I want to show appreciation for fandom members who are nice and welcoming to all fandom members. They don't limit to a group of friends and sometimes not even limited themselves to one choices fandom, but they are kind and support all.
Some are not on too much anymore, but they should get thanks still. We should try to be like this.
@quixoticdreamer16 @potionsprefect @lovealexhunt @trappedinfanfiction @the-pale-goddess @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @mysticalgalaxysstuff @peonierose @lilyoffandoms @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @mrsnazariowrites @ladylamrian @annfg8 @ofmischiefandmedicine @jerzwriter @cariantha @gryffindordaughterofathena @kyra75 @takemyopenheart @zahrachoices @dr-colossal-pita @ao719 @doriopenheart
@quixoticdreamer16 @potionsprefect @lovealexhunt @trappedinfanfiction @the-pale-goddess @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @mysticalgalaxysstuff @peonierose @lilyoffandoms @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @mrsnazariowrites @ladylamrian @annfg8 @ofmischiefandmedicine @jerzwriter @cariantha @gryffindordaughterofathena @kyra75 @takemyopenheart @zahrachoices @dr-colossal-pita @ao719 @doriopenheart
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October 2023 WOTM: peonierose
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @peonierose. We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: peonierose Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Peonie or PR is fine 🥰
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
Way back when Choices first launched. My first book was The Freshman Series - book 1. It was so fun to play the books and get super excited for new chapters. I was waiting until midnight for new chapters. It was the first time I’ve played an app where I could make decisions and use diamonds for VIP scenes 😍
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Choices fandom back in 2021. I really missed Open Heart after book 3 ended (and left me wanting more) So I wanted to see if there were any more stories I could binge, and that’s how I stumbled upon Tumblr 🥰
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It may sound weird but it just came to me. Peonies are my favorite flowers. As soon as I thought peonie I quickly added rose and I was like that sounds so cool and it’s unique which I love 😍 And that’s how peonierose was born. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
Gosh. This feels like forever ago. When I first came on tumblr I didn’t post or reblog much 😅 (too shy to interact with anyone 🙈)
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
It has been 2 years in August this year since I’ve actively started writing fanfic 🥰 (I still can’t believe I actually made the leap and decided to post any of my stories). 
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
You’re really going to make me choose? There are so many good ones 😱
I love to write for two of my favorite books which are Nightbound and Open Heart. Those are the ones I feel most connected to 🥰 Though I’d love to venture out and make edits or social media posts for other choices books too. 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
I wrote Robin‘s Tell-All from TNA, and it was the first fic I’ve ever shared. I really wanted to write a story from Robin‘s POV and how all that happened in TNA affected him and all the mistakes he made. 
I wanted to showcase his inner struggle. 
I remember how nervous I was to post something that I’d written. I thought to myself, will people even like my story? And if they do like it, then what? It was a great rush to see the reblogs, and the love for my first-ever posted fic. 
If I could change one thing, it would probably be the moodboard 😅
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
That is a tough question, because to me every fic I‘ve written has a special place in my heart. So every story reflects the feelings I’ve felt while writing my story. 
Buuuuut if I had to choose: It would be a tie between By a Landslide (Bryce and Luna), the 3rd chapter of my Nightbound series - Unexpected and Go with the Flow (Luna & Bryce) 
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
I actually didn’t think I’m a sucker for you, A Pinch of Pink and Blue…This one‘s for you,  Cinnamon Sugar and Wildflower, to be as well received as they did. 
However, I think Bittersweet Symphony and Losing Game (1 / 4) could use some more love. 
Both stories are amazing and I think you’ll love both my pairings. Luna & Bryce and of course Maxine and Adam. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
I am by no means a smut writer 😅 Maybe I’ll get there 😅 But I’d go with a mix between angst and fluff. I think a nice balance between these two would be good. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Yeah. Tons of times. Take Luna for example. She has anxiety like me, and her appearance, such as her blue-green eyes and dark blonde hair, are like mine. But character wise we’re complete opposites. I wish I’d be more artistic like her 🩷
And Bryce is an Aries like me, and so many things he says or does make me go back, and I’m like, yeah, I would say something like that. Other than that, I’ve learned to give my characters real flaws and make them human, if that makes sense. But it does happen that they end up with character traits that are mine, and then I lean back and realize I’ve given my characters some of my weird and quirky character traits 🤣
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Damn. Umm…I struggle with a lot of things. Finding the right words sometimes because English isn’t my first, not even my second language. I speak six languages, so it's sometimes hard to find the words to describe things. 
