For everyone’s information:
The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.
To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.
On the 17th, dead silence.
People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.
But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.
What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’
A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.
If you want to join in, here’s what to do:
Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
Come back on the 18th and check in
Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.
Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.
Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.
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reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
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@pxelsquid asked for it, so here we go:
A small override that makes it so that the ugly “rain outfits” are a thing of the past, hopefully.
I found the “situation_job” that was in charge of dealing with the rain walk-bys and removed the part where it forces your sim into a silly “job outfit” disaster, so your sims should just wear whatever they usually wear to stroll around the neighborhood now. Enjoy!
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if my absence doesn’t affect your life, then my presence has no meaning in it
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I was going to do screenshots this weekend, but I have to get a new video card since this one crapped out on me. I’m ordering it Monday~ Hopefully it’ll be here before seasons comes out so I can have all the builds done...I legit only have the bath house and the casino left.
In the meantime here’s the Witch’s Hut.
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Almost done~
I can’t wait to post screenshots of my Pelican Town in the sims. All I have left to build is:
The Adventurer’s Guild 
The Bath House (I’m waiting for the glass roof update to do this one)
Wizard’s Tower
Witch’s Hut
The Casino/Sandy’s store
I decided to not do Joja Mart or even make Morris because they’re pointless to me. I never ever go to Joja Mart in SDV unless I’m giving Shane gifts. 
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Bonnie is an accomplished musician. She writes music all day, taking breaks for her needs and her furbaby Evie.
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Bonnie’s long time boyfriend, Jace, proposed. Of course, she said yes!
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With seasons coming out...I can TOTALLY revamp my Stardew save and story! The real reason I quit it before was because no seasons...and it was just kinda pointless. I’m so excited!
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Bonnie dancing the night away with two of her Paragon friends. Yes Sofia has pink hair. 
Bonnie’s bff, Siobhan, was probably in the hot tub or swimming. As for Luna, no idea where she was. 
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Until seasons comes out I'm going to post unedited gameplay pics from my story's alternate universe save. I've been having a lot of fun with it.
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As you can > see < i only have one more request on my list, so just a reminder, that requests / suggestions are always open! 
my hairs come as swatch addons, to the original mesh, so it doesn’t clutter your CAS too much :D 
I’m aiming to do a lot of hairs, so suggesting any you might like will give me a good direction to start in!
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Go request from my friend ;o
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Between myself and @nitefurysimmer; we are currently taking all requests for all types of hair! I will be handling the maxis match hairs, and Shellie will take the alpha hairs.
We’re both planning to recolour a lot of hairs, so your suggestions will point us in a good direction to start!
feel free to suggest hairs for any age&gender, but also eyebrows and beards! 
Heres a database of our current projects, and completed projects :3 I update mine live as i’m doing my recolours, so you’ll see exactly where in the queue you are!
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Have any of your friendships ever ended because you were always the first one to talk to someone and one day you stopped to see if they would talk to you first and they never did so you just stopped talking to each other?
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reblog if ur lgbt and have a bad eyesight
trying to prove a point to my oculist
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in therapy my therapist and i were talking about my own feelings of self worth in relationships. and she asked me to say qualities about myself that someone else would be attracted to, on a romantic and platonic level. so i named some things like compassionate, empathetic, etc. and she said “you named things that you can give someone. ways you can serve, rather than ways that you are” and y'all..my mind was blown that’s gonna stick with me forever like she then proceed to tell me actual innate qualities about myself that she liked and thought anyone else would like as well and i hadn’t even considered those because like she said i was focused on things i could do outwardly to attract and maintain connections rather than who i was as a person..goddamn!!! thats tea!!!
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