and pulls out paper* *opens paper* "Who could you be nicer to?"
You: eh.. it depends.. You mean the people I know..? *gets a new peice of paper crushes it*
Psychiatrist: Whoever you deem fit for the question.. *raises eyebrow*
You: I guess I could be nicer to Clarissa.. *flicks paper towards Lesso*
Lesso: *deadpanned* *opens mouth to say something* *paper lands in her mouth*
You: *smile* Even though shes basically my sister.. *slides hand ontop of hers*
Dovey: Awh, thats sweet!
*Lesso aggressively shaking in the background with a pissed off expression*
Psychiatrist: What about Lady Lesso..?
Lesso: *spits out paper* *glares* What about me?
You: *grabs Lesso's jaw* *tilts head* *kisses her cheek*
Psychiatrist, Lesso, Dovey: *blush*
You: What?
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katyahina · 4 months
What 'default' Paleblood Hunter is like?
Recently I've been talking about characters of color in Bloodborne and how there are more than what fandom notices and someone pointed out that Paleblood Hunter should also count since they're entirely customiseable.. and that made me think about something 🤔
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Tbh what gives me a slight frustration is that whereas Fashionborne is a great aesthetic, there is no way to cover characters' skin and hair on 100%, and that made deciding on sort of a "canon look" for Hunter inevitable unlike in other Soulsborne games where they had helmets to solve the problem! Like.. going by merch , default Hunter has grey eyes, grey hair and pale skin. Bloodborne clothes style just doesn't offer a way to avoid that :pensive: Also, the grey-haired version has been used as default for creating cutscenes ( x ), and there is a face data in the game itself not used by any NPC but strongly resembling this version ( x ).
On the other hand, whereas Bloodborne Titan Comics are separate thing from the game's canon, they are still licensed! I think for this reason the comics is also valid to use for interpetations? The comics have Paleblood Hunter with pale blue eyes, brown skin and black hair! Also very blantantly nonbinary one; they are designed to look very androgynous and they straight up respond 'I am a hunter' on Iosefka asking if they are a boy or a girl. Aleš Kot who wrote the comics confirms writing the Hunter as nonbinary, it is not just them being "confused" upon waking up or something ( x )
Then, in the game itself when character creation menu is opened, there are two preset hunters, male and female, with all black hair and greyish-green eyes; when other Soulsborne games offer different origin presets that effect the preset look/race, Bloodborne doesn't have this feature. 🤔 This is JUST what we get, only gender varies.
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^ I think lack of origin choice in Bloodborne comes from necessity to imply that Paleblood Hunter HAS TO come from the same foreign country as Brador. There is no origin variety because they had to come from a specific country that never gets named; whereas it doesn't effect the look because hunter can be customised, but possibly white people are the most common in that country and we are given a look of the most generic citizen from that place! 🤔
So yeah, what I am trying to say is that Bloodborne protagonist dodges the 'everyman' state of just an abstract person without any hint for what's under their John Soulsborne armour due to BB outfits style. Which is good, because there is no way to avoid getting creative! But also when John Soulsborne IS needed, it is just a loop fhfhds (Should have given them a cool full-face mask for consistency!)
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amongussexgif · 3 months
idk why but I made a roster for SSB6. I was bored, okay?
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characters or sorted by series, series are sorted by when they were introduced to smash
explanation for some picks and misc ordering stuff below cut
I'm gonna start with why I picked the characters I did. First new character is Impa. Zelda needs a fourth rep, and another Link just isn't the right choice. Sheik has stayed her time, but I feel it should either be the Impa from Hyrule Warriors or Purah to play with some Tears of the Kingdom shenanigans.
Bandana waddle dee is here because Kirby's core four has been incomplete for LONG ENOUGH! This is justice for my boy!
Mewtwo was put in as a placeholder for a new starter. throw in the grass type starter from whatever the most recent Pokemon game is.
Colgate Toothpaste from Fire Emblem is there bc Fire Emblem deserves three reps. Marth to rep classic games, Robin (and I suppose Lucina) to rep the franchise's golden era, and Colgate to rep modern fire emblem.
