#// also written at midnight so i've probably forgotten people and for that i am sorry
untwined-b · 1 year
i am officially a master of science as of today, this year has been an absolute rollercoaster with more lows than highs. but luckily it ended on the highest possible note. 
tumblr has been my safe space, a place for me to rewind during the craziness of thesis writing and i am forever grateful for the experiences i’ve had this year.
to allie ( @acipaer ) thank you for becoming my ride-or-die this year. for giving me one of my greatest experiences on this site. plotting and world building with you mean absolutely everything to me. becoming your friend has been an absolute joy, and i wouldn’t trade you for the world. you truly are one of a kind and i am lucky to call you my friend! love you lots!
to abigail ( @cehcelia ) thank you for always sticking with me, for sending me songs that remind you of our characters. for listening to me whenever life got too heavy to carry by myself, you are one of my longest-standing friends and i am so lucky to have you! to ri ( @brokenmedic ) thank you for all of the moments we’ve had this year. grateful we made it back into each other’s lives again. you’ll always have a special part in my heart, and being your friend is an absolute pleasure.
to my off campus family ( @l1teraes, @shadowbrn, @toapaixonar & @loresode ) thank you for making me fall in love with this silly little hockey world. for listening to my crazy ideas and welcoming my original characters with open arms. this has become such a safe haven for me, and i am eternally grateful for all of you.
to the top gun summer family ( @ltkarma, @maveriq, @lieutrebel & @barracda ) but especially my maint family ( @wahrsagung, @dngerclose / @e1igius & @mooncalender ) thank you all for the most amazing summer! grateful i got to take the highway to the danger zone with all of you. for making me fall in love with a fandom again, it was an absolute joy to meet and write with you all.
to @mythsonly, @hellsurvivr, @lingeringscars, @eydetik & @precariousfates thank you for being such good friends. for encouraging me and reaching out, it is a pleasure being your friend. will always appreciate your friendships!
to everyone else, i am sorry if i have forgotten anyone else - but please know you all make my dash a safe place to be, and that i am eternally grateful to have people like you in my life! love you all!
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wewillwriteyou · 5 years
Hello! I've previously read some of your imagines and they are really good. I was wondering if I could make a request though? I was thinking something like 'the reader finds out that they're pregnant by Ben Hardy, and then they break up but she doesn't tell Ben about it. Then 6 months later (when you have your pregnant stomach) Ben runs into you but thinks that you're someone else and you fall back in love. ' Hope that's okay? Thanks! :)
Thank you so much for the ask @queenlover05! Sorry, it took us a while to answer, we hope this story is worth the wait! 💕🔥 
Warnings: ANGST, language, mentions of unprotected sex, pregnancy and a LOT of FLUFF in the end
Characters: Y/N & Ben Hardy
Word count: 2.6K words a little longer than usual for a request, my hand slipped oops
Written by: @deakyswhitequeen
This is a work of fiction. Please DO NOT take this as facts from real life. We don’t know the actual people nor do we claim to know what they do on their own time. They’re just characters here.
Remember that this contains ANGST; if you feel uncomfortable when reading this kind of topic/situation, please just skip this story.
Love you, folks xxx
Request a story from this prompt list!
Staring at the white and blue bathroom tiles of your bathroom’s floor, you forced yourself to remember how to breathe.
Closing your eyes, you inhaled, held your breath, and exhaled. Repeatedly.
How the fuck did this happen?
  Stay calm. Breathe. Clear your mind.
When the fuck did this happen?
  Breathe. Everything’s gonna be okay. Stay calm.
Fuck, what am I gonna do now?
  Clear your mind.
Do I tell him?
  Stop it. Breathe.
Shit, how should I call him? Or text him? Should I show up at his place? Should I tell him to come at mine? Will he want to see me? Do I want to see him again? Should I wait a while? Should I tell him right away?
“STOP!” you yelled out.
You didn’t mean to scream it out. Those voices inside your head were becoming louder and louder and were talking over each other and constantly fighting. You felt like your head was gonna explode.
Your eyes shut open and focused again on the intricate motives on the white tiles of your bathroom.
Looking around you, you found the stick on the floor two feet away from you.
Three lines. No way you could mistake it. You were pregnant.
In all your life, of all the times you’d imagined that moment, you’d never imagined something like that.
You thought it would have been a joyful moment, with a little bit of fear and worry for the huge step you’d gonna be taking, but mainly happiness. With the person you’d be spending your life with.
Instead, you found yourself sitting on the floor of your bathroom, alone.
You felt hopeless, abandoned and utterly, completely alone.
Rubbing your eyes with your hands, you forced yourself to find the strength of standing up and looking at your reflection in the mirror.
Now all the late evening sicknesses, the aversion to tuna and salmon which you normally loved and the sense of uneasiness every time you got up in the morning had a reason to be. What a fool you felt now for not having understood earlier.
