strawberrydivinity · 28 days
I don't know if it's too late, but 🍄 and 🎵 for the ask game?
its not too late!
🍄 — we got our system name due to the fact we really like strawberries and fruity things and are very connected to being divine and our own religious practices
🎵 — its quite hard to choose but right now copacabana makes me think of most our alters!
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strawberrydivinity · 29 days
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strawberrydivinity · 29 days
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Miku says:
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strawberrydivinity · 29 days
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Welcome to our blog!!
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We are Strawberry Divinity or you can call us Eclair, Dew or Mixer! Our main pronouns are they/them but we’re also okay with neopronouns.
Bodily we are 17 so please don’t be weird. As far as boundaries go, we’re okay with mostly anything and are okay with sourcemates and doubles reaching out to fictives!
We are pro-endo, and share a pro-endo support blog with our sidesystems. We are a traumagenic DIDsystem but that doesn’t change how much we love endos!!
Our tagging system!!
💘name . alters signing off
💘answers . answering asks
💘reblogs . general reblogging
💘terms . reblogging terms we like
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strawberrydivinity · 29 days
plurality is not defined by switching.
plurality is not defined by headcount.
plurality is not defined by an inner world.
plurality is not defined by distinct headmates.
plurality is not defined by communication.
plurality is not defined by getting along internally.
plurality is not defined by an origin.
plurality is defined by multiple consciousnesses/identities in one body. if you say you’re plural, we and many, many others will always believe you. no two plurals are the same, and no one can tell you what you are or aren’t 💞
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strawberrydivinity · 29 days
Fronting experiences!
1. The helicopter parent
Alter just pops in out of nowhere uninvited and starts giving opinions on what you're doing
2. Curious child
Alter just starts asking you a bunch of questions on what you're doing and shenanigans out of nowhere
3. Thrown in
You're struggling! Quick gatekeeper! Throw a motherfucker here to help!!
4. The corner whisperer
You don't even notice they're in front with you until you hear them whispering from a corner all of your darkest thoughts
5. I'm coming for you bitch
You say 1 thing about an alter and then you can hear them sprinting to front, too late, he found you!
6. Positive hyperfixation trigger
Oh no i mention bees, now the little is fronting and babbling non-stop about them!
You make one single mistake and THAT motherfucker comes out of nowhere to tell you how wrong you are, THANKS JACKASS
8. Party!
A lot of alters just front cuz something fun IS happening!!
9. Party! /Neg
A lot of alters just front cuz something horrible IS happening!!
10. You kinda just wake up together
You get to front and the other guy is just there with you too, alright then
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
☕️🎁 for the ask game!
☕ - what is switching like for you?
switching for us is often very tiring, we tend to to fall asleep and be very lethargic when switching and it often lasts for a few hours before and after the switch. even if the switch itself is quick we still feel very tired and disoriented for a while
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
yes, i’ve bought one of our protectors a red jumper that is pretty much the only thing he wears in front and i’m buying one of our gatekeepers a hat i saw that looks just like hers in innerworld as a birthday gift!
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
i don’t think i’ve seen anyone word this better, anti endos are so entwined with so many types of fake claiming not even just system based things it’s simply miserable to exist in that mindset
reasons we are pro endo.
the first, and most important, is that i genuinely do not care what goes on in your head. system developed without trauma? ok. system developed with trauma? ok. system created on purpose? ok. more than one of these? ok. something more complicated? ok. i support you.
other reasons include that anti endo stuff seems to be very intertwined with fakeclaiming. i suppose not all of them do this, as there seems to be more than one way to be anti endo, but one way i see a lot is the very simple statement “endos actually don’t exist and all of them are faking”. of course, there are the other varieties, such as “endos are just traumatised and don’t know it” and “endos are delusional” (genuinely fuck off if you tell anyone that they’re delusional as an insult). probably some others that i’m missing. i also see these same people saying that they’re anti fakeclaiming, or having fakeclaimers in their dni. do they know? did they simply never think about what they are doing?
i don’t like fakeclaiming. i have trauma surrounding similar things to it. if someone fakeclaims me, i can shrug it off (mostly. there are some things that will trigger me.) but if someone fakeclaims someone else, that almost always triggers me. i cannot stand someone being fakeclaimed. there is an intrinsic pain in being told that you are lying, that your pain is not real, that what has been happening to you is just a lie and the product of a child’s overactive imagination, and i hate the idea of that happening to someone else, because *nobody deserves it*. it hurts to see that people hurt other people.
and telling people that they are traumatised will not do anything good. firstly, one is assuming that they haven’t already tried searching for their trauma. what if they have, and can either confirm that they do not have any, or that it is not intertwined with their systemhood? or what if they haven’t, and one’s pushing makes them unearth trauma that they were not ready for? this can cause actual harm. it has real consequences.
and telling people that they are delusional is a shitty move. firstly, having delusions is not something one can throw around to insult people with. it is a genuine condition and if someone is actually delusional, reality checking can cause them harm. and saying that someone is delusional just seems to be a roundabout way of telling someone that they’re faking. i actually do hate people who tell other people that they’re delusional. delusional people do not exist as a way for one to be an arse to other people. they are people who have a condition. delusions are not automatically evil, despite the fact that they have been demonised.
and endos do not exist to harm people, despite the beliefs of some. plurality/systemhood is not an exclusive club that only people with severe trauma can access. even though i could access this hypothetical club, i don’t want to be in it if it automatically excludes people. plenty of endos still have trauma even if it does not intertwine with their systemhood. this is to say nothing of mixed origin systems, who are always excluded from this discussion. if they are not purely born of trauma, then would they be prevented from accessing spaces for trauma survivors who are systems? i do think there should be spaces for trauma survivors, but saying that they need to be endo free is a bit assholish to those who are mixed origin systems.
those are my main reasons, among others.
-rant from a traumagenic system who is so tired of having to read about others being fakeclaimed.
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
Hello singlet who doesn't know much about plurality. In front of you is a system talking about their experiences being plural. Your mission is to not treat them like a zoo animal, a fun game to play, or otherwise dehumanize them. Failure to do so will set off the saw trap, killing you instantly. Good luck.
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
planning out what to put in our system journal once i have enough money to buy one :3
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
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I’ve been seeing posts like these on Instagram for other misunderstood mental illnesses, so I thought I’d have a go at making one myself. 
I think that one of the most frustrating misconceptions about DID is that it is just about having alters or “multiple personalities” as some laypeople see it. 
Alters are just one part of Dissociative Identity Disorder. 
The information above is paraphrased and simplified from the book Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation by by Kathy Steele, Onno van der Hart, and Suzette Boon. 
The majority of the information above also applies to people with OSDD, since they have many of the same symptoms and experiences as people with DID. 
[ Note: I’m not a mental health professional or educator. I’m just a person living with DID. This post is not intended to diagnose anyone. Please speak to a mental health professional if you need help. ] 
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
had to move accounts but I have returned!
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strawberrydivinity · 2 months
ask away ^^
system ask meme
🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
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