studyisociety · 6 years
Foolproof Guide to School Success!
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Hi! I just finished my first year of college and I definitely have to credit the studyblr community for all the useful information and tips! I currently closed the year with a 4.0 and don’t plan on stopping!
 In high school I was an ok student but I decided to change all that when I started college. So, whether you’re in high school or college, it’s never late to change and attain academic excellence! So here are my tips! 
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Try to get an early start on your day and sit closest to the front as possible. Studies show that sitting in the front of class will improve your grades and knowledge! 
A study showed that those who sat in the front achieved an average of 80% while those in the middle achieved an average of 71.6% on their exams. And guess who did even worse.. unfortunately those in the back scored an average of 68.1%
Distractions are decreased because there’s no one sitting in front of you, just the lecture which basically forces you to pay attention.
This increases the likelihood of your professor getting to know you. Why is that important? Well, in an accounting course I once took, I sat in the front, attended extra tutoring sessions hosted by that instructor, and generally put in extra effort in the class. By the end of the semester everyone was really struggling, over 20 students flunked out, and even my tips weren’t getting me to that A I wanted. Well, because I had established who I was and that I was serious about the class, my instructor bumped my final course grade from an 88% to 93%! She said she noticed the effort I put in so she gave me the grade she thought I deserved
Seriously, sit in the front!! 
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Ok, now that you have a good spot in the class, make sure you take great notes! The Cornell notes system is great but do whatever works best for you. 
Abbreviate often
Date your notes at the top so you can order them chronologically. This will make studying a breeze later on. 
Find a color coding system that works for you. Highlight main ideas and vocab. 
Find a notebook that works for you. I was lucky enough to score 20 moleskines at my local thrift store at 1 dollar a piece so I’ve been using those. 
If you prefer loose leaf paper, buy a bunch and stick it into a flexible binder so you can organize and reorganize your paper. 
Use post-its and sticky tabs to add extra info that you might have left out during class. Use sticky tabs to find certain notes faster. 
These are some of my favorite note taking supplies:
These Pilot G-Tec pens are some of my favorite pens ever! They are super smooth and the lines are really fine. This 5 pack costs around $11 which is pretty affordable!
Mead notebooks are a classic staple. Seriously these are super durable!
These sticky post-it tab hybrids work really well for marking a page and highlighting important info. 
Mildliners are really nice and the colors are not to bright. A pack runs around $7 and a 3 pack is $15 on Amazon. 
If you want to go the extra mile, retyping up your notes is a great idea. That way your in class notes can be messy and it won’t matter since you’re going to type them up anyway. One Note is awesome for notes. 
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I developed my own system for deciding on how I will study and how often I will study. It goes something like this:
Rank your classes in order of difficulty into three sections:
Easy, medium, and hard….
Easy classes get one point
Medium classes get two points
Hard classes get three points 
Is the class math related? ….. add 2 points
Is it science related? …… add 2 points
Is the class a subject that you struggle with? ….. add 3 points
is the class AP? ……… 3 points 
Add up the points for each class. 
Classes with 1-3 points: 
these classes are generally easy and have an easy instructor, contain info you already know, etc. 
These classes get 45 minutes a day in your schedule and minimal studying on weekends. 
Classes with 4-8 points:
These classes might need some more effort so try to…
Set aside an hour a day and 30 minutes on weekends. 
Classes with 9 points and up:
These classes are usually more intense, have daily assignments, have a strict instructor, etc. 
Set 2 hours a day and an hour or more on weekends. Consider going to free tutoring provided by your school, join a study group, or go to your instructor’s office hours. 
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Plan your months, weeks, and days in advance! Keep a planner, calendar, or bullet journal. I personally use a bullet journal and keep a calendar printable in each binder I have for my classes. 
Include due dates, exam dates, when your rentals are due, etc. 
Look at it everyday!!! That way you won’t forget important events. 
If you want to, make it pretty! Decorate it with stickers, pictures, polaroids, etc. to make it more personal.
If you prefer minimalism, keep a simple planner or bullet journal system.
If an electronic system works better for you, go for it! But I’ve noticed that writing it on paper works best! 
Here are some great planners or journals to use:
Moleskines are always a great choice! 
This hardcover Yoobi journal is comparable to the Moleskine and comes in pretty colors! The price is awesome, each one runs at $6! 
