sumdumlake · 3 days
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sumdumlake · 27 days
I've never planned to use this account in such a way as I will now, but seeing as I don't really use this account too much in the first place I don't think it really matters much.
I've won.
I know I'm still trapped within this prison I myself have built.
I know that this win is small, miniscule in the grand scheme of things.
I know if I even tried to explain I would be laughed at for how simplistic this all seems, even to myself.
But that does not change how proud I deserve to be.
I know very few else can feasibly comprehend what it's like.
I've tried to explain it, this hell of my own decisions, but I doubt there's anyone I know who can really share these feelings, of what it's like being puppeted by my very self.
Though I know it is myself who has built this hell for me, this lonely prison, never does it feel like me. As I pick up old memories of my disgusting actions, they do not feel like my own.
That devil, the demon that beckons me away from responsibility, who's call I always fail to ignore, who holds victory so close and yet so far, toying with me like a cat does a mouse. I know when I see it, I simply stare into a mirror reflecting myself back to me. And yet I know, at the same time, that that devil is not me.
Even now, as I write this, I hear it's beckoning call of false comforts.
But I know I must not stop, as I traverse a million mazes all at once, I cannot stop and let myself rot away.
This win will be the first of very many in a long line of both success and failure, and eventually, these chains of my past self shall hold me no more.
I know there will be many who can never feasibly understand. But that does not matter, for one day, I know, I will eventually be able to look back on my current self, and not look with a sense of disgust, but with a sense of pride.
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sumdumlake · 1 month
he hehehe ! you found my post!!
ur pretty.
no take backs no take backs you have to deal with it
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sumdumlake · 1 month
Life isn't fair how come it takes me 3 weeks to write an essay for school even if it's about a topic I like but less than ten minutes to write a whole paragraph about how the "owo choco?" "You're wrong, sulfuric acid!" Meme is symbolism for an abusive relationship as a joke just to prove my point that it is in fact possible to mistake sulfuric acid for chocolate milk
If it weren't for the fact I didn't want my friend to fall asleep before I finished I probably could have written a proper full essay on it too
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sumdumlake · 2 months
I haven't posted in a while so uhhh have me getting decimated by thirty missiles in project wingman
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sumdumlake · 7 months
Ngl I thought the sheep was gonna puke
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sumdumlake · 8 months
I think you mean cute partner activities
Cute partner  nicknames
The One
gay sex
Manhattan project 
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sumdumlake · 8 months
Just as everything begins to fade to dark, just as you lose all feeling in your limbs, you hear a voice. "Hello, human," the voice is deep, violent, and utterly terrifying. Is this death? "It has been long since I have heard a voice so desperately in need." You open your eyes, and before you stands a tall being, covered in snow, eyes protruding out of everywhere. It's from its chest ribs poke out covered in red. The more you look the more you realize the ribs aren't the only protruding bones. "I was forsaken like you were, once long ago. Betrayed by those I devoted my life to," the voice softens only slightly. "Those times are long past now, however, and those who abandoned me here are likely long gone, forgotten just as I," the monster raises a finger, "but you have time, human, you can still write the future." You feel your body begin to rejuvenate, your wounds heal, bones return to their place. "My name is Vericus, and I swear life to you, and you alone, human," the beast announces. "I have little reason to, but I trust you to not let me down."
"Mercivus!" You call out, Vericus standing behind you in the snow. "You bitch! You swore loyalty to me! And right when you get the chance you turn your back on me, leaving me in a ditch, huh?" Every word is filled with nothing but anger and rage. Mercivus stands twenty feet away from you, uncaring. "Lorkun, have you never been taught to stay down?" Mercivus says, not even turning around to look at you. "Here you stand, bloodied, battered, broken, do you really think you can finish your dreams like this?" She says with a scoff. "Fine, I'll finish this," she says, confidently, but the moment she turns around to look at you, she freezes in fear. "How are you-" she drops her sword. You stand holding the blade of forsaken, long guarded by Vericus who had been awaiting a worthy wielder. "No, it will be me who finishes this," you say coldly, before quickly, before she can even reach for her sword, you use your newly given powers to dash towards her, and swiftly slice her head off. Vericus creeps up next to you, looking very pleased. It's time you finish this, and end the warlord who tore apart everything you've ever loved.
