sejjouaven · 3 years
Reincarnation, Past Lives, Spiritual & Physical DNA
Seeing past lives (synergistic reincarnations) in resemblances throughout existence is especially bizarre; the memories come in visions and non-identical instances of perception. In the personality, it is instead slowly merging and forming in the person to many levels of expression. The fringe of identity finiteness grows more tender with each development of the soul throughout lives. 
When one intertwines with the unique subtle selves, knowledge begins to flow from DNA and become more receptive in the workings of the current mind. There is a physical DNA and an etheric DNA (vibrational signature of an auric force), which are passively interceptive throughout spacetime, (synergy). Evidence of Etheric DNA is in reincarnation. Simply put, the more internal development, such as in the emotions, the more potential access on a vibrational level. Cognitive dissonance is antithetical of this growth.
Flowing within etheric DNA is an intelligent, computing force which manifests the next life’s physical tuning (normal DNA) according to etheric continuity of growth, including imbalances. This results in karmic cycles. Along with the parallel nature of space and time being 3D, this creates instances of deja-vu, and other paranormal phenomena. It is also possible for one to foresee a next life, or lives. With this as recurrence of the prior life, the etheric DNA tunes to this vibrational frequency, and will manifest as a reincarnate of the previous spirit. This is not a localized force, for many variations of vibrational resonance may manifest as uncommonly similar persons. This same series of causes is key to how twins are capable of communicating in phenomenal ways, and including the mother/child relationship. 
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sejjouaven · 3 years
Astrology; Heliocentrism: 'The Earth Sign'
In Heliocentric Astrology, the Earth sign is the opposite of the Geocentric zodiac sign of which the Sun falls in. For example, if your Sun is in Virgo, this would make you a 'Pisces Earth'.
The Sun represents our growth, individuality, and personality that shines outward. It is when the Sun falls in whatever zodiac sign that the personality directly inherits these traits, which is why Western astrology has generalized this to be the main zodiac sign. The Earth sign represents the individual's 'Earthly Soul'. Imagine, that the Earth resonates with the Sun as they are gravitationally interlocked, the whole Earth soul, the molecules, plants, animals, all resonating in one particular sign due to directional induction. The Earth sign is also partially compared to the Moon, but of a more 'Humanitarian level'. This Humanitarian energy is correspondent to the debatable exoteric ruler of the Earth as Libra. Earth's esoteric ruler is Sagittarius. The Earth sign articulates the individual’s unconscious in passivity, along with the general human and global mass un/subconscious. As the Sun sign's position affects the direct and active conscious, the Earth falls under its induction as a passivity over time, affecting the subconscious. This effect of Heliocentrism and Geocentricism is polarity. The unconscious, following subconscious, are the roots of the direct and active conscious. 
The Earth sign revealed in the Heliocentric chart is just as important as the preliminaries, especially considering that we actually inhabit it.
Cognitive Personality, Radiance, Individuality
Subconscious, Emotional Personality, Resonance
Unconscious, Foundation, Soul
DEFINITIONS FROM www.mermaid-uk.net
"Earth Through The Signs"
"Earth In Aries"
This position points to a life that serves to release or birth Active Intelligence into the environment. This is done through awakening oneself, and then others, to the latent possibilities for the creative expression of the Earth’s resources, and of matter in general. This is balanced by the Sun in Libra, indicating that such resources have to be distributed (through Uranus and the 7th Ray) according to the Law of Right Human Relations. This combination blends the energies of Rays One and Seven {Aries} with Ray 3 (the Earth) and is thus very much related to the relationship of Spirit and matter through the focus of Active Intelligence.
"Earth In Taurus"
A most potent position for the dispelling of material glamour and illusions. This placement reveals that one of the most essential tasks the individual has to accomplish is the creation of those forms which will be the proper instrument for the expression of the Will-to-Be. The Third and Fourth Ray combined in this position, providing a potent and challenging life. This soul-centered person would be constantly involved in the process of breaking down those forms and structures which are no longer able to transmit Light. The keyword for this position could be ~I break down and unblock~, as this function characterizes one who is born with the Earth in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio. It should be remembered that Venus, exoteric ruler of the Bull, is considered the Higher Self of the Earth. The Earth in Taurus helps to reveal the inner truth of the spiritual reality hidden all too often within the context of terrestrial life and material forms.
