sneezeace1 · 8 days
please reblog this if it is okay to anonymously confess something to you.
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sneezeace1 · 20 days
THIS! 100%
speaking as someone who is not immunocompromised or otherwise physically disabled outside of mild pain associated with previous medical procedures - the way some of y’all act when disabled people call out shitty behavior is really gross.
i’m not gonna speak out of behalf of other people cause that’s not my place, but just know that if you get called out on shitty behavior and your first response isn’t to apologize and fix your attitude, you can get the fuck off my blog.
kink spaces are all about consent, boundaries and inclusivity, and if you can’t take five minutes to check yourself and listen when marginalized groups tell you your actions are harmful, you don’t belong in a kink space.
i know some other people have made posts covering the topic in a much more eloquent and informative way than i can, especially those who are directly impacted by these things, so please if you can, go read their posts, listen to what they have to say and be kind. their input is the most important thing.
as an autistic person, i know too well what it’s like to be talked over, infantilized, and bullied out of communities. i won’t standby and let this happen to other people. again, i’m not going to speak for anyone else, but as a personal standpoint - if this post makes you uncomfortable and you can’t handle that, block me.
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sneezeace1 · 29 days
i knew my cat allergy was good for something!
#does this mean people think i am attractive because cats make me sneeze?
PSA: if you are allergic to cats you are in the upper echelon of allergy sufferers. Nothing is sexier TBH. Thank you for your contributions to my wildest fantasies ;)
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sneezeace1 · 1 month
Pesach snz post!!
So A is at the seder and maybe they get sneezy when they drink wine. It's only the first cup and their nose is already so itchy
They rub at it and sniffle, trying to fend off the sneezes. Once they start it's anyone's guess when it'll stop
They make it halfway through the first cup before hastily muffling a sneeze into their napkin. And a second one. And- and- nope. They sniffle before draining the rest of the cup
As the seder progresses, A's nose gets even itchier and when it's time to drink the second cup, B puts a hand on their shoulder. "You know, you can use grape juice instead. We have non-mevushal (uncooked)." A shrugs them off. "Its fine, I enjoy the taste. Besides, how bad can it be?"
B smiles before pouring A their requested wine. This should be fun to watch.
When they get up to the second cup after a long Maggid (someone insisted on sharing yet another dvar Torah) A's nose has been rubbed red and they can't stop sniffling. But they make the blessing fervently and drink the second cup.
They can't even make it past two sips before sneezing. It comes on so quickly, doubling them over. They grab their cloth napkin, muffling sneeze after sneeze into the fabric. B rubs their back as A rides out their sneezing fit.
A blows their nose a few times, then determinedly eyes their 2nd cup.
B notices the direction of their gaze. "You only have to drink the majority of the glass. Go on"
A downs what they think is a sufficient amount. The liquid hasn't been swallowed when A feels another sneeze coming on. They pinch their nose shut, stifling the sneeze and quickly gulp down the wine. The wine tickles their throat going down and A starts coughing into their napkin, doubled over, tears of exertion running down their face.
B rubs their back hesitantly as they cough and cough, a concerned frown on their face
A eventually straightens up with an embarrassed grin. "Sorry.... didn't realize that would happen"
"You're switching to grape juice for the last 2 cups"
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sneezeace1 · 1 month
ohhhh my gosh
The cedar pollen was super high the other day. We don’t even have a lot of cedar trees where I live but the prevailing wind blows it in from the south and it just wreaks havoc. I get swollen itchy sinuses, headache, runny nose, and frequent powerful wet sneezes. I’m also extremely photic so if I want to get the sneezes out easier I’ll stand in front of a sunny window and just let go.
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sneezeace1 · 3 months
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A lovely one from @whispsofsmokee
Especially dear to my heart :3
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sneezeace1 · 3 months
I thought of a little scenario if that's okay, hope it's not too long
Person A: *Stifles sneeze as quetly as she can*
Person B: Was that... did you just sneeze?
Person A: "(nervously) What? No!
B: Whatever, just don't be spreading germs
A: ehh..hehh... h'nggxt... HUT'cnnxt
B: you know I can hear you, right?
A: Hetchnnttt... hitchhhtt.... hitchhh
B: Seriously?
A: huuhhh.... hehhh..hehhhh..HUUHHHHH... HETSCHOOO!! HAYESHOOO!! HATISHOO!! *Lets out a loud sigh of relief
B: *sighs in disapointment* " I'll get the tissues"
Sorry this took so long! I'm getting through them all :3
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sneezeace1 · 3 months
Hey ya'll! I am considering opening up commissions for writing. Anyone know how? I need help with bills and I love making other fetish-friends happy so this is perfect for me. I'm just not sure how to get started.
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sneezeace1 · 4 months
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A lovely one from @whispsofsmokee
Especially dear to my heart :3
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sneezeace1 · 4 months
My gosh I am in LOVE
I know I just posted a wav yesterday, but I just had this fit and I couldn't not share it!!
Ugh, these hurt my throat😫
Note to self: this is what happens when you use chhinkni when your nose is already feeling sensitive😅
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sneezeace1 · 4 months
#ohmy G-D
I am speechless, I am in love
I know it's maybe sounds a weird, buuuuutttt
can u show more ur hands? cuz they looks so soft and I wanna hold them so badly
Contains: 3 sneezes + wet sniffles
A rare natural fit… with visuals😉
(I’ve been trying to capture this for a long time😅)
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sneezeace1 · 5 months
cw:sneezing, hitching a lot, muffled sneezes, think 2 nose blows, stuffy/sniffly, mentions of mess,stuck sneezes in the middle
last night i woke up at 2am mostly due to a storm but omg my curse came back in full force I had a full 15 min sneezing fit! i manged to record about 8 mins of it but omg it was so intense.
dang i was doing so well 10 days of no sneezing but then my curse smacked me in the face with a terrible fit! im all stuffy today i think the number was close to 100 sneezes.
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sneezeace1 · 6 months
Y’all I’ve been having absolutely horrendous pain in my hips and I wasn’t sure why. Some phone calls, chaotic doctors visits, and two scans later and it turns out I have a severe labral tear. They said it’s not “bad enough” for them to do anything about it. I’m just supposed to rest and do my PT. It’s also been rough because I have had a migraine for almost three days, can barely wheel myself around because of the pain. It’s all just been a nightmare to be honest. Feel free to ignore, just needed to rant.
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sneezeace1 · 7 months
reblog this if you're an 18+ snzblog?
my reccs and 4u page aren't doing it for me i need more content
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sneezeace1 · 7 months
Omgggg I’d HATE to admit it, but I’m actually down to see you try and pinch <3
welp, found out that pinching definitely makes things messy... tho tbh I would've probably been a mess either way, hope you enjoy <3
also god I hitch sooo much before I sneeze, I think I have a problem xD
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sneezeace1 · 7 months
a pinch of chhinkni
I was feeling a bit sneezy, decided to help it along and...here it is, chhinkni makes me so loud I can't help myself! Enjoy 💖
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sneezeace1 · 8 months
LOTS of hitching and building up in this one, though i tried my best to stifle as many sneezes as possible for those of you that requested stifles!! holding back and trying to stifle allergic sneezes always makes me so stuffy and messy so you can definitely hear me getting a little more congested as i tried to hold back
i hope someone enjoys!!
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