sugaskully · 5 years
THE FAMILY - prologue
BTS, EXO & NCT mafia au
words: 617
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[ 11 FEBRUARY 2019
A shiver. Cold fear running down my spine, my body's inability to maintain a healthy temperature as I inhaled a deep breath of damp mould.
My eyelids were heavy but I still managed to force them open, panicking at the realisation that everything was still dark.
My voice was hoarse and barely anything above a whisper.
And that’s when I felt the pained pull of a zip tie on my wrists, followed by the sore stretching of my arm muscles as they were held up in the air, something tying me so I was still barely standing, balanced on my tiptoes and straining my upper body.
“This isn’t happening.” I choked out, recognising the item blocking my view as a bag that had been shoved over my head, my forehead throbbing from where it had been hit against the wall.
That I had remembered. Everything since then was blank.
I choked back against my dry throat, thrashing my body around in attempts to loosen the zip tie or at least get the bag off my head and allow me to visualise my plan of escape.
I froze upon hearing the sound of shallow breathing, the sniffles of another person becoming evident as I turned my head towards the sound.
“Who’s there?” I whispered, my own voice causing me to jump slightly as the other person whimpered.
I recognised the voice. A hint of relief washing over me before the panic settled in, if they had Claribelle they may have Trixie.
“Where’s Trixie?” I asked, pulling against the ties even harder now with more motivation.
“I don't know.” Claribelle sobbed, “The last thing I remember was the airport, and then somebody hit me and I was dragged away from her.”
“The airport?” I frowned, “Why were you at the airport?”
“You left us tickets to Venezuela.” Claribelle said, “You said you’d meet us there, for our safety.”
“Belle, I never bought any tickets.” I said, shaking my head “I was on my way to confront him myself and get a confession but someone came up behind me and knocked me out, the next thing I know I wake up here, tied up like cattle.”
“Why would they do this to us?” Claribelle choked out, “How could he do any of this to me? He wasn’t that kind of person… I know him, I can’t believe this, he wouldn’t do something like this.”
“He’s not some bad boy you can just turn good, Belle!” I scoffed, “He’s not Tristen. He’s the real deal, he’s a criminal and he’s dangerous and now him and his friends have kidnapped us so get a grip and stop defending him!”
“She’s right in defending him.” Another voice spoke up, this one deep, threatening “Because maybe you’ve accused the wrong guy.”
“Who’s there?” I demanded, spinning around in different directions to try and pinpoint the sound location “What do you want from us?”
“Where is he?!” Claribelle demanded, “I want to talk to him!”
“He’s not here right now.” The man replied, tutting slightly “But I can pass on a message?”
“If you hurt my daughter, I will kill you!” Claribelle threatened, her voice strained in anger and fear.
“Don't worry,” The man said, his voice already full of amusement, mocking the situation “She’s with her dad now.”
“What did you do to her?!” I screamed as Claribelle started sobbing, choking on her tears at how horrific this situation was “I will rip you to pieces! You’re dead!” You’re all dead!”
“That’s big talk coming from the girl tied up.” He chuckled dryly, “But don't worry, I’ll make it quick. Either way, you know too much to walk out of here alive.”
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sugaskully · 5 years
THE FAMILY - masterlist
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warnings: angst, violence, swearing, death, sexual references
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sugaskully · 5 years
DIE FOR YOU - chapter two
BTS bodyguard au
Words: 2405
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C H A P T E R - T W O
[ 14 NOVEMBER 2018 ]
I sighed, letting my pen drop onto my notebook after a few hours of reviewing old notes and making new ones before my mind blanked and I decided that I needed something else to pass the time.
Instinctively I reached into my pocket for my phone, frowning when I realised it was missing, standing up before brushing down my skirt and briefly glancing around my room for it.
I gave up fairly soon, shrugging my shoulders before heading towards my door, Namjoon glancing at me as I opened it and passed him, immediately hearing his footsteps follow. A sound I was going to have to get used to.
“Can I not visit my own kitchen without an escort?” I asked, my tone laced with irritation as the man present remained silent, continuing to follow me “Not in a talking mood?”
“It wouldn’t benefit me to argue with you, so no, I’m not in a talking mood.” Namjoon simply said.
Heading down stairs, I moved towards the left side of the downstairs instead of to the right where the kitchen was located, typing my father's office code into the keypad before scanning my fingerprint, slipping in before Namjoon could even register what had happened.
“Step out of the office.” He sighed, moving to the glass floor to ceiling window, watching as I folded my arms amusement.
I watched without speaking, knowing that the room was soundproofed to allow some sound in but none out.
“Miss Roman, please don’t make this difficult.” He said, moving closer to the window, causing me to do the same, challenging him as we stood face-to-face.
We stayed out for a few moments, just staring each other down before I sighed, heading across the room to the other door and heading out that way, giving me about 15 seconds between him and I.
From there it was easy to move around the rooms of the house, eventually ending up in the huge dining room that connected to the kitchen but before I could even think about entering the kitchen I noticed the six men sat at the dining room table.
Seokjin was looking through a folder, that upon closer examination had information on me, people I interacted with and the frequent places I would visit.
