spiritsnstuff · 8 months
The Phenomena of Walk-Ins
A walk-in is a New Age concept of a person whose original soul has departed their body and has been replaced with a new, different, soul. Ruth Montgomery popularized the concept in her 1979 book Strangers Among Us.
Believers maintain that it is possible for the original soul of a human to leave a person's body and for another soul to "walk in". In Montgomery's work, souls are said to "walk in" during a period of intense personal problems on the part of the departing soul, or during or because of an accident or trauma. Some other walk-ins describe their entry as occurring based on prior agreement and when the previous soul was complete. The walk-in being/individual retains the memories of the original personality, but does not have emotions associated with the memories. As they integrate, they bring their own mental, emotional, spiritual consciousness and evolve the life to resonate with their purpose and intentions. Incarnating into a fully grown body allows the walk-in soul to engage in embodiment without having to go through the two decades of maturation that humans need to reach adulthood. A walk-in soul also does not experience the conditioning of childhood and has a different relationship to life because they were not born.
[source: the info above is found in Wikipedia]
Facts about Walk-ins:
Soul exchanges can occur at any age of a person, not just at birth.
The inbound (walk-in) Soul becomes responsible for the body it’s “walking into” and completes that life.
The walk-in Soul doesn’t always displace the Soul that’s already there. It may be braided into the same vessel and share responsibilities with the existing Soul.
Permission of both the Souls involved must be secured for a walk-in to occur.
The walk-in Soul is usually more spiritually evolved and capable of navigating life circumstances.
It could be a Soul from an unrelated Soul family or be part of your own monadic Soul group (aka another part of your own essence).
They can be permanent for the rest of a person’s life or only temporary to fulfill a specific task.
Walk-ins play a critical role in the ascension to 5D.
[source: blog post by Ethereal Soul. To read this blog post in its entirety, click HERE]
Walk-ins in culture...
Walk-in is an ancient concept first described in Hinduism whose modern name originated in the Spiritualist faith and was popularized by the related, but not identical New Age movements and beliefs. A walk-in is thought to be a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and been replaced with a new soul.
Walk-ins first appear in Hindu sacred literature. In Hindu belief, each person is comprised of several bodies, including the physical, astral, mental, refined, and so on. The only essence that is not a body, and therefore not tranferable, is the Atman. So according to this belief system, a walk-in, as described in the book Merging with Siva by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, can take one or many of these bodies.
The most famous Hindu story of a walk-in is that of the missionary Saint Tirumular. Legend has it that he voluntarily left his body in order to reanimate a young cowherd who had just died. His own body was subsequently taken up to heaven by the god Siva, leaving him to spend the remainder of his life on earth in the body of the cowherd. He was able to access the dead man's knowledge, including his ability to speak Tamil.
In modern times, "true" or sincere walk-ins might be a rare but possibly real medical or mental health phenomenon. A typical walk-in report involves an individual (frequently, but not always, female) who is badly injured, falls ill or is in some way incapacitated, or seems to "die" on the operating table during surgery, perhaps later reporting a near-death experience. Others claim that deep emotional trauma and suicidal desires alone may set the stage for a walk-in experience.
After resuscitation, the person may behave in a manner completely at odds with earlier, established behavior patterns. She or he may speak in an unknown language and identify by a different name, and may be very frightened and confused, or supernally calm. While the experience cannot be determined to have any objective reality, subjectively it is deeply and importantly real for the affected individual.
Almost invariably, a walk-in will state they either do not know where the original inhabitant of the body has got to, or that the original soul has left it and gone on to heaven, or reincarnated, etc., leaving them in charge. The new individual may claim he or she is an angel; a "new" version of the former self; an older, more experienced soul; less often, a brand new one who has never incarnated before; or any manner of other origins.
Many walk-ins claim heightened psychic sensitivity and may take up work as New Age healers or ministers. Others claim inability to accomplish basic tasks of daily living. Clearly, at least for some, claiming a walk-in experience may have a number of secondary gains.
While the New Age belief system about walk-ins claims that these transitions can't occur involuntarily and that no soul walks into another's body without reason, the behaviour of some "new" people indicates that it may not always be so.
In classical cases, the change is immediately apparent. However, in cases where the "new soul" has enough information to take up the life of the "previous occupant" seamlessly, it may take weeks or months before a walk-in notices, or comes to believe, that a transition has indeed occurred. Occasionally, the "old self" returns after a period of months or years, and either the "new self" departs, or they coexist and may try to integrate into a single being, or work out a means of cooperation and live as two persons in one body.