Showing, not telling that’s another thing I struggle with. 
That and if I have to keep a deadline to post something 🤣 Because it takes me forever to post anything I’m not 100% behind and happy with. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
How much time you’ve got? I have over 30 wips, that want some desperate attention, and I always keep adding new wips, whenever something inspires me to write 😅 
I’ve found some new inspo for Somewhere Only We Know 🥰 Apart from that I’d love to take another look at my two AU‘s Amber & my Nightbound series. So we’ll see what wips I can manage to finish 😅 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Sure. I’d love to get an outside opinion of my work and my characters that are so beloved and close to my heart 🩷
I actually tell people that I write fanfic and original work. And I’ve sent some samples their way and they liked it. Which makes me feel more confident in my writing (not saying it’s perfect, there’s always room for improvement, but it’s getting better). 
As for which story to start? I’d say start with Only Love for Bryce and Luna. That was my first story of them and I consider it their start. 
Then continue with Always & Forever and Go with the Flow. 
Those were my first posted stories about Luna & Bryce and I think you’ll like them. It would give you a good understanding of my storytelling and my characters. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
There are a couple of authors I admire - Chloe Neil, Elise Kova, Nalini Singh, Rachel Caine (R.I.), Rebecca Yarros, and many more. They have influenced and shaped my writing, my fantasy world-building, and, of course building my characters. These authors know how to tell great stories, which makes me admire them so much. 
As for fanfic writers who’ve inspired me? I’d love to give a special shoutout to one of my closest friends who’s been my beta reader for almost anything @annieruok She’s an amazing person and writer. Thanks so much for all the times listening to my ramblings about scenes and characters 🩷 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
My Nightbound series hands down. That is a story that really deserves to be on the big screen or as a Netflix show. I’m not picky. 
I’d love to see Grey, Gretel and Hänsel kick some ass. It’s a unique enough story to garner some attention 🥰 I’ve worked really hard to write it and it took me a year to come up with chapters, character names and so forth. 
Also Somewhere Only We Know would be cool to see on the big screen. I’d probably weep from joy if any of my stories were ever developed as a movie or series 🥰🥹
17- Do you write original fiction? 
Yes, I actually do. I have several original works in my Google docs. And just recently, I had an idea for another original story (I don’t feel comfortable sharing it yet) 🥰 But let’s just say it’s fun to come up with the characters and world-building and everything in between. 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Reading books, trying out new recipes in the kitchen. This also reminds me I need to exercise more 🤣 
Taking walks & going shopping. 
Hanging out with friends and binge watching shows and movies on Disney+ and Netflix. Just trying to  enjoy every single moment that every day has to offer 🩷 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
It’s a toss between these three 🥰😍🩷 (What can I say I love pink 🩷 not just because of the new Barbie movie and the pinkmania 🩷) 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
First, I wanted to say thank you to everyone. For being picked as writer of the month is a huge honor 🥰 Thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to read my stories, reblog them, and leave some unbelievably nice words. 
I’m very grateful that you guys took the time to shower me with love. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve some of your nice words and love. I also wanted to give a special shoutout to some of the people who are very dear to me. 🩷 
Thank you guys for supporting me. Being there for me - through great and not so great times - I‘ll never be able repay your kindness 🩷 You guys make me strive to be a better version of myself and I couldn’t be more happy to call you my friends 🩷
@annieru0k @cariantha @txem @doriopenheart @mysticalgalaxy @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads @heavenssexiestangel @socalwriterbee @secretaryunpaid @ofmischiefandmedicine @starrystarrytrouble @the-pale-goddess @takemyopenheart @quixoticdreamer16 @princess-geek @eleanorbloom
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tveitertotwrites · 2 months
Hi @peonierose! I am your secret pal! I was very excited to do this, and I hope you enjoy the moodboards for Luna! I hope we can interact more this year.
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Thank you to @choicesfandomappreciation for doing this event! I always love doing these events, and it's so fun seeing what everyone makes for each other!
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
Hii 🥰
I was wondering has your OC / MC or Li ever been sent to the principals office and if yes for what?
If not your characters themselves have their kids ever been sent to the principals office? If so why?
there are two reasons why enid would be sent to the principal's office:
she won some type of award
she single-handedly caused a campus-wide protest
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peonierose · 4 months
What is the best and worst part of the fandom to you?
