smoshimagine · 1 year
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smoshimagine · 3 years
if anyone would like to take this blog send a message to my main @eldestsiblingsyndrome
i want to leave to declutter my blogs list but i don't want to leave it alone
i don't even know if there's a fandom or what's the channel like rn but i would like to see if anyone wants it before i leave it
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smoshimagine · 4 years
Current Problems in Sm/osh - Links
This is a post that will be updated as new information comes to light
Please contact me if you have more information on any of these subjects or want your post added/removed
B/oze's Stream Info
X (tntlivia)
Jo/ven's Stream Info
X (anon ask, shaymiens, & audible301)
Tweet/Info Possibly Against W/es [tw: sexual assault]
X (anon ask & new-element-six)
X (sonofagoose)
X (shaymiens) [also involves the case of Ra]
X (spenceragnew)
X (tumblogbykarapaloma & spenceragnew) [Wes's Response]
Evidence in favor of W/es
X (anon ask & thosedamnsmoshkids)
X (anon ask & thosedamnsmoshkids)
X (anon ask & shaymiens)
Problems with M/att R/aub
X (hausofhaas)
X (karikamiya)
X (smsoh)
X (shayneismysoulmate)
Problems with I/an
X (smoshbutnotcorrupt)
X (audible301)
The Crew's Responses
X (fionalovebot)
X (bozenshires)
A Possibility of Sm/osh's Future
X (hausofhaas)
X (yousonofagoose)
X (marishire)
This is a reminder!
DO NOT harass the cast about this
DO NOT force this information onto unsuspecting crew members
DO feel free to share this information around
You DO NOT have to feel guilty for still consuming their content during this time, but you are also NOT OBLIGATED to watch during this time
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smoshimagine · 4 years
head's up, wes posted a statement on twitter...
yeah i just saw it. for those who hasn’t, here it is:
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smoshimagine · 4 years
Hi, I’m a little confused but what’s been going on with the Smosh cast recently? I haven’t been keeping up with them as of late.
Bro I haven’t been keeping up either!!! It’s absolutely wild!! If you go look at the post I made asking, @zerrzzee (if I remember right but I still can’t @ them) sent a post with all the information!
I don’t wanna go into specifics here Incase I have any information wrong or I cause anyone to be uncomfortable or trigger them! If you wanna dm me @the-unsusual-fan I can send you the post if you don’t wanna look for it! Or I can just tell you what I know!
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smoshimagine · 4 years
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I know I said I wasn’t posting about s/mosh or ne/6 anymore, but I thought those of y’all who don’t have twitter might wanna see this
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smoshimagine · 4 years
I’m not allowed to @ them??? But @zerrzzee thanks bro for sending me that master post with links on everything and uh!!! Wow rip in peace!! But listen to Sonja! Also stan Boze and Joven!! Sohinki too!!
I haven’t really been into smosh in a while but uhh,, lmao can someone explain what’s happenin with Boze and al that?
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smoshimagine · 4 years
I haven’t really been into smosh in a while but uhh,, lmao can someone explain what’s happenin with Boze and al that?
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smoshimagine · 4 years
Do you guys still write?
hello! im the person who created this blog, hilâl. i haven’t been managing this account, i know that, but it seems like the other admins aren’t active either. i still love this blog, i want it to go on and be active. so i just wanna say if anyone wants to help this blog get back up go ahead and dm us or dm my personal @crescentandstar​ we’re always looking for people willing to manage this account.
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smoshimagine · 5 years
Y’all to be perfectly honest I’m not qualified in the slightest to write an autistic reader and I don’t wanna write it incorrectly but I wouldn’t even really know where to begin
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smoshimagine · 5 years
Yalll I’m sorry I know you guys are sending in stuff it’s just none of it I really wanna write? Or I lose my motivation so I’m sorry
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smoshimagine · 5 years
Shayne with a musical s/o?
