steve-rambo-leaks · 55 minutes
Stuff from my Pokemon Typing video
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Emulator and Lua stuff
Lua script for keyboard
Where I got the Action Replay codes to skip the keyboard check
The Action Replay code (just in case)
5200147C D0F52800 0200147C 46C02800 D2000000 00000000 52018F6C 00000FD8 02018F6C 00001000 D2000000 00000000 5205B24C 63214311 0205B24C 63212100 D0000000 00000000 520009F8 E12FFF1E E2000560 00000088 E92D401F E28F0024 E5901000 E3510001 08BD801F E5912000 E5903004 E1520003 05904008 05814000 E280000C EAFFFFF5 020F7C48 0000AF81 0000A883 020F83F4 0000B975 0000C127 02105498 02105179 0200162D 0210C030 0210BD11 0200162D 021022B4 02101F95 0200162D 021022D0 02101FF9 0200162D 0210C058 0210BE25 0200162D 00000001 020009F8 EAFFFED8 D0000000 00000000
ffmpeg line to cut a video from 0 seconds to 4 minutes and 54 seconds
ffmpeg -ss 00:00 -to 00:04:54 -i video1.mkv -c copy video1new.mkv
ffmpeg line to combine video files listed in files.txt
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i files.txt -c copy combined.mkv
What the files.txt file looks like
file video1new.mkv file video2.mkv file video3.mkv file video4.mkv
Command line playlist
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steve-rambo-leaks · 2 months
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steve-rambo-leaks · 2 months
Laugh, Clown, Laugh ( 1928) Daigasso! Band Brothers DX Anime Soundtrack Edition
Adding all of these animu songs to one of my favorite silent films was a lotta fun. Below is a link to download the music used. I converted a bunch of Band Bros DX BDX files to Midi with BDXConverter.
01 - Animal Crossing - Town 02 - Ghost Busters 03 - Caramelldansen 04 - Hohoemi no Bakudan 05 - Connect 06 - Cruel Angel's Thesis 07 - Again 08 - Airman ga Taosenai 09 - Chrono Trigger - Corridor of Time 10 - Hishoku no Sora 11 - Hito to shite Jiku ga Burete iru 12 - Hyadain no Kakakata Kataomoi - C 13 - Driver's High 14 - Catch You Catch Me 15 - GOD KNOWS 16 - GeGeGe no Kitarou 17 - Asterisk 18 - All That I Needed 19 - CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA 20 - Days 21 - Ai o Torimodose!! 22 - Black Rock Shooter 23 - Colors 24 - Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki 25 - Funny Bunny 26 - Glamorous Sky 27 - Go! Go! Maniac
These are the settings I messed with in VLC to make stuff sound the way it does.
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steve-rambo-leaks · 2 months
It's all about optimized videos and audio using FFMPEG! (and technically ab-av1) The printable version can found here: https://archive.org/details/ffmpeg-dog-ear-zine The neocities site can be found here:
and if anyone would like the source code: https://github.com/riomoo/zines-html
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steve-rambo-leaks · 3 months
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steve-rambo-leaks · 3 months
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
One Twenty Eight Squared: "Knives"
Hellow, my name is Birch and this is my zine submission. i might make more! having already been in the zine scene myself (i am compiling a scifi public domain zine for distribution) i was well prepared with my goodwill paper cutter and amazon bone creasers in hand when i saw your video!
One Twenty Eight Squared is a pixel-art comic i write, a pending inclusion to the open canon project which I also created. This comic sees the two main characters, Wonky and Square, observing Wonky's knife collection.
On the back of the zine, there is an mspaint (or was it GIMP?) building drawing i did, the 128^2 logo, and some shameless self advertisement, destined for a park bench near you~!
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
Rollins has the GOAT radio show. I discovered some of my favorite bands through archive mp3s.
Happy Birthday to Henry Lawrence Garfield aka Henry Rollins, American singer of State of Alert, Black Flag and the Rollins Band, born on this day in 1961, Washington DC
Photo by Glen E. Friedman
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#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #henryrollins #history #punkrockhistory #otd
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
If you need a cheap computer, this is actually a really great solution. It's not as hard as you think.
I used an Acer C720 from 2016 to 2020 as my daily-driver laptop. For the first year, I used Crouton to run Ubuntu alongside Chrome OS. Later, I used MrChromebox's scripts to flash a new BIOS, replaced the SSD with a larger one, and installed Xubuntu.