“Children’s hospital?” Seokjin asked, glancing over at me “Aren’t you a sweet one.”
“I read to them.” I crossed my arms, “I know how it feels to lose a sibling to an illness at a young age, I couldn’t imagine how it felt being in her place, so I visit the children and father donates often to aid their recovery.”
“Do you have a firearm?” Taehyung asked, causing me to turn to him, watching as he took apart his hand gun effortlessly before cleaning the individual pieces.
“Yes.” I nodded.
“You won’t be needing that.” Hoseok then said, standing up so that he was towering over me, but strangely he didn’t feel like he was trying to intimidate or threaten me, but comfort me “It’s best if you hand it over, wouldn’t want it ending up in the wrong hands and used against you.”
“It’s not on me.” I lied, watching as he smirked, his hand reaching around to my back before pulling up my sweater, cold fingers grazing against my skin as he located my gun before removing his hand agonisingly slow from under my sweater, eyes locked with mine the entire time.
“Hoseok.” I heard Namjoon suddenly say, looking unimpressed as the man turned to look at who I’m now guessing was the boss of this little security personnel of theirs “What are you doing?”
“Confiscating this, Namjoon.” Hoseok said, holding the gun up for him to see “For Miss Roman’s protection of course.”
“Right,” Namjoon nodded, “There’s no need for her to be armed if she has us by her side twenty-four-seven.”
I rolled my eyes, watching as Hoseok placed the gun on the table before sitting back down, and that’s when I noticed that Yoongi was sat leaning back in his chair, my phone in his hands.
“Is that my phone?” I asked, looking at him in shock, because I knew full well it was just from the case.
“Yes.” Jimin said, Yoongi not even bothering to look at from the phone “He’s just checking to see if anybody has tapped or hacked into it.”
“Wow.” I scoffed, “So, you… slipped that out of my pocket when I wasn’t looking?”
“Actually, I did.” Jungkook said, “It’s protocol. All for your own protection.”
“What if there’s something private on there?” I asked, “Like, I don’t know, a conversation that I wouldn’t want anybody to read, especially by someone I don’t know.”
“Is there?” Namjoon asked as Yoongi raised his eyebrows slightly.
“N-no.” I stuttered out, “But that’s not the point, there could have been.”
“But there isn’t, so what’s the problem?” Namjoon asked, challenging me.
Yoongi suddenly stood up, locking my phone before putting it in his pocket and walking off without a word. Come to think of it, I hadn’t heard him speak once, not to me, or even the others.
“Here,” Hoseok said, sliding another phone across the table “It’s the same version as your old one, but this is new and has a system that Yoongi created on it to allow us to monitor the activity and to see if anybody is trying to tap into it.”
“It’s like a fucking witness protection programme.” I whispered, picking up the phone before sighing “What about my contacts?”
“The only relevant contacts are already on there.” Namjoon simply said, “Us seven, your father and your uncle.”
“Fun, I can contact my obsessive bodyguards, my father and President Roman of the United States, my life is full of fun.” I rolled my eyes, “What about Jesse?”
“What about me?” I heard him ask, sighing in relief when I turned to see him stood in the doorway.
“Thank god, a normal person.” I said, moving to hug him.
“Cleo, oh my god, your head, I’m so sorry, I-!” He started.
“Stop apologising.” I interrupted, “It's just a bump.”
“I wouldn’t call it that.” Hoseok said, “You could have been seriously injured, and it’s our job to prevent that, so we’ll have to assess if Jesse’s friendship with you is good enough to allow the risk.”
“Risk?” I scoffed, “His job is just as important as yours, he works with you.”
“No, that’s not happening.” Namjoon shook his head, “He’s a liability.”
“Daddy said he could keep his job, and last I checked my father was your boss.” I said, turning to look directly at him “You’re just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, because it’s happening.”
“Interesting.” Seokjin said, not to anybody in particular, just observing the situation.
“He was my PPO long before anything bad happened.” I said, “And he did a good job at protecting me up until the slip up yesterday.”
“Miss Roman, you’re missing the point here.” Namjoon said, his tone showing that he was trying to remain calm and collected “With us, there will never be a slip up, we will never fail our job, unlike him.”
“And the difference between us is, we are Professional Protection Personnels, head of our profession, the best at our job.” Taehyung said, “Now, I’m not doubting Jesse’s ability, but based on yesterday’s ‘slip-up’ he doesn’t seem very fit for the position.”
“Give him a chance.” I said, my voice wavering slightly, silently cursing myself at how desperate I sounded at a time where I didn’t want to be “I need somebody here that makes me feel even the slightest bit normal, because you’re all treating me like I’m a target you need to protect when the attack yesterday was completely unrelated to any proof that people want to kill me.”
“With your father's position comes enemies.” Namjoon said, “His brother, President Roman, being the President of the United States, his connections with President Yang and working as the Chief of the South Korean Security Agency and intelligence service. You would be the prime target to punishing your father, your uncle or even President Yang, using you for access to the Intelligence Services of both America and South Korea is also another possibility. You have become one of America’s and South Korea’s greatest assets, all because of your family member’s positions in society.”
