Mass die offs of other species, such as the dinosaurs, are noticeable to us because of all of the skeletons and fossils preserved in mud and dirt for many, many years. Paleontology has become such a fascinating field for many people, and I myself was drawn to it from an early age. I don't know if we realize how much we take for granted in how it's all preserved, or the fact that we can observe these things in the Earth.
What about all of the species today that are going extinct in a mass number? Are we going to see a layer of death like we found the dinosaurs in? I'd venture to say we probably won't, partially due to the skeletal structures of some species, but also because it's happening too fast for anything to even preserve. All we will see is a thick layer of garbage and plastic from all of our waste that won't have broken down in even a hundred years. The 6th mass extinction involving amphibians not only happens silently in the present day, but will create a silent future without their presence in the circle of life.
And then, the quiet will be one of the loudest things we've ever heard.
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Seattle ferry rides are a new favorite thing now. 馃槉 #seattle #boats #openWater #adventures #bainbridgeIsland
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The country is in a very bleak state at this time. But I never stop hoping for what is to come. We were never meant to be in this wasting world forever.
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2018 was a very unique year for my life. The major goals I set for the year were in fact accomplished. I finally paid off my first car. I got my master鈥檚 degree. I traveled with my best friends and experienced things that live on in warm memories. Triumphs and successes, causes for celebration. It was a year in which loose ends were tied up, I felt at my prime and truly confident of my abilities.聽 And yet, there was still heavy heartache in 2018. Deaths of loved ones, people I knew and among my friends that I witnessed. Having to re-open old wounds, and coming to grips with certain realities. Facing myself as a person, and asking myself important life questions again. Going to battle against foes, old and new.聽
I believed 2018 was going to be a better year than prior years, and it was in some ways. The extremes of events, however, were still a lot to cope with. To feel light as a feather and heavy with the world鈥檚 weight - it brings perspective of what life is capable of throwing at you.
And God was there, every step of the way. He was there in the blessings, and walked with me through the valleys. Everyday, I am in awe of all that He has seen me through, and what He will still be with me through.聽
So in the new year ahead, I hope to still draw ever nearer to Him. The new year holds mysteries, possible adventures, endless creative possibilities. There are always ways to improve oneself in the new year. Together, we can make this year better than the last.
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Soft Light
There are those things that bring sure comfort, every time. A cup of hot chocolate. Gentle wind in the trees on a Fall day. The warmth of soft light.
And as soon as worries enter, the anxiety tries to possess us. Darkness envelopes the view. Hope vanishes. But vanished not is the soft light, it has not left; it is just hidden temporarily.
It takes a special people in our lives to help us re-calibrate through the darkness. To help us see around the worries. They are as soothing as gentle music that empathizes with our deepest feelings. The embodiment of fond memories that we long to keep with us always.
And then those things that bring us comfort... they become shared with memories. There in the backs of our minds, our dark, dark minds.聽
The softness I sink into. The light, it shines.聽
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We never crossed it
But stood at either end with a match
Struck, by our hand
Or by another's
Turned away, our backs to it
Yet feeling the desire
To walk backwards.
One cinder drops,
Run from here, and don't look back.
And yet I prefer
To burn with the bridge
Than to ever live
With the unknown.
From the bottom,聽
Upwards I look.
In the ashes,聽
I linger.
For reconstruction, I cannot hope.
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I guess I have a thing for grass swaying in the wind... Wanted to try out the new camera on my phone too. I like being able to capture my visions. #peace #tranquility #nature #contentment
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Beauty Surrounds Me
My best friends are some of the most beautiful people I've ever laid eyes on. Not just physically, but also in heart and soul. The day I began appreciating them more deeply as people was also the day that I noticed such beauty. And I don't write this to sound like I'm bragging - I think we all have these people in our lives, or I hope we do. Sometimes I come to a point where my heart is so full, I find myself overwhelmed and needing to release everything I feel.
Beauty is in those who are far away from me, but we are still able to keep in touch from afar. And when I have opportunity to see their beauty, there is a heartache to be close. But oh, to just gaze on the beauty, it is privilege. Such privilege.
I think being able to appreciate what is around us, fully, is what sets humans apart from other living creatures on this Earth. All other creatures have the life goals to eat, find territory, reproduce, and survive... And while we humans do all of that too, we also have a knack for appreciating what's around us. Even though we tend to destroy, at least we are able to also protect so that we all may appreciate the wonders of the world.
Beauty is in many forms around us, even when we think it's gone... What do you find it in?
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I have so many drafts of things I've wanted to write and post... But then as I write them, I get depressed. It feels as though writing those things somehow saps my energy, and then I don't want to finish them. Perhaps it's because they are things I don't actually want to dwell on, yet I'm still trying to learn from them.
My inability to finish some things makes me wonder if they're just not creatively stirring me. Usually, if I feel very compelled or strongly about an idea, I obsessively work on it until I come up with a product I'm satisfied with. The thought of being stagnant is rather depressing, but coming to the realization of it and understanding that it's affecting me has compelled me to write this.
I've learned about water courses in my science classes. In stagnant waters, dissolved oxygen levels decrease, and that causes life to decrease. There are times when our lives will become stagnant, but it doesn't have to always be this way. New opportunities and new paths with come into our lives and make our waters flow freely once again. We have to keep exploring to 'allow those creative juices to flow' (wow, incredibly cheesy and cliche there - but it's true and you know it). It's frustrating to be in that stagnant state when you want to be flowing.
It's okay. You'll get there. The force of your desire will get you there.
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So excited to be getting SYML鈥檚 albums on vinyl soon!! Whenever I heard this song on Alt 98.7 (in Chattanooga) on the radio, I found myself loving it. Such a balance of melancholy and tenderness.
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It's like I have a mini dinosaur...
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"How is a place like this even real?" Someday, I hope to find it.
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Photography by Nick Fitzhardinge
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This song has randomly been stuck in my head over the past several months... maybe I can even say years. I really connect deeply with it. Maybe, someday, I鈥檒l do a cover of it.
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At a certain time of day, the light streams in through your bedroom window and illuminates little specks in the air. Everyday, they're there, floating around, but there's something particularly beautiful about the way they shimmer and hover in the light.
How is it that these dead particles can be so beautiful... These things that are dead?
The stars shimmer in the night sky, filling us with wonder and awe. We gaze at the beautiful lights they produce, reaching out to try and touch them.
But... Some of them, too, are already dead. And have been for many, many years, without us even knowing.
And yet... When we really think about what makes those things beautiful, it's... the way light interacts with them. The light they produce, despite what they are. Even as we feel dead and downtrodden inside, there is a Light that seeks to interact with us and make us beautiful.
The beauty is there. Whether it's light-years away or in your heart. It's there.
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Creativity is flow, it is release.
From what?
Therapy brought to a captive self.
For who?
A day will come, when time not slip from our grasp.
But when?
Enter into the darkness, enter and be light.
But how?
Listening to soft noises,
The origins are unknown.
They are around, encompassing
鈥榯is the ambience. The ambience.
Sunken into the plane of existence,
When faced with a task to overcome it.
How shall I find liberty from everything
It asks of me. Everything.
I reach out, grasping
To find what is real.
Clutching air, emptiness,
Of what once was
Of what could be
Of what is.
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袨泻薪芯 胁 芯褋械薪褜 by 袘邪蟹邪薪芯胁 袗薪写褉械泄
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