You stared at your own reflection, turning halfway to your left, looking for some signs of a bigger belly but everything looked normal to you. It must have been like a month or two max.
Caressing your lower belly, you sighed. The next thing in your mind besides coming to terms with it  was realising you now would have had to tell him.
The thought of him brought you back to the night when six weeks ago the two of you had put the word ’end’ to your relationship. That night had only been the climax of a lot of things piling up over those months of being together, like fights about him always being away, fights about you working late in the evenings and endless fights about way too many rescheduled dates and missed calls.
You remembered the look on his face when you both realised that that was it for the two of you. You remembered him cupping your face and kissing you heavily and passionately and then him rolling you over on his couch and just exploring every inch of your body as if to try and impress it all in his mind. You remembered not wanting that moment to end and savouring every inch of his skin, inhaling his cologne and absorbing the image of his beautiful green eyes into yours.
You also remembered crying your eyes out later that same night. After making love for what seemed like an eternity and a fraction of a second at the same time, he’d fallen asleep next to you and you’d felt tears pricking behind your eyes. You’d cried silently and lulled yourself to sleep that way, knowing you’d never stop loving him.
The timer beeping in the kitchen told you it was midnight and brought you back from your flashback.
You couldn’t tell him about the pregnancy.
You knew that the second your eyes would have met his, you’d become puddle at his feet. You were too much in love with him to have the strength of telling him you were expecting his baby and then see him walk away again from you.
Getting over him was one of the hardest things you’d ever done and you were not sure you would have bared to do it another time.
You opened the sink and let cold water wash over your face. When you looked back up at yourself in the mirror, you were sure you’d taken the right decision.
Months passed and your determination and will power made it possible that the baby grew strong and healthy in your belly, which was getting bigger and bigger by the day, according to your friends and family. They had repeatedly asked you who the father was, but the only person who you’d actually told the truth to was your gynecologist.
She was the only one who knew the father of your baby was actually Ben freaking Hardy.
Every time someone close to you asked you who the father was, you just said it was this guy who you’d seen for a few months and then broke up with because of his work. Which in fact was not entirely untrue… you just happened to omit the fact that the guy was a world-famous celebrity.
You resolved way early in the pregnancy that sharing the father’s identity would only have compromised his work – the media would have followed him everywhere – and your privacy.
It was only easier this way.
As you walked through your last six months in your mind, a little smile popped up on your lips and you mentally applauded yourself for handling it so well.
You were only a few gynecologist-appointments away to the due date and not a single call or text from Ben. Over the months, as you taught yourself to forget about him, you figured he had forgotten about you.
That Monday you had left home later than usual for your OBGYN appointment. Your heels clicked on the asphalt of the sidewalk as you walked quickly from your car to the clinic. You checked in for the examination and were told you had a two-hour wait ahead of you.
Hearing your stomach grumble for something to eat – which you had not had in the hurry of leaving home as soon as possible – you decided to employ those two hours in getting breakfast at the Starbucks across the street.
Just like you’d expect, there were dozens of people in line for coffee. You patiently got in line and took out your phone to look through your messages and pass the time.
Two messages from mom, a missed call from your friend Debbie and an Instagram direct from your group of friends. The usual.
Scrolling through your feed you noticed recurring photos of Ben recently taken by paparazzi. Ben in a sweatshirt jogging in the park, Ben in his grey beanie walking Frankie, Ben in the pink suit at Wembley with Gwilym.
His face seemed to be everywhere those days. And it was becoming harder to ignore the fact that you hadn’t told him about the baby.
You sighed frustrated and put your phone away in your purse, accidentally elbowing the person behind you in line.
As you turned to apologize, you looked up and froze on your spot.
You’d looked at one of his pictures on the phone like three seconds ago and there he was.
“Sorry…” you mumbled and quickly turned around. You had only been able to catch a glimpse of the reassuring smile he had given you.
He was wearing air pods so he probably hadn’t even heard you. You hoped he hadn’t noticed how red you’d become on your cheeks and how awkward you were moving now that you knew he was behind you.
He was even more handsome than you remembered, with his stupid black leather jacket you used to borrow all the time and the black sunglasses in his hair. It was hard not to think how much you’d missed him.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” the woman behind the cashier asked you.
You shot a fleeting glimpse behind you and answered: “Y/N”.
As she wrote down your name on the cup, you felt something moving behind you and you soon heard his voice
“Y/N, is that you?” Ben asked from behind you.
Crap. Your cover had been compromised.
You slowly turned to him and waved a little “Hi”
You saw him smile widely, then taking in your whole figure and painting his face with genuine surprise.
“Wow, it’s been so long…” he attempted, rubbing his neck awkwardly “ehm… congratulations…!”
You smiled back and thanked him, as you walked away from the cashier and found a place at a table nearby.
“So how have you been?” you asked him with a polite smile, while the butterflies stormed in your stomach.
He told you about his recent projects and the future ones and you nodded along like you would with a long lost friend with whom you don’t have the same intimacy anymore.