Hii 🥰
The best thing about the fandom?
That’s easy it’s all the amazing, pinktastic people (yes I made that word up 😅) that I met here. People I share interests with, interests that go beyond choices and writing. I will forever be grateful for the warm welcome I received when I first joined tumblr (can you believe that it’ll be three years this year since I joined tumblr? Time flies but it was the best time 🩷) I’m also seeing some new faces who joined tumblr and I love making new friends I really do, so I can’t wait to get to know everyone better 🥰
The worst part of the fandom?
For me personally it’s that so many of us live far apart. I just wish I’d live closer to some of my friends here on tumblr so that we could go shopping, or for coffee or lunch or something. I think that would be really cool. And that would be awesome.
Thank you so much for sending me this ask 🌸 Hope you have a wonderful day 🌸🥰
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inlocusmads · 2 months
Hii 🥰
I saw these picture prompts and I thought I’d send them your way. You can create anything you’d like. Moodboards, edits or even write a story, whatever makes you happy.
The most important thing is that you have fun (and don’t worry you can answer the ask whenever you have time or feel inspired) 🥰
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Thanks for the prompt Peonie!
Empty Wallets, Terrible People & Other Signs of Spring: rowan stone & stevie sun (murder at homecoming)
wc: 502, teen and up for strong language
a/n: this takes place before the events of murder at homecoming - i.e when they're sophomores
“Stevie, what the fuck.”
Rowan threw her hands up in exasperation. She examined one of the peaches to find some rotten mold stuck to their skin. It wasn't Stevie’s fault, clearly - given it was the contractor to blame but Rowan was a bit bummed nonetheless. She was now answerable to the Spring Fair committee, which involved dealing with a bunch of crappy seniors who took great pleasure in bullying the fuck out of a bunch of worker-bee sophomores. It wasn't like they could call Gabriela to fix the problem, as per usual. The amount of times Rowan would need her to bail them both out was too many to count on a few fingers.
Stevie had just finished up drawing a sign and balanced it on a crate.
“Don't worry about the ones that look dead, I'll have some guy get it thrown out.”
“Good sign.” Rowan pointed out.
“Can you squeeze peaches?”
“Dude.” Stevie rolled her eyes, exasperated.
“I'm kidding.” Rowan burst into laughter. “No, this will piss off like - uh, seven people.”
Don't squeeze me until I'm yours. The sign read. 
“Piss off all the right people, you mean.” Stevie delivered a light punch at Rowan’s shoulder. “Guess who's in charge of exhibits?”
“That guy? Fuck.”
Rowan knew Stevie had been having some problems with Brett Morris, but the nature of it was unknown. Rowan didn't want to press on the subject either. It wasn't like she was close enough with Stevie to warrant a reason, much less get comfortable enough to laugh at her jokes. 
“Well, if he's giving you problems -”
“Nah, he's -- he's --” Stevie struggled to get through her sentence. “Y'know what, it's his problem. Fuck Brett.”
“Yeah, erm- fuck him.”
“As a matter of fact I should - like draw some stuff on the cardboard- make his job answering to a bunch of kids a lot more difficult.” 
Rowan noticed a little bit of discomfort at the mention of Brett but as quickly as she let herself express it, Stevie had let it pass by. 
A pause. 
“You want to go grab some churros?” 
“Aren't we supposed to take care of the peaches?”
“They're just peaches, right?” Rowan shrugged nonchalantly. “Pretty sure nobody even -- eats fruits anymore. Let's go get some churros, c'mon.”
Stevie gave her an amused smile. “This is the most pathetic way I've ever been asked out.”
“No - what the - no, no, this is - dude, it's food. We're grabbing food.”
“Yeah, you give someone else those wet cat sad eyes and they'll toss a diamond carat ring at your forehead.” Stevie laughed. “I'm kidding. Come on. God, you're like - so uptight and everything. Also I'm broke, so you're paying, sorry about that.”
“I've got like five bucks. In this economy we can't even afford half a churro in this overpriced fundraiser.”
“Quarter of a churro it is, then.” Stevie settled. “You can afford a quarter churro, right?”
“I mean- you can get nothing and everything for five bucks.”
“Pretty sure the economy doesn’t work like that, Rowan.”
