5. The Exile.
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The Exile moves through life in silence,
More deadly than one might surmise,
For he has seen his share of violence,
And wildfires burn behind his eyes.
The fifth character in my silly poem series is Leonidas of @healersadjust (also @writer-of-histories). A character with one of the most engaging backstories on Tumblr, the writer does a brilliant job of portraying his lack of verbal communication in such a way as to tell a very unique story, without it ever feeling contrived or tokenistic.
Plus they are super nice, very friendly and always willing to help out (I am very grateful to them for all their advice on negotiating the complex social mores of Tumblr!).
Well worth a follow on both blogs!
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lilbittymonster · 6 months
22. — tomorrow
Kitali's fingers trailed lightly over the ridges of scars across Aymeric's shoulder as he slept. Dawn was just beginning to poke through the curtains, and the room was cast in a soft grey light.
At the deep inhale under her hand, she looked up to see a sliver of blue as her........as Aymeric opened his eyes.
"Morning," he said softly, voice still rough from sleep.
"Morning," she responded just as softly. "Did you sleep well?"
He hummed in affirmation as he turned on his side to face her more fully. His hair was even more wavy than usual without any products in it and endearingly messy, and she reached up tentatively to brush it from his face.
"Did you have plans for tonight?" he asked.
"I did promise Stephi that I would stay late tonight," she said.
"Ah, so you've been the one getting us so far ahead of schedule, then," Aymeric said with a grin. "Why am I not surprised."
Kitali shrugged nonchalantly. "It's something to do."
He hummed again, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.
"And....tomorrow?" he asked with a barely noticeable pause.
"Not that I know of. I can keep it that way, though, if you want."
"I would like that very much."
It might have been her imagination but Kitali thought she could see a faint blush creep across his cheeks.
"Tomorrow, then."
Thanks for the ask @healersadjust!
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windupsanson · 2 years
for the ship bingo! sanson/nourval?
Nope for me but not a notp as long as Guydelot is a part of it and everyone is cool with it but not really my thing (do not separate bard boys)
Platonically is definitely a yes, I agree with Sezja post about Sanson and Nourval platonic relationship.
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crazyforbarbatos · 1 year
Obey Me Reactions: Would you love me if I were a frog?
Requested by @healersadjust
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He would rub his temple and wonder which of the brothers came up with this ridiculous question. Regardless, he'd oblige since you seemed to genuinely want the answer.
"Why you be a frog, I'd have no idea. But if you were cursed or there was no way of getting you back to your normal appearance, then yes; I suppose I would love you if you were a frog."
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"If you're a frog, then I'm a frog. I'm your number one demon and you're not turning into no frog without me!" He would be firm on becoming a frog with you. Especially if you were cursed to be a frog forever, he would find a way to become a frog just to be with you. You couldn't get rid of him too. "I love ya, so I'm gonna be a frog too!
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Levi would be confused as to why you even were asking in the first place, but regardless, he knew he would. He would love you if you were a frog. Although, he'd rather not have his Henry, his soulmate be a frog
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"Why not a cat?"
Satan would have to think on this. Would he love you as a frog? That would depend on if your current self turned into a frog or if you were born a frog. Maybe not the latter. But he wasn't going to tell you that.
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He made a face when you asked him. If you were a frog? He would take a few minutes to think it over before changing his tune. If you were a frog, you may be some kind of frog royalty! He could kiss you and you'd turn back and you two would live forever in beautiful fairy tale.
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When you asked it, Beel immediately shook his head. It was probably not a good idea that you would be a frog. He would take care of you, but he likes eating frog legs, and he'd be worried that he'd eat you by accident. How would he even identify Y/N-frog? It'd be better if the two of you were just frogs together
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"A frog? Why?"
He wouldn't care if you were a frog honestly. Yes, he would miss your cuddles and your talks with him in the attic, but he still had you. You would just be in frog form.
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"Of course, you're still you after all. You'll be a very loved frog."
