alecjbi · 1 year
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danielkafffee · 3 months
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after chasing sunsets one of life's simple joys is playing with the boys
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polar-equinoxx · 1 month
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staring contest
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glitteryhyunas · 4 months
Rewatched Top Gun and there’s no heterosexual explanation for it.
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avianii · 8 months
they'd so get into fights for each other
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caveiratimida · 2 years
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So here I am looking through Top Gun for clothes references and what do I notice:
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Was anyone gonna tell me that Pete had not only a picture of him and his dad, his old dog BUT ALSO A PICTURE OF CAROLE WITH GOOSE'S AVIATORS LOOKING HAPPY AND SMITTEN??
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calkale · 1 year
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icemav cuddles ❤️
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icemankazansky · 2 years
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new official i remember we were fearless translation → 13/??
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ryebecca · 7 months
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daggers in a galaxy far, far away: "Why you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler. You've got a lot of guts coming here, after what you pulled." - Lando Calrissian, The Empire Strikes Back ⭐️
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I'll Be Home For Christmas
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, f!reader
Summary: When Jake's plans to come home for Christmas fall through, he promises you he will be there for you next year. But will he be able to keep that promise?
Word Count: 2354
TW: Angst, Fluff, Separated for Christmas, Reunited for Christmas, Happy Ending, Pregnant Reader
Note: Thank you to @heart-0n-fire for looking this over for me!
Written for @notroosterbradshaw's #hello december playlist challenge and based on "I'll Be Home for Christmas" by Andrea Bocelli
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Jake continued staring at the phone hanging on the wall before him. He had been standing in the same spot for five minutes now, just trying to gather the strength to make the call. It had been almost a month since they had been given phone privileges and as much as Jake longed to hear your voice, he didn’t know what he was supposed to say to you.
“She’ll understand.”
The voice shook Jake from his thoughts. Turning around, he noticed Rooster standing behind him, a small smile on his face. Normally, Jake would have snapped a witty comeback at him, but he just didn’t have it in him at the moment. Instead, he sighed and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Yeah, I know she will. And that almost makes it worse.”
Rooster chuckled softly. “Yeah, it kinda does, doesn’t it? But it won’t be forever, Jake. I’ll make sure of it.” He clasped Jake on the shoulder. “I got your back.”
Jake smiled, thinking about how far their relationship had come since the Dagger Mission a few months ago and how the thought of flying with Rooster as his wingman would have irritated him before then. “Thanks, man. And you know I’d have yours…. If you could ever catch up.”
The two men laughed as Rooster shook his head. “Yeah, whatever, Hangman. Go call your girl.” Then he walked away, leaving Jake to stare once more at the phone. 
Taking a deep breath, he grabbed it and quickly dialed before he lost his nerve. You picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, baby. It’s me.”
“Jake! Oh my god, hi! It feels like forever since I actually got to speak to you. How are you?” Jake could practically see you vibrating with joy on the other end of the line. 
“I’m– I’m good. Hangin’ in there. Missing you like crazy though. How are you?”
“I’m okay. I just miss you so much. But I have everything all planned for you to get here in a few days! I just bought stuff to make those cookies you love, and I thought we could roast a turkey for Christmas dinner, and it looks like we’ll have snow on Christmas Day this year! An actual white Christmas, can you believe it? We haven’t had one of those in–”
Jake groaned as he leaned his head heavily against the wall. You were so happy and excited about all the plans you had made. How was he supposed to destroy that? What was he even supposed to say?
It turned out, he didn’t have to say anything. You knew him too well and you figured it out on your own. “You’re… you’re not coming home, are you?” you asked softly.
“No, baby, I’m not. I just found out about an hour ago. They need the squad to ship out for the next mission immediately.”
“Well… that’s okay. I can just leave the tree up and we can make it a joint Christmas/New Year’s celebration!” Though you were trying to sound upbeat, Jake could hear the disappointment in your voice and that just made what he needed to say next all the more difficult.
“That’s the thing. They don’t know how long we’ll be gone but it’ll probably be a few weeks at least, if not longer. I’m so sorry. I know I told you I’d be home for Christmas but–”
“It’s okay, Jake. It’s not your fault and I know you’d be here if you could. Besides, you spelled out exactly what this life would look like when we started dating and I agreed to it. We’re never guaranteed Christmas, your leave just happened to fall near it this year. So, it is what it is. If you can’t come home, you can’t come home.”
Jake squeezed his eyes shut tightly. “God, I want to be there, you don’t even know how badly. It sounded like you had such an amazing time planned for us, and now… I hate the thought of you being alone for Christmas. It’s not right.” 
“I’ll be fine. I mean, I’m just a little disappointed, but not at all with you. This was going to be our first Christmas together since you proposed and it sort of felt like the first one for the new family we’re building. I was hoping we could maybe start some traditions that we could do every year, but maybe we just need to accept that this– us being apart for the holidays – might have to be our tradition.”
Jake’s head shot up and he gripped the phone tighter. In a firm, clear voice, he said, “No, I refuse to accept that. This will not be a tradition. I swear, baby, next year I’ll be home for Christmas. No matter what I have to do, I will not miss the first Christmas with my wife.”