A/N: this was just a really quick drabble I thought of ahaha. Also yes, this takes place a year after Brett Morris almost sexually assaults Stevie. I'd like to think at this point, Rowan and Stevie aren't exactly the best of friends, but sort of like 'hallway friends' - you know the kind where you meet at hallways and say hi, so it takes a lot longer for both of them to kind of start talking to each other - between Stevie's own reluctance to put her trust in a good place and Rowan to actually open up.
So they're kind of dancing on the "hey I want you to be my friend but -- uh, I don't know how to talk to you" line.
I'm still trying to figure out a nice cohesive relationship timeline for them, so prompts like these really help out. Thank you so much!
Tagging: perma: @quixoticdreamer16 @tessa-liam @stars-are-within-me @thosehallowedhalls
(since I don't have an MAH-exclusive tag-list yet, I'll just tag some perma people who might be interested)
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deb-1106 · 1 year
Hii 🥰
I just saw this and thought it’ll inspire a fic or a moodboard for your MC‘s or OC‘s
(No pressure 🥰)
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Thank you so much for this ask @peonierose ❤️❤️❤️ You are the absolute sweetest!!
I'm actually working on a couple of fics right now, and it's been slow going. 😂🙈 So I decided that if I was going to answer this ask before you started collecting your social security, I was better off going with a moodboard.😂🤣
Also, fair warning ... this might be the cheesiest damn thing I've ever done. lol
But true love is cheesy sometimes. 🧀 😋 I'm not even sorry about it. ❤️
Here are Drake and Ava, stargazing as they imagine their "Forever" in night sky.
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If you'd like to be added or taken off my tag list, just let me know!❤
@ao719 @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @sincerelyella @walkerismychoice @choiceswreckedme @txemrn @twinkleallnight @imashybish @blackcatkita @katedrakeohd @boneandfur @sfb123 @queenrileyrose @foreverethereal123 @kingliam2019 @nestledonthaveone @bebepac @petiteboheme @yukinagato2012 @princess-geek
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heavenssexiestangel · 5 months
💗 incoming love train! I appreciate you and recognize the amazing presence you have on this site, thank you for contributing to our community! 🌷send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to share the love. 💌💐🌷🌻🌺💐🌸🌹
<3 <3
Danke schön, Peonie!!
This ask motivated me to write 84 words
Experiment Total: 4724
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Hii 🥰
Has your MC / OC or Li ever been sent to the principals office? And if yes why?
If not themselves have their kids ever been sent to the principals office? If so why?
Only one of my MC's has ever ended up in the Principals Office
Jake Tweneboah (OH MC)
During high school there was this girl in Jake's class that kept getting bullied for the way she was dressed and how poor she was. Out of everyone in the class Jake was only one who defended her and became her friend. Each and every day a group of boys would go up to this girl and would harass her. They'd sometimes take her empty her backpack or rip her books in front of her. Jake always stood up her. But one day it got too far and Jake beat up the bullies who where twice his size after they took the girl's lunch. A teacher who was passing by saw the bullies wailing on the floor and they not knowing what the full story of happened was and sent Jake to the Principals Office. Jake's Grandmother was called in to deal with him and but she ended up siding with Jake and the girl. She knew about the bullies bothering the girl after she came over to Jake's house and the bullies came up to her and dumped a whole bottle of water over her just because she smelled. After hearing this the principal gave the two bullies detention and Jake off with just a warning on to deal with his anger in words and not not with his hands.
I have this exact story save my drafts and one day I'll post it
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thosehallowedhalls · 1 month
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
Thank you!
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I'm sending some love to the following lovely people who are positive forces in this community:
@inlocusmads You twinkle like millions stars in the sky. I love how funny, thoughtful and supportive you are. Your writing gives me so much joy, more than you'll ever know. Thank you for putting out there your beautiful stories. 💕
@lilyoffandoms You are so kind, supportive and generous! Your writing puts stars in my eyes and words are failing me to express how much I enjoy it. Thank you for sharing it! 💕
@missameliep You are so sweet and so supportive and I love reading your amazing stories. Thank you for sharing them! 💕
@peonierose You are so lovely, sunshiny and supportive. I love your stories and writing with you is an amazing experience. Thank you for shining bright! 💕
@lovealexhunt You are so positive and supportive, always spreading love and kindness in the community. I appreciate what you do for us and I enjoy your writing. Thank you for being here! 💕
@jerzwriter and @lucy-268 I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate everything you do for this community. From running a blog that is pretty much the core of our community to hosting fun events to writing great stories and being so welcoming and supportive... Thank you for being here! 💕
@inlocusmads, @lilyoffandoms, @missameliep, @peonierose, @lovealexhunt, @jerzwriter, @lucy-268
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txemrn · 1 year
💚 Happy Birthday, PeonieRose! 💚
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Synopsis: Ethan and Tatum finally take a vacation to Hawaii! But even though they try to escape all reminders of the hospital, they're in for a bit of a kāhāhā, er, a surprise.