You sacrificed everything to get this far, and at the last moment you were betrayed by the one you thought most dear. You lay dying one the snow, praying to any god, demon, or anything that would listen. You receive an answer.
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sumdumlake · 8 months
Someone likely said this before me but this is actually something that has happened with real police officers but with drugs
A group of police officers went undercover posing as drug dealers and another group went undercover posing as drug buyers, neither of which knew the other was a group of undercover cops, and the group posing as buyers went in and raided the place. long story short a bunch of fighting ensued, a bunch of people got injured, and a lot more people got embarrassed.
An FBI Agent goes undercover in a cult only to realise that all the members are undercover agents from different branches
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sumdumlake · 8 months
Alright so kinda bored and want to post more so just posting a rant bc why not
Specifically about starfield
I'm a big fan of Bethesda games, mainly fallout and skyrim specifically, and recently, starfield came out, and, naturally, I loved it, everything about it in my opinion was great. However, there is a lot of hate for starfield that I feel is undeserved. Now, before I properly begin this rant, I want to state I'm not trying to force anyone who simply doesn't like starfield to suddenly start liking starfield, if it's not your cup of tea, it's not your cup of tea, it's just me yelling in a vacuum because I feel like it.
Now, on to the rest of the rant
The first complaint I wish to talk about is the major dislike for the fact that you cannot land on the surface of a planet just by flying into it, which is something I cannot argue against. While I, personally, am fine with this, I can understand not wanting to play a menu simulator just to get to a specific spot on a planet. The real problem, and next complaint I want to talk about, is the constant comparison to games like no mans sky and elite dangerous. I have little to say against elite dangerous comparisons as I have played only a small amount of it, no mans sky however I have a lot more knowledge on. No mans sky is generally unrealistic, which, given the lore, is reasonable. however, this doesn't matter when being compared with starfield, because starfield is a realistic game. Starfield has hundreds of different outposts and cities, meanwhile, as far as ive played, there is very little evidence of any actual major civilization existing on any planet in no mans sky, only small settlements and bits of ruin. Some people complain that starfield planets are less diverse than no mans sky, and while that may be true, as I have no care to actually inspect the natural flora and fauna in starfield, my main issue is that they act like everything on every nms planet is unique, when you can find the exact same model for 20 different species. Please do note however, I do not negatively look at no mans sky, I love it as much as I love starfield. The next complaint is that when you land, you have a limited area, which I don't understand. They act like you only got a small area all around when in reality it is pretty damn big. I don't know about anyone else, but in no mans sky, the main game starfield is compared to, I literally only go a small distance away from my ship, and even when I do go far away from my ship, it's not to walk from one side of the planet to the other, which is the only reason to have an infinite area in starfield.
Anyways, that's the end of my rant, and remember, I'm not trying to force anyone into liking starfield, if you dislike it, you dislike it. A lot of my points probably sound stupid, probably because I am stupid, probably because I'm yelling into a vacuum.
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sumdumlake · 9 months
Here is a list of reasons we should send mosquitoes into extinction that nobody asked for:
1: nobody likes them
2:the species that feed on them have plenty of other choices
3: they kill millions of people with diseases just because they were hungry
4: they may pollinate, but there are 1.5 million different pollinater species in the US alone, the plants WILL be fine
5: god did not create this earth for it to be defiled by the HORRID presence of this absolute crime against humanity.
6: the itchy juice
The only reason we cannot send them into extinction is because the pesticides that kill mosquitoes also kill actually useful species, and people are too cowardly to put the very necessary research into killing these abominations without causing unnecessary damage.