“That’s hardly fair.” I whispered to mainly myself.
“The world isn’t fair.” Namjoon shrugged, “And it’s our job to protect you from the people who want to hurt or kill you.”
“Having Jesse be a part of the Security personnel wouldn’t affect anything.” I stated, “His only flaw is time management but other than that he’s protected me countless times, and he’s one hell of driver.”
“Fine,” Namjoon said after a few moments of silence “He has one chance.”
“Thank you.” I smiled, trying to contain my excitement as Namjoon nodded once, keeping a straight and serious face “My father won’t be back for a few more hours, so I’m going out for lunch.”
“Where to exactly?” Seokjin asked, glancing up from the table as I frowned, thinking it over.
“Just a small cafe, not too far from here.” I shrugged, “Jesse takes me all the time, we shouldn’t be too long. It’s called Sulli’s and-”
“And it’s not on here.” Seokjin interjected, “It hasn’t been cleared as a safe place for you to visit.”
“It’s a cafe.” I deadpanned, “I know the owner, and I go there like three times a week, why didn’t my dad put it on the locations list?”
“Maybe he has a suspicion that it’s unsafe?” Namjoon suggested, “Is there anybody that works there who he doesn’t trust?”
“Not that I know of.” I frowned, “Why?”
“Wait, I know why.” Jesse sighed, all eyes turning to look at him “That’s where Seokhyun took you on your first date, he knows you visit that cafe, Cleo.”
“Is that it?” I scoffed, “Because my ex-boyfriend might bump into me?”
“Well, he did pistol whip you yesterday.” Namjoon said, looking at me like I was insane “And if that’s the case for the cafe being deemed unsafe, then you’re not going.”
“Are you serious?” I asked, looking at them each in turn.
“Why can’t you just order food to your house?” Jungkook asked, “Or like go to another cafe? Surely that’s safe enough and you can get the same things there.”
“Or I could spend the rest of my life locked in my bedroom?” I suggested sarcastically, “Whichever suits you.”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes slightly before smiling in amusement, glancing over at Namjoon.
“She’s going to make this job very hard and interesting for us.” Namjoon said, “But like all the others, she’ll eventually give up her act and comply, it won’t be long, it never is.”
“Sounds like you’re challenging me.” I said, “And I always win.”
“Like I said, Miss Roman, I’m just doing my job.” Namjoon said, “We all are. And you should do your best to allow that, it’ll make this easier for all of us, especially you.”
“You’ve said that.” I nodded, “I just don’t think your way of ‘protecting me’ is necessary. It’s not like I have a target painted on my forehead.”
“That’s the thing, Miss Roman.” Namjoon said, jaw locked in place “You do.”
I didn’t know how to reply, I mean, who would know how to reply to such a statement? Instead I walked past them and into the kitchen, walking around the white marble island before resting my elbows on the countertop, my face in my hands.
“Something wrong?” I heard a voice ask, lifting my head from my hands to see Seokjin stood in the arch doorway, observing my state.
“No,” I said, taking a deep breath in “I’m fine.”
“The Police Officer’s car just arrived at the Security Gate.” Seokjin said, changing the subject “He’s here to take your statement.”
“I don't have a statement.” I shook my head, watching as Seokjin let his head fall back with an exasperated sigh.
“How do you expect people to protect you if you don't give us the information to?” He asked, now looking at me “Your father says you have to make a statement, so he expects you to.”
“I’m eighteen.” I shrugged, “Legally capable of making my own informed decisions, and I’m deciding to not make a statement or press charges.”
“This is ridiculous.” Seokjin sighed before pressing a finger to his earpiece “This is Agent Ace, Rosebud has refused to give a statement, please inform the officer at the security gate. Yes, I know, I’ll deal with Zeus.”
I frowned, watching as his hand fell back down turning to look at me with the same annoyance a father would give a disobedient toddler “Zeus?” I frowned.
“Your father’s codename.” Seokjin simply stated before leaving the room.
Turning around I opened the fridge, scanning my eyes over the content that our housekeeper Kim Min-jung had purchased, realising that I hadn’t seen the woman who had been my mother figure since my mother’s passing in a few days and the fridge was lacking in content.
“I’m going to the store.” I announced as I re-entered the dining room, Namjoon standing up from the his seat at the table before I shook my head.
“Jimin and Jesse can come with me.” I said, looking at the two of them.
“That’s not happening.” Namjoon shook his head.
“You said no less than two, and although my math may not be the best, I count two.” I said, nodding to Jesse and Jimin “Or am I wrong?”
“Two of us.” Namjoon said, “Jesse can go, but with two others.”
“Okay, Yoongi.” I said, noticing that he had re-entered the room also “That settles it. Shall I drive?”
“Yoongi drives.” Namjoon said sternly.
“So, Jesse then.” I completely ignored him, “We’ll take your car.”
“You take one of the SUVs, and Yoongi drives.” Namjoon said, “Or you’re not going.”
“What’s your problem?” I asked, turning to look at him “The car and the driver doesn’t matter, at least I’m going along with your bullshit rules.”