Tails and Knuckles are in because I said so. The Sonic franchise has interacted with Nintendo so much that it only feels right to add the rest of Team Sonic.
Noah was added as a second Xenoblade rep, replacing Pyra/Mythra.
Alucard replaces both Belmonts as a Castlevania rep. He just fits better imo.
For other odd roster choices, Isabelle steps up as Animal Crossing's main rep. It just feels right to have Isabelle there instead of... generic self insert main character. Wolf and Lucas were demoted to echo fighters for obvious reasons.
Geno was added as standalone DLC not only because Geno is awesome, but also because having 11 DLC characters would bring the total number to 56 (including random), which can be neatly sorted into a 14x4 grid
The first wave of DLC was the more "kid-friendly" wave. Open with Crash for the old timers, Eggman to round out the core sonic cast (except Amy, but oh well), Rayman because he got ROBBED in Ultimate, Shantae because she's cool and unique, and The Knight to rep the Best 2D Video Game Ever.
Wave 2 is the slightly more mature characters. Open with Bridgett because we love her, 2B because I couldn't think of anyone else, Travis to open the door for truly mature characters. Master Chief is the big one, obviously. I couldn't care less about Halo, but I feel like it might happen. Nintendo likes money and they've added Microsoft characters before. Joker's there as a placeholder for whoever the Persona 6 protag is. I put them on the end to close it out with an echo fighter.
I kinda wanted to be on-brand and put in amongus but I just can't see it being functional in a platform fighter.
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wigglepiggle · 8 months
okay you cant just say that and not elaborate. please elaborate. if you want to ofc you don't have to-
I will gladly elaborate this is very rough so idk how much sense it makes
first off this is about pokemon btw. also I'm not entirely sure how time travel works in pokemon I know it happens a lot but I. I don't know and I can't look it up rn so this might be incorrect I don't care
so there's this guy yk. he lives in a different timeline than the main story(not suuper different but it's different. basically in the main story he didn't really exist) and basically there's this legend (in both timelines) about 3 species of pokemon that represent the fear responses (fight, flight, and freeze) and those pokemon generally make people really nervous around them(they aren't doing it on purpose their abilities just screwed them over)so humans dont interact with them and eventually due to circumstances I still need to figure out but poaching them is one many die out until there's only a couple left
3 of each species the remaining pokemon (the pokemon also don't have names auughh) get so mad at humanity they train for a long time. Freeze gets especially powerful as it tries to shed it's weakness of being very slow and also unable to attack effectively and succeeds at that so it uses it's fear inducing power stuff to almost cause the apocalypse before another legendary from the reigon has to seal it away into a statue state. the other two stronger pokemon run away to avoid being punished however the statue has a marking on it that looks like an item could fit there but that's for later
anyways now actually on to this guy who I'll call. tree. because he's related to the professor who's named after a tree. that will not be their actual name I need a placeholder anyways he works in a mine with his pokemon that helps him mine. it's another form of one of the starter pokemon, who is a grey catbird with a meowth disguise. it's basically that but with perrserker so it gains steel typing (it's steel/dark now)and it's stronger because it's bred to be more for helping in the mines
tree then gets into beef with this one person over if the freeze pokemon legend is true and he travels all around out of spite to find the object that fits in the statue and eventually they find it and invite the person into the building that houses the statue
while they're waiting for the person to join them at the building tree starts to realize that if the legend was true and not something to just get people to visit the mountain it's on he could literally rule the world so he decides he wants to because they're tired of working in the mines
so the person makes it and he puts the object into the statue. and the pokemon awakens. but now it's extremely pissed off so it starts firing the Psychic Waves That Make You Anxious everywhere
and well tree almost dies instantly from the pokemon immediately attacking him but god decides he could be useful so arc decides to take him inside of the realm it's in and give tree a stern talking to and a look into what happened after he awakened the pokemon were literally all of the people and pokemon have lost it and now nothing can function anymore and then it throws him into the main story timeline. because the evil team leader is planning on doing the exact same shit he did and arc doesn't want another timeline to go to complete shit again
oh and then his bird managed to come through with them and it got lost after its pokeball broke open once getting here and almost killed the mc and one of the rivals and her tyrouge who she just saved from death the day before so that's another thing that happens
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bhaalkin · 4 months
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#BHAALKIN ; an indie, semi-selective, private ( mutuals only ) , 18+ depiction of baldur's gate 3's orin the red. slaughtered by rev ( 20 / they/he/she / gmt/bst )
also available at @janeromeroshow , @rcluctantfollowcr , @selfawxre & @vindixta
carrd and blog under construction, placeholder rules below
( profile pic credit | psd credit )
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001. this blog is 18+, and due to the nature of the muse will contain graphic ( WRITTEN ) depictions of violence and gore. no depictions of irl gore will ever be shown on this blog, and any drawn gore will be tagged appropriately. this blog may also contain :: suggestive or sexual content ;; discussions of domestic and child abuse / trauma / incest that may be triggering ( none of which will be romanticized and the latter is only there because it is part of orin's canon backstory ! ) ;; written and visual depictions of blades / knives, meat and blood ;; and generally triggering topics due to the nature of the muse. please stay safe when viewing this blog - if you need me to tag something that i do not already tag, please just let me know!