This was my first time trying any of these things. (I'd used Ubuntu on a traditional laptop, but my dad installed it for me.) This gave me the confidence to try more involved things later: building a desktop PC, retrieving data from a dead phone, and flashing Coreboot to a ThinkPad.
IMO, skills like these are the modern equivalent of knowing how to fix your car. They'll really empower you, and running Linux on a Chromebook is a great intro project. (Just make sure you're using a Chromebook that people recommend for this purpose, because some aren't as suitable for this. The C720 works extremely well for this.)
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
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So, I'm no music prod expert or anything. I've attached the settings I used in VLC to get this video to sound the way it does. Had a lot of fun messing around with stuff until it sounded right.
The midis used for this are from this site.
And they're backed up here.
And the video link :D
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
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Made these while trying to come up with a background for my zine boxes.
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
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Just printed out a couple hundred zines before realizing there was a glaring typo lol. Gonna leave them around places as is.
Still not too late to enter the Zine contest!!! There's prizes and stuff :D
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
ZINE CONTEST (with prize)(≧▽≦)
I have a Zine contest from NOW until Feb 24th (autism holiday). Pls read more about how to submit, the prizes and why I'm so hyped. 
This is for BOTH people who consider themselves artists and those who don't. It doesn't have to be a comic. A ZINE CAN BE ANYTHING :D It can be a tech tutorial, it can be a comic, it can be flash fiction, it can be a local history guide, it can be Street Fighter II Turbo strategies printed out to be left in arcades, it can be anything!
The video below explains the process better than I could probably in text (I suck at conveying thing through text). My video also has a tl;dr that I would appreciate everyone read before submitting.
There's some other stuff below, but if you're more visual, like not the reading type (like me) then feel free to skip and just head to the video description to jump in.
Also, you may know me for my "Raspberry Pis are for paypigs" video where I try to advocate for the upcycling for ewasted Chromebooks.
I've been into the idea of leaving around Zines for a while. Every time I walk into a coffee shop or local business, I think "wow, I really would wish there was something cool to read." So I started making things to put there: 8 small 2.5 inch panels, folded into one 2.5 inch square for those interested to unravel. I put them inside of these origami boxes that a learned how to make, ones with a logo printed on them.
So far I've made: a zine template (I call it a dog ear zine for some reason), a template for the box to put them in, a zine about using yt-dlp, a zine about a reindeer working IT (along with a collaborator) and (coming soon) a zine about a monster in a cave doing stuff. All of the odg LibreOffice Draw template files to make your own zines or print out mine are on my archive.org page (linked at top of my Tumblr). I'd really like other people to try this 8 panel 2.5 inch zine format, and I'm willing to bribe people with sweet, sweet Gabe Newell bucks to do it. You can submit as many zines in this format as you want. Just make sure they're printed out and have pictures of both the front and back (plus other pictures if you want) . In the video I mentioned you can use my submit page, which is probably the easiest for me to keep track of. You can also use the #dogearzine hashtag to enter. Please read the video description before entering, though (which includes Youtube's and Tumblr's terms of service, though this is more of a youtube thing).
Also, and this is completely unrelated, there's a lot more to me than just the faux-clickbait Wojak thumbnails. I like doing tech, wrestling, japanese, vidya and other videos, but I love to throw art in whenever I can shoehorn it in. Like, the video where I go over inchworm, butterfly, colors 3D and flipnote sudomemo - colors 3D on a hacked 3DS was my sister's first experience with digital at (she's moved up to an iPad and Procreate). So, it hold a special place in might heart, as a lot of the things I talk about do. I made a Whomp video because I miss Ronnie. I made a Rockbox video because I wished more people used dedicated MP3 players and knew where and how to download music. I want to help people do interesting things. And I also want to thank anyone who read all of this. You are cool. I hope everyone who's able to can compete in this contest and challenge themselves to get out of their comfort zone, to try something new! Also, also, thanks for liking these posts, people on Tumblr. You all have cool blogs. (^o^)丿
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
This is an example of a submission:
Hope you like it. 
Download a printable copy at: https://archive.org/details/reindeer-comic 
Check out my youtube if you're weird: https://www.youtube.com/@steve-rambo 
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steve-rambo-leaks · 4 months
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steve-rambo-leaks · 5 months
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Making youtube thumbnails is fun. Everyone should give it a try, even if you don't have a youtube channel.
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steve-rambo-leaks · 5 months
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