“The car and the driver do matter!” He corrected sternly, “And now we’re all going.”
“What?” I scoffed.
“We’re all going, or you’re not going at all.” Namjoon said, slowly folding his arms over his chest “What’s it going to be?”
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sugaskully · 5 years
DIE FOR YOU - chapter one
ALL PARTS - Die For You
BTS bodyguard au
Words: 3110
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C H A P T E R - O N E
[ 14 NOVEMBER 2018 ]
I woke up the next morning to a knocking on my bedroom door, the unfamiliar sound confusing me as I sat up, wincing in pain that centred around my forehead. I usually woke myself up due to the fact that my dad was always working and my classes started at 5pm, I had no real reason to wake up at this ungodly hour.
“Come in.” I called, rubbing my eyes as I moved to cross my legs, sat atop my oversized bed as my dad entered the room, crossing to the bay windows before opening both sets of curtains, letting the light in “What’s going on?”
“You’re meeting your security personnel today.” He simply said, heading back towards the double doors “Then I have a business meeting, you will find something to do for the time being and later we’ll have dinner. Your classes have been cancelled for tonight, after what happened yesterday.”
“Dad, honestly I’m fine.” I sighed, my head disagreeing with my statement instantly.
“Honestly, you don’t look it.” He admitted, “You have about twenty minutes to get dressed and look alive again, Bella-Bear.”
“Twenty minutes?” I scoffed, “So I’ll take forty then.”
“As you always do.” He smiled, closing the door behind him as I let out a breath of air.
Time to see if I did actually look as bad as a feel. I slowly slid out of my bed, trudging along to my ensuite bathroom, heading to the mirror above one of the sinks to see the horror before me.
My plaster had fallen off sometime during my sleep, revealing a very swollen and very purple bruise, the area around my eyes darkened slightly due to the impact of being hit with the butt of a gun.
“Oh my god.” I whispered, staring in complete shock horror at my appearance “Nothing can fix this.”
I got to work, showering, blow drying my hair, washing my face but being extra delicate with my forehead as I applied different face wash treatments and creams, finishing by applying some makeup, thanking the makeup gods for concealer that helped make the situation at least a little better.
Who was I even trying to impress? Some 40-year-old ex-military bodyguards that probably wouldn’t even spare me a second glance? No. Myself. And the various business people that will probably see me at the dinner my father had planned later that day.
Once I was satisfied with my attempt at covering the damage, I moved to my wardrobe, connected through my ensuite so I could easily move from there to change and back out to my bedroom. Honestly, it was excessive, but the archetype and home designer asked me to design my room, so naturally, I went a little overboard. Every little girl dreams of designing their own bedroom when they grow up, and well, I got to live that dream to the fullest.
It wasn’t long before I was changed into a beige turtleneck sweater, tan tartan skirt, black tights and knee-high boots, planning on walking my dog after briefly meeting the men that would observe me 24/7.
Before leaving, I glanced towards the safe in my room, heading over to unlock it with my code before taking out my handgun, tucking it into the waistband of my skirt, using the oversized fabric of my sweater to cover it before grabbing my jacket just incase.
I exited my bedroom, glancing up from my phone to see one of the home security guards nod in my direction, gesturing towards the staircase.
“Your bodyguards have already arrived ma’am.” He said as I headed towards the left staircase “They’re all waiting in the Parlor.”
“Is Jesse here?” I asked, noticing how the man frowned in response before nodding slightly.
“He should be arriving later, Ma’am.” He said.
“Thank you.” I smiled, heading down the steps before glancing around at the ridiculous amount of guards in every visible room, guarding any main door that led to the outside and any potential threats.
“You are to escort her wherever she goes,” I heard an increase of my fathers voice as I headed towards the Parlor “Remain by her side whenever I am out of the country, perform background checks on any individual that she has contact with, eliminate threats to her life and-”
“Treat me like a Royal Princess.” I interrupted sarcastically, entering the room as many pairs of eyes turned to look at me “Honestly, I can manage one foot in front of the other, father, I don’t need this many people risking this lives for me when I’m not in danger.”
“Bella-bear, my Princess.” My father said, moving around the chaise lounge to hug me “You said you’d play along.” He whispered as I sighed before nodding, turning to observe the men with a smile.
All seven of them, stood side-by-side, clad in dark suits with matching ear pieces, seven pairs of eyes on me.
Ex militia. And from the looks of it were not failing in the beauty department. Hot but deadly, and completely off limits to me, as this kind of business would be strictly professional. They would protect me and I would naturally hate them for not giving me space. That’s how this works.
“Bella-bear meet Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk.” My father said, each giving me a curt nod when their name is mentioned “The top security personnel in the country, hired solely to protect my daughter as recommended by me and my dear friend and boss President Yang. As everyone within this room knows, my job is extremely important and due to the ties between the American Government and Secret Intelligence Service, as well as the South Korean Government and my job as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Security Agency it poses a great risk to the lives of those important to me. And the only life important to me is my daughter’s, and because of my status, the entirety of the world is aware of this fact.”