002. please use common roleplay etiquette when interacting with me. this includes, but is not limited to; not god-modding or hijacking threads that are not yours, not taking control of my character / meta gaming, etc. this blog is also mutuals only and private, so please make sure we are mutuals before sending asks and starters in! ( note that "mutuals-only" does not mean i am not open to making new mutuals. )
003. please soft-block me if you unfollow so that i do not unintentionally keep contacting you if you've decided you do not want to write with me. i will not be offended, i promise! if i re-follow after you've soft-blocked, just drop me a message or hard-block me and the same applies there.
004. i will likely be low-activity and slow to reply at times. please do not be pushy or rude if it takes me time to respond! if you genuinely think i've missed a thread or lost it or you want to know if i'm still up for it, my dms are open and welcome!
005. i very much dislike drama, so please don't expect me to reblog callout / drama posts unless the person is a genuine danger! i also do not vague post or interact with vague posts about specific people. please respect this. i also try not to make more general vent posts, but i do struggle with my mental health, so if you do see something, it will not be about you!
006. shipping is not a priority on this blog, but that does not mean that i'm not open to it! however, i will never go into an interaction expecting a ship and everything is chemistry and the comfort of both writers based ( also please be aware that orin is like, objectively a terrible person. if i DO write a ship with her it will not be sunshine and rainbows, and i'd like any writing partners to be aware of that from the start! )
007. speaking of orin being a bad person - while i do want to explore a lot of darker themes, i will always ask before inflicting harm upon your muse(s) and i totally encourage plotting to make sure we are both comfortable! mun does not = muse and i do not want people's experiences writing with me to be unfun or uncomfortable.
008. i, the mun, struggle often with severe anxiety and depression, and i also happen to have adhd. my motivation may be sporadic - i promise it's not personal!
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bvd11975 · 2 years
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PERMANENT STARTER CALL! Like this post if you’d like to receive a starter. (❁°͈▵°͈)
This is a protagonist from a horror-themed story. Please be aware that dark themes surrounding people and monsters will be present. N//SFW post containing tags you can blacklist: here.
My navigation page exists for a reason so please feel free to abuse the open starters, memes and whatever other info is there that’s useful! Such as the About & Verses.
DASH ONLY USERS: [placeholder, adding links shortly!! if you need me to link you directly to the pages, i can for now!]
Because starting conversations even for fun can be overwhelming, I wanted to make it easier for anyone who wants to do things but is feeling that way. If you shoot me an ask with this symbol I will break the ice first!: ☪ Alternatively, just send me SYMBOL if you can’t copy it.
This is for mutuals & non-mutuals!
Multi-muses please specify your muse in a comment on this post or send me privately your preference!! Thank you.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
I just found out about the Mr. and Mrs. Verstappen sign and wanted to add my experience. I worked in a Michelin star restaurant as student to support myself through university. We had personalised reservation signs as well, however as soon as the party sits down we would usually remove the sign. In the end it's just a placeholder so that other patrons and the Maitre'D know to keep the table open. The fact it's on the table which clearly was in the end of the evening after the table must have been reset 3 times for starters, main and desert it is obvious this reservation card was placed there on purpose to be photographed.