Holy fuck this is an old ask I found barely written in drafts so I’m finna do it now! Also I went with musical like you can play instruments and sing and shit not like, broadway musicals
Anyway Shayne really really enjoys hearing you sing and practice whatever
Sometimes he’ll send you like sheet music for Gary come home or other silly songs in that manner
He’s not really a sappy type in that sense, not a romantic
But that being said, he is soft for when you wanna have some romance
So if you ever write him a short little song or learn one to play and serenade him with he really appreciates it
Once you learned “So this is love” from Cinderella and he melted at how soft you were
Anyway he also just enjoys that nearly constant musical side
And in general he just likes being able to bring up to others that you serenade him and you’re talented
He really wants to learn guitar and be able to sing for you cause he knows you’ll appreciate it
So eventually He managed to find the time to get a teacher so he could learn how to play
While he couldn’t write a song on his own, he learned the chords for Fly me to the moon
When he first played for you you were already stressed and exhausted from the day
But you perked up once he started singing, after the initial confusion of him taking out a guitar that definitely wasn’t yours
Anyway he tried his best and while it wasn’t perfect he was just happy you liked it
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smoshimagine · 5 years
Hey are you guys looking for more writers?
Yeah?? I mean I feel like the smosh fandom on tumblr is dead but if you want to than yeah, you can dm me ig @the-unsusual-fan
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smoshimagine · 5 years
The Stanley Parable Sentence Starters.
((Feel free to change pronouns as needed))
“You heartless bastard.”
“Well, I’ve come to a very definite conclusion about what’s going on right now. You’re dead.”
“Whatever you do choose it! Don’t let time choose for you!”
“Okay, yep, it’s worse.”
“Good job [Name], everyone thinks you are very powerful.”
“I’m not your enemy, really, I’m not.”
“I think I feel… happy. I actually feel happy.”
“Oh… thank god. You lived. You had me worried there for a moment.”
“Even the diamonds couldn’t save this one.”
“[Name] was so bad at following directions it’s incredible [he/she/they] wasn’t fired years ago.”
“Just walk around in circles for a minute.”
“We’re intelligent people, right? Why can’t we make up our own story?”
“Make sure you study it closely and remember it carefully.”
“Onward, [Name], to destiny!”
“You’re not supposed to be here, yet! This is all a spoiler! Quick, [Name], close your eyes!”
“I want to watch you for every moment that you’re powerless, to see you made humble.”
“It’s your time to shine! You are the star! It’s your story now; shape it to your heart’s desires.”
“My life is normal, I am normal. Everything will be fine. I am okay.”
“No, this couldn’t go any way except badly.”
“Do you have zero consideration for others?”
“And this time, suppose we don’t wander so far off track, hm?”
“Yes, this is exciting! Just me and [Name], forging a new path, a new story!”
“Now, I’m not asking for me, I’m asking for her.”
“Oh look at these two! How they wish to destroy one another! How they wish to control one another! How they both wish to be free.”
“Ah, second player! It’s good to have you on board. I guarantee you can’t do any worse than the person who came before you.”
“Sorry to break it to you, [Name], but that lift isn’t coming back.”
“I’m going to try to make this as miserable as possible and we’ll see how long you can maintain.”
“Nope! Still on board with death.”
“I wanted us to be happy here, [Name], I really did.”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared; that’s not the [Name] I know!”
“Do it! Do it! DO IT! Do it, do it, do it, do it!”
“Oops, looks like I was wrong. How clumsy of me.”
“I’ll say it: This is the worst adventure I’ve ever been on.”
“If I can make it through this door I can make it through them all.”
“Isn’t this a fun and unique place to be?”
“I’m at the mercy of an entire species, of invalids.”
“Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another?”
“Ah, now this is making things a little more fun, isn’t it, [Name]?”
“This is not a challenge. It’s a tragedy.”
“Ah, yes. Truly a room worth admiring.”
“You need to be the one to do this, to reach out to [him/her/them].”
“Who’d want to commit their life to you?”