“So I’m going to have a security personnel following me around for the rest of my life?” I asked, slightly worried that the response would be bad.
“For as long as your life is in danger, we will protect you, Miss Roman.” Kim Namjoon nodded.
“Right, that settles it then.” My father said, clapping his hands together in contentment before checking his watch “I have a meeting in twenty-five minutes so I better head out, boys, take good care of her while I’m gone, okay?”
“Yes, Sir.” Seokjin nodded.
“Of course, Mr Roman.” Jungkook said, my eyes following my father as he smiled, kissing my cheek before leaving with two guards of his own.
I let out a breath of air, slowly turning back around to see that the seven of them were still watching me, either out of curiosity or cautiousness as if at any given moment I might be attacked… or maybe they were staring at the hideous bruise on my forehead?
“I’m walking my dog.” I announced, turning to leave the Parlor when footsteps followed, not just one or two like I had suspected… no… all seven, and just to confirm I turned back to see that, yes, they were all right behind me “Honestly, can’t I just bring one of you along?” I sighed.
“No less than two.” Namjoon said, “Jungkook come with me. The others, find something useful to do.”
“You’re a little young.” I voiced aloud as we began walking, heading to the kitchen where Frodo was most likely eating his food “And you did Military Training?”
“I started young, Miss Roman.” Jungkook nodded, his voice kept professional and straight to the point “Finished top of my regiment, with only a few years training.”
“Impressive.” I said, pushing open the kitchen door only to have Frodo leap up immediately, tongue sticking out as his tail wagged, trying to familiarise himself with the new company “None of you are afraid of dogs are you?”
“Of a… Border Collie?” Namjoon asked as he became Frodo’s next victim, jumping onto his back paws as Namjoon scratched the top of his head and behind his ears.
“Okay, allergic then?” I sighed.
“Negative.” Jungkook said, Frodo moving to him.
“This is Agent Wolf, confirming location. Wildfire.” Namjoon spoke, pressing a finger to his earpiece as he turned away “Rosebud is secured, will be on the move but escorted by myself and Agent Bambi.”
“Wildfire and Rosebud?” I frowned as Namjoon turned back around to face me “Code names.”
“I’m Agent Wolf. Jungkook is Agent Bambi. Wildfire is your home.” He nodded firmly, “And you’re Rosebud. Incase anyone who is a threat to you gains access to those communication devices, the code words will help to conceal your whereabouts.”
“Nobody knows who I am.” I huffed, “Just some Government Official’s daughter… why would anyone want to kill me?”
Namjoon and Jungkook remained silent, watching as I whistled to Frodo, getting him to follow me before heading back through the house and to the front door.
“How far is this park?” Namjoon asked as he headed straight towards one of the black SUVs with tinted windows and no doubt bulletproof titanium armour infused into the body of the car.
“You walk to the park.” I said, glancing down at my dog “That’s the point of walking your dog.”
“Having you out in the open like that is dangerous.” Jungkook said, shaking his head “We cannot risk it, Miss Roman, I’m sorry.”
“I have a run in with my crazy ex-boyfriend and I’ve suddenly got seven keepers?” I scoffed, shaking my head before walking towards the security gate “No, I am going to continue doing normal things and walk my dog, no matter the risks.”
“Dammit, I knew you’d be difficult the moment I laid eyes on you.” Namjoon mumbled before rushing to catch up, Jungkook on the other side of me “Just listen to everything I tell you so we can keep you as safe as possible.”
“Wouldn’t want to spoil your pay check by having my head blown off, would you?” I whispered, Namjoon and
Jungkook keeping straight faces as they continued to look ahead of us, Jungkook’s head every so often moving to rest on the gun he had tucked into the inside of his suit jacket, Namjoon’s eyes scanning every inch of the dog park we had arrived in “Don’t you find this exhausting?”
”Find what exhausting, Miss Roman?” Namjoon asked as Jungkook watched Frodo rolling around with a smile on his face.
“Dedicating your life to protecting someone else whilst they live theirs?” I asked.
“I work with six friends that I consider my brothers, doing a job that I know I’m good at.” Namjoon said, “At the end of the day, my client is my responsibility, and in this case, that is you. Saving the lives of others is thrilling, if I be so bold to state. My sincere apologies, Miss Roman.”
“No, no, it’s completely fine.” I reassured him, “It was my fault, I’m just trying to make this situation a little less awkward, by getting to know you both a little better since we’ll be spending so much time together anyway.”
“Understandable.” Namjoon nodded, “We need to wrap this up and head home, this place is not secure.”
I frowned, looking around at the various people in the park. An elderly couple walking their dogs, kids running around with their dog, couples in conversation on a few benches.
“I don’t think anybody is a threat to me here.” I said, watching as Namjoon’s shoulders tensed up, clearly not appreciating my constant need to second guess him.
“Okay, I’ll let you make the decisions.” I nodded, whistling Frodo back over, Jungkook turning to look at me, nodding curtly “After all, my life is in your hands.”