“You need to make it back here and marry me first. So over everything else, please be careful. That’s all I need from you this Christmas. Don’t make me a widow before you make me a wife, Jake. Okay? Just come home. I don’t care how long it takes. Your presents will still be by the tree when you get back. And so will I.” Despite how strong you were trying to be about this situation, Jake could hear the tears in your voice. 
 Choking back his own tears, Jake murmured, “Thanks for understanding. I’ll make it up to you when I get home. Anything you want, just say the word.”
“I want you. That’s all I ever want,” you said. “But you tell them they better not do this again in May. Weddings aren’t cheap and that shit’s non-refundable.”
Jake chuckled. “I’ll tell Mav you said that. Word for word.”
“Good. And add that if he makes you late, I’m retracting his invitation.”
“I’ll make sure he knows.” Jake was just about to say something else when Hondo walked in and caught Jake’s eye. The Chief Warrant Officer sadly tapped on his wrist and motioned for Jake to hurry up. Taking a deep breath, Jake said into the phone, “Baby, they’re telling me I have to go. But I’ll call or email you as soon as I can. Hopefully I can at least manage that on Christmas day.”
“Okay. Just whenever you can, I’ll be here. I love you, Jake. So, so much.”
“I love you too, baby. And I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. Just…dream of me,” you whispered.
“I always do,” Jake whispered back just before the line was disconnected. 
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Jake’s Uber pulled up in front of his house at 11:53 pm on Christmas Eve. He had cut it a lot closer than he had hoped, but he had made it. Despite all the odds, he had kept the promise he made to you the Christmas before and he was home for Christmas.
He smiled at the inflatable Santa and his reindeer placed in the front yard along with a handful of lights. It was a cute if somewhat quaint display especially compared to the neighbors, but Jake loved that you put in the effort. Especially considering you were alone and were having a harder time moving around lately. Jake took one more look at it before unlocking the front door.
But as it swung open, Jake gasped and his jaw dropped. You had promised you were going to make up for him missing Christmas last year, but based on the display outside, he never expected the sight that greeted him. Strings of lights and garland stretched along both walls of the hallway and paper snowflakes hung down from the ceiling. Ornaments were scattered here and there, and Jake noticed many of them were photo ornaments with pictures of the two of you, including some from your wedding. 
If the hallway took his breath away, it was nothing compared to what he found as he stumbled into the living room. While the normal lights were off, the room was aglow with tiny colorful lights draped across the mantle of the fireplace and encircling the massive Christmas tree with the huge pile of presents in the corner of the room. The live Christmas tree. The kind that would turn brown and die if he didn’t make it home in time. But he had sworn he would make it home, and you had believed him.
However, none of it mattered once his eyes settled on the figure slumped on the couch. You were fast asleep on the far end, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas hanging limply from one hand while your other hand rested on your protruding stomach. Jake hadn’t seen you in person for the last three months and it appeared that there was a bigger difference between four months pregnant and seven months pregnant than he had expected. He knew he had missed out on a lot– doctor’s appointments, ultrasounds, morning sickness –but seeing tangible evidence of it all almost brought him to his knees. He should have been here for all of it, but it was yet another time you had to carry on alone while he was gone. But not anymore.
Walking over to the couch, he carefully slipped the book from your hand and placed it on the nearby end table. It was only then that he noticed the plate of his favorite cookies and a glass of milk that had been left out along with a note. Glancing at it, he read: Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is for my daddy to come home safely. Thank you, The Seresin girls. It looked like Santa had worked his magic after all.
Kneeling down next to the couch, Jake gently placed his hand on your stomach. Leaning over, he pressed his lips to your bump before whispering, “Hey there, jelly bean. I made it. Have you been behavin’ and keepin’ your mama company while I was gone?” Jake felt a small flutter of movement beneath his hand and he grinned. “That’s my girl.”
Giving your stomach one last rub, he stood up and leaned over you as you continued to sleep. Tipping your chin back, he pressed his lips to yours. For a moment, you moaned and started to pull away. But then, you must have recognized him even in your dreams because you leaned into his kiss and returned it. 
When Jake pulled away, your eyes slowly opened and it took you a moment to grasp what you were seeing in front of you. But when you did, your lip began to quiver as you reached out your hand to cup his face. “J-Jake? Are you really here?”
Jake chuckled deep in his throat as he leaned into your hand. “What kind of question is that?”
“I mean, I’m not still dreaming, am I?”
“No, baby. I’m really here.”
Tears streaming down your face, you threw your arms around his neck as you choked out, “Oh God! I didn’t think you were going to make it.”
Jake buried his face into your hair, breathing in deeply. “I promised you last year I wouldn’t miss this.” He ran his hand over your stomach. “Especially now. Our first Christmas with our new family.”
You sobbed into his neck. “I know, but I still… I wasn’t sure. I hoped though.”
The two of you held each other for a long time. Then in a soft, fearful whisper, you asked, “How long can you stay?”
Jake sat back and wiped the tears from your face. “We’ll talk about that later. Right now, let me just look at you.”
“Ugh, no. I’m a whale.” You tried to cover your stomach with a nearby blanket, but Jake stopped you. 
Taking your hand and placing it over your stomach, he said, “You’ve never looked more beautiful.”