Word count: ~2477
Warnings: fairly fluffy; language; an innuendo; Ethan's grumpiness
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @peonierose! You are such a ray of sunshine! I know I probably sound like a broken record, but seriously, that is the absolute best way to describe you. 🌞 Any chance I get to interact with you--even if it's just seeing one of your posts in passing, I can't help but feel your warmth and joy. I am so, so grateful that you are part of this community, and even more so, I am so grateful I get to call you friend. I hope you had the best 25th birthday ever! 😉 Sending you the warmest hugs, my OC sister! Love youuuuuu! 😘
A/N: This is an AU; some of the characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry; some of the characters belong to our birthday girl PR (who I am hoping will forgive me for attempting to write them 🤣). This work was not preread or beta'd; please excuse me errors.
The peaceful morning sunrise blankets the island of Oahu with a warm pink glow. A gentle symphony of tranquil waves and the brush of palm fronds drift through the open balcony doors of the private beach-side bungalow. The soft fragrance of exotic florals infused with notes of the citrus sand pirouette across Ethan's face, the luxury of it all making him stir from his sleep.
Breathing in deeply, he contorts his bare body into an intense stretch, the tight burn sending pleasurable shocks through his nerves. With a heady growl in his chest, he lets out a yawn, relaxing back into his pillow. With his eyes fluttering close, he reaches over to the other side of the mattress, his fingertips searching for his wife.
He quickly sits up, noticing he was alone in bed. "Tate?" He calls out, a deep gravel in his throat. He looks around the room, but there is no evidence of her anywhere–that is until he hears soft mumbles coming from outside on the terrace. He climbs out of bed, cinching the sheet around his waist and saunters to the balcony.
Approaching the doorway, he sees that she's on the phone, a knee pulled up to her chest as she tosses her tangled tresses with her fingers. With a curious expression, he stealthily leans against the siding, crossing his arms as he intently watches his bride.
"... for about four minutes… uh-huh… right, and then it will play a little song… right… right…" Tatum gives a quiet, cordial laugh. Wearing her husband's waffle knit pajama top, she mindlessly fidgets with a loose thread at the hem as she continues to whisper. "I get it… thanks, again, Alan. Call me if he's still fussy after that bottle."
"We haven't even been gone for twenty-four hours–"
"Ethan!" Tatum startles, clenching her phone to her chest. She exhales a big breath, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.
"What are you doing?" He motions at the phone, his eyebrows furrowing. "We talked about this."
"I was… just… checking in," she feigns innocence.
"Tatum," Ethan sighs, slowly stalking to her chair, "we're supposed to be on vacation." He leans over her, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.
"We are on vacation–"
"And we trust Dad and the Aveiros with our son–"
"Yeah, but," she starts picking at her nails, "being on vacation doesn't mean we stop being parents, Ethan."
"I never said we stop," he leans up against the balustrade, folding his arms again. "Cord," a corner of his mouth curls as he stares out onto the beach. "Cord's my boy, my little bean sprout, he's… my everything. But, baby," he chuckles, blowing away a breath as he turns back to Tatum. "We need a break--especially you."
"I just miss him," Tatum twists her mouth, her eyes fixed on her husband’s crystal gaze. "It's weird. Our lives have changed so much since that little guy showed up."
"Almost eight months," Ethan smiles endearingly.
"But even before that," Tatum rubs her hands across the flat planes of her abdomen, "he was literally a part of me for nine months. I'm feeling a little…"
Tatum shakes her head.  Standing up, she takes a step towards Ethan, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You complete me, Mr. Ramsey," she croons, "but I do feel like I'm missing something. I guess," she titters under her breath, "I have forgotten what it's like to just be me, to just do what I want without planning ahead, without worrying about diapers and pumping and naptimes.  I guess I'm having a hard time remembering life before Cord–ha!" she snorts, "B.C.! Get it?"
Ethan shakes his head before laughing to himself. "Well," his voice grows dark, "how about… I help you remember what it was like B.C.?"