He was surprised and curious about your question. Honestly, questions like this kept him on his toes. He like that about you. And he truly would love you no matter what you were.
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"I don't see why not."
Solomon would laugh when you asked him. It was certainly random but not out of the ordinary. You were so intriguing. He wondered what it was like in your head. Perhaps he would come up with a spell and read your thoughts.
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ofdarklands · 5 months
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@healersadjust's Leonidas for the current FFXIV Swap! :)
It was very fun, thank you for lending him to me for a photo session!
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hinganskies · 3 months
Some Suggestions for FFXIV blogs to follow.
@miqomischief @elfie-kitten @sasslett @ae-fond-seeker @furys-mercy @dedicatedtomoonlighting @dragonsongmakhali @scholarlostintime @pinxli @briar-ffxiv @houserosaire @cadrenebula @captainkurosolaire @finishing-touch @aroseyetbloomedwrites @gigifujijifu @healersadjust @ievaxol @irisopranta @kaitontenchu @laladventures @naejlas-axe @ooeygooeyghoul @pangolinheart @risrielthron @scales-claws-and-thorns @talion-graves @the-unending-journey @uldahstreetrat @umbralaether @xiv-wolfram @yukiotacon @yzeltia @superiorthaumaturge @spotofmummery @ffxivxd @ainyan @placesyoucallhome @tallbluelady
There are lots of others, but I can’t remember how to spell all of them on phone!
oh wow thank you so much this is so helpful and already so much more welcoming than reddit 😭❤️
I had no idea there was such a big community here hello everyone!
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cinnabun-faerie · 6 months
Snowed in at the cabin with Aymeric
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A/N: Day 1 of 12 days to Christmas! I've been super exhausted the past few days and couldn't get this out when I wanted to, but alas, here it is!
Taglist: @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian@ishgardianangel @harmonydork@sevenincubistolemyheart
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It's the holidays and you and Aymeric decide to stay at a log cabin
you arrive there and it's such a cute little place
honestly, since it often snows in Ishgard anyways, it wouldn't be all that bad to actually buy one and live there together
Aymeric wouldn't mind it much, but it'd have to co-exist with his main estate
it was something to think about, not that it would be hard to sway him
it was a nice change to be somewhere quiet
and away from the nosy Ishgardian nobles who love to hear and spread gossip
but it was not the time to think about that
he stood at the door of the cabin while you were already inside, taking your coat, scarf and toque off
"Come in and stay awhile, Aymeric. And you're letting a draft in."
"Let me chop some wood and get some kindling for the fire and I'll be right in."
and he was
he lit the fireplace and soon joined you on the sofa, both of you snuggled up in a warm fuzzy blanket
as the fire crackled, the two of you talked about different things from the holidays to your adventures
a few sweet kisses were exchanged along with the soft whispers of affection
and soon you were sound asleep in each other's arms
totally unaware that outside the log cabin, a snow storm was brewing
with the fire out, and the air cold, did you huddle closer to Aymeric for warmth
but he woke up to your chilled nose against his neck
that was odd
your nose shouldn't be cold with the fire going
the fire burned out
that's alright, he could just go out and get more wood
no big deal
he hears the wind howling and opens the door to find that the snow is as high as the door
he just kinda stares for a second before closing the door
his main priority is keeping you warm
if anything happens to you, he could never forgive himself
he goes and gets a few heavy blankets and puts them on you
"Go back to sleep, love."
he puts his armor on and tries to dig his way out of the snow enough so he can go get the logs
if he has to chop them inside, so be it
he should have chopped more wood earlier just in case
but there wasn't any snow in the forecast...
once he retrieves the axe and some wood with little issue, he lights the fire again
and he's gonna make sure to hold you close to him so you don't get cold
he wouldn't want you getting sick during the holidays
although, he would take care of you if you did
he would pepper your cheeks and lips with kisses as he waits for you to wake
when you do, you're giggly and kiss him back
"What's with all this?"
"We're snowed in."
"You kissed me 'cause we're snowed in?"
