thenekosimon · 1 year
Continued from here
Groaning she turned around as her eyes landed on Merek. Removing her shirt and then her shoes Simon just shook his head. “It’s so unfair that this had to be from another staff member. I think it’s cheating.”
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“You. Why don’t you come back to my place and help out ya?” Avery pointed at the first man to cross his path in the halls. Ya he had gone a few rounds a bit ago but now he wanted more and he wasn’t going to complain who it was. “I need something to fuck. And you look like you’d be handsome under me.”
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finalatomicbuster · 5 days
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Merek Flint for Zeus Magazine (1982)
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noblenikolas · 2 years
Nikolas smirked as he knocked on the male’s door. It wasn’t the first time or last time Nikolas was at Merek’s door. This time he brought some wine. “I figured you’d rather not spend a night alone. Hope you don’t mind.” The master held up the bottle as he looked at the other. “Been a bit since we just talked.”
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ryanmaniulit · 10 months
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One thing about me is I love a promotional poster...
✦ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭 ✦ coming fall 2025 @abramsbooks
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front-line-head-line · 10 months
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Thought of the Day: All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies given the shape of creatures by the fell power of Chaos.
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suncaptor · 5 months
Mark Sloan is SO funny. He loves Derek so much. He's the best man at his wedding. his life is intertwined with Derek's for decades. He sleeps with Derek's wife. Then Derek moves across the country to get away from him because of that. Mark moves across the country too (these men have established careers as surgeons) with the explicit intent of trying to get Derek back. flirts with the new person Derek has feelings for and implies that's not new, their similar taste. when things don't work out with Derek and that girl but Derek gets a new girlfriend he tells Derek he's upset because he thought after the girls it'd just be him and Derek. After breaking up Derek's first marriage. Then he ends up falling for the younger sister of Derek's new wife. also both Derek and Mark's other best friend call him good boy at least one point, the latter during sex, and Mark craves Derek's compliments. which is an important tidbit for me.
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xkeyon · 2 months
Armageddon Steel Legion for 11th ed
For some reason I have just a feeling that the Armagededdon Steel Legion will get what Cadia got in 9th and if rumours are true Krieg will get during 10th especially if the latter is true. Much that was brought into the game during Codex: Armagededdon becoming plastic with some new things to go along with it.
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Now some of the bits here I am putting are matching it with free index card info from that GW put out so if there was changes I can't find it, as well no idea what changes when the 10th ed codex comes out. Armagededdon Steel Legion keyword units: -Armagededdon Steel Legionnaire, the baseline unit to use. -Armagededdon Steel Legion Command Squad, leads Armagededdon Steel Legionnaires. New things added - Armagededdon Veteran Commissars, Commissars that have fought the more intense battles of the Armageddon wars they have to honour the greatest of them removed their arm after killing an Ork to take their Power Klaw as their own, lead Armagededdon Steel Legionnaries, Armagededdon Ork Hunters. -General Pious Korren, one of their greatest Tank Commanders gets a model that is one to go along with his Shadowsword the Iron Saint giving it a boost, he has also per the wishes of a great hero the Baneblade Fortress of Arrogance.
So new units to get added but don't have the keyword, even though in the lore are part of it like Ursula Creed and Kasrkin don't have the Cadia Keyword even though are part of it in the story. Neutral Guard Keywords Armagededdon Ork Hunters, starting off as a kill team, they would act very much like how one would use the jungle fighters but come with some very good anti-ork skills with the AVC brining out 120 percent of their potential.
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Adelaide Von Strab, the out of wedlock daughter of Herman Von Strab, the 2 cared little for each other, the only she liked was using this connection to allow her to take the officer test to become a Tank Commander. Her skill then got her the position, and the Honours. During one battle she saved the life of Arcadian Leontus, and the two grew close, with this closeness having Herman give her the Von Strab name officially though it didn't mean anything to her. This name did one time bring trouble by the Inquisition after Herman Von Strab betrayal though was proven innocent, is still watched. She would be basically a better Tank commander for the Leman Russ. For look and personality
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So there are 2 more units 1 is Armagededdon connected. One would be Priests of "Saint" Grimaldus but these could be Black Templars, or maybe even Agents of the Imperium if church members are added to it. The other is Savlar Chem Dogs as units, however unlike the the Ork Head Hunters which could be seen to the Steel Legion as what Kasrkin are to Cadia these would be their own/neutral.