Bando makes super pretty and trendy planners. They run from $20 and can get pricey though. It’s definitely worth it though!
This Sugar Paper gold polka dot planner is really cute and super affordable!
The AT-A-GLANCE planner has a monthly view and daily sections with plenty of room for writing in important dates and decorating with cute stuff! 
Kikki K has amazing planners. If you want to splurge consider their stuff. I’ve always wanted one but it’s around the price of a textbook :( 
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While Studyblr has so many resources and tips, in case you haven’t noticed, a lot of the pretty pictures use muji pens, staedtler fineliners, and those cute lil’ backpacks. Remember that you have to use supplies that work with you. Here are the essentials to carry with you:
Notebooks and binders
A sturdy and comfy backpack. I use the Borealis backpack by The North Face on discount. Make sure it has comfortable straps, back support, enough room for all your stuff, and compartments for your food and water bottle. 
A phone charger. Keep it in your backpack. My phone has died on me so many times and it sucks, especially if you have to take the bus. Invest in a portable charger.
Earbuds are a must, especially if you take public transportation. Also great for when you’re at the library, gym, etc.
As previously mentioned, a water bottle and FOOD! Pack a lunch but also have backup snacks like granola bars or nuts. You need food and water for energy.  
Keep extra change. You never know when you need it!! 
Your planner. 
Pens, pencils, etc. Especially a stapler if you have homework that you regularly turn in!! Its really awk when someone doesn’t have a stapler and everyone in the class doesn’t either..
A laptop, seriously a must! Chromebooks are affordable! 
Hope that’s helpful! Looking forward to another year in college and staying in the Studyblr community,
15K notes · View notes
studyisociety · 6 years
Hey guys :))
What would you like me to post? what do you wanna see ?
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studyisociety · 6 years
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If you’re an introvert, follow us @introvertunites​
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studyisociety · 6 years
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studyisociety · 6 years
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Progress :)
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studyisociety · 6 years
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2018년 02월 11일
change up - svt | studygram
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studyisociety · 6 years
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I used to have a lot of trouble still do with procrastination and I realized that, in my new studyblr days, I didn’t know how to utilize my studyblr to help me and it was just another way for me to procrastinate and feel productive. If you can relate to this, you could probably benefit from this little dose of studyblr realness.
Don’t use your studyblr just for aesthetics: studyspo is great for inspiration and motivation, and it’s probably what drew you to the studyblr community, but it shouldn’t be what makes you stay. You won’t be able to take anything worthwhile from your blog if all you reblog is photos of beautiful notes. Mix it up with masterposts and printables and photos of “non-aesthetic” notes.
Don’t use methods that don’t work for you: if you absolutely cannot understand mindmaps but absolutely love the way they look, resist the urge to make them. You’ll only end up confusing yourself and wasting time. Only use note taking and studying methods that make sense to you. 90 percent of the time they’ll be things that you used before you made a studyblr. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t experiment with different styles and methods, but only stick to what works for you.
Discipline over motivation: imho, the study community  overstates the importance and effectiveness of motivation. Don’t get me wrong, motivation makes studying more enjoyable when you have it, but more often than not you don’t. In the end, motivation isn’t what makes you study every night, or stick with self studying a language. You have to discipline yourself to study when you don’t want to, or work when you’re tired. My old French teacher used to say “Don’t fall into the trap of waiting motiviation, and just do it” and I feel like that’s super important with this. (1, 2, 3)
Talking about studying isn’t studying: sort of related to number 3, don’t let your studyblr be another way to put off work. It’s all to easy to think “I’m blogging about studying; in being productive,” but it’s a dangerous thing to do. Studyspo is great, but don’t let scrolling through your feed become another method of procrastination.
Take photos after you study: or during, but not before. I used to spend so long taking pictures of my notes, that I wouldn’t have time to study them. I still take too long photographing my notes to take picture, so I’ve started using a pomorodo timer. After 25 minutes, I’ll use my five minute break to take photos. It’s increases my productivity so much, and I’m not sure how I ever functioned without that system.
Just get it done (and prioritize): honestly, sometime you just have to forget about trying to make your notes look pretty and just go for functionality over looks. Just let go of any studyblr ideals and do what you need to do. If you don’t have time to bullet journal and get your work finished, use an electronic calendar or don’t spend so long on your journal. Most importantly, be real with yourself. At the end of the day, you know yourself best, and you know what you need to do.