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smoshimagine · 5 years
can I get a Mari or Courtney imagine? not picky on the plot, but I would like the phrase “buddy, I’m a whole lesbian” to be included?
K bet, bet fam
“I wanna fucking leave.” You have a huff as you sat on the floor, leaning against the wall as your eyes shut.
You hadn’t been able to sleep properly, you never have been. Waking up in the middle of the night 3 times every night. It always happened, ever since you were a kid. And going back to sleep only worked for an hour. You’d always been able to deal with it, no big deal.
But last night when you slept you kept having a dream where you kept dying and having another chance to get it right. Just like some choose your own adventure game but you fucked up everytime. You would drown or get shot, stabbed, poisoned, betrayed, over and over.
So needless to say you didn’t sleep well. And yeah you didn’t have to be on set at 5 am but 11 was still earlier than you liked.
Working on the hair and makeup team was... fine, it wasn’t bad it wasn’t great. But the highlight was when you got to do Courtney’s hair and makeup. You got her Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Otherwise Trina or Barry got her.
Admittedly, yeah you had a crush on her, but she was so nice and sweet and pretty how couldn’t you? Sometimes when you did her makeup and you had to get really close to make sure it looked good, you could feel her breath on your cheek. You had a calm composure but your face would flush a bit. It just hit different, made you a little soft.
Anyway, today was Wednesday so you had to do Courtney, Shayne, and Damiens makeup and hair. You loved them, yeah, but you were so tired and felt like crap. Your eyes were burning and you ached even though you hadn’t excersised within the last week.
“Woah dude, you good?” Shayne’s voice made you open your eyes as he crouched down and looked at you awfully worried.
“Fuck no dude, I feel like crap, but let’s get to it.” You sighed once more and took his hand to help you stand, stumbling and bumping into him a bit. He looked down at you and smiled as he held your hand for a lingering second. You thought it was weird but just brushed it off.
Since he didn’t say you had to do anything special today, you just started doing what you normally did.
“Are you busy tomorrow night by any chance?”
The question caught you off guard. Busy? Absolutely not, you were ready to go to sleep, or try to. Why would he wanna know if you were bu-
He was trying to ask you out. Like on a date. To try and kiss and date you.
You were so caught off guard you didn’t hear Damien and Courtney walking in giggling with each other.
“Buddy, I’m deadass a whole lesbian. Like, like I have a crush on Courtney lesbian.”
While Shayne was flushing a cute shade of pink, Damien and Courtney stopped their giggles as a soft red overcame Courtneys cheeks.
“You have a crush on me?” Her voice was a bit soft and apprehensive as she walked over to you. Your body jerked around, startled and embarrassed and a handful of things going through you.
“I uhm... wow uh hi Court, I didn’t um, I didn’t know you were here?” God you felt so fucking stupid for stuttering. Some Bill Denbrough ass shit. And while you felt stupid and embarrassed, it was clear she heard you.
“But uh, yeah, yeah I do have a crush on you, you’re really pretty and sweet and I’ve liked you for a while now.” Being up front and admitting these feelings felt good, even though you were 100% ready to be rejected.
“Oh wow, okay that’s cool! Well do you like maybe wanna go on a date Friday night? We can go see a movie and get some food after.” Her face was still red but she had an awfully sweet smile on her lips as she moved closer towards you.
“Wait really? Yeah I would, I would love to go on a date.” You couldn’t help the stupid smile on your face as she moved closer and pressed a kiss against your cheek before giving you a sly wink.
“I’ll see you Friday night then.” She have a small wave before her and Damien left promptly. You looked back over at Shayne after that whole exchange and he looked a bit sheepish.
“I didn’t know you were gay I’m sorry dude.” He apologized and looked down.
“It’s chill, it happens. Just look up so I can do your makeup.” You smiled at him and brought his head up by his chin so you could continue. But your smile was more of the thoughts of your date with Courtney.