Will go more detail with everything but I kind of want to see first somethings like if Agents of the Imperium is the unknown codex, and if Krieg will be in 10th. But from here what do people think? Any suggestions on things that should/could be added?
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kresnikxkaden · 3 months
Continued from here
Kaden bit his bottom lip against a groan, Merek's touch sending sparks flying throughout each and every nerve-ending in the most pleasurable way. "Don't play coy now, darlin', I reckon you know exactly what I need." He held Merek by the waist and cupped the back of his neck with his other hand as he pulled the pyromancer in for a kiss.
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molochka-koshka · 3 months
👾 for vanya or your von valancius or both! (or a character of ur choosing lol if theyre too new)
For Vanya, first~
His playlist is still pretty short, but this ties into his backstory pretty well! He's an elf on Athas without a tribe and he wanders a bit.
He misses his home a lot but wouldn't change anything he did that led to his exile either though???
And now Merek~
It's complicated but it gives me him x marazhai vibes in the least healthy of ways
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councillor-roland · 3 months
continued from here
"I suppose there is a certain appeal." Roland agreed, grinning, though closed that teasing gap almost instantly to grab the back of Merek's head and pull him into a rough kiss. It was even better than usual with the spell, every touch more exquisite and making him shiver even harder. Roland had less patience than usual, though, and used his speed to slam Merek back into the wall even as he ravaged his mouth, dragging his claws down his chest to cut clothing and skin alike.
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merekhopper · 3 months
During his lifetime, Merek could probably count on one hand the number of times he'd done something that others would consider reckless or stupid. The pyromancer tended to err more on the side of caution with things like that, well aware of how truly precarious his position within the castle was and how easily he could lose his standing in Krovs. It seemed, however, that he was about to do something maybe a little more than reckless as he left his rooms that day. It had been irking him more often these days that he wasn't able to see Kaden nearly as much as he would like to after Lucien had "grounded" the kresnik and Merek had made the decision to change it for just that day, at least. And if it meant getting Kaden out for a few hours, even better.
He'd managed to bribe one of the witches on staff to help him teleport into Lucien's suite, unable to use that magic himself but knowing from his time spent with the councilman that he didn't have any extra protections around the place. And why would he? It wasn't as if someone would be stupid enough to break into one of the vampires personal spaces, particularly someone with power like the doctor. Merek was just hoping using this method of breaking and entering meant he would be less likely to get caught.
Merek stayed frozen in the suite for a moment, half paranoid that Lucien was going to come into the room at any second and catch him. When it seemed that wasn't going to happen, he started further inside. "Kaden?"
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nahim · 4 months
closed starter for @merekhopper
with his self-guided grand tour of the castle complete, nahim could finally begin to feel settled. whilst he had no intention of spending all his time here – he was all too aware of his presence being required back in valletta whilst malta processed the passing of marcellino and accepted the ascension of nahim. it was far too big of an ask to expect the coven (though he loathed addressing the others in such a manner, it felt far too theatrical) to shoulder the burden of sociopolitical matters; they had made their collective stance abundantly clear following marcellino’s death: they wanted nothing to do with anything relating to the council and though it was inconvenient, nahim had graciously accepted their reluctance to be even slightly useful. 
plucking his phone from his pocket as notification after notification made it impossible to ignore, nahim sorted through the array of various messages and emails as he moved on autopilot, drifting through the corridors as if he’d inhabited the castle for far longer than a handful of hours. the sound of a door closing behind him pulled him from his technological distractions in a heartbeat and he paused, turning to face the source with a curious smile as his gaze settled on the chief of staff. “merek, isn’t it? or… am i incorrect? i’m still trying to match names and faces.”
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finalatomicbuster · 8 days
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Merek Flint for Zeus Magazine (1982)
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chameleon8 · 5 months
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meeting Reggie be like
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ryanmaniulit · 10 months
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The Grey and the Gallant early development art ✦
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