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get-x-media · 2 months
Website Design Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Business
Steering Clear of Web Woes: Sidestepping Design Pitfalls
Are you navigating the complex web of online presence? With website design mistakes lurking in the digital shadows, it’s easy to fall prey to common pitfalls that could hinder your business's potential. Fear not, for Get X Media is your guide through the murky waters, shedding light on these blunders while providing savvy solutions to keep your site sailing smoothly.
While our recently published article gives you the compass to identify these missteps, this blog post aims to offer that extra bit of wind in your sails – insights that don’t just equip you with knowledge but also transform the way you perceive and approach web design.
Consider this; each page of your website is like a digital handshake – often the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. Now, a handshake that’s too limp or vice versa is off-putting, right? In the digital world, that translates into a cluttered layout or hard-to-navigate interfaces. The solution? A blend of form and function tailored to your target audience, made possible through Canada web design that's at the pinnacle of professionalism and customization.
Content is king, but context is queen, and together they rule the kingdom of effective communication. It’s not just about the keywords; it’s about the story you weave. Content that resonates and engages results in clients falling for your brand, not merely falling upon it. By partnering with a Canada SEO Agency that understands the depth of context, your website content becomes not just a placeholder, but a conversation starter.
And let’s not forget the loading time – that crucial handful of seconds which states whether a visitor stays or strays. Every moment counts in the digital race against time. Accelerate your page speed, and you ignite the afterburners of user experience. Our Canada marketing automation services ensure your website operates like a well-oiled machine, efficient and ready to impress at a moment's notice.
In this era where privacy is prized, our data privacy compliance ensures your website respects and protects personal information, turning trust into an unspoken promise between your brand and customers.
Moreover, inclusivity is no fringe notion – it’s at the forefront of modern marketing. By adhering to web accessibility compliance, your website opens its virtual doors to an even wider audience, reflecting the ethos of equality and consideration. Here's where principles intersect with practicality, showcasing how our ethos at Get X Media (https://getxmedia.com/) isn't just about reaching out, it's about reaching all.
Erring in the digital domain is human, but to align oneself with a digital marketing agency that does more than just 'fixing' – that’s smart business. We invite you to step ahead of mere corrections and embrace a partnership where growth is a given, and excellence is the expectation. Don't let website woes be your business's undoing. Request a proposal today, and let's chart a course towards success.
So, cast off the anchors holding your digital presence back. Navigate past the website design mistakes with Get X Media and relish the online voyage that awaits. Your next port of call? A thriving business with a website that draws clients in, as seamlessly as the tide comes to shore.
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windbornevirtuoso · 10 months
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Venti from Hoyoverse's Genshin Impact | Semi-selective & Low activity & Low stress | multiship and au/verse friendly! | (18+) | Composed by LB
LINKS: Verses | Ship Bias | Open Starters
Rules/About below
This blog is still a work in progress! Rules are subject to change, most images are placeholders for now, and eventually I'll find/commission a nice theme I like. That being said, if you have questions/I forgot to add something please drop me an ask.
This blog is multiship and multiverse! While I do have my own ship biases, I'm down to rp almost any ship or ship dynamic (crushing, unrequited, established etc!). Just shoot me an ask or message letting me know what you'd like to do!
I am over the age of 18 and will rp content containing mature themes, so I highly recommend only following if you're 18+
If you don't know how to interact, I'll have a couple open starters you can use! for both main canon and other verses! Feel free to use any, including ones other people have used
Replies may be slow! I have a very busy and erratic job in the music industry so I write in the spare time that I have! If you're worried I've forgotten something (which can happen) you can shoot me a message and I'll let you know where I'm at, just don't try and rush me.
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Week 8 Type Tool + 3D Type
Keywords: Point Type; Area Type; Type on Path; 3D feature
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Point Type
Choose the Type Tool
Click anywhere on your canvas, then you'll have a point type filled with placeholder text.