This kind of walk-in is very similar to old-time, pre-Sybil cases of multiple personalities such as Mary Reynolds. A period of unconsciousness is followed by the manifestation of a new self. William James studied Reynolds and Ansel Bourne, and thought of multiple personality as something natural but not yet understood, rather than a mental disease.
Boris Sidis in his 1903 book Multiple Personalities recorded similar cases, involving both men and women.
In 1979, Spiritualist author Ruth Montgomery published Strangers Among Us, a collection of accounts of walk-ins. She included her own New Age theories and some improbable historical research, naming some renowned figures such as Thomas Jefferson as walk-ins. This and her follow-up book Threshold to Tomorrow brought the concept of walk-ins to the general public.
A belief system grew up around the walk-in experience, complete with all the usual New Age attributes such as "ascending into higher frequencies of evolution", predictions regarding Earth Changes, and the concept that the new person may possess a variety of psi powers unknown to ordinary human beings whose "vibrational levels" remain in lower frequencies.
The New Age walk-in belief system now includes a number of variant experiences such as channeling, telepathy contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, or soul merging, where the original soul is said to remain present, coexisting or integrating with the new one.
As of 2006, an increasing number of people claim some type of walk-in experience. Walk-ins were featured on the June 4, 1999 segment of Robert Stack's 'Unsolved Mysteries'. According to information presented on this program, there are now walk-in conventions, one of them drawing approximately 500 people.
Checklists to determine walk-in status include name changes, career changes, new interest in the study of psychic phenomena, a feeling that one is not really from Earth, or a sudden desire to move to a new environment.
Reported physical changes include memory loss and the sudden onset of allergic reactions. Since all of these factors could possibly be attributed to simple life changes such as adolescence or middle age, it's difficult to determine solely from such a checklist if a "true" walk-in has occurred.
The most logical method might be to determine if any specific event historically connected with walk-ins (anesthesia for surgery is one of the most common) occurred around the time one first started feeling differently. There is, however, no known scientific method to prove whether or not the walk-in experience has any objective reality, let alone how to determine if one has occurred.
The belief system states that all souls come to earth in order to accomplish missions of cosmic significance, and that a walk-in is a highly evolved soul who is here to help raise the vibrational levels of humanity and doesn't want to bother with the tedious process of incarnating in the usual fashion (i.e., birth).
Walk-ins, according to New Age teachers, are not perfect like Ascended Masters, but are invariably more spiritual, compassionate and sympathetic than the original person.
This interpretation is sometimes disputed by the spouses of people who abruptly discontinue marital relations on the grounds that they are not the person whose name appears on the wedding license or that carnal love is not for those of higher vibrational frequencies. Separation, divorce, and remarriage are very common to the New Age walk-in experience.
[source: blog post by Crystal Links. To read this post in its entirety, click HERE]
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spiritsnstuff · 8 months
Mediumship Reading ~ the crazy cat lady
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Card #1... Princess of Pentacles
The person who has passed on ~
This card represents a very grounded and down-to-earth female.  She loved animals, and you would probably find her with an assortment of pets, all the while she's either worrying over or trying to rescue other animals as well.  She would take in any stray.  Her demeanor was very earthy and natural, and she didn't wear a lot of makeup or give great thought to fashion or hairstyles.  She was the kind of woman who could be ready to go somewhere in two minutes or less, throwing her unruly hair in a pony tail and slipping into a comfortable old pair of blue jeans.  She was perfectly at ease doing this, lacking the vanity of most women.
Card #2, addresses the spirit... 7/pentacles
Looking back on your life, how do you see it?
She see's her life as one engulfed in the act of nurturing, mostly animals, but also people who were outcast or emotionally adrift, a plant that someone else threw out for "dead", an injured bird on the back porch... constantly feeding, nursing, comforting, helping other living things.
She was constantly engaged with new ideas and plans and adventures, a lot of them not very successful, but entered into with unabandoned enthusiasm none-the-less.  She was never afraid to try new things and was not discouraged if there was not a 100% success rate, because there would always be something else, something new, to try and to experience.
She was not necessarily very tidy, and she was not bothered by a certain amount of clutter or a messy atmosphere about her.  The chaos of such surroundings seemed to lend themselves to the wonderful pulse of life.  This is how she viewed it.
Card #3, addresses the spirit... 4/cups A lesson you'd like to share
Do not put off something you may regret later.  There's something in her life she didn't finish up on, look into; someone she put off contacting; something she kept putting on the back burner; something she tried to avoid, thinking there was all the time in the world, until there wasn't.
Card #4, addresses the spirit... 6/swords
Something you wish you would've paid attention to
There is a relationship in her life that she wishes she would've been more patient with, a relationship she wishes she would have worked harder at.  She regrets walking away.  She feels that when she did this, her life took on a more nomadic feel about it, that she lacked roots to a particular physical location, or there was a place that she missed and thinking of it would make her feel sad and nostalgic, and homesick.