"Yeah?" Tatum bites her bottom lip as her eyes train to Ethan's mouth. "And… how would you help me remember?"
Ethan wraps his arms around Tatum's waist, and without warning, he lifts her up, tossing her over his shoulder before giving her ass a firm swat.
"Ethan Jonah!" She squeals with glee before he jogs inside their bungalow.
Later that afternoon and feeling much more relaxed, the Ramseys decide to venture out and explore the island. Tatum slips on a smocked fuschia maxi dress with a pair of espadrilles and a floppy sun hat while Ethan dons a pair of khaki shorts with a sage green linen top, complete with his white Vans.
Casually walking hand-in-hand, they are drawn to the beautiful drumming of a group of Polynesian musicians outside an open market. They stop to admire the cultural beat, complete with awe-inducing twists and twirls of their mallets and several hula dancers with hypnotizing moves.  
Tatum playfully sways her hips to the music, Ethan smiling and nodding to the beat–that is until two of the dancers place a lei around his neck before pulling him reluctantly out of the crowd to dance with them.  He tries to maintain a stoic-look of displeasure, but as he looks back to his hysterical wife, he finally busts out laughing and starts to move his body clumsily along with the hula dancers.
When the dance comes to an end with a roaring applause, Ethan and Tatum stumble into each other, holding their aching bellies as they continue to laugh uncontrollably. It had been so long since they had been free of responsibilities, free of schedules and expectations, free to just be themselves as a couple.
Tatum hugs onto Ethan’s arm, their hands interlocking as they enter the open market. They stop at the different vendors, tasting new and exotic foods, watching local artisans design furniture, clothes and jewelry. One tent catches Ethan's eye with master carvers intricately cutting, sanding and sewing traditional Hawaiian weapons.
"These are really neat," Ethan cautiously holds up a knife, testing the sharpness of the blade. "What do you think? Cord's first knife," he jokes.
"Eh," Tatum swallows thickly, running her finger over an instrument with real shark teeth. "Maybe he should master his pincer grasp first. Or, I don't know, learn to walk?" They snicker between one another when suddenly, a colorful tent with art canvases catches Tatum's eye. "Rams, I'm going to look over there."
Already in a conversation with one of the craftsmen, Ethan nods while giving a wave to his wife.
Tatum moseys over to the tent, instantly taken aback by the artwork lined up along the walls and wooden easels. Brilliant splashes of color, expertly mixed and brushed, tell colorful secrets about the island.
Tatum looks deeper into the tent, noticing a young, beautiful blonde with gorgeous waves sitting at an art easel as she captures another story with her brush strokes. Tatum ducks into the canopy, noticing sculptures and stunning pieces of glass art everywhere.
"Aloha," Tatum smiles at the woman before turning back to look at all the beauty. "Did–did you create all of this?"
The young woman giggles, bowing her head coyly. "Yes, I did."
"It's exquisite work," Tatum continues to observe the various crafted pieces. "They're…" she stares off at a canvas with a kaleidoscope of colors forming waves crashing along the shoreline. "They're dreamy. "
"Well, thank you… Are you an art enthusiast?" The artist chuckles as she adds a new swipe of paint to her canvas.
"Oh," Tatum chuckles, "not really an enthusiast. I mean, I appreciate beauty when I see it." Tatum slows down, focusing on a stunning oceanic scene with iridescent jellyfish. She leans in, noticing the strokes and gradients of color.
"Hrmm," the blonde chuckles, putting down her paint brush. "Anyone that sees beauty in the world… is an artist." 
Placing a hand on the back of her chair while steadying herself with a grip on her easel, she cautiously stands, balancing herself onto her feet. Noticing the struggle out of the corner of her eye, Tatum looks over–and gasps into a smile. 
"Well, aren't you full of surprises!" Tatum titters, watching the young blonde place her hand on her heavily pregnant belly. "When are you due?"
"Oh gosh," she giggles, out of breath, "not for another seven weeks." Tatum's face drops, staring at her abdomen. "I know, I'm huge."
"What? No! I–I'm sorry," Tatum puts a hand over her face, "I didn't mean to make a face."
The blonde laughs harder, massaging her tummy. "Don't be. That's the reaction I normally get from people, and I don't blame them. I'm almost as wide as I am tall!" she jokes with a titter, "but I also don't get the chance to tell people there are two in there instead of one–"
"Twins?" Tatum’s eyes widen, her lips curling into a smile, "my goodness! Well, congratulations to you! And by the way," she becomes serious, "you look phenomenal."
