No carb grub and booty rubs 17th july 20.31pm
I lay on my bed, chilling on my bed after a well needed soak... I've been on my feet all day and still feeling pooped from gym yesterday and now is literally the first time ive got to chill. Ive been contemplating massaging cream into my sore booty for today is the aftermath of 50kg lunges and trust me its not pretty lol yes I've been sliding down the walls to sit on the toilet, yes I've winched everytime I've had to bend over and pick something up and lets not get into trying to get upstairs, so chilling on the bed not moving is pure bliss. I was going to hit the gym today but it was well established from this morning it wasnt going to happen lol I've seen people say you should train even with DOMS but for me this is counter productive. I've dont it before and the workout was sub-standard and the recovery was too long afterwards. So today is a day of recovery, no carb grub and booty rubs! I dont even know if the booty rubs help but it feels good so I'll take em if their on offer. I made a ridiculously delicious curry (low carb) and im feeling quite impressed with myself because I've stuck to plan again!! You probably think thats easy to do but believe me in my life this is not the case. Today I've bake hundreds of cookies, tomorrow i will bake enough cake to feed a small army. I spend my days baking tastey desserts that im forbidden (by myself) to consume. Baking is my passion and my occupation but it comes with downfalls. Surrounded by sugary naughties and delectable desserts, constantly fighting the urge to pick and nibble. Its borderline self harm!!! Im sure im not the only woman to find themselves in this predicament. Mothers with children especially find it hard. Cupboards of goodies to calm the kids, easily accessed for that sugar fix. Washing away the stress of the day with a cuppa and a biscuit or six. We all have these hurdles to overcome on a daily basis and many of us fall. But its actually ok to fall, its ok to hit bumps in the road just as long as them bumps dont pull you to a halt. Thats when you have problems. If you go off plan today jump right back on it tomorrow. Keep pushing forward. The restriction will be worth it.. the booty will be worth it.. the summerbody WILL BE WORTH IT.
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New blog up later!!!! #fitness #fitfam #bodygoals #bodybuilding #weightloss #weightlifting #girlswholift #followforfollow #f4f #summerbody #summerbodystruggles
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I NEEEEEED SLEEEEP 16th july 19:07pm
Its sunday evening. Im vegged on the sofa feeling like i could go to bed right now. Today has been a super peoductive day for me. Usually on a sunday i get work bits washed for the week, have a little clean, eat, eat some more then bed but today has been different. 6:45am i was awake.. tired but awake. I dragged my saggy batty out my bed and got ready to hit the gym. Yes you read that right, i spent my sunday morning in the gym… and i have to say it was actually prettu decent. I could use whatever i liked as hardly anyone was there. Amith machine? I’ll have a go on there! Deadlifts? Yes smash them out too. It was actual bliss. My gym at times is beyond busy. I’ve actually walked out before its been soo bad. But today was different. I took my dose of gym crack before i left the house so by the time i got there i was super pumped for the workout. I got to work on my workout plan demolishing sets. I even added some exercises because i was feeling energetic 😁 it was the first time in a few weeks i actually throughly enjoyed my time in the gym. Im not sure why. Maybe it was the lack of people as ive never been the one to enjoy crowded places etc but if im honest im hoping its because im getting back into the routine and that gyms becoming an outlet. Not that ive been particularly stressed or anything to need an outlet but its like a place to focus solely on myself. On becomkng a better me. I was able to get out pretty quick but not until i had done my 15mins HIIT … i fricking hate cardio but its necessary to speed up fat lost and calorie burn. Next it was off to the shop to hook myself up with some protein powder… i dont buy any fancy stuff because as long as it does what it says on the tin thats good enough for me. £10 a 1kg bag? Absolute bargain and it actually tastes pretty decent. Ive tried all sorts and mixing with water 😝and milk. But i seemed to have settled with soya milk and diet whey so i dont have a high carb count. Walking round the store sweaty and sore was fun.. i literally just wanted to get my protein fix and get home for a bath. I made my trip as fast as possible as as i stated before i hate sweat and sitting in my own is nothing short of repulsive