You bit your lip and glanced away. But then your smile slipped as you asked again, “How long, Jake? I have to know.”
Glancing at his watch, Jake sighed. “Well, it is now 12:08 Christmas morning, so I guess I can give you your gift now.”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a letter and handed it to you. Warily, you took it from him and opened it. Squinting in the dim light from the decorations, you read what it said, your lips silently mouthing the words as you went along. Jake grinned as your eyes grew wide and you stared up at him in disbelief. “Is this– is this real?”
“Yep. Maverick got them to transfer me off the Dagger Squad for one year. Instead, I’ll be working in recruitment here at the base in town. So I’ll be here for all of it. The rest of your pregnancy, her birth, all those first milestones. I know it doesn’t make up for the time we lost but I thought—”
He was cut off as you once again threw your arms around his neck, sobbing harder than before. “J-ake, you didn’t have to– but what about the Squad? You love flying with them.”
“I do, and I’ll miss it. But I love you, both of you, more. And Mav said I can come back after a year if I want. He already cleared it with Cyclone.” Jake squeezed you tighter against his chest. “I’ve already missed so much. I don’t want to miss a second of our daughter’s life or being here to help you raise her.”
“Wow…” you hiccupped through your tears. “You really made up for last year.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Jake laughed. Then he took your face and kissed you, deeply and lovingly. It was the kindt of kiss that said all the things you could never put into words. The kind of kiss that only happened between two people who loved each other fully and completely. The kind of kiss he hoped to give you every day from now on.
And when you broke apart, Jake gazed into your puffy, tear-stained eyes and promised, “This is our new tradition. From now on, I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.”
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Taglist: @valoraxxx-blog, @m3laniehearts, @autumnleaves1991-blog,  @rule107, @vintageleather, @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak, @slutforadambanks, @americaarse, @reneki, @ynbutbetter , @sugarcoated-lame, @imagineadream, @sadpetalsstuff, @salty-thembo, @rachelizabethgraham, @duckandrobin, @queenbbarnes, @grincheveryday, @uselesslyromantic, @choochoo284, @littlebadariell, @blue-aconite, @thescarletknight2014, @dempy, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @shirley2996, @kkrenae
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lesbiradshaw · 10 months
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monica at the 2023 vanity fair oscars party 💎
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thedroneranger · 2 years
I Can Make It
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Précis: Jake gets a lengthy deployment—will he make it home for the holiday?
Note: For @notroosterbradshaw’s #hello december playlist challenge. My song is One More Sleep by Leona Lewis—fic incorporates many of the song lyrics.
Warnings: Angst n' fluff
Word count: 1.7k
The last year had been hard.
While Jake was floating on a carrier in the icy waters somewhere between Greenland and Russia, you were in California starting your life as a married woman alone. 
You remembered last year vividly—you and Jake had just gotten out all your holiday decorations. As you sifted through boxes and checked lights, you were doing your best to sell Jake on going to Minnesota for the holidays. 
Born and bred in Texas, Jake never had the pleasure of a white winter. Snow was a foreign concept he never really encountered until he attended the U.S. Naval Academy in Maryland. Since college, Jake hadn’t been deployed many places where it was cold unless he was on an aircraft carrier, so the best he got was ice flows and permafrost.
Although you had been together for years, Jake had yet to make it to Minnesota during the winter. You wanted to fly into Duluth and then rent a car to drive to your parents’ place just outside of Two Harbors. After Christmas, you would continue up the Lake Superior coast to Grand Marias to your family’s lake house to ring in the New Year just the two of you.
Discussion of your pitch was cut short when Jake’s phone vibrated. He signaled it was a work call, so you continued assessing decor while he wandered into the kitchen to get away from the soft music you had playing.
“What’s wrong?” You stood as Jake returned to the room, looking disappointed. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders as you stepped into his embrace, encircling his waist with your arms. Your cheek laid against his hard chest, and his cheek rested on top of your head. 
“I’ve been tapped for a special mission. However, the deployment is eight to 10 months, and I leave on January first.”
This what you signed up for—you knew deployments would happen at inconvenient times. But it did not make hearing that your summer wedding and starting your family would have to be put on hold any easier.
Instead of stringing lights, you and Jake spent the afternoon rearranging the next year of your life. Jake could tell you were deflated from the news, so he ordered takeout and popped open a bottle of wine. 
“Let’s get married next week,” Jake said as he topped off your glass.
“Are…you serious?” You could not tell if he was messing with you as you settled into the couch.
Jake nodded. “Serious as a heart attack, honey.” He sat the bottle on the coffee table and joined you, laying an arm along the couch behind you. “Let’s go to Minnesota and get hitched. I want to come home to my wife in a year.” Your heart swelled three sizes at his statement. A smile pulled your lips as you leaned forward and pressed yours to his. 
A week later, on Christmas Eve, you and Jake stood at the end of a dock jetting into Lake Superior at your family cabin. The sun was shining, making the snow glitter and the ice glisten. Your family holiday had been extended to include Jake’s family, so both your parents, all your sisters and their families—partners and children—were huddled at the top of the dock to witness your wedding.