Click the Selection Tool to finish typing
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Area Type
Choose the Type Tool
Drag to define a bounding area, then it will be filled with the placeholder text
Enter your text
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You can also convert any shapes to bounding area
Make a shape
Choose the Type Tool
Click on the shape path, then the shape will be filled with placeholder text
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Text on Path
Draw an open path
Choose the Type Tool, Type on Path Tool, or the Vertical Type on Path Tool if you need vertical text
click on the starter point of your text, then the path will be filled with placeholder text
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Type on a Path Options
Type->Type on a path->Type on a Path Option
Delete Empty Type Objects and Stray Points
This is a very handy feature. It'll help you remove any empty text boxes, stray points or any path with no style.
Object->Path->Clean Up
Disable Placeholder Text
The Lorem Ipsum placeholder text is filled in by default. To turn this feature off, you need to follow the below path:
Edit->Preferences->Type->uncheck Fill New Type Objects With Placeholder Text.
Fill Objects with Placeholder Text
Select the object
Type > Fill With Placeholder Text.
Wrap Text around an Object
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Select the Object or objects which you want to wrap the text around.
Object->Text Wrap->make
If your text is not on top of the object, move your type on top of your object to see the result.
You can also release it by: Object->Text Wrap->Release
Text Wrap Options
Select the wrap object.
Choose Object > Text Wrap > Text Wrap Options and specify the following options: 
Offset: Specifies the amount of space between the text and the wrap object. You can enter a positive or negative value.
Invert Wrap: Wraps the text around the reverse side of the object.
Create a 3D Type
Enter a text
Effect->3D and Materials->3D Classic
Extrude and Bevel
Choose a preset for the rotation, or rotate by grabbing and dragging the preview box.
Enter a number for the Extrude Depth
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Type->Create outline->Stroke Only
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xtremetrust · 2 years
Coderunner 2 for windows
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Finally, do note that UltraEdit is not cheap and is one of the costliest text editors out there. UltraEdit is a very capable text editor, however, if you need more features, you can buy it with other Ultra products like UltraCompare, UltraEdit Suite, UltraFinder, and IDM All Access, all of which bring additional features.
The software brings tons of features including and not limited to themes support, support for large files (>4GB), syntax highlighting for multiple languages, multi-caret editing, multi-selection capabilities, a very robust search, integrated FTP, support for 4K and Apple Retina display, and more. Just like BBEdit, UltraEdit has been around since ages and is celebrating its 25 year’s anniversary this year. For starters, UltraEdit supports a ton of different languages including C, Objective C, Javascript, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, and more.
UltraEdit is one of the best and most versatile text editors for Mac out there.
Packs in almost all the features you can think ofĭownload: ( Free Trial, $49.99) / (Get it from the Mac App Store – $3.99/month) 5.
If you want a powerful text editor for web development which will be there for you for the next decade, definitely give this a try. BBEdit’s existence of more than 26 years is an enough proof that the developers are not going to let this die. The software has been available since 1992 which is longer than the existence of macOS as we know today. With BBEdit, you can be sure that it will never happen. You don’t want a text editor which won’t receive any updates, or worse, get killed few years down the line. One of the things that is important when choosing a software like a text editor is its longevity. Some of the biggest features of BBEdit include built-in tools for text manipulations, Hard Wrap, customizable syntax coloring support for over two dozen built-in languages, placeholder options for easier site maintenance, multiple files manipulations, complete set of HTML Tools for fast, easy, and correct markup, extensive file handling capabilities, and more. Not only BBEdit is used by thousands of developers out there but it is also used by many writers as the software provides features for editing, searching, and manipulation of prose, source code, and textual data.
This feature allows developers to keep an eye on their code and stops them from making any drastic mistakes.īBEdit is developed by Bare Bones software and is probably one of the oldest and most reliable text editors you can find on Mac. One of the best features of Brackets is the “Live Preview” feature which allows users to see any changes that they make to the CSS and HTML of the code reflected live in a Chrome window. Adobe has developed Brackets as an open-source project which is supported by its active and passionate community. While this text editor has been designed by Adobe, which is famous for its subscription pricing model, Brackets is a completely free text editor. Brackets is a better option for front-end developers and web designers than the ones mentioned above.
Also, it is completely free to download and use with no restrictions.Īnother popular text editor for Mac is Brackets which mainly focuses on web design. Atom allows you to create a working environment which complements your workflow and that is its biggest power.