to me. In the car ZOOOOOOOOOOM home at last. But it wasnt time to put my feet up yet. Cleaning, washing, cooking… i was feeling dead on my feet by 3pm but i still had work to do gahhhh 😥 fast forward to now. I cant barely keep my eyes open… every blink is a struggle ro open my eyes again… i need the toilet and its times like this that i weigh up the pros and cons of having potty next to the sofa. My muscles yearn for total relaxation not a specific one just eveey functioning mucle in my body. I forgot jow tired i feel after a good workout. The sleep is always A grade on a gym day/night which is a blessing because i have crappy sleeps normally. As im writing this im even thinking ‘why did you bother. Its not going to be your best post’ but this blog isnt just about posting when im on a high and full of wit and energy. Its about the highs and lows. I wouldnt call this a low but its a downside to early morning workouts. They do take it out of you. And with that im going to make my way to bed because frankly i want to. Peace and love x
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I decied to weigh myself this morning before my gym sesh. I very rarely weigh myself as my goal isn't really to loose weight. Its to loose fat and gain muscle but I've been feeling a little pudgy lately so wanted to see if my weight had increased. Turns out it hasnt!! Which is highly motivating. Its easy to forget that our bodies look different at different times of the day depending on if we have eaten, what we have eaten etc. The best indicator of how your progressing is by how you feel, how your body looks and NOT by a number on a scale. #bodygoals #booty #bodybuilding #health #gym #gains #girlswholift #fitness #fitfam #followforfollow #f4f #goals #summerbody #summerbodystruggles
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Ultraman Action Figure
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'Have you gained weight?' FEEL THE BURN!!! 13th july 19:54
Today i decided to post while im still at the gym. No im not being one of those fuck nuggets that hog machines and not actually using it but rather using the seat to sit messing on my phone. I've finished my weight training session and now im just cooling down my legs with a little 30min steady state cardio just for good measure. Today has been an average day. Nothing extraordinary. Went to work , didnt eat copious amounts of crap stuck to plan go me! 😊 went shopping and thats when it happened, the thing noone trying to get in shape wants to ever experience. Im minding my business, getting my bits and i hear 'oi bitch what are you doing here' now most people upon being called a bitch would be up in arms but for me its not a thing because it signals that one of a handful of my good pals is about. When i turn i realise my bestest bitch is there , whoop whoop!! We make idle chit chat as you do.. then she drops the bomb. 'HAVE YOU GAINED WEIGHT?' 😐😑😣 Bitch no you didnt!!! I felt like someone had pissed in my potnoodle, i know i had slipped off the wagon slightly but surely not to a noticable amount?! I tried to make excuses in my head you've had carbs today, its female bloat, its all that water you've been drinking.. but the reality was i knew i probably had. I can't lie it knocked my confidence abit but it also fed this inner motivation that has been hibernating. I went home and got on the ball. Dinner prepped so i could just shovel it in my face after gym. Fat burner/pre-workout popped for that extra push in the gym and i was off. As i made my way to the gym i got that tingling in my face id had before... gym cracks kicking in.. i felt buzzed. Lets fucking do this. Its leg day and i love leg day. Don't ask me why, i always have probably always will. First exercise squats . I found myself smashing each rep, going deeper and deeper in the squat till i was arse to grass. Set after set destroying every one. Then the sweats came. Good lord i was sweating like i never have before. Now im not one for sweating. Infact i hate sweating. The trickling down your skin. The flush face gahh ffs but that wasnt going to stop me 'have you gained weight...HAVE YOU GAINED WEIGHT'. These words radiated in my brain. Feeding the beast. I dont know why i took as abit of a knockdown. Im not particularly big anyways so a few pounds wouldnt make a significant difference, but still i want to maintain what ive already achieved, to go forward not backwards. I moved on to leg press my poor quads began screaming at me 'why? Why? WHHHHHHY?' But i wasnt listening on and on i pushed them. Narrow stance, wide stance i was truely out to feel the burn and that i did. As i turnt to get off the machine i felt that all so familiar jelly legs. 