#;;ff7 hc
whitesilverandmercury · 9 months
Zack Aerith Cloud ☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - ha ha
i see what you did hahaha very smooth
i will post them all separately then link back here!! ;)
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i owe it to younger me to learn how to draw him properly...
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waifujuju · 3 months
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Cloud Strife stimming hours
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wowa-bublord · 21 days
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sephiroth gainsborough!!! :D
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strayheartless · 5 months
Random body headcanons for AGSZC:
Zacks hyper mobile. His elbows do the thing where they bend to far out when he sticks them up. He can also touch his thumb completely to his wrist and crack his hips. Down side of this is so many broken bones.
Cloud has got little scars on the back of his hands and calf’s from various canings.
However the stupidest scar he has is the one on the inside of his lip where zack bit him as a joke… they were not dating at the time.
Angeal has a couple of scars on his right forearm and elbow from the time he had to get the bone pinned because Genesis pushed him out of a tree when they were eight.
Sephiroth doesn’t really scar unless it’s a deep deep wound. He’s got a few surgery scars but the dumbest one is the one on his wrist that is a suspicious match for Genesis’s dental records (it’s exactly what you think.)
Cloud and Genesis and both incredibly flexible people.
Angeal is about as stiff as a board. Genesis has tried to loosen him up with yoga. It did not work.
Zacks not inflexible, however he overestimates how bendy he actually is and usually hurts himself.
Zack can dance he just chooses to be bad at it. The only time you’ll catch him dancing properly is when he’s trying to wooh his partners.
While Cloud and Genesis are very flexible, Sephiroth has mastered the ability of being able to fit all six foot five of himself in the gap behind the boiler in the airing closet. Many hours have been lost to that place.
Zack runs hotter than the sun.
Genesis runs surprisingly cold for someone who favours fire materia.
Cloud frequently does not recognise that he feels cold. He will walk around with blue lips until Angeal wrestles him into a jumper.
Angeals shoulders have been known to be wider than some door frames.
Don’t ask me where this came from. I do not have the answer.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
First Class Boyos reacting to their S/O booping their nose scenario.
This just came up in my head and I just had to write the boys reacting to it, enjoy~!
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Genesis: He'd feign resistance, pulling his head away from you with an amused smirk on his face. He acts like he's so above it. Such a childish action won't be acknowledged by him, totally not. Then, you would try to do this in front of Sephiroth and Angeal. He’d really try to act like it bothers him in front of his friends, but his subtle, delighted grin and the sparkle in his mesmerizing blue-mako eyes tell you a different story when you finally did it. Just don't do it in public, however. He’d be so flustered. He has to look sharp to keep up his reputation, you know.
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Sephiroth: The first time it happened, you two were caught in a playful argument. To end it, you leaned in and gave him a gentle boop on the nose. He was taken aback when he felt the soft nudge on his nose and the cozy sensation that followed. His heart skipped a beat when he saw your sweet, inquisitive face in response. As a result, His inner child's glee would increase every time you did this, as evidenced by his growing smile... Congrats, The Crisis Cutie now requires you to give him a fair share of nose boops each week, especially when you two have a friendly squabble. At least you got a good chance to win the argument since he’s so weak for them. Fair warning though, He might go into a sulky pout if you deny him the boops he yearned for. 
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Angeal: As you gently pressed your finger to his nose, he felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered his mother doing this to him once when he was a child, and the memory brings a sense of comfort to him. You will get a nose boop in return for the first time, without a doubt. He won’t want them all the time though, so it would have be done sparsely. You can count on it as a great pick-me-up when he needs a bit of comfort, or just needs a soft reminder that everything will be okay. It might become a thing you both do with Zack.
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eruukat-art · 3 months
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doing my part to further the buff tifa agenda o7
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hawtlineblingz · 1 month
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what is it like to date Reno Sinclair (tbf im still fond of the 'sinclair') :
Reno, who takes you out somewhere nice every once in a while after recieving a few thousand gil from missions.