She blushes, "thank you."
Tatum holds out her hand. "I'm Tatum."
The kind artist eagerly takes Tatum's hand. "Luna. Luna Auclair."
"Well, Luna Auclair," Tatum beams brightly, "is this your entire collection at the moment?"
"Not all of it," she twirls around, looking at her work. "I still have some pieces in storage, plus I have an art exhibit with some of my students tomorrow."
"You teach art, too?"
"Yes," Luna beams, "down at the university–"
"Tate?" Ethan calls from outside.
"I'm so sorry," Tatum holds up her hand apologetically to the interruption.  "In here, Rams!" Tatum shouts walking towards the entryway of the canopy.
Ethan struts inside the tent, his eyes instantly intrigued by the swirls of color and intricate placement of designs. "Wow," he whistles with his teeth. He takes off his sunglasses as he begins to focus on a few canvases.
"Aren't they extraordinary?" Tatum bumps up next to him, her attention swept away in the paintings. Ethan hums in approval as he steps in front of the same beach design she had checked out minutes ago. "Do you like it?"
Ethan's eyes stay focused on the art nodding his head. "I do. I really do."
Tatum looks back, but realizes Luna has stepped away. She turns to Ethan, linking his arm with hers. "How about," her voice is soft, "this piece in the study? Or maybe the guest room?"
Tatum's eyebrows crinkle. "No?"
"No," Ethan tilts his head to his wife, "the playroom." The corner of Tatum's mouth curls as her husband continues. "This… this is Cord." He grins as Tatum nods, brushing her pout against his lips.
"I'm sorry I had to leave you like that," Luna waddles back in, "my fiancé called to let me know he's coming by."
"Oh wonderful," Tatum claps her hands together in joy. "Oh, Rams, this is Luna. She painted all of these pieces... And even designed these sculptures."
"Aloha," she coyly greets as Ethan holds his hand for her to shake. 
"Aloha, Luna," he grins kindly. "Very nice work–"
"Nice?" Tatum playfully swats his arm, rolling her eyes at the younger blonde. "Don't believe him," she giggles. As she wraps her arm around his waist, he pulls her in by the shoulders.
"They are phenomenal," Ethan clarifies, "is it possible to have something shipped to the mainland?"
Luna nods. "You two vacationing?"
"Yes," Tatum answers. "We're from the East Coast."
"Oh wow," Luna's eyes widen, "a good ways from home–"
"Thank goodness," Ethan jokes under his breath. "I don't want to even look at something remotely related to work."
"Ethan is an administrator of sorts, a leader of our organization and," she glances at him innocently, "his patience gets tested. A lot. Plus, we haven't gone anywhere in…" Tatum looks curiously at Ethan.
He squints, looking up towards the sky as if calculating something in his head. "Eesh, well over a year. At least."
"No wonder you two got away," Luna shakes her head. "Your work sounds stressful."
Ethan looks at his wife, "That, and–" he smiles proudly, lacing his hand with hers, "we just had a baby."
"Awww!" Luna coos. "Boy or girl?"
Luna squeals. "Is he here?"
Tatum's face falls, Ethan squeezing her hand. "No, he's back home."
"Oh… I bet you miss him."
Tatum kindly smiles and nods. Ethan brushes his lips against her temple before answering. "We very much do… which is why… we are… looking at the art pieces."
"Right!" Luna chirps, snapping her fingers. "Is there something here that is speaking to you?"
Making their way around the showroom, Luna helps pick out a few canvases for Cord's playroom that also boast the essence of the Polynesian culture through the artwork. Returning to her clerical station in the tent, Luna begins carefully packing them up before pulling out paperwork.
"So, you said the East Coast," she starts filling out the document, "where specifically is this heading?"
"Oh my gosh, you're kidding me!" She giggles. "My fiancé–"
"Lunes?" A handsome voice calls out from behind the tent. "I gotcha a rainbow shaved ice."
Ethan feels a strange spike in his blood pressure, his expression falling with concern. "That voice," he mutters under his breath to Tatum. "I… I know that voice."
"Give me a second, B," Luna yells over her shoulder, tearing Ethan and Tatum away from their private conversation. "I'm with a customer." She turns her attention back to the transaction.  "Okay, now… where was I? Oh!"  She grabs a pen, "I just need your name–"
"Ethan Ramsey?"