Good luck on your studyblr journeys lovelies, hope this helped!
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studyisociety · 6 years
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studyisociety · 6 years
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My day so far :)) got my calc done but I struggled with one problem😭😭😭
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studyisociety · 6 years
50 Healthy, Productive & Fun Things You Can Do Without Looking at a Screen
It’s time for a screen cleanse! Get away from your phone, computer, or TV for just a minute if you can. Here are some ideas:
Cook a meal
Have coffee with a friend (alone is fine too)
Annotate a magazine article and feel very smart
Walk your dog
Cuddle your fur baby (whichever type you happen to own)
Take yourself for a walk and really notice things in your neighborhood
Journal or morning pages
Feng shui your home
Write a crappy or amazing poem (by hand)
Try out a new sport
Get your laundry done
Cull and organize your wardrobe
Make a mind map of the novel you want to write
Take a bath with salts or a bath bomb
Decorate your planner or bullet journal
Really groom yourself
Yoga stretches
Adult. Coloring. Books.
Meditate for at least one minute
Find flowers and/or herbs to press in a book and/or dry
Go for a drive and blast your favorite songs
Treat yourself to a nice bottle of wine
Find a shady spot under a tree and just BE
Walk along the beach and look for shells
Swim in a crystal clear lake
Hike in the woods
Follow an essential oil recipe
Poke around the curios in a local new age shop
People watch
Visit the library & enjoy the serenity
Make your own matcha latte 
Rearrange your furniture
Write up a bucket list and try to check items some off
Buy a newspaper and challenge yourself to the crossword puzzle
Make flip book animation
Teach yourself to shuffle playing cards
Find an artistic medium you’ve never tried before
Play a board game
Pick wildflowers to put in a mason jar on your desk
Make new lists in your bullet journal
Organize your desk
Wash your sheets & make your bed
Wander around a museum for an afternoon
Shop at a farmer’s market
Repurpose old clothes (e.g. make a bag from old jeans)
Listen to vinyls and dance your pants off
Sort through your books and movie collections and donate titles you’ll probably never read/watch again
Have lunch somewhere with just a book or magazine as a dining companion
I hope some of these help free you from the ball and chain of technology! Now put down your phone or shut down your computer, and get out there!
9K notes · View notes
studyisociety · 6 years
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11K notes · View notes
studyisociety · 6 years
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21218//living environment classwork! with some practice calligraphy 😘on the side b/c I was bored 😂 who can relate??
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studyisociety · 6 years
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This is my first post. This is my second bujo, the one I had before was a small pocket size notebook. I’m so glad I got this size!! It’s bigger then the typical Bullet journals but this works for me :) this is what I’ve been upto the last few days.
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studyisociety · 6 years
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10.2.18 // studygram: alimastudies
I’ve realised I haven’t shown any of my business notes and I didn’t want to neglect them so here you go 💕 I am currently thinking of dropping business next year but I’m still not too sure andddddd half term has finally started woohoo !!! 🖤  
if you haven’t already go check out my studygram for more posts!
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studyisociety · 6 years
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-= Euphine Studies =-
I was studying for exams and i wANNA cRAWL iN a wHOLE aND nOT dO aNYTHING
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studyisociety · 6 years
New Studyblr :))
Hey guys, my names G and I’ve been apart of the studyblr community for a year now. I’ve watched many videos, followed many studyblrs on Instagram and tumblr. I’ve used the advice many of you guys have provided me with and honestly, it helped me out so much. Today I wanted to start my own studyblr, I want to be able to share my work to others and hopefully help you all out. A few of my favorite studyblrs are @focusign @studyign @studyquill and @emmastudies
They have helped me out so much when I first started out :)
Now a few facts about me :)
1. I am born and raised in Canada
2. Stationary junkie obviously!’ Sadly stationary in Canada is overpriced.
3. I am a grade 12 student going into a business school
4. I am a coffee lover
5. I write books and have completed one.
6. I hope to have one of my books published.
7. I love chocolate
8. I love Shakespeare
9.Canadian weather got me used to freezing temperatures
10. I love to bujo and I started calligraphy
11. I love violin and classical music
12. I love Charlie Puth
13. I also like listening to fall out boy
14. I want to travel the world.
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