Reno, who is simply a handsy boyfriend.
Reno, who often took you out on a night ride just because sky is his playground.
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flowersinmidgar · 1 year
Genesis absentmindedly tapping a pen on the table in the middle of a meeting and Sephiroth's eyes just DILATING and completely losing focus on everything else but the pen because catboy instincts say That Is A Thing I Need To Kill Because It Is Moving
he smacks it (and Genesis' hand) out of nowhere and the meeting is subsequently put on hold because now Genesis has a broken wrist and the table has a sizeable dent in it.
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prismaticpichu · 6 months
Sephiroth, clawing and slashing and hitting in a desperate endeavor to free his arm from the ruthless figure seizing it. It’s a scientist—another faceless, hellish assistant that wants to drag him back to the operation room, to the Mako tanks, to the cold chill of the metal tables and the sneering glints of the instruments. He struggles with all his might, continues to bat and grapple and snarl in defiance. But the figure doesn’t let him go. Its grip is too tight, too viselike. Too equally stubborn.
“You’re sick…!” the scientist roars, but its voice is somehow much younger than the body. “You gotta stay in bed!”
Gotta…. What a strangely informal word to use… The scientists never talk like that.
“C’mon… you gotta try to calm down! It’s me. You’re okay, buddy…”
The scientists were never this colloquial with him. They were never…. affectionate…
“There we go… Easy now. You know I’m not gonna hurt you. Everything’s okay, Seph.”
No one… has…
Slowly, the man blinks, and the world seems to make sense again.
Zack is standing in front of him. Zack, his friend, his own friend… not at all a hellish, shadowy scientist. A quiet yet relieved smile blooms on Zack’s face as he sees the clarity return to the emerald eyes.
“That’s it, buddy. I knew you were in there.” He gives his arm a loving squeeze.
Sephiroth sits there, his face beaded with sweat, argent bangs glued to the sides of his clammy cheeks. He tries to speak, tries to croak anything.
“….Zack, I…”
“Hey… shhh. It’s okay.” Zack leans forward, gently guiding him back down onto the pillow. “Just sleep, bud. I’ll take care of you. Promise.”
Unable to hold the weight of the light any longer, Sephiroth closes his eyes, the gentle motions of his best friend dabbing a cloth against his forehead lulling him to sleep.
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whitesilverandmercury · 11 months
ff7 headcanon vignettes
in which aerith is tired of zack's adorably insufferable shyness when it comes to actually making a move
august [ ν ] - εγλ 0001
They’re jumping into a fallen reinforced concrete pipe to shake him, like it’s a slide at the park—which, all discarded things considered, it is. Sector 5 is a playground of topside rubble and trash, repurposed debris, and Zack’s hand is in Aerith’s and she’s the line leader. Hide and seek with Tseng is nothing new, just that Tseng never knew the rules changed or that today Zack is playing, too. He swings Aerith half onto his lap so she won’t ruin her skirt, skids them to a stop with the heels of his SOLDIER boots just before the pipe ends and a bad fall would begin. She has her arms around his neck, clinging. He has his arms around her waist, clutching. Both are choking back sounds of thrill lest they give away their hiding spot. Silent whispering, instead. Mouthing: Close call! Nice save! Nose to nose, wide- and wild-eyed, flushed and flustered. Across the way, a potato sack snagged by twisted metal whips in the wind like a flag. Aerith can feel her heartbeat on her tongue. She grabs Zack’s face and he goes, “Huh?” and on his half-open mouth, she plants her own. Zack breathes in sharp through his nose. He smells like running in the sun and something else earthy-sweet, distinctly him. Aerith doesn’t see when he closes his eyes, too, but certainly it’s just before he’s kissing her back. The Cetra told an old, old story, that a soulmate was part of one’s life force that had been bottled and sent away, and all the time you spend alive, you’re just following its call home.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
The boys walk in to find Cloud and Genesis in a compromising position. But it’s not what it looks like, they swear. It’s just a misunderstanding
*Cloud is trying to fix his belt buckle*
Genesis: Do you need help?