With the help of your sisters, Jake had surprised you by purchasing your dream dress, which thankfully wasn’t traditional, so it was tailored and ready in a matter of days. Jake wore a dark heather charcoal suit—you loved that it made his eyes pop. Jake’s oldest sister owned a salon back in Austin, so she lent her skills to you and Jake for the big day.
Your lifelong best friend, who happened to be a photographer, was recruited by your sisters to document your nuptials. And your father, a retired district judge in Duluth, officiated your ceremony. Your mothers could not help themselves and teamed up to cook one of the best meals you’ve ever had—a combination of traditional southern and midwestern dishes that featured many of yours and Jake’s favorites. 
The next morning, your families left you and Jake alone at the cabin. It was the closest thing to a honeymoon you were going to get, and you were thankful to have a couple days at the lake. 
You were dreaming of the few days you woke up shrouded in the warmth from the fireplace and tangled with Jake between the sheets as the pair of you drove to the base. Jake kept his eyes on the road and his fingers laced with yours on the center console. Meanwhile, you could not take your eyes off him. “Why are you staring, weirdo?” he teased. 
A smile crept across your face as you squeezed his hand and looked away for a minute. “Soaking you in—this is going to be the longest we’ve been apart.” It was his turn to steal a glance at you. He then raised your entwined fists and kissed them.
You were proud of yourself—you managed to keep it together until you climbed back into the vehicle. It took you 15 minutes to compose yourself and the tears to subside enough that you could drive home.
Nearly a year later, you weren’t sure Jake would be home for the holiday. Once his deployment hit eight months, it became nine, then 10. Ten turned into 11 and now he was in Month 12 headed into Month 13. 
You didn’t even bother to get the holiday decorations out. Not wanting to chance spending the holiday alone, you packed your bags and caught a flight to Minnesota. Since he had finally admitted that he enjoyed your home state in the winter, you agreed he would come there if he were to make it home.
The last time you spoke, Jake chattered about how excited he was to celebrate your anniversary. He was hoping you two could sneak away to the cabin. You agreed but didn’t want to get your hopes up. Although the last time you spoke you knew it was five more nights until he was next to you, you kept telling yourself one more sleep until you saw him. Daily doses of disappointment seemed more manageable than a week’s worth of time.
Lost in your memories of you and Jake, holding a warm mug of coffee and irish cream, you were staring out the living room window into the darkness of night. Fluffy flakes fluttered through the crisp air and disappeared into the undisturbed gentle slopes of a fresh snow blanket. The decorative lights on the house cast a golden glow, making the snow sparkle.
Your mind spiraled further into your memory bank to your youth, recalling the sound of your boots stamping prints into the fresh accumulation and the sound of snow falling all around you. Being alone in the silence of snowfall was your childhood escape. “Ma, I’m going for a walk!” You abandoned your drink on the nearest surface, slipped on your boots, coat, hat and mittens before bounding out the door.
Your nose was already chilling, surely turning red, and your lungs burned from inhaling the icy air. Muscle memory had your legs carrying you to the trailhead that disappeared into the treeline on the backside of your childhood home. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, a smile pulled your lips as you listened to the silence and the hard crunch beneath your feet. It was tough to say how much time passed while you stood on the trail, listening to the snow, letting the flakes hit your face, feeling your resolve harden.
In the distance, you heard crunching. Keeping your eyes closed, you listened as it neared. Years of listening to the snow, you knew those were human feet, and they were headed your way. Curious who would approach you, you kept your eyes closed and just listened. The crunching was within yards of you when it stopped.
“We’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” you heard from behind you. Your entire body tensed. Eyes cautiously opening, you turned to look over your shoulder. Jake was casually standing there, hands in his pockets, smiling at you. 
Still in disbelief, you turned your entire body to face him. “Hey, stranger,” you greeted.
His smile grew three sizes bigger, his dimples really digging into his cheeks. “Has it been that long?” he teased as he stepped toward you.
Pursing your lips, you glanced at the ground and then at him. “Just 357 days.”
“But who’s counting?” He continued to walk closer. His hands were still in his pockets, while yours were balled in your mittens at your sides.
You shrugged as he closed the distance between you. “I had my doubts you’d get back home,” you added. Your eyes were locked on his, your head tilting back to keep eye contact as he stepped into your personal space. Your lip disappeared between your teeth as you watched him lean closer and closer—his eyes landing on your mouth.
Jake’s warm hand slipped out of his pocket and gently cradled your jaw, his index finger resting behind your ear and his thumb resting on your cheek. Your lips were almost touching. “I told you I’d be with you real soon, honey,” he said before pressing his lips to yours. His warmth melted the winter night chill. Jake pulled away and let his thumb graze your bottom lip while his hand remained on the side of your face.
“I’m still in shock that you’re really here,” you confessed. His signature smile reappeared—nearly as radiant as the snow. He pulled you as close as your thick down coats would allow and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. 
“I can think of a few ways to prove I’m really here.” He held you so your bodies were completely pressed to one another. “But first, let’s go celebrate the holiday with your folks.” He gave you one more kiss—this one hungrier than the last. 
“You can prove yourself when we get to the cabin tomorrow night.” Lust was evident in your voice. You slipped your mitted hand around his and led the way back to the house.