"Earth In Gemini"
This is a very challenging position as its esoteric significance is more profound. Since the Earth rules Sagittarius, it would be natural to assume that this planet has its detriment in the sign of the Twins. Yet Venus rules Gemini and the connection between the Earth and Venus is a highly positive and beautiful one. One can only speculate and so consider the following conclusions in this light. It is a fact that Gemini, through its association with Venus creates in the minds of humanity an increased awareness of the essential duality which exists between material, sensual desires and the urge to align oneself with the Will-to-Good of the spirit. In effect the basic duality of one on the Fixed Cross is this conflict between the will of the lesser self and the Will of the Creator. This is a collective planetary, and particularly human dilemma. It appears that this duality is increased when the Earth is in Gemini and the Sun is in Sagittarius, thus giving a heightened spiritual opportunity to one with this placement.
On the personality level, this may indicate that the energies of the lower self tend to scatter and become dissipated in the unconscious attempt to integrate egocentric motivations. A Soul-centered individual with this placement in the natal horoscope would tend to be quite aware of the disparity existing between the values and goals of the personality and those of the Higher Self. The house position of the Earth would reveal that area of life in which this duality is most pronounced. In the symbology of the Twins the Ancient Wisdom Teachings tell us that the Earth is related to the Brother ~whose light grows stronger cycle by cycle~. This, of course, refers to the increasing expression of Soul-focused love.
"Earth In Cancer"
Cancer is the ~Gate In~ and anchors the incarnating soul onto the Planet in terms of the personality and the mass consciousness. It is a beginning of the evolutionary arc which first seeks to develop self consciousness in Leo, and then group consciousness (and subsequent world service) in Aquarius. From the Soul centered perspective of one who is born with this position and thus with the Sun in Capricorn, the emphasis on the Third Ray is paramount. Cancer is the primary sign of the expression of this Ray and Capricorn is found here as well. Saturn the ruler of the latter, on both Soul and personality levels, is the primary planetary expression of Active Intelligence and is partnered in this respect by the Earth. This is the purest Third Ray expression possible (although Earth in Capricorn also has a potential Third Ray expression). The dharma of the life is clear; to create those physical structures and thought forms that allow Light to be utilized as a source of strength for others. The house position will reveal this ~well of spiritual waters sunk deeply into the Earth~ so that all may come to drink of the Father (in this case the Father of the Waters, Neptune).
"Earth In Leo"
The mental quality of this combination is very strong, as we have a blending in Rays One and Five (Leo) and Three (Earth). Yet the Sun is of the Second Ray, so the potential for creating those forms of expression of Love/Wisdom is very great. The Sun in Aquarius brings in the polarized energies of yet another Fifth Ray sign, and its Second Ray ruler, Jupiter. The Aquarian will be able to find an Earth based focus (that is, the Earth’s house position) for the urge to network and unite groups of various individuals. The self conscious quality of the Earth’s Leo placement will point to exactly where the Water Bearer has to distribute his ~burden~ of consciousness.
"Earth In Virgo"
This is the position wherein the ~Mother of All Forms~ can do an incredible amount of good to release the potency of the hidden Christ child in the Soul. This combination points to an incarnation in which the individual works hard at healing and making the life on Earth more whole. Spiritually, it is a very strong position given the fact that the Sun is in Pisces, and the energies of Pluto are also manifesting. The Earth-based focus gives Pluto a chance to ~unearth the Underworld~ evoking from the depths of materiality the essential quality of love which lies in dark obscurity for the majority of humanity.