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melverie · 2 months
Thank you to everyone that kept booping me, and to everyone that kept engaging in boop wars with me 🫡
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Special shout out to @healersadjust @ghostlyyraccoon @shootingstarrfish @bagofwetmice @wizardthesai @mango4theemango @deal-with-the-devilssss @verity-clover @zeldadou @frogfishie @xxcutielevixx and many others for engaging in several boops war. It was a lot of fun and you all were worthy opponents 🫡💚💚💚💚
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irisopranta · 8 months
FFXIV Swap 2: Enchanted Balls and Haunted Halls
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I got the Lovely Aki Mitsuo and Leonidas Corvell from @healersadjust as my giftee for FFXIV Swap 2. I made them a set of gposes of them with their partners on an autumn walk.
Thanks again @sasslett, @ainyan, and the mods on the Swap Discord for putting this together.
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gatheredfates · 2 months
Looked at your bio and immediately got The Night Does Not Belong To God by Sleep Token stuck in my head- what a wonderful excuse to listen to it on repeat 💖✨
Was it a reference to that song, or something completely different? Out of curiosity.
Have a wonderful day of booping 💖🫶💖
It is The Night Does Not Belong To God! I got into Sleep Token around 2019 and have not looked back - they are, hands down, my favourite band and influence too much of my work ( looking at all these links like 'holy shit, yeah sea, you went insane' ). The band is pretty much a facet of my personality now and that will not change.
All I need is a Sundowning vinyl ( and possibly Jaws but I KNOW how expensive that one is ) and I'd be complete. I have a red and a blue This Place Will Become Your Tomb, which is my favourite (yes I bought two vinyls, what of it), and a pink Take Me Back To Eden - among other merch.
I just find their lyrics so evocative and Vessel's singing is just mwah. Perfection. No notes. I cried at Euclid. @healersadjust
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💎💎💎 for either aki or leonidas, if you’d like?
i am still finishing the one you sent in !!! i promise i’ll get it fjdjdjdj
*Mimble goes in search of his errant teapot once more*
The young Miqo'te? Ah yes a complex young lady, although she would deny that herself of course. Which is, of course, further evidence of her complexity I suppose.
*Mimble finally locates the teapot, which is currently made of polished copper, with a handle of dark mahogany*
Well she is enthusiastic certainly, with an appetite for learning that would shame an Archon. Such a hunger for knowledge, and a greater hunger still for the means to access such knowledge via the written word. Such voracious curiosity!
*Mimble pours the tea, which is a pale golden brown, into his cup*
And yet, she is burdened, weighted down, one senses, with events of the past. No...not just events but messages, labels... blame. Perhaps her journey is not just one of learning, but of unlearning in some ways. Were it within my gift, I would wish that, as she learns more in the present, it might squeeze out the lessons of the past. Alas life is rarely so tidily arranged.
*Mimble checks nobody is watching and dunks a biscuit into his tea*
She is tempestuous certainly, quick to anger, but equally quick to laugh or cry. She seems to feel things very vividly. Perhaps the impetuousness of youth? Or perhaps a consequence of her own conflicted sense of self? Let us hope that, as she learns to better understand herself and other people, she achieves greater mastery of her emotions. Although I would be saddened were she to ever laugh less readily.
*Mimble smiles somewhat wistfully and finishes his tea*
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
for the sleepy prompts!
running fingers through their hair as they snooze against your shoulder
"You're up late."
Kitali looked up from the flames as Ancel approached.
"Says the man also up late," she retorted.
He laughed softly as he sat next to her on the ground.
"I feel as though I've barely seen you lately. How're you doing?"
"I'm fine," he said with a tight lipped smile. She knew that smile well.
He winced, then sighed in defeat. "I'm....exhausted," he admitted softly. "But we can ill afford to rest as your bodies still decline on the Source. I can ill afford to rest. It falls to me to keep the rest of you safe."
"Y'know, just because some mage in a tower said you're the last hope of the star doesn't mean you have to carry all the burden," Kitali pointed out. "We're all stuck here together, may as well share it."