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polar-equinoxx · 4 months
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Let It Snow - Jake Hangman Seresin
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A/N: This imagine is for @notroosterbradshaw and her december playlist challenge!
Synopsis: Jake has an extra special gift for you this Christmas.
Family time was important to Jake Seresin, and he made sure you always knew that. That’s why you were currently curled up in the guest room at his moms house on his chest, his fingers slowly tracing a pattern into your arm. The two of you had flown in a couple of days ago to spend Christmas with his family, and you couldn’t be happier. You had bonded with his sisters and his mom and you were already making plans to fly down and see them more often; when you could.
“My family loves you, you know that, right?” Your boyfriends voice was muffled against your forehead as he pressed a kiss to the skin there. It was a warm gesture that you had grown to love and appreciate from your aviator. You hummed in response, hearing tiny feet running around outside your door.
“Uncle Jake! Auntie (Y/N)! It’s Christmas and it’s snowing! Come out!” You chuckled as you heard Jake’s niece on the other side of the door, knocking expectantly. You scooted out of Jake’s grip, slipping on a pair of fuzzy socks as you watched him slip a shirt over his torso. “Come on, let’s not leave the princess waiting.” He grabbed your hand and the two of you walked out to the living room; curling up on the couch as you watched the white snow falling from the sky outside the window. It was a beautiful and fluffy white blanket that covered the entirety of the ranch that sat right on the other side of the glass.
It filled you with a sense of warmth, your eyes soon glancing over to Jake’s niece as she started to go through the presents and hand them to everyone. She gave you and Jake yours before her and her brother started to tear into their own. “I love you.” The words were whispered from Jake as he put his arm around your shoulders, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before he got up from the couch. You repeated the words back, a bright flush evident on your cheeks that was almost as bright as the fire in the fireplace. You caught Jake’s sister flashing you a smile as she saw how her brother interacted with you; happy he had finally found someone that was good for him and could put up with his attitude.
“Who wants hot chocolate or coffee?” His voice cut through the room as the squeals of the kids seemed to get louder the more wrapping paper they tore off, a blizzard of the colorful paper falling onto the floor. You and all of his sisters all piped up with their orders, your eyes trailing after Jake’s back as he made his way into the kitchen. You could hear the water turning on as well as him riffling through cabinets to get mugs out.
“He really loves you.” You heard the words come from across the room as you felt a blush creep up your neck and into your cheeks. “I’ve never seen him this smitten with anyone, ever.” The words came from his mom and you couldn’t help but smile at her. She had been so kind to you since you had met her and you were really wanting to make a good impression; which you seemed to be doing according to Jake. “Take good care of him. He may act tough, but he’s a big teddy bear.” She threw a wink your way and you chuckled, nodding.
“I really love him too, and trust me, I don’t plan on getting rid of him anytime soon. He’s absolutely the love of my life.” You had been with Jake for a little over a year now and he had swept you off of your feet from the moment he had locked eyes with you at the Hard Deck. You were new in town and had been hired on by Penny as some extra help. You had gotten used to the flirting from the pilots, but once Jake Seresin walked in, all your defenses fell down. He was sweet towards you; a stark contrast to how he treated everyone else. It immediately made you start to crush on him and you were ecstatic when he finally asked you to go out with him.
That was where your love story had begun and it had been flourishing ever since then. “Auntie (Y/N), when are you and uncle Jake going to get married?” You were lost in your thoughts and talking with Jake’s family that you didn’t register his niece’s words at first. You went to answer when you actually thought about her words, a shy smile on your face. “Whenever your uncle Jake asks me, honey.” Your words were shy as you watched her giggle motion you towards her. You stood up and walked towards her, getting down on her level. “Uncle Jake wants to ask you today.” The words caused you to go beat red as you stood up, your mouth slightly agape.
You heard a throat clear behind you and you turned around to see Jake on one knee in front of the Christmas tree; a small ring box in his hand that was open to reveal the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. “You know, before I met you I wasn’t one to think I would ever get married. But, when I walked into the Hard Deck, I told Rooster that day I was going to marry you one day. You’ve completely changed my mind about love and marriage and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” You were wiping your tears away as you took a step towards him. “(Y/N), will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” You couldn’t form the words as you launched yourself into Jake’s arms, both of you crying as you nodded profusely. “Of course I will.” There wasn’t a single dry eye in the house, tears being shed by everyone before a small laugh broke through.
“Well, lovebirds. To celebrate your engagement, looks like you get to be snowed in with us for a few days. The roads are closed and so are the airports. Merry Christmas!” Jake’s sister quipped up as she got the alert on her phone, a bright smile on her lips.
“Merry Christmas, fiancé.” The words coming out of Jake’s mouth sounded so magical that you couldn’t help but have a million butterflies run through your stomach as you pressed your lips to his.
Best Christmas ever.
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Looks Like Christmas
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: This is another contribution to @notroosterbradshaw​’s #hello december playlist challenge! It was inspired by Michael Bublé’s version of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. Cass, thank you so much again for putting together this challenge! It’s been such a fun way to celebrate my favorite time of year with some of my favorite characters!
For those who read it, see if you can spot the reference to Underneath the Tree in this one!