The walk back was quick and efficient, just as Namjoon must have planned it, a few pedestrians giving me odd looks as two men in suits with ear pieces followed me, Jungkook beside me, Namjoon behind, Frodo clueless as he ran ahead.
“You’ll have to make us aware of your schedule.” Namjoon said, “So I can plan ahead the safest route and ensure that nobody there is a threat to you.”
“I have night classes at the medical school a little across town.” I said, waiting as Namjoon typed in the code to unlock the security gate of my house.
“From five to ten.” Namjoon nodded as the gate opened “I am aware. I meant your personal schedule, meeting with friends, hobbies.”
“I don’t really do much else other than go to school, study, walk Frodo and go horse riding.” I shrugged, “It’s hard to make friends given my dad’s job and how I’m always busy so I usually just hang out with Jesse.”
“Boyfriend?” Jungkook asked as I snorted out a laugh.
“My bodyguard, before you seven.” I corrected.
“Ah, I see, the one who failed at protecting you.” Namjoon said, showing his I.D to the guard at the front door although me being there was enough proof I’d assume.
“He was… well, yes, but it was partially my fault.” I huffed, watching as Frodo ran off in the opposite direction inside the house. Namjoon, Jungkook and I stopping underneath the chandelier as the guard shut the door behind us.
“With us you’ll never be hurt.” Namjoon nodded, “And it will never be partially your fault because we won’t fail you.”
“Good to know.” I smiled, “Well, I’m going to study a little while my dad is away and then I guess we’ll have that dinner.”
“A few minutes please, Miss Roman.” Namjoon said, “Your room is just being checked.”
“What?” I whispered a slight scoff “There are people in my room?”
“We just ensure that it is clear.” Namjoon said, “No hidden cameras, mics, etc. Your father informed us that the house is regularly checked but you refuse to have your room checked.”
“Because, firstly I hardly let anyone in there!” I gasped, completely bewildered that my father had allowed someone to invade my privacy like that “And secondly, invasion of privacy!”
“It’s all for your own safety.” Namjoon sighed, “It’ll do you good to remember that, save us arguments in the future.”
I glared at him, crossing my arms before stomping my foot in a childlike manner, on the verge of having a tantrum but I wasn’t going to give him that, especially because he looked on in amusement at my actions.
“You listen to what we say, when we say it.” Namjoon shrugged, “You’ll stay alive and safe that way, and it’ll make this easier for all of us.”
“And if I don't?” I asked, tilting my head to the side as I smiled slightly “If I make your life a living hell, what happens then?”
“I’ll repay the favour.” He said, completely unfazed by my words, making me even more frustrated due to the fact that he didn’t even care.
I span around on my heel, heading straight upstairs and turning down my hallway, stomping towards my bedroom doors which were adjacent, my eyes immediately moving to the bright-red-haired man, Taehyung, taking my journal out of my bedside table.
I stopped in the hallway, glancing over to see Jimin stood on my expensive vintage corner chair from Paris, checking each corner and crevasse of the room for cameras, I presumed.
Yoongi stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed as he observed his colleagues invading my personal belongings.
I stepped further into the room, unnoticed by any of them, turning to see that my en-suite bathroom door was open, Seokjin stood looking around before he began to search through the cupboards, pausing every so often to look in the mirror.
Hoseok was in my walk-in-wardrobe, every so often picking up an item of my clothing and frowning before he headed back into the main room through the other door, holding my most expensive item of lingerie, my face turning as red as the fabric.
“Uh, guys, do you think this is my colour?” Hoseok asked, Yoongi turning and clearing his throat when he noticed the item of clothing, Jimin reacting in a completely different way, losing balance and stumbling off the chair, saving himself from falling by grabbing my bed frame, eyes wide.
“Professional Security Personnel?” I scoffed, all eyes turning to me as Hoseok smirked, glancing from the fabric to me, no doubt trying to imagine me in it like a pervert, suddenly making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” Hoseok said, still holding the garment in plain sight “I was curious who I’d be protecting with my life, it seems you’re worth a bullet after all.”
I rolled my eyes, moving to snatch the fabric from him when he held it behind him and high above his head.
“This is a key piece of evidence.” Hoseok said, “Is there somebody we should know about? You know, so we can put them on the list of cleared friends… or others.”
“Nobody to know about.” I shrugged, “It’s my most expensive piece, so I haven’t worn it.”
“Yet.” Jimin added as I turned to look at him, looking on curiously as his eyes darkened and he smirked.
“Yet.” I repeated, watching the surprise fill his face as Hoseok cleared his throat.
“Everybody out.” Namjoon spoke sternly, all eyes turning to see him in the doorway “If the place is clear, leave Miss Roman to her studies.”
Taehyung moved to hand me the journal, Hoseok and Jimin leaving the room together, Yoongi grabbing the piece of fabric from Hoseok as he passed him, Hoseok frowning in confusion as if he had forgotten, Jin following suite with Taehyung. Leaving Yoongi behind, who remained watching me, an unreadable expression on his face, my lingerie in his hand.
“Thank you.” I said as he handed me the lingerie, letting out a small smile, waiting for him to return one but he kept a cold expression, said nothing and left.