'Oooo ive missed you' i thought with a sense of achievement kicking in. Then it was downstairs for my deadlifts.. not so sure my legs are gonna be my friends tomorrow lol. I forgot my gloves so it was hard going on my sore paws. But a little palm burn werent gonna stop me! Rep after rep oooousssh FUCK YEAH. Then i look in the mirror and this cofin dodger was there staring at my backside like there was a massive mirror opposite us both making it obvious he was. Sore hands werent gonna stop me but pervy pete did!! With that i finished my set and made a B line for the exercise bikes. Im not a prude or anything like that but when matey is kicking 65+ thats when i feel abit uncomfortable. Hes old enough to be my dad!!! So here i am cooling these tired hams, glutes and quads. Steady state cardio to ease the tightness and the extra calorie burn is always welcomed. I know the doms is coming i can always tell by how 'swole' my legs get after a workout if its gonna be a i can't sit on the toilet situation lol and this is gonna be one of tthem situations. Come saturday ill be sliding down the wall to sit on the toilet. Flopping onto the sofa because bending at the knee makes my legs feel tight like overstuffed sausages dying to tear through the skin. But its gonna be worth it, that bootiful booty will be worth it. Its gonna be golorious and round and large and BOOOOTY. so now i leave it at that because I've now got to figure out how im going to walk down the stairs to get out the gym when i cant feel my legs!!!
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Perfect song to smash leg day at the gym #gym #gymrats #followforfollow #fitness #fitfam #workout #workoutmusic #gains #motivation #legday #summerbody #summerbodystruggles
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No 'GYM CRACK' FUCK YEAH GO ME!!! 12th july 6.31am
I was suppose to blog last night after my first proper gym sesh in a while but i forgot how tired i feel after a good gym session. I felt abit strange, almost like a newb when i walked in the gym. Its funny you walk in and it feels like the whole place are looking at you, JUDGING you but the reality is they probably arent lol dont get me wrong theres always a few that will look you up and down but the majority dont give a crap. They are there chasing their summerbodies just like you! Well anyways i go in and find my spot. My workout for the day didnt really need to use much equipment so i found a quite corner and got to work… previously i had got up to some pretty decent weights but yesterday i decided to drop them back down again ease myself back into it so to speak. Lets just say im glad i did!! Yesterday was chest and back day and i went hard, i wasn’t going home until i obliterated my workout. The determination was at an all time high which was good because i was already tired from work and that demon voice was whispering in my ear ‘just go tomorrow, your too tired’. I had had a couple of cups of coffee to try and fix up my snoozy head and it worked but not my snoozy body. I considered dropping some pre-workout or as i like to call it GYM CRACK. But then it dawned on me that id had coffee and coffee plus gym crack equals buzzing and jittering off your tits! I’ve made that mistake before and it was not pretty. As i completed rep after rep set after set that gym confidence i had gained was returning, i felt a buzz of motivation as i realised regardless of how tires i was , i was in the gym, gym crack free, smashing sets with nothing but my own determination and motivation FUCK YEAH GO ME!!!! I normally feels doms at different times dependant of which muscle group i work i.e legs takes 2 days to kick in.. arms 1 day.. i could feel my tired muscles aching before id finished the set.. as i jumped on the crosstrainer for my 15mins hiit my energy levels began dipping… NOOOOOOOO your soo close keep pushing through, i had to tell myself everytime the resistance ramped up. The last fee minutes felt like torture my body crying at me 'leave me alone I’ve had enough’ my mind would scream 'dont listen to her shes weak, we’re the brains round here, we know best’ nobe the less i completed it and the cool down. A personal victory for me. A little push in the right direction towards finding that buzz for the gym again. Its soo easy to go from excited to hit the gym to excited not too. I never expected that a week away from the gym had the power to unravel the habits i had been developing with the gym. If was like i had an affair on the gym and while i decided to pick the gym i longed for the 'other pastime’ i had adulterous fling with. My workout allows me to go for day1 and 2 on consecutive days. Today could possibly be a hard leg sesh. Will it be i dont know it really depends on how this doms feels later but i bloody hope it is!!