Warnings: Enough Bradshaw family fluff to give you a toothache.
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Toys in every store But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be On your own front door
Humming softly along with the Christmas music that was jingling from the speakers of the entertainment system, you leisurely made yet another lap around the Christmas tree, carefully arranging the string of multi-colored lights across the dark green boughs in a way that would maximize the twinkling effect once all was said and done. 
It was a slow process, made all the slower by the fact that you kept stopping every couple minutes to take a few steps back and admire your handiwork from across the living room, but you didn’t mind. Stringing the lights on the Christmas tree was actually one of your favorite parts of the decorating process, right behind actually getting to decorate the tree. What other people, including your own husband, found to be an incredibly boring and tedious chore, you found peaceful and relaxing. Getting completely swept up in your task, you would have had no idea how much time had even passed, had it not been for the fact that you were keeping a mental tab of how many Christmas songs had played since you’d gotten started.
By the time you finally reached the bottom of the tree, the familiar strains of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas had just started swirling around the living room. Moving to the other side of the room, you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head to the side, eyeing the tree critically.
You rather had to agree with Michael Bublé. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And you absolutely loved it.
Yesterday had been a complete and total whirlwind, with it being Nick’s first Thanksgiving and all. You’d been frantic about making the day as special and memorable as possible, on top of seeing family and friends, to the point that Bradley had forced you to go sit down on the couch and actually enjoy the time you had with your four-month-old son.
“Honey, I know you have your heart set on it, but we don’t have to decorate the apartment for Christmas tomorrow,” your husband had told you later that night, once you were both in bed. “You must be exhausted. Why don’t we just take tomorrow to rest?”
“Not decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving?” you blinked, certain you’d misheard him. That was like blasphemy to your ears. You’d been decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving for as long as you could remember, a tradition you’d had no qualms about introducing Bradley to.
Bradley chuckled, kissing your surprised frown away. “Yeah, should have figured I’d get that reaction,” he teased, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you snuggled up under the covers. “It was only a suggestion, babe.”
“Don’t even joke around like that,” you told him, your eyes crinkling in humor as you started to laugh softly. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry, my little Christmas Queen,” Bradley grinned, tucking your head under his chin and pulling you close to his chest.
You were more than happy to proudly wear the moniker of Bradley’s Christmas Queen. Christmas was your very favorite time of year, and nothing brought your heart more joy than bringing the warmth and happiness of the season into your home. Each ornament, each decoration, each little knick-knack that you placed around the apartment told a story—stories from your childhood, stories from Bradley’s childhood, stories from the life the two of you had built together. That was why today was so meaningful to you.
And this Christmas would be the most special one of all, you thought with a smile, lifting the sweet little Baby’s First Christmas ornament that you and Bradley had picked out together, before your precious little bundle of love had even been placed in your arms.
Running your fingers over the delicately embossed bauble, the sound of beloved Christmas carols filling your ears, you didn’t even hear the sound of your husband’s footsteps behind you at first.
“Look who’s up from his nap, just in time to help Mommy decorate the tree,” Bradley’s smiling voice came from behind, wrapping around you like the coziest, most well-loved blanket.
Turning with a bright smile, your heart melted at the sight of Nick sitting up in Bradley’s arms, eagerly reaching out to you with a large, gummy grin.
“There are my boys!” you cooed, carefully placing the ornament you’d been holding down on the coffee table and hurrying over to your two favorite guys, holding your hands out to your son. “Did you get a good nap? Huh?” you asked in a sing-song voice, tickling Nick’s belly lightly before taking him into your arms.
“Well, it was alright,” Bradley yawned, stretching his arms over his head. “Oh, you were talking to him,” he added with a teasing smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully, pressing a kiss to the top of Nick’s head. “Listen to Daddy, huh? Already with the bad dad jokes,” you stage-whispered to your son in a conspiratorial voice.
“I heard that. Don’t listen to her, Nick. Your old man is a gold mine of comedy,” Bradley insisted, resting a hand on your son’s back as he leaned over to peck your cheek.
“Maybe unintentionally so,” you winked, rocking the baby in your arms as he buried his chubby fingers in your hair and began tugging.
“Sounds like Mommy’s been spending too much time around Uncle Jake,” Bradley sighed, which elicited a loud laugh from you. “See, Nick? I always know how to make her laugh.”
“Mmm, you do,” you nodded, leaning up to peck his lips. “I’m sorry for teasing. You are very funny,” you assured him. “Daddy is very funny,” you added, looking down at Nick.
Your son just babbled incoherently in response, a little bit of drool dripping down his chin in his enthusiasm, which you wiped away with a gentle finger.
“It’s already looking great in here, honey,” Bradley said, hands on his hips as he began gazing around the living room.
Your husband had been an absolute champ getting the tree and all your decorations over to the apartment in time for you to start decorating today. Being that there was only so much room in your apartment, a lot of your stuff had been put in storage, also known as Penny and Mav’s basement. With Mav’s assistance, Bradley had managed to get everything up to your place by the time you’d woken up that morning.
Which is why he’d happily accepted when you’d suggested that he go lay down at the same time you were putting Nick down for his nap.