She felt she couldn't go back, ,that she had burned her bridges.
Card #5, addresses the spirit... 4/swords
A message from this spirit
Slow down.  Don't rush through life so fast that you miss something important.  Don't be afraid to back down from a fight; don't be afraid to be the first one to say "I'm sorry", or the first one to lay down the sword.  Don't be afraid to take time in life to reflect, to rest, to sleep, to dream.
Audio Version @ YouTube https://youtu.be/Fwj_zLGlKUI 
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
MEDIUMSHIP READING: The Life of the Party
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Card #1... 3/cups
This is someone who loved to party and would never turn down the opportunity to socialize and party with friends and family.  They were often considered the "life of the party", very gregarious, usually outspoken, sometimes loud, but never boring.  They portrayed a happy go-lucky countenance to friends and family.  They were very private about their personal feelings or emotions that did not match what everyone around them had come to expect.  They had an "image" to live up to... there's also the strong feeling with this person that they never wanted to disappoint those close to them, and they would go to great lengths to maintain this.
Card #2, addresses the spirit... 2/wands
They see their life as one long period of quiet anticipation, waiting for something that never arrived.  There's the feeling that this person did not reach specific goals during their life, or they did not achieve a certain status, or they did not reach their desired level of talent and competence within their field.  There is also the feeling that personal goals relating to marriage and parenthood may never have been met.  
But there is also the the spectacular personality traits of infinite patience, a quiet internal calmness that allowed them to meet daily life and it's more rash and unexpected moments with grace and clarity.  This loud and very social person had another side to them that they may have shown to very few people, if anyone.
Card #3, addresses the spirit... Death (reversed)
This spirit is speaking about not veering away from and trying to avoid or postpone necessary transitions and life changes.  They are warning us that there is a limited amount of time to pave your way in this life and reach certain goals and stages and levels of personal revelations and spiritual awakenings.  They are telling us to live so that you will have no regrets.  You don't want to look back on your life once you've crossed the veil, only to see any carnage that you may have left if you tramped thoughtlessly through life and through the lives of friends and family.  From the other side, they see and feel these emotions and results enveloping living people that they love.
The thing they most would change... they wished they had worked harder towards reaching some of life's milestones, little knowing that time was of the essence.
Card #4, addresses the spirit... Judgement
This spirit wishes that they would have snatched up a missed opportunity, a second chance, at something monumentally pivotal in their life.  
They wish they would've been more open and receptive to some of life's "Aha!" moments.  They wish they would've been more open to so much, so much that they feel they foolishly disregarded, brushing it off, not thinking it would be important, thinking that there was an infinite amount of time to get around to those things and more.
Card #5, the spirit addressing us... Knight/pentacles
Their message to us:
This spirit wants us to know how important stability is.  They want us to know that it's okay to make what might look like boring "safe" choices and decisions to other people.  They want us to know how important it is to hang onto what's important to you.  They want to tell us to keep moving forward in life without shirking responsibility, or the hard work needed to accomplish something.
Most of all, they want you to look beneath the loud gregarious fun-loving person they portrayed during life, and realize how very much more there was beneath the surface, and if you don't think they shared enough of themselves with you... they agree.
Audio Version @ YouTube https://youtu.be/S5IL-K6zs-k
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 10's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 9's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 8's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 7's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 6's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 5's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 4's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 3's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 2's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 9 months
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the Aces ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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spiritsnstuff · 2 years
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spiritsnstuff · 2 years
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spiritsnstuff · 2 years
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spiritsnstuff · 2 years
Reading/The Missing Link... Posted 6-27-22
First, this message is time sensitive and it's connected with something or someone from your past. There is the idea of "a missing link", someone missing from your life in the present that was perhaps a strong presence in the past. You have a strong bond in the real and mundane world with this person, or a strong soul bond with them that has survived many incarnations -- or both.
There was, or is, a family situation that's seen very differently by two individuals: one person see's this life as fair and just and happy, everything is just hunky-dory. The other individual (it's you) sees this world from a very different perspective. It did not (or does not) make you happy. Yet, to the world at large, that is the façade that everyone sees -- a perfectly happy, charming, lucky family.
It's you I'm speaking to now... you, who's reading this. I can feel you.
Spirit wants me to tell you to be open to its presence. Spirit wants you to look for the light, and then follow it without hesitation, you'll recognize its energy. It's there to lead you out of the darkness and into the realm of normality and happiness.
When you find "the missing link", everything will become clear.
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