"Earth In Libra" (Exoteric Ruler: Earth)
There are three sets of connections which should be mentioned in regard to this position; it is highly mental in nature, as it is composed of Rays Three (Earth and Libra), Five (Venus) and Seven (Libra and Uranus). It involves the impulse of the Sun in Aries and its focus in the ~Place where the Will of God is Known~ with the linkage of the Higher and lower minds (Third and Fifth Rays, and Venus). This position also indicates the externalization of the Divine Ideas for the unfoldment of the Plan of Creation into the ~minds of men~. This is accomplished through the relationship of Rays One-Three-Five and their synthesized expression through Uranus and Ray Seven. The Mind of the Soul-centered person with the Earth in Libra and the Sun in Aries will act as a tool for the birthing on Earth of those essential Ideas ~whose time has come~.
"Earth In Scorpio"
This position continues to reveal the incredible opportunity for individuals on the Scorpio-Taurus polarity in their quest for the Path. It also reveals the particular type of service one may render while discovering and co-creating the Way. The Earth and Mars enter into an intimate relationship through this combination breaking down all resistance to the reorientation of material values and the release of Spiritual Will. The house position of the Earth in Scorpio is a clear indication of where a tremendous focus of detachment and sacrifice has to be made in order that a greater realization of wholeness and healing can be created. The potential for healing can be very powerful, as this combination is incredibly magnetic, drawing to itself matter of a much finer and Soul-centered nature to replace the destruction of the forms of desire so associated with its signs and planets.
"Earth In Sagittarius" (Esoteric Ruler: Earth)
This position continues to reveal the incredible opportunity for individuals on the Scorpio-Taurus polarity in their quest for the Path. It also reveals the particular type of service one may render while discovering and co-creating the Way. The Earth and Mars enter into an intimate relationship through this combination breaking down all resistance to the reorientation of material values and the release of Spiritual Will. The house position of the Earth in Scorpio is a clear indication of where a tremendous focus of detachment and sacrifice has to be made in order that a greater realization of wholeness and healing can be created. The potential for healing can be very powerful, as this combination is incredibly magnetic, drawing to itself matter of a much finer and Soul-centered nature to replace the destruction of the forms of desire so associated with its signs and planets.
"Earth In Capricorn"
As we know Capricorn is the ~Gate Out~ of ordinary incarnations, and onto the wheel of initiation and the birthing of the Christ consciousness hidden in the womb of the Virgin. The position the Earth occupies in the natal chart when the Sun is in Cancer reveals the place and function by which the Soul centered individual can most positive release his or her portion of the One Life into manifestation. Both the dharma and the karma of the life conjoin through Saturn’s association with Capricorn, the Earth and the Third Ray. Should Saturn also be found in Capricorn, conjunct the Earth and in actual opposition to the Sun in Cancer, this incarnation points to a great culmination of previous efforts in former lifetimes and a great challenge is revealed in the current one. The challenge involves the proper structuring of the life forces so that they are put under the total Will of the Father. There is no room for duality in this position, and the light of the one-pointed disciple must shine through the illusions of the material life. No-one said it would be easy!
"Earth In Aquarius"
The developed sense of self consciousness found in the life of the Soul-centered Leo individual finds ample opportunity for world service when the Earth is in the sign of the Water Bearer. This combination shows an emphasis on the mental plane, as this is a Third Ray planet acting through a Fifth Ray sign. The effects of Saturn as co-ruler of Aquarius on the personality level, as well as its Third Ray connection to the Earth are also significant. This position points to the need to create those structures of mind which channel and distribute innovative concepts into the collective consciousness. The work to be undertaken in this capacity involves the loving use (Jupiter) of the Concrete Mind for the advancement of those Ideas and Principles that will bring a sense of unified wholeness to human experience.
"Earth In Pisces"
A most potent placement, as there is a strong blending of the three Rays of Aspect through Pluto (First) Earth (Third) and Pisces (Second). The synthesis occurs through the Sixth Ray quality of the Fish and the devotion of the Soul centered individual to humanity, the Christ consciousness, and the Plan. The dharma involves selfless work to release people from those facets of the astral/desire nature which inhibit the flow of the Universal loving matrix (Second Ray). For the individual with the Sun in Virgo, the outer field of service will be indicated by the house position of this Earth in the natal chart. Jupiter and Neptune, the exoteric rulers of this sign, add even more loving idealism to this effort, but the fundamental nature of the Earth itself serves to balance such aspirations within the context of practicality.