You didn’t mind getting things set up on your own, content to listen to your favorite Christmas songs as you opened boxes and determined where everything needed to go. But you were glad that your husband and son were here now, ready to help put the most important touches on the tree.
“Thank you,” you beamed, shifting Nick in your arms and gently taking a hold of his hand as he attempted to pull on your necklace, the necklace that Bradley had given you to wear on your wedding day. The necklace that had belonged to Carole. The necklace that you hardly ever took off. “I should especially thank you for being so patient in wrapping up the lights for the tree last year. It made my work so much easier this year,” you laughed, stepping closer to the tree so Nick could look at the lights in question.
Though you loved getting ready for Christmas, you could fully admit that you were not a fan of cleaning up after Christmas. Taking down the decorations was the most depressing day of the year in your book, and you got rather impatient when it came to putting certain things away.
“Honey, you know that’s going to be a disaster come next year,” Bradley had chuckled last January, watching you unwind the lights off the tree and throw them into a heap on the floor. “Let me wrap them up,” he said, patiently winding them around his arm until they were bound in perfect, neat little loops.
“My knight in shining armor,” you told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Every Christmas Queen needs one,” he winked, capturing your lips with his own.
“Very true,” you laughed, beaming as he helped you put away the rest of the decorations.
“See? I told you a little patience would pay off,” Bradley smirked, pinching your butt playfully.
“Well now you’re officially on light-wrapping duty for the rest of our lives,” you joked, giggling as you adjusted one of the snaps on Nick’s onesie.
“Whatever you say, baby,” Bradley nodded, smiling down at you with a sweetly indulgent twinkle in his eyes. “So should we start decorating then? I know you’ve got us on a strict schedule,” he winked.
“You’re absolutely right about that, Lieutenant. I’m the Admiral when it comes to Christmas decorating in this house,” you teased, jokingly pulling rank.
“Trust me, Nick, we better do what she says,” Bradley warned your son, lifting him out of your arms and settling him against his side. “No one takes decorating more seriously than Mommy.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you smiled, walking back over to the coffee table to pick up the ornament you’d been holding earlier. “Look, sweetie, this ornament is just for you,” you said, holding it out to show Nick. “Daddy and I picked it for you before you were even born. It says Baby’s First Christmas,” you explained, pointing to each word. “That’s you. You’re the baby,” you cooed, poking his belly softly and kissing his nose.
Nick gurgled happily once again, bouncing in Bradley’s arms.
“Oh, yeah, he’s a big fan of that,” Bradley beamed, pressing an affectionate series of kisses to the side of your son’s face in quick succession.
“Do you want to put it on the tree?” you asked with a smile, holding the ornament out to your husband.
“No, you do it, baby,” Bradley insisted, patting Nick’s back gently. “You’re the one who went through hell to bring him into the world. Seems only right,” he added with a lopsided grin.
God, you loved him so much.
“Can’t argue with that logic,” you nodded, winking as you stepped over to the tree and chose a spot right in the center, carefully draping Nick’s ornament over the branch.
“Look at that, buddy. Front and center,” Bradley murmured, pointing enthusiastically at the tree until Nick’s gaze followed the direction of his finger. When your son just stared at the tree, mouth hanging open, Bradley began laughing. “I think he likes it, honey.”
“Do you? Do you like it, sweet boy?” you asked, grinning when you witnessed another luminous smile light up your son’s face. “Do you want to help Mommy and Daddy decorate the rest of the tree?”
Nick let out a loud little babble in response, which you and Bradley took for eager assent.
Decorating the tree took much longer than it had in years past, namely because you and Bradley kept passing the baby back and forth between one another as you grabbed ornaments out of the box and began dispersing them across the branches, stopping every now and then to point out a particularly shiny or interesting looking one to Nick. Your son, the sweet, docile angel that he was, just stared at everything you showed him with wide eyes, seemingly as entranced with Christmas as you had always been.
“Looks like we’ve got another big fan of Christmas in the family,” Bradley winked, setting your son’s bouncer down at the foot of the tree so that the two of you could get a break, while still keeping Nick included in the festivities.
“It’s in the genes. Very powerful stuff,” you replied, your eyes dancing with merriment as you knelt down to carefully settle Nick in the bouncer and strap him in. You smiled and dropped a kiss on his forehead when he began kicking his feet happily.
It was only when you stood back up to continue decorating the tree that you realized the music you’d been playing had come to an end. It had been playing for hours, since you’d first started setting up.
“Oh, baby, can you go turn the music back on?” you called to Bradley from where you were currently standing at the back of the tree.
He didn’t verbally respond, but a moment later, you heard the familiar notes of a classic tune floating across the room once more. And then suddenly, there was a strong pair of arms wrapping around your waist from behind, and a very familiar mustache brushing against your neck as your husband began peppering you with kisses.
“Mmm,” you sighed contentedly, lowering your hands to rest them over Bradley’s forearms and closing your eyes, enjoying the feel of his kisses.
“I love you,” Bradley whispered against your ear, nipping lightly at your earlobe.
“I love you, too,” you whispered back, leaning against his chest and reveling in the feel of his strong, protective arms holding you close.