Tatum and Ethan slowly look towards the voice, appearing behind the tarp before slowly turning to stare at one another.
Ethan gnashes his teeth in irritation, his jaw ticking.  There standing in front of him is an old thorn in his side from Edenbrook, Dr. Bryce Lahela. "We…" he growls softly, "are over five thousand miles away from home. How in the fuck–"
"Ethan, fix your face. Right now–"
"Oh my God!" Luna squeals, her bright eyes staring at Ethan. "You're the Dr. Ethan Ramsey?"
"You have got to be kidding me," Ethan groans. Tatum pinches his side in warning as Luna bounds towards him, shaking his hand emphatically again.
"I've heard so many amazing things about you, sir."
Ethan freezes. "You–you have?"  Tatum quirks an eyebrow, stifling a grin.
"Are you kidding me, Doc?" Bryce pipes up, slinking an arm around Luna.  "You and Tanaka helped shape my career, made me tougher. I took a lot of scary chances in residency, but… you always believed in me, had my back."
Silence falls over the tent. Bryce and Luna both stare happily at Ethan with wide, toothy smiles and stars in their eyes, making the old mentor feel even more awkward. He looks to Tatum, compassion written on her face as she casually nods towards the couple.
Ethan sighs. He extends his arm to shake Bryce's hand; but instead of leaving it at that, Ethan pulls Bryce into a hug, giving him a few pats on the back.
"It's good to see you again, Lahela."
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 months
Hii 🥰
Wishing you the most beautiful birthday of all times. Lots of pink, joy, good cake, drinks & good company 🩷🩷🩷🩷 I hope it rains glitter to sparkle up your day 🥰🩷
I truly hope today is a wonderful day for you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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@peonierose Thank you so much!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗 It was indeed a wonderful birthday and I had lots of fun (and some homemade biriyani!!). And the pink was amazing esp coz I am fond of the colour and my daughter loves it even more 🩷🩷🩷
Love the wishes so much and I hope you have a fabulous year!!!
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lilyoffandoms · 4 months
Hii Lils 🥰
I’ve seen a lot of your beautiful art work that you posted and just wanted to tell you I really like LOVE it 😍🩷
I wish there was like a glitter button that gives you pink confetti when you like someone’s post 😍 (I mean who doesn’t like pink glitter right!? 😍)
Thank you for sharing your art work with us really it makes my whole day just wanted to tell you 🥰 Hope you have a nice day 😍
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Thank you soooooo much!!! Thank you for this kindness 🩷 It means the world to me!!
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peonierose · 3 months
Hi there! I come bearing gifts. Have a wonderful day!
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You absolutely rock 🩷
After the last couple of days of feeling exhausted and tired because of some personal stuff with my dad this is exactly the ray of sunshine I’ve needed to see 😍 So THANK YOU so much I honestly can’t thank you enough for these beautiful pics 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Coupled with the pics you’ve sent and the sunshine outside this is the best thing happening today 🥰🥰🥰🥰
And it’s so true pink isn’t just a color. At least to me it isn’t. It’s that happy feeling that I get when I see something pink and it’s kind of like a pop of color which is so pretty. There are also many shades of pink 🩷 (Btw thank you for inspiring me for a story title and a small story).
Hope you have a pinktastic day 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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cariantha · 7 months
Hii Cari 🩷
So I was thinking of making you something for spread kindness day (week?) And what better way than featuring your beloved Ethan & Sawyer 🩷
Hope you’ll like these two edits (I did try my hand at a manip again 😅 It turned out better than I thought it would).
Also thank you for being a part of our tumblr community and most important thank you for being my friend 🩷 Love you lots 🩷
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Thank you so, so much! First of all, you have been one of the best things to come out of this fandom experience. Thanks for being such an amazing friend. Thanks for being a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for all the fun we have chatting about our real and make believe worlds.
Next, can we talk about these edits?!!! I love them so much. The manip turned out AMAZING! And I don't know if it was intentional, but I love that the word "falling" is showcased next to their photo. I haven't forgotten about the other ask you sent me a million years ago. That's Ethan's line whenever he signs a card for Sawyer..."Still falling, Ethan."
I knew you were up to something when you asked about their song. I love that you captured it here. I didn't realize the album that it was from was called "Ticket to L.A." That fits their story too.
Thank you so much for these gifts.
Love ya, little sis!❤️❤️❤️
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