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GO HARD OR GO HOME 11th july 6.36am
Im sat in bed still dazed struggling to stop my tired eyes from falling shut again. I had planned to hit the gym yesterday but a family thing scuppered them plans. So today is now the day im gonna smash my body at the gym. I really couldnt go to the gym yesterday it wasnt some lame excuse, it was a totally valid reason but yet i found myself feeling guilty for not attending, it was almost like id set certain days to train and because i didnt go on the day i said (monday) thats it, the whole weeks ruined!! ‘Go tuesday instead’ they said. In my head im thinking 'nope thats it gym this week is out the window now 😒’ . Like i had broken some unwritten code 'THY MUST TRAIN ON ONLY THE DAYS THY HAS PLANNED TO’ when in reality the only plan i have been given says work out 4 times a week. Im free to change the days to accommodate life. I cant be the only person who does this.. 'oh ill start monday’ monday comes, life happens, we feel like we have failed , we give up and the the whole cycle starts again. Well not this time! I will be dragging my arse into that gym tonight and i will be woddling in two days time due to smashing squats. A setback isnt failure. Failure to carry on is failure. No matter how many times you face a setback as long as you keep working for it your succeeding where alot of others have failed ..
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All systems GO GO GOOOOOO! July 9th
Sooo today i got the kick up the backside I’ve needed. Ive been fluttering between going hard and staying home for some weeks now. It all boils down to I’ve become too comfortable with how i look when really i shouldnt be. Not in the sense that i look bad or need improvement more of ive set myself targets and goals and where im at now isnt the finish line. So tomorrow is the day all the naughties go out the window and i kick myself into touch. Everybody has to find that motivation that keeps driving them forward for some its for better health, others its a better self image but for me its simply because im petty asf lol but you know what??? It doesn’t matter where the motivation comes from as long as it drives you towards success!!. Ive always been a pretty confident woman. At my biggest (16stone) i was quite comfortable in my own skin, of course i wanted to be slimmer but it wasnt something that was gonna stop me devouring a pack of hob knobs with my evening cuppa. Then came the silly little bitch, i say shes a bitch because quite honestly thats what she is. A bitter spiteful excuse of a woman who after a disagreement seemed to almost enjoy trying to make me feel bad about myself because of my size, and how i looked. Fast forward to present and it seems karma has served her her just desserts and now shes the chubber. Not that i ever plan to call her that or use her size to make her feel bad about herself, not because im scared because believe me I WISH A BITCH WOULD lol but because im not an arsehole, im not gonna use her weight to make her feel bad about herself. Im way more bitchy than that lol im gonna use my weight to make her feel bad about herself lol becoming a better me and flaunting it in her face will burn her more than any spiteful words ever could. So there you have it my petty as fuck motivation, but i really dont care!! Im not the first person to better themselves to rub it in someones face and i most certainly wont be the last but i may very well be the first to openly say it like it is. So here i am sat planning meals and workouts for the week kinda excited, kinda dreading it lol i dunno maybe thats why some of us start off on the wrong foot. we go in dreading it like its a chore, we’ve already doomed ourselves with negative emotion before we have started the task.. its hard to see the positives when it means no more midnight munchies , no more fizzy pop, dont get me started on the bread… im gonna miss that fluffy glorious stuff… this is going to be hard work 😑 but everything worth having is hard work and its oh so rewarding when you hit them targets you worked your arse off to achieve. When you see your developing a booty, your tums tightening up and the bitch you hate cant stand to look at the new you because your slaying bitches with your summer body, thats when you truely appreciate the hard work youve put in thats when your feel the fruits of your labour..
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It begins..
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The beginning is nigh
Sooo this is my blog about my journey to achieve my summer body. First proper post will be up tomoz. Hold on tight this is gonna be a bumpy ride!!
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