He stopped for a second and smiled.
“You look radiant” He just commented and you felt your cheeks flushing.
“Oh stop it, Ben”
“No, I mean it…” he continued “You look happy”
He smiled again then added “I don’t know who he is… but I can see he makes you happy”
You felt like laughing and crying at the same time. Maybe it’s the hormones.
You shook your head “It’s not a he…” you giggled lightly at the confusion on his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry I-”
“It’s a she…” you interrupted him “but she’s very young, she doesn’t have a name yet…”
As you said so, you saw his eyes focusing on your hand placed on your prominent belly.
He looked back at you and chuckled “Well, in this case, I’m very happy for you. A girl… like you always wanted…”
You didn’t know if it was your imagination or something, but those words sounded so sad and sincere to your ears.
You gave him a small smile before looking away from his eyes.
“Is it inappropriate for me to ask who the father is?” he attempted.
You looked back at him and slowly shook your head.
“It is not inappropriate. It’s a legitimate question and you have no idea how many times people have asked me…”
He smiled “And what do you tell them?”
That sneaky bastard knows me too well.
“’You don’t know him… we’ve dated for a while but we’re not together anymore’”
“And what do you tell me?”
He knows it’s not the entire truth, I cannot believe him.
You found yourself torn between the decision to keep him in outside the whole thing and the urge to tell him everything.
“Exactly what I say to everyone that asks… I’m not seeing the guy anymore” you answered and Ben nodded slowly.
“Do I know him?” he asked, trying to sound casual.
You smiled a little “I’m not sure…”
He shifted in his seat and leaned in towards you so he could whisper, “Then tell me his name, I might remember him…”
His green eyes were staring into yours and you felt at home after a long time of wandering around. If you’d been prone to sarcasm a few minutes ago, now there was no trace of it. You could read in his eyes he was trying to remain still while thinking you had been with somebody else.
“Can I ask you something?” you suddenly said, trusting your instinct.
He nodded vividly “Sure, Y/N, anything…”
“Have you ever thought about us since… you know… we broke up?”
He bit his lip, like he would always do when he had something hard or important to say, and gently took your hands into his.
“You have always been in my mind…” he admitted in a low voice looking down at your hands “Whether I was asleep or awake, you were always there… and I’ll never forgive myself for letting you slip away from me”
“You didn’t let me…” you stopped him “I slipped away cause we both decided it was best for us. I decided that–”
“Yeah, but I didn’t stop you. I thought our decision would have made my life easier… I didn’t imagine how wrong could I be…”
You didn’t expect such an open-hearted confession.
“Do you really feel this way?” you asked cautiously.
He looked right back at you “Of course I do, Y/N, I-”
“Then answer this,” you interrupted him again “if we could go back to that moment and change what happened, would you want to?”
You were staring into each other’s eyes and it felt like the world around you had stopped. As you waited for an answer, you felt his thumb rubbing circles on your hand.
“No, I wouldn’t” he then said and you felt the small ray of hope dying out inside of you.
“I wouldn’t change what happened because it made me understand what life feels without you and now I know I’m ready to make things work”
Your lips parted in shock. It was exactly what you’d always dreaded to hear from him. What was happening felt surreal and before you knew it you caught him inching closer and softly kissing your lips.
It was like coming home after a long time and the gentleness of the kiss made your heart soar.
You pulled away and looked down at your hands still intertwined to his, a small giggle falling off your lips.
“I missed this” you admitted looking back up.
He smiled openly “I missed you” he kissed your lips again, before pulling away, “so… do we get a second chance?”
You chuckled “Would you believe me if I said I’d been waiting for you to ask me this for the last six months?”
Ben chuckled as well, leaning in and resting his forehead against yours “I’m sorry it took so long”
“It’s okay,” you smiled “we made it, didn’t we?”
He smiled as well, “Yeah, we did”, he stopped for a second, then added: “Would the father be okay with this?”
Your lips curved in a big smile, “I bet he would. He’s a very cool guy, you know?” an idea popped into your head and you picked up your phone, “in fact, I’m gonna tell him right now…”
Ben’s eyes widened a little “You’re gonna text him now? Y/N, that’s not neces-”
A faint bing caught his attention and interrupted him mid-sentence.
He excused himself and stuck out his phone. You laughed a little, partially because you realized he hadn’t changed the phone cover you’d given him for his birthday, and partially because of his priceless expression once he’d read the text you’d sent him.
He looked up at you, his pink lips parted in surprise and his green eyes watery and glowing with renewed light.
“Are you joking?” he asked with a nervous chuckle.
You vividly shook your head “It’s you, Ben.”
He huffed and let out a light chuckle, nervously passing a hand through his blond curls.
“I-I can’t believe this…” he sniffled and only then you realized he was actually on the verge of crying.
You reached out to take his hand and held it tight into yours, smiling nicely and gently rubbing it with your fingers.
“This is our second chance”
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