Cloud: Yeah, I can't get this to close.
Genesis: Okay, hang on. I'll have to kneel because you're so short.
Cloud: Do what you must.
*Genesis starts messing with the belt buckle. Meanwhile Sephiroth stops around the corner to fix his hair*
Cloud: Ah! You're going too hard—Ugh!
Genesis: It's not my fault it's so tight.
Sephiroth (internally): That can't be right. Surely they're not...
Cloud: Ow! Genesis!
Genesis: Look, if you're going to complain, then I'm going to stop. My knees hurt anyway.
Sephiroth (internally): No, no. I'm overthinking things. They have to be doing something else. I'll just have a look.
*Genesis pulls on the belt buckle hard and they both topple to the ground. Cloud is on top of Genesis. Sephiroth walks out and sees this*
Sephiroth: Ah, just as I suspected.
Cloud: I can expla—
Sephiroth: Genesis is a bottom.
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"Have you seen her?
Her arc is about toxic masculinity driving her into trouble all the time until she learns to ask for help and lean on others.
Cloud was clearly only mad at wearing that dress because she was so very egg and didnt want to hatch just yet, too afraid of how wearing that dress made her feel and what that meant and repressed it as hard as possible because she had bigger problems.
Get her some E and maybe she might have more fun." - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open!
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phantasmacabre · 16 days
Realized I neglected to make a post for Reno for the Turk HC posts I've been doing:
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1. He's the eldest in a large improvished family that he doesn't have contact with anymore, having decided to try and make a life for himself by trying (and ultimately succeeding) to become a Turk
2. He has several tattoos besides the markings on his face: a Thunderbird (from Crisis Core) with a Midgarzormr clutched in its talons on his back, Leviathan wrapping around his right leg and stargazer lilies on his left calf
3. His natural hair color is a dark ash brunette (just a little lighter than Zack's black hair, darker than Tifa's hair)
4. He and Tseng were the most affected by Aerith's death
5. He formerly had an addiction to hyper
6. Has the biggest sadistic streak out of the main four Turks, because of this he is usually sent on missions where a target needs to be interrogated or reminded just who the Turks are and what they are capable of
7. He loves Tequila
8. Rude thought he was annoying when they first met
9. Is adamant that he is a great singer despite constantly being told the opposite by Elena. She often needs a remedy after riding in the car or copter with him since he is usually screeching a medley of songs off key
10. He frequently visits the old Sector 5 church to pay his respects and "talk" to Aerith
11. He has a fondness for coeurl print
Again don't take these too seriously, these posts are just for fun and you are free to block/like/request
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wowa-bublord · 13 days
Do you have any idea of when Cloud got top surgery in your Zack lives AU? Was he able to while in Midgar or was it the one good thing Hojo did over 4 years? "I may be a monster, but I'm not transphobic"
I headcanon he got it a bit before nibelheim, at around 16! Since he worked a job involving a lot of exercise, wearing a binder just wouldn't be practical or safe hehe. I imagine him as having top surgery, but not being on testosterone until after he's in midgar (or maybe he was on testosterone, but it's not like him and zack could have access to that anymore while he's in a coma/while theyre on the run) Him getting top surgery in the labs is really funny though JDHGFHDJ, he wakes up all disoriented and he's like. "....did my boobs get cut off" "Yea" "bawesome."
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sephi1i · 4 months
First post on Tumblr!! My name is Sav (or Sephii) :D
This post consists mainly of Sephiroth (+ Sephzack) doodles and whatnot. I've been trying to get better at anatomy and fabric, so I used her as the character for the studies. I view/hc Sephiroth as Trans Fem (She/They/It) who either transitioned after the Nibelheim incident or is capable of changing forms thanks to Jenova cells (Jenova is literally a sexually ambiguous entity who can morph/look like other people, Seph should totally be allowed to be what she wants!)
Slight Warning - Non-Sexual Nudity, these are anatomy studies nothing more!!
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