sippingscarlet · 7 years
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Tonight’s meal: @divinetaco 🍷
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sippingscarlet · 8 years
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sippingscarlet · 8 years
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sippingscarlet · 8 years
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sippingscarlet · 8 years
If you go by the Red Cross health standards, a healthy adult can donate about a pint of blood safely about every 56 days. If you round it up, that’s about a pint every two months. There are 32 tablespoons of blood in a pint (converting down to tablespoons because that’s generally the most common measurement of blood I see other sanguinarians use). That means that, if you accept the RC standard as true, a donor can safely donate only 4 tablespoons of blood a week. Even if you double that and say that, well, maybe donating gradually over time is safer than a pint at once due to blood cell regeneration rates, 8 tablespoons of blood a week is still only about half a cup of blood a week. And I think most people would say that is probably really the upper threshold of what we should be taking from a single person, provided we are feeding from them on a regular basis. Anyway, I just wanted to map that out for folks because I seem to see a lot of non-sangs in the community flat out not understand the need for multiple donors, but the truth is is that, if we are being considerate and respectful of our donors’ health as well as taking an adequate amount of blood to sustain our own health (for those of us that require more than a few tablespoons of blood a week, and there are more of us than people generally seem to believe), having multiple donors is actually necessary for all parties. 
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sippingscarlet · 8 years
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'I need blood every week or so - any longer than that and it affects my mood,' -Georgia Condon
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
Blood perfume?
Would you wear a scent that smelled like blood? 
Demeter the fragrance library http://www.demeterfragrance.com/ creates familiar and uncommon scents such as mildew,lobster, funeral home and more. They also take suggestion. I don’t know about you but I would buy a scent that smells like blood.
If you are interested in having Demeter offer said scent email them and tell them you are interested. Their email is below. I am currently emailing them at this moment. I think with enough interest they will create this scent.
*update* The CEO of Demeter emailed me back and apparently many people have emailed him about a blood scent, there is indeed one in the works, in addition to several other scents. The reason the blood scent has yet to be released is that he is having a hard time coming up with the perfect formula.
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
"Conversations with Real Vampires [in New Orleans]," in The Vampire in Europe: A Critical Edition
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
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 which clan would you be a part of ? 
My results: 81% Lemure ;-)
Originally from Rome, your clan is said to have come as evil spirits that inhabit dead bodies. Strangely enough you are the most beautiful of all vampires and are able to bring the dead back to life. Your clan is easily identified because they make up a majority of the goth population.
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
For sanguinarians/kin looking for blood, I recommend frozen strawberries. Every frozen strawberry I've ever eaten had a very metallic taste, very bloodlike. Just make sure they're not pre-sweetened or anything!
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
Blood, blood, blood must flow
You guys know you can get actual blood from the butcher’s, right?
Take 3/4 blood and 1/4 milk. Sieve the blood into the milk. Let it simmer for half an hour and keep stirring it, so that the mixture kind of thickens. Enjoy your maasai style bloodmilk.
As opposed to drinking, yknow, human blood.
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
Paranormal TV interviews Catarina Coffin
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
Halloween’s almost here, which, for a large number of costumes, will require a liberal dousing of fake blood to complete the look. You probably already have a pretty good idea of the reasons behind...
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
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Sir Philip Burne-Jones, The Vampire, 1897
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sippingscarlet · 9 years
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