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sejjouaven · 3 years
The Zodiac Signs (Grouped By Orientation of Focality)
(Tier 1/3: Self/Individual)
(Tier 2/3: Other/Interrelation)
(Tier 3/3: Environment/Worldview)
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sejjouaven · 3 years
Astrology: Modes & Positive/Negative Keywords
Positive: Assured, Direct
Negative: Self-oriented, Warring
Positive: Stable, Impressionate
Negative: Stubborn Procrastinating
Positive: Flexible, Relatable
Negative: Indecisive, Irresponsible
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sejjouaven · 5 years
Existential Duality: Life, Death, & The ‘Non-Philosophy’ Of The Lemniscate
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The center, or Unity, ‘the center of it all’, is the vertex, relating with the Source essence of which the Universe is pervaded.
There is a strange contradiction to the nature of man found in the evolving philosophies of why we are here, how we were created, who or what created us, and for what reason. We bring analysis and speculation to the conceptual resemblances of ancient events, philosophies of the past, that have built the ideologies of concurrent times. There is a ‘spiritual war’ that persists. Religion, and ancient politics originating across the world has permeated minds of billions into taking a side and complex variant of existential duality, what every religion shares as a basis to its fundamental core of reasoning. 
The nature of the Universe cannot lie, and it cannot tell any one truth other than the fact that it is what it is...or at least it seems to be due to the conditioning of the individual being bearing senses to receive it through its capability of vibrational sensuality. There however exists a symbol, a throwing of the essence of the Source of which the entire Universe is immediately permeated, we see this as the key of geometry, numerology, and frequency (vibration). These three things are very well conceptually translatable, congruent, meaning that they are in some way one concept. What can be so simply grasped, or at least scratched on the surface of this sacred nature and the concepts that proceed it is only something that takes little understanding of math, geometry, and cymatics. The very essence of the Source permeates all things, all people, and at a very basic level, the symbol is present as a concept of Unity, and mutuality.
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In consecutive numerology, or at least in the understanding of an evolution and accumulation of interacting instances, Unity then resonates with Duality. It is in this Duality that we may begin to see the structure of the Universe, that this concept of Unity reflects on its whole-self and a true and logical interpretation is finally able to become. Understanding duality, the most fundamental and first instantial capacity of reflection (while Unity is the most fundamental sense of being) is the key to understanding the nature of the Universe and the nature of ourselves. It should be understood that due to Universal complexity, all numerological concepts exist in resonance. 
The number 1 resonates with the number 2, 3, as well as in 3,324,948,111,131,721.
Viktor Frankl once said that man is not free from his conditions but he is also free to rise above the somatic, and this is very true (Psychotherapy & Existentialism). As we evolve, we are conditioned to our own perceptions, receptions, subjects, projections, the objective environment of which we vibrationally resonate with, just as well, we are able to further our understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and interpretation to reveal this nature for us that we would be better able to condition ourselves in the endeavors of cognitive complexity. 
One law that resonates with duality is the law of cause and effect, or rhythm, or as conceptualized in Conceptual Association, Protrusion & Envelopment.  This concept of duality, as resonate in Unity, Trinity, and so forth, and for the mere essence of evolutionary conceptualization in the duration of matter, allows one to understand and receive the intuition that with every instance/action there is a cost. Perhaps not only is it in this Universe, but it is scientifically known that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Theologically, should it 'escape' from this Universe, it has penetrated another; that speculation implies a multiverse or multidimensional theory. 