You can install different themes to change its look and feel, you can tweak the UI with CSS, and even add major features which fit your workflow using HTML and JavaScript. If you want, you can change almost everything about it. If money is no concern for you, definitely check this out.Ītom is also highly customizable. That said, since a text editor is going to be the foundation for your future work, investing up front in a good text editor is not a bad thing. Just like any well developed Mac software, Sublime Text 3 boasts of a premium price. Probably the only drawback of Sublime Text 3 is its cost. As it names suggests, the feature allows you to instantly jump to symbols, lines, or words that you are looking for, and can be activated simply by hitting the keyboard shortcut ⌘P.Ĭombine this with features like split editing, Goto Definition, Command Palette, batch editing, and instant project switch and you have one of the best and most powerful text editors out there. One of the best features of Sublime Text 3 is the “Goto Anything” feature. The software brings a ton of features including syntax highlighting and folding, a high level of customizability, easy to navigate interface, multiple selections, powerful API and package ecosystem, and more. Sublime Text is probably one of the most famous text editors available for Mac and for all the right reasons. In this article, we are focusing on the best text editors for coding but if you are looking for a text editor for your writing purposes, you can check out our article on the best writing apps for Mac.
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terrapiner · 2 years
Nodejs webp converter
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Nodejs webp converter code#
One problem we run into when implementing this fix is that streams are not directly editable and we have to consume the entire stream first and then concat the chunks into a single buffer before we can start picking apart the bytes. Definitely not at all confusing with which is often used to explicitly copy arrays. copyWithin is similar to the performant memcpy and memmove in C (it even has the same gross type signature) and slice returns a view without copying anything much like the &str type in Rust. total releases 3 most recent commit a month ago. Use this tool to move your animations from stylesheets to JavaScript. Indeed, it would :) How about creating it yourself, by adding the feature to one of the existing. Keyframes-tool is a NodeJs command-line tool which converts CSS Animations to keyframes object suitable for Web Animations API. But if there is a library which can work with both the formats (bmp, webp), it would be great. Thanks, it works (kind of awkward though). Javascript has very efficient methods on typed arrays and buffers that let us move data around without much overhead called copyWithin and slice. One convoluted workaround can be to convert the image first to JPG with a library like jimp and then to WebP. We can fix it by simply moving the last 4 bytes of the image into the 4-7 byte position. This bug isn’t the end of the world for us though. One interesting caveat to this is if the image is small enough for ffmpeg to read in one go without separating into multiple chunks (less than a handful KBs), it doesn’t have to seek back to the beginning and will properly include the file size in the header from the start. (The same thing applies for other file formats that have block sizes in the header like FLAC files). This will likely be fixed in the future by failing with a warning, but as of version 4.2.4, ffmpeg does weird things with webp outputs. I’m not sure why, but instead of warning you that piping a webp output to stdout will not work, ffmpeg decides to go ahead and just do it anyways and adds the file size at the end of the image. Try to see if you can spot where the missing 2e 8a 03 00 bytes might have gone instead of the header. Except when piping to stdout, ffmpeg is unable to seek back. Starter project for Node.js, a JavaScript runtime.
Nodejs webp converter code#
The exact same file looks like this… why?Įssentially, ffmpeg doesn’t know the size of the image as it’s going over it so it uses 4 null bytes 00 00 00 00 as a placeholder and plans to seek back to the beginning of the image when it’s done to replace it with the size of the image it just read. Browse StackBlitz projects using webp-converter, crack open the code and start editing in your browser. $ cat image.png | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f webp pipe:1 > output.webp
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Tips for choosing art for your home
Tips for choosing art for your home
Placeholder while loading article actions Art can serve as a finishing touch, a conversation starter, or a focal point in a room. “It offers visual beauty, but it’s also a layer of life that has a story,” says Whitney Forstner, founder of Into/Art. “And when we allow ourselves to be open to that story and that connection, it’s fun and powerful. » But choosing art for your home can be tricky.…
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rcguna-archived · 3 years
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“With it raining this much I have a lot less work to do today... But what should I do with the extra spare time?”
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