I let out a breath of air in annoyance as Namjoon moved to shut the door behind him “I’ll be just outside.”
“On guard.” I mumbled, “You don’t have to, nobody inside my home is out to get me.”
“My job is to protect you, and I don’t have much else to do whilst in your home.” He shrugged, “Stop resisting my need to do my job.”
I held his stare before turning away to gather my folders and other studies, hearing the door click shut and returning my gaze to see that I was now alone.
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sugaskully · 5 years
DIE FOR YOU - prologue
ALL PARTS - Die For You
BTS bodyguard au
Words: 1707
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[ 13 NOVEMBER 2018 ]
It was a typical Tuesday evening in Seoul. My home as of the past five years. I had just finished my medical school night class, it was spitting with rain, my thin jacket barely protecting me and keeping me warm as I glanced up at the night sky. My bodyguard Jesse was supposed to pick me up, but for the third day in a row, he was late.
So instead of waiting around for him, I decided to head home alone. Against my father's judgement.
My father was always worried about me leaving school and heading home at ten at night, he had trained me for situations like this, I knew exactly what to do if somebody were to attack me. That’s what it’s like being the daughter of a government official.
My father was hardly around due to his work, which was fine because I used my alone time to focus on my studies. I had always wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps, but the second he realised this, he was quick to change my mind. He was the one that put me on the path to becoming a Doctor.
He taught me to protect myself, he had told me to check my surroundings, he told me to always be alert. This is where I failed him.
I had ignore the signs. If I hadn’t been so careless, I would’ve noticed the rustling in the bushes, and the footsteps that had been following me for well over ten minutes.
How could I have been so stupid?
It wasn’t until I felt a hand over my mouth when it hit me, I should have paid more attention. But there was no time for that now. All I could do was angle my arm right before throwing my elbow back into my attackers face, making contact with their nose, earning a grunt in response.
I span around, whipping out my pepper spray aiming at the face of my attacker, who I now concluded was male.
He was pinching the bridge of his nose, which was already beginning to bruise, and that’s when I recognised him. My ex-boyfriend. Park Seok-hyun. Pointing a gun at me.
Before I could speak, before I can even think about spraying him with the pepper spray, he swung his hand forward, pistol whipping me, my head falling backwards as my vision went white.
My hands thrashing around as I dropped the pepper spray, regretting all of the times I refused to carry my gun, knowing I was now defenceless.
“I told you I’d never let you leave.” Seok-hyun said, “You belong to me.”
My heart was hammering, my ears were filled with the sound of tires screeching as two bright lights filled my vision. Car headlights.
My vision came back to me, just as the car door slammed open, Jesse stepping out as I felt fingers wrap around my wrist, Seok-hyun trying to pull me with him. With the remaining strength I had left after being almost knocked unconscious, I pushed him away, snatching my arm back before losing balance completely and hitting the hard concrete.
Jesse yelled out as I saw Seok-hyun running away, my vision fading to black just as my bodyguard reached me, losing consciousness completely.
I heard yelling as I started to regain consciousness, frowning as I felt a splitting headache, the source being the bruise and possible cut forming from getting pistol whipped on the forehead.
One of the voices I instantly recognise as my father, opening my eyes to see that I was in the back of the car, my dad yelling at Jesse just outside.
“You were supposed to be protecting her!” My father yelled, “That’s what I’m paying you for!”
“I’m sorry sir, I-” Jesse started.
“That’s not going to cut it!” My father interrupted, his tone darkening in anger “I cannot trust her life in your hands, she could have been killed!”
“Dad.” I heard myself whisper, reaching for the door handle as my other hand felt my forehead for blood, gasping as I felt how big the bump was “Daddy.” I said louder, managing the open the car door, both of them turning to look at me “It’s not Jesse’s fault.”
“No, it was my fault.” Jesse sighed, “I failed at protecting your life, I failed my job.”
“At least the boy has some self-awareness.” My father sighed, “But I’m afraid, I’m going to have to go against your wishes and hire you a new team of bodyguards.”
“No, no, please, it was an accident, it wasn’t like someone was coming after me, it was just Seok-hyun-” I tried to explain.
“Your ex-boyfriend?!” He interrupted, “I knew I should have taken all precautions. Anybody is a threat now, you’re my daughter and with my profession your life will always be in danger. I just didn’t think a high school boyfriend would have the guts to attack my daughter. Does he have a death wish?!”
“Dad, it’s fine, just leave it.” I sighed, “You don’t need to tighten security, you trained me to protect myself.”
“And clearly I did a bad job.” He said, taking a deep breath “Oh god, Cleobella, look at the state of you.”
I knew about the bruise on the right side of my forehead, but as I glanced down I noticed my scuffed clothes, my left arm now hurting as I realised it had scrapped on the floor when I fell, my arm bleeding in several places.
He shrugged off his suit jacket before draping it over my shoulders, nodding to one of his guards that stood outside our security gate.
“There are guards inside.” My father explained, “I have hired a team of bodyguards, all with ex military training. You will not be in safer hands. They are the best of the best, recommended by my friends at the Security Department.”