"I will not see any more of you come to harm," he stated firmly.
"You won't help anyone by running yourself into the ground, either."
Ancel worried at the cuff of his jacket. The crackle and popping of wood as it burned filled the silence between them. Kitali leaned forward, wrapping her arms around her knees as she stared once more into the flames, unwilling to push the argument further. Some time later, so softly she almost missed it, Ancel broke the silence once more.
"Sleeping alone has been.....difficult," he murmured.
Kitali took in his hunched form, how gaunt his face had become even in the short time since he'd arrived on the First. Knowing him, this is likely the first time he's even mentioned being tired in the slightest.
"C'mere," she said, rotating to face him and holding out an arm. "You need to rest, I'll keep watch."
Ancel looked over at her, as though waiting for the punchline. "Y-you do not have to, Kitali, I would not keep you-"
"Ancel. Letting you sleep for a few hours is not going to kill me, I promise," she said with exasperation.
Slowly, as if anticipating she'd up and run at any second, Ancel reclined until his head was nestled against her shoulder, torso relaxed against hers with legs bent. Out of habit, Kitali brought her hand up to smooth through his hair. It was just as soft as she remembered, as was the sigh that escaped his lips at her touch. And within minutes, his breathing evened and shallowed into sleep.
Thank you for the prompt @healersadjust! Took a minute to find soething for it but I think it was worth the wait :3
(Ancel most beloved belongs to @hermits-hovel)
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windupsanson · 2 years
you’re the sanson mutual ofc, but also like. you remind me of a reading outside on a sunny day if that makes sense? sunny day mutual
Aww thank you so much I don’t know what to say 😊
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dragonsongmakhali · 2 months
Mutual catch-up!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: X-Files, though we're doing a mythology-only watchthrough. We're most of the way through Season 4 at the moment :> tbh I'll likely go back and watch all of the episodes we skipped once we've finished the plot.
THREE SHIPS: all of my ships are OCxOC ships, so it would likely be silly to list them here. Y'all would be familiar with Makhali/Khasan [aka Makhasan], tho!
FAVORITE COLOR: If forced to choose one, black. If I'm allowed an accent color, red.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: XIV, though gpose is less consumption and more creation. It is consuming my waking thoughts, though, so I think it counts.
FIRST SHIP: Inuyasha and Kagome. Yeah, I was in the inu trenches.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Born in raised in Florida, babey :(
CURRENT LOCATION: still Florida (unfortunately)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: happily married to my best friend
LAST MOVIE: believe it or not. The original Shrek, because we were on a plane (the third of the day) and my anxiety was so bad I couldn't sleep or relax, so my husband put on something silly and made sure I wasn't thinking about the endless turbulence on our flight.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: ton of Makhali/Khasan poses, both in ideas/composition and pose-building itself. I realized how much serotonin I get from posing them and now I must make that the world's problem 👍
Tagged by: @sealrock - aaa thank you!!
Tagging: @mimble-sparklepudding @paintedscales @healersadjust @chadhunkler and @airis-ray - if any of y'all have done this, feel free to ignore! I only just recently figured out what year it was, so I'm not sure who's gotten to share some fun mun factoids :'>
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clauidi · 5 months
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Secret Santa/ffxiv swap art for @healersadjust!
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umbralaether · 4 months
What aesthetic color are you?
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You have a soft heart. Your home is full of little sentimental nick-nacks you've made, been given, or picked up on your travels, and anyone who enters is immediately put at ease by your comforting energy. Your friends know they can turn to you for a cup of tea and a tight hug, or, if necessary, a kick in the ass. At times, you find yourself tending to others more than you do yourself, and you often take on more than you can bear of others' sadness. Just remember-- you are worth the same kindness you show the people around you. They would want nothing less for you.
Tagged by @vasheden! Thank you!
Tagging: @healersadjust @arinaxiv @sundered-souls @ladyofvoss & anyone else who would like to do it!
Quiz here: https://uquiz.com/quiz/mxnx5b?p=353429
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