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smoshimagine · 5 years
i need some wes content in my life rn can ya help a girl out? doesn’t really matter what honestly
Bruh yes ma’am
Lol k so just Wes,, is very loving
That’s restated constantly by so many people but it’s still true
While he is very goofy and a lil dum, he loves romance and all that
Every month or so he buys you flowers or a stuffed animal or just gets you a gift in general
Also you two have a jar that’s been superglued so you literally can only open it to break it, and it has a small hole at the top to put money into
So at the end of everyday, any loose change or dollars goes into the jar
Once when literally nothing more could fit in you guys broke it and exchanged it all for genuine dollars
It was roughly like 200 ish??
Y’all would accidentally put full 20s in there when you were tired
Anyway y’all used the money to go and buy each other surprise gifts with 100 each ofc
Wes really likes seeing you wearing his clothes
He thinks you look awfully cute in them
Also sometimes late at night when you can’t sleep you play soft vintage music like you would hear in teotfw
Wes usually wakes up without feeling your warmth in bed
He’ll go find you dancing in the living room slowly with your eyes closed and he’ll join you and hold you close until you get sleepy
You two also usually bake together
Sometimes making cakes just for fun and he brings them into the office for everyone
Sometimes you’ll stop by to say hi and drop him off lunch and most everyone enjoys seeing you
But they don’t really like the pda
Wes will kiss your head or hold your hand and try to pull you close
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smoshimagine · 5 years
135 song prompts
UHhh these are all from my playlist on Spotify. I write for newsies, Heathers, Hamilton, Deh, a couple of youtubers, Everything sucks!, IT. Um, just ask for something and i’ll probably do it.
1. “No one ever had much nice to say, I think they never really liked you anyway!”
2. “If life ain’t just a joke than why are we laughing?”
3. “I thought I saw the devil.”
4. “I’ll be good, and i’ll love the world, like I should”
5. “The blood on my hands scares me to death.”
6. “How do you feel?”
7. “Do you see how in love with you I am?”
8. “A dumb screenshot of youth.”
9. “What the hell would I be without you?”
10. “Hide the truth.”
11. “You’re as fucked up as me…” “So how do we win?”
12. “Where’s your heart?”
13.  "I’ve been wishing that I was sober.“
14. "I’d steal my parents vodka, fill it up with water.”
15. “I just came to take my stuff.”
16. “Days, weeks, months, it doesn’t get any easier.”
17. “Who am I to judge?”
18. “Never found someone I knew I could trust.”
19. “Love is like a bomb.”
20. “The rest of us can find happiness in misery.”
21. “I said I don’t care!”
22. “Sad boy, who did this to you?”
23. “Head up in the clouds, laughing really loud.”
24. “Up to nothing with you.”
25. “I met a homeless man named Rich.”
26. “I went to a store looking to buy something, but they only sold paintings of the same sad guy. Turns out it was a mirror store.”
27. “Hey! What a fucking idiot!”
28. “Goodbye sadness, hello jokes!”
29. “Lower your expectations.”
30. “Have a little self respect.”
31. “Shut the fuck up, right now, let me do my thing.”
32. “Quit hitting my phone up.”
33. “People talk too much shit.”
34. “Slow down.”
35. “In a little bit of time it won’t hurt so bad.”
36. “I don’t know what goes through her mind when she takes drugs.”
37. “She breaks my heart and she breaks her word, but i still act surprised.”
38. “The sad thing is the boys all say she’s something of a slut.”
39. “I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations.”
40. “I wanna be cool but I can’t quite figure it out.”
41. “I like to tell jokes that no one understands.”
42. “I hate doing laundry.”
43. “I’m not an extra.”
44. “She held the world upon a string.”
45. “She spun the stars on her fingertips.”
46. “She said she won the world at a carnival.”
47. “I don’t love you, i’m just passing the time.”
48. “The sun was always in her eyes, she couldn’t even see me.”
49. “But that girl has so much love.”
50. “I’m sure I didn’t ruin her, just made her more interesting.”
51. “I think i’m catching feelings.”
52. “Remember why you said this was the last time?”