“How many?” I asked.
“We have over thirty on active duty and watching the house, escorting you where ever you need to go.” My father said as I stopped beside his armed guard, awaiting the security gate to open.
“How many guarding and escorting me?” I asked, holding my breath as I awaited the answer.
“In total, you will have seven personal guards.” He nodded, “I’d like for at least two of them to be with you at all times. I’d prefer all seven, but that could get a little crowded.”
“From one to seven?” I scoffed, “Isn’t that a little overkill?”
“I already lost your mother due to carelessness.” He said, his voice is cracking slightly “I will not lose the only thing I have left. Without you I’ll have nothing left to live for. Just please, do this for me.”
“Okay.” I nodded after a moment of silence “But only if you let Jesse keep his job.”
“What?” My father and Jesse spoke in unison.
“I’m not stupid, Jesse.” I sighed, glancing over at him “You need this job, it’s good money for you and I enjoy your company. You may not always be the best at protecting me but you’re a good friend and conversation maker.”
“So you want me to pay him to chat?” My father scoffed.
“He can be part of my security personnel.” I shrugged, “He’ll just have to work on his time management a little.”
“As you wish.” My father sighed before dismissing me with his hand, Jesse thanking him continuously before getting back into his car, the guard leading my father and I back towards the house “I’ll call Dr. Lee over to check for a concussion.”
I nodded, parting ways at the front door so I could wash the blood from my head and the little that had mixed into my hair.
My shower was quick, changing into comfy pyjamas before heading to one of my dad’s empty office rooms so our family doctor could assess me for any significant injuries.
“She should be fine to sleep.” Dr Lee concluded, taking my arm in his hands to examine the cuts and scrapes “These should heal in no time.”
I smiled gratefully, patting my bandaged head slightly before turning to look at my father, watching from the doorway.
“Thank you, Soo-man.” My father nodded to his old friend.
“You be careful, Cleobella.” Dr Lee instructed, “I knew you since before you were in pigtails, I intend to know you until I die, not the other way round.”
“I will.” I nodded, watching as he gathered his medical supplies before leaving to hug my father.
“And if you need any work experience for medical school I can get into contact with an executive order doctor at a nearby hospital.” Dr Lee reminded me, “Take care of your old man.”
“Of course.” I grinned, hopping off the desk to stand beside my father “It’s my job.”
My father chuckled, both of us walking Dr Lee to the front door before I watched him head to his car, a silence falling between us and the bodyguard that stood in front of the door.
“I’ve called in and filed a report.” My father announced, “They’re out looking for him. An officer wants to come over tomorrow and get a statement from you, he wanted to send someone tonight but I asked him if you could rest first.”
“That’s not necessary dad.” I sighed, about to head off as he closed the door.
“Not necessary?” He scoffed, “He assaulted you, Cleo. He had a gun pointed at your face. If it were up to me, I’d kill him.”
“Dr Lee said I could sleep so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” I mumbled, heading to the left staircase “Try not to stay up too late working again, you’ll only be grumpy in the morning.”
“Cleobella-!” My father started.
“Night, daddy.” I interrupted, “I can’t wait to meet my new bodyguards tomorrow.”
He sighed, shaking his head as I rushed up the staircase, heading down the left corridor where my side of the house was situated, the end room being my very own Master bedroom, not as grand as my father's room but perfect for my style.
“Welcome to hell.” I whispered to myself, falling back into my bed, fading into unconsciousness almost immediately.
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sugaskully · 5 years
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
ᵒⁿᵉ ˢʰᵒᵗˢ
INFECTED - apocalypse!au 
[OFC has been experiencing morning sickness and fainting spells due to her secret pregnancy, unfortunately, these are common symptoms for the infectious disease that’s been spreading]
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
DIE FOR YOU - bodyguard au
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
THE FAMILY - mafia au
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
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𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓
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sugaskully · 5 years
DIE FOR YOU - masterlist
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warnings: angst, swearing, violence, death, sexual references
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sugaskully · 5 years
DIE FOR YOU - synopsis
Cleobella Roman is the daughter of Special Intelligence Chief Adonis Roman, a man both responsibile for the protect and security of South Korea and aiding America in their Special Intelligence protection and security.
Bangtan is a special protection unit issued under federal law, assigned to Cleobella Roman to protect her against the growing threats. Adonis Roman has enemies, and being his daughter makes Cleobella a target.
They were supposed to remain professional, supposed to do their jobs and form no bonds of friendship with her, but one bodyguard in particular has spiked Cleobella’s interest and his compelete disinterest in her only makes her even more intrigued.
Now they have to work hard to keep their late night activities a secret from everyone, their feelings a secret from eachother, all the while the boys are trying to keep her alive. What could go wrong?
ALL PARTS: Die For You
OFC - Cleobella Roman
OFC - Charlie Beauvior
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Kim Namjoon
Jung Hoseok
Kim Seokjin
Jeon Jungkook
Kwon Jiyong
OMC - Jesse
OMC - Ridley
OMC - Ajax Roman
OFC - Meredith
OFC - Vivianna
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sugaskully · 6 years
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