“I was thinking,” he began slowly, his voice sounding like warm honey as his lips moved against the shell of your ear. “Maybe once Nick is asleep for the night, you and I could have a little private fun by the tree. You know, just like last year,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your ear.
You smirked, though your cheeks flamed at the memory of the time you two had spent under the Christmas tree last December. “Hmm,” you hummed, turning slowly so that you were facing him and wrapping your arms around him. “Only if you can guarantee that you’ve been a good boy this year,” you winked.
“Oh, very,” Bradley nodded eagerly, pecking your lips. “The best.”
“Then I’d say it’s a very strong possibility,” you told him, your lips pressed against his.
The look of absolute victory on your husband’s face made you grin from ear to ear.
“But first we finish decorating,” you told him, wagging a teasing finger in his face.
You didn’t think you’d ever seen him move so quickly to fill in the empty spots on your Christmas tree.
Another hour or two slipped by as you and Bradley put the finishing touches on the tree, and then finished decorating the living room. Between the hot cocoa that Bradley made, the music chiming merrily in the background, the lights twinkling all around, and your sweet baby boy cooing happily in your arms, you couldn’t think of a better day you’d ever had in your life.
At one point, you turned around and saw that Bradley had taken Nick back into his arms, walking him around the tree and pointing out all the different ornaments, and the bright, multi-colored lights. You stopped what you were doing at once, taking this opportunity to just soak in a beautiful, candid moment between the two people you loved more than anything else in the world. 
Getting to see Bradley become a father, getting to witness the way he loved your little boy, was a gift that you never wanted to take for granted.
Struck by a sudden burst of inspiration, you hurried over to the drawer where you had left the small Polaroid camera that you had recently purchased. Holding it up to your line of sight, you quickly snapped a photograph, Bradley turning his head to look at you only after you’d done it.
“No paparazzi, please,” he joked, holding up a halting hand in your direction.
“Sorry,” you smirked, lowering the Polaroid as the film popped out. “A hot man with a baby? Too sexy to resist,” you teased. 
Pulling the photograph out of the camera, you waved it slightly, giving it a few moments to fully develop. When it did, you looked down at it and beamed. It was a beautiful, perfect shot, and one you would cherish always. Both Bradley’s and Nick’s gazes were transfixed on the Christmas tree, Bradley pointing towards an ornament that had been his when he was a little boy.
“What do you think?” you asked, holding the picture up for him to inspect.
“Oh my God,” Bradley breathed out, eyes widening as he looked down at the picture. He just stared, not saying anything else for a moment.
“What is it?” you asked in confusion, glancing between him and the Polaroid picture several times.
“I have to find something,” Bradley said suddenly, gently placing Nick in your arms and marching deliberately over to the cabinet where you stored all the photo albums in your possession.
“Baby, what is it?” you asked again, stroking the back of your son’s head as Bradley began flipping determinedly through a few older albums.
“Look at this, honey,” he exclaimed suddenly, evidently finding what he had been looking for. “Come look at this,” he told you, moving over to the couch and sitting down.
Curiosity piqued, you sat down beside him, settling Nick comfortably on your lap.
“Look,” Bradley smiled, pointing at a small photograph, almost the same size as the Polaroid you’d just taken. The caption beneath it read Bradley’s First Christmas in Carole’s strong hand.
When your eyes beheld the image that Bradley was pointing to, your breath caught in your throat instantly.
It looked almost identical to the photo you’d just taken of Bradley and your son. The man in the photograph was holding a little boy in his arms, hand lifted as he pointed eagerly at one of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. His bright, laughing smile and mustache were the mirror image of your husband’s, just as the baby boy in the photograph looked like your son in every way.
“It was my mom’s favorite picture,” Bradley said softly, gazing at you as you stared down in shock at the photo of him and his father. “She took it while we were decorating the tree, same as you did just now, honey. I just—I can’t get over how much—look,” he breathed out, laying the photograph you’d just taken next to the picture in the photo album.
The similarity was almost too great to be believed.
“I feel like it’s my parents’ way of saying that they’re here with us,” Bradley whispered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “With you. With me. With Nick,” he went on, resting a hand on your son’s back. “It’s just—it’s amazing. You’re amazing.”
“Me?” you asked in surprise, eyes widening as you looked up at him. “I didn’t do anything,” you argued, shaking your head slowly.
“Honey, you did everything,” Bradley insisted, cupping your cheek in his hand. “You’ve made this place our home. Everything that we have is so special because of you. And I just want you to know how much I appreciate that. How much I appreciate you. Thank you, baby,” he told you, resting his forehead against yours. “Thank you for being my home.”
You felt tears trickling down your cheeks as you reached up to touch your husband’s face, gazing into his warm brown eyes. “Thank you for being mine.”
Setting the photographs down on the coffee table, Bradley pulled you into his lap, Nick starting to doze off on your chest as the three of you sat bundled up together, taking in the peaceful glow of your newly decorated Christmas tree.
“This is all I ever wanted,” you whispered, laying your head in the crook of his neck as you rested against his chest. “This is all I need for Christmas.”
Bradley smiled, kissing you softly and wrapping his arms around you and Nick. “This is all I need forever.”
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pilotsandgays · 2 years
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just found these pics of ice looking at mav and i am NEVER recovering
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