53. “It’s crazy what you do for a friend.”
54. “What are you thinking about?” “Whatever you’re thinking about.”
55. “You gotta bleed to know that you’re alive and have a soul.” “You’re dying!”
56. “The songs on the radio are okay.”
57. “I’m on fire.”
58. “Well you fooled me.”
59. “Someone’s gonna get to know the better you, when i was supposed to.”
60. “My heart’s running out of tape.”
61. “I was so sure it wasn’t gonna be you.”
62. “Whatever it was, it was wonderful!–” “But none functional.”
63. “What do I do?”
64. “Everybody tells me life is precious.”
65. “Where does it say you gotta live and die here?”
66. “Trapped where there ain’t no future.”
67. “Let them laugh in my face, I don’t care.”
68. “Tough love, now get over it.”
69. “You shouldn’t be crying in the shower, and they shouldn’t be comforting you.”
70. “Stop looking for her face!”
71. “I’m not talking to you, because i simply don’t care.”
72. “My voice can be heard on it’s own too.”
73. “Aren’t you getting tired of playing the victim after all these years?”
74. “What if we run away?”
75. “Stop asking me questions!” “I’d hate to see you cry…”
76. “Mama…” “We all go to hell!”
78. “It was the heat of the moment.”
79.  "Telling me what your heart meant…“
80. "I never meant to be so bad to you…”
81. “One thing lead to another, we were young…”
82. “I’m here to collect your hearts.”
83. “I’m a creep… I’m a weirdo, I don’t belong here.”
84. “I got drunk, I forgot what I was talking about.”
85. “If I could get my shit together, i’m gonna run away! And never see any of you again.”
86. “I really mean, I didn’t plan on showing up at all.”
87. “I hate all my friends.”
88. “This isn’t how the story goes.”
89. “Hold me tight, or don’t”
90. “I got so high again.”
91. “We’re we ever friends?”
92. “I love the world! But i just don’t love the way it makes me feel.”
93. “I got a few fake friends, and its getting hard to tell what’s real.”
94. “I woke up on the wrong side of reality.”
95. “Tell me that you love me.” “Even if its fake?”
96. “We were never supposed to make it half this far.”
97. “I forgot what I was losing my mind about.”
98. “Peach or plum or strawberry.” “Any kind is fine.”
99. “Her picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes.”
100. “My old aches become new again.”
101. “I know i expect too much.”
102. “You and me are the difference between the real love, and love on tv.”
103. “Get them drunk on rose water.”
104. “Anything you say can and will be held against you. So only say my name.:”
105. “I know i’m bad news.”
106. “Letting people down is my thing.”
107. “Nathan was in plays in high school.”
108. “She’s beautiful, so smart…” “And no good for you.”
109. “ There’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody.”
110. “I really mean i didn’t plan on showing up at all.”
111. “I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in.”
112. “I’m gonna be high as a kite by then.”
113. “I miss my wife.”
114. “I’m not the man they think I am at home.”
115. “In fact it’s cold as hell.”
116. “All this science, I don’t understand.”
117. “I’m scared to say i miss you.”
118. “It’s no big surprised you turned out this way.”
119. “Hey man, I love you, but no fucking way.”
120. “I wanna contribute to the chaos.”
121. “I wanna be your drunk text romance.”
122. “So people think you’re funny.” “How do you get those people’s money?”
123. “There’s other people you selfish asshole.”
124. “How was i supposed to know that something wasn’t right?”
125. “I don’t think i love you anymore.”
126. “Look at us, burning down in flames for kicks.”
127. “We’re in love we just don’t know it yet.”
128. “I think i’ve been telling lies.”
129. “I’d rather date an idea.”
130. “Let’s face it, i’m cute.”
131. “I can’t stop staring at those ocean eyes.”
132. “You really know how to make me cry.”
133. “I’m okay if you’re okay.”
134. “I’m spilling out on this linoleum ground.”
135. “All your boyfriends go to film school.”
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