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sumdumlake · 9 months
The Judge, part one
According to many madmen all throughout history, since the dawn of existence, 3 great divines have been set in rulership over all reality. The first being the Librarian, the second being the judge, the third being the watcher, or as it is sometimes called, the collector. They are said to be the first existent divines, divines being, essentially, larger gods with little care for enslaving or murdering sentient life. These beliefs, however, had always been brushed off, as the possibility of actually good gods was always thought as impossible, especially when they come from the mouths or speaking appendages of a being who looks like he's seen several greatest wars in all of history. This was, until the judge first appeared. Despite the previously given description of a larger god, this judge was nowhere near the size of a God, and was, in fact, actually a generally pretty small planetborn being. The judge has only about 5 seperate limbs, 2 used as legs, 2 used as arms, and the highest one a head. It was described as having pale white skin which appears under tattered dark black clothing, and on the mostly uncovered legs. It carries a long black spear, which it uses with much ease to quickly decimate even the most highly trained of elite forces, and can also split into two swords for more faster attacks. It's first appearance was during the fall of Uria, a planet owned by the Orven, at a major point of battle between the Orven and the Azerrens, during the Orven-Azerren war, while Orven soldiers were trying to evacuate civilians. Specifically, it appeared while soldiers were trying to cross a large bridge into the evac zone. The bridge was being targeted by a large Azerren beam ship as well as thousands of Azerren ground units trying to stop the Orven soldiers from evacuating the civilians. The Orven soldiers were split into four different units: x3, x5, x7, and x8. Units x3, x7, and x8 were on the eastern side of the bridge, furthest from the evac zone, and unit x5 stood on the west, closest to the evac zone. Each unit had about 5 to 7 soldiers, each trying to fight off the hord of ruthless Azerren soldiers while also getting to the other side of the bridge, as well as protecting the civilians. It was right when the the Azerren beam was just about to reach the bridge when, suddenly, it simply stopped. In a mere moment, the beam ship was sliced in half without even the slightest amount of warning. According to the survivors after the incident, "it was as though even the bullets themselves stopped in flight to watch as the massive Azerren ship split in half and crashed to the sea." The crash had taken out most of unit x7 as well as many Azerrens, and the firefight quickly returned to normal, only with more pressure as both sides of the fight began to fear that what had taken out the massive ship could suddenly begin to come after either side. Only one sides fear came true however, of course being the Azerrens. Not long after having taken out the Azerren beam ship, the Judge quickly began an assault on the Azerren ground units, decimating them in mere moments, and causing a massive retreat from the Azerrens, which allowed the initially doomed Orven units to escape and evacuate the planet. The Judge had appeared in multiple other places during the fall of Uria after this incident, allowing hundreds of thousands of Orven civilians and military units to escape the doomed planets, instead of only a few hundred. As the Judge had moved too fast for anyone to actually describe its appearance, it gained the nickname of Blur. It would only be long later that it finally became known as the judge, or even so much as allowed anyone to see its appearance.
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sumdumlake · 10 months
It's odd, how many people throw around centuries and millennia like it's only a few days. It felt weird, as people talked about how they were scared that, in a trillion millennia, he would return. To "terrorize" them once more. The humor of the fact is, he was never even guilty of his crimes. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that was enough for people to blame him for firing the shot into the station core, causing the chain reaction that killed trillions. and for each of those trillions, he got a millennium to be sentenced into the void. Although they may have simply wanted an excuse to finally get rid of him. He can barely remember how long ago it was, that he was slowly dropped into the Gate. Was it days? Years? Or was it simply hours? It doesn't matter now. It feels strange to him, the cold warmth of the void. How it is bright yet dark. Empty yet oh so full. The only constant is how lonely it is. Will there even be an existence to return to? Or will he have to wait countless more years for a new universe to form? Perhaps, he could try and fall asleep. See how much time he could pass by shutting himself off. He closed his eyes, but nothing changed. Yet even then, he felt his body begin to shut down. His lungs slow, his heart begin to move from a jog to a sluggish walk. Was this death? Would he finally, after a thousand years of life, experience the cold darkness of death? He could only hope to find out.
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sumdumlake · 11 months
This is a threat
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sumdumlake · 11 months
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sumdumlake · 11 months
Why does this get a like it's just the letter a
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sumdumlake · 11 months
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