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The nature of man and its complexity of conscious as compared to other species on the planet it resides on has allowed it a very beneficial and capable state of being, allowing it to decipher laws of the Universe and to course its own evolution. It is because of this free will and capability that man suffers some cost of perpetual duality, the 'Duality of Man'. Instead of the Unity of being, man is complex and resides in a state of deter(mination) / (not exclusive to our modern world or even prehistoric times, past hominid evolutions). It is not only man but all creatures that have some capability to interpret its own reality, which all do on some core level of interaction/receptibility, perhaps not standardized or equated to the sciences and complexity of humanity. Atoms are capable of interaction, however, it is very minute, it has been proven. This very primal state of interaction is the seed of conscious interpretation, and it resembles itself as reactionary, abiding in the laws of quantum physics by the essence of the Unity (Source essence) of the Universe, as well as having a particular form and structure of itself unique to all other variations and structures of matter in the Universe. It is in this Unity state of being that one merely is abiding according to its own laws and its own physics, or conscious, at the moment of duality is something capable of interpretation; it is because of this state of being that it then has the ability to value the reality outside itself. However, it is not to be mistaken that duality is to be cherished over any of the other numerological values of our Universe, it is just that this value is an important key for the concept of interpretation.
When a being has a will, an urgency to enact for some inner value, it promotes in itself a standpoint to actively create it; this value is inherently due to the conditioning of the individual being (along with its residing in its environment) and this conceptually allows it a state of being unto enactment/will. As the mind grows, expands, ever-changes, the will, at the moment of conception is a resemblance of the Unity, or inner culture of the being by the composition of its psychological essence. This is a commonality within the many laws resonating the Universe; a being solely abiding with its Unity but also residing within the conditioning of itself and other/environment. In simple physics, for something to bear motion, a force must take place. When the force takes place, it will bring a seeming end result. These can be equated as instances, such as described before as cause and effect, or protrusion (of the event) and envelopment (of the event). 
Regardless of the reasoning of what came first, a Force creates a Form, and that Form of which the Force has created, creates a Force, and so forth.
"To be, or not to be." - William Shakespeare
There is a method of existing in the Universe, as well as a method of nonexistence. Perhaps, it is not merely existence, but the ability to enact in this existence as a membral force. This relates to the ego that is present in complex/determinate living beings. The ego resides easily in the philosophy of "to be". The ego wants to exist in the realm of manifestation, at some point in all conscious evolution it confirms and conforms to this ideology. There then becomes a duality to the philosophy of man, which fundamentally operates on the conscious level of interpretation and determination. For a being, or thing to operate on the level of Unity, it would not inherit an ego, or a will, it would merely be as a reactionary essence, and not a determinate one. It merely is.  The philosophy of will that has been speculated for many centuries has then come to a strange contradiction. 
For example, in occult sciences and philosophies, the will is seen as something 'divine', (Etymology: Di; meaning two). In the standpoint of determination, this is very true and aligns with the concept of conscious complexity and the growing capability of interpretation that it is residing in as an active being. It is then philosophically adjusted that the will is naturally of most importance to the being, that the heart is the true value of our existence. It also is that all actions come with a cost, just as a force creates a result/formation. It is eventually to be understood by humanity that despite its endeavors it must warn itself of its own interpretations and conditioning; it must self-reflect, observe itself, know itself. It is not to cancel out the latter, saying that the value of the heart is nonexistent, but that it is perpetually prone to error on any level of conscious complexity (especially in complexity, when in a reverence disregarding the concept of non-being), as it resides in the state of conscious determination and not a state of being. One can only simulate this sense or state of Unity/being in itself. For if something is truly singular, all else would not exist to be. For this reason, the philosophy of the state of will will inherit an antithesis due to the mere existence of a will. 
Throughout the contingency of existence, cognitive complexity and being has gone through the trials and errors of its mere existence. The realization (in consideration of potential reasoning) of some event that humanity, or anyone for the factor, is under oppression, there comes a will to break free of it. This is natural, and it is inherently good to the concept of "to be" as well as other philosophies that allow the ego to enact. It incites the necessity of the state of freedom to be, freedom to will. However, there is a contradiction of this that comes in time. The ego predominately thrives within this philosophy on a core level, shying away from the other end of the spectrum of the Lemniscate. It does not want to not exist, and this allows for the evolution of error that falls in on the philosophy that it generates itself. For if all beings are allowed free will, then this must mean that any being is allowed the will of utmost control over another being. The concept remains true in the essence of its mark, however eventually misses it integrally, and from this concept, the instantial succession it creates becomes a contradiction. This is why the Lemniscate has been visually articulated the way that it is. It is, only to that one whom that realizes it and conforms to it in their state of being. It is for this existential reasoning that humanity resides in the philosophy of will. Being is an existential state to excel its own evolution, as all things naturally do. It is the side of existential duality most logically chosen through the ego. 
In the laws of the Universe, the numerological value of the evolution of instantial conceptuality is drowned out by this sense of being. In this sense of being, a species would likely evolve, despite this understanding of things and a careful philosophy that minimizes existential fault, to become a species that would take its power over another species, either by consequence of form (size/mass; I.e. the fact that humans go where they go and would not see that they have killed a smaller organism such as an ant, despite that it inherits a will to live), or by force, either depending on will. This philosophy of existentialism due to the reverence of "to be" would eventually fall in on itself. It is not to say that in every case of evolution that humanity would enact for there will it would be a 'self-undoing', but that because of the reverence or one-sidedness of existentialism, that it will inevitably and eventually neglect the existence of another in some way, shape or form. Despite how humanity has come to be, we have a complex system and way of being that makes us out to be peculiar and capable. 
One thing that could be equated as naturally ‘true’ is that all instances of complexity exist and resonate interactively; there is an ever-changing mutability of conditioning and events fundamentally due to the factor that all things have come from a Source that drives further complexity of its essence. The Universe is, naturally, so, the existential philosophy of "to be" stands as an ‘immediate truth' to all things existing within it. But as there is an 'immediate truth', there is also an 'in-immediate truth'. It is apparent then that a complex being must decide of existentialism, and is not allowed a realm in between, for it seems one cannot exist and not exist at the same time. Despite this factor, could this disallowance of existential duality’s contradiction be conceptually true, seeming as the Universe implies the possibility of all things? Could it be, another state or way in the diffractalization of complexity in existential duality, a state of being in which the individual resides and exists, but lives merely for others? That they exist but do not enact their will or being which is the force of 'their existence'? What is it then that this conceptual sacrifice of identity could equate to? The polarization of magnetic nodes, that instead of being repelled to one-either will of this choice of existential duality, it polarizes itself, sacrificing its (either chosen) magnetization to polarize and create a structure among other magnetic polarized magnetic nodes?
To bear this aspect in a Universe where a species could overpower another by mere means of power, this concept is interestingly dangerous, but it also conveys that the concept of "to be", something inherently good in the resemblance and seeming existence of the Universe and its contradicting laws, is naturally inevitable to error. There is life, and every philosophy that reveres of life, or protrusion, but there is also death or envelopment. And as there are many forces in the vibrational spectrum in this Universe, there will always be a force that existentially (by means of matter and physics) overpowers another. However, this isn't to neglect the inherent good of the philosophy of "to be", but it is a warning of reverence, a reminder that all philosophy is an expression of the concurrent condition of that who expresses it. The conclusion of this speculation does not neglect any philosophy but shows that all things are in a perpetual state of motion.
It would only seem fair to the human state to bring one down from this level of thinking to contribute to the endeavors of humanity; "to be" is humanity's, as well as other cognitively complex beings, peculiar 'truth'.
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sejjouaven · 5 years
Astrological Concept: House/Sign (House-In-Sign) / Interpolations & Subtle Interpolations (Non-triad)
As planets are form-based conductors of particular characteristics, and as inductions also have a triad standard of Planet/Sign/House (no particular order), an area in the astrological chart where there are no known form-based conductors such as planets, asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, etc., there is yet, subtly, an 'interpolation’ of House/Sign.
This is a theoretical concept that describes the energetic interrelation of the House, which is due to the rotation of the Earth (24 hrs. = an entire zodiacal revolution), and the sign. As there are no particular form-based objects to induct energy of the sign, it is then that the particular House falling in a Sign becomes the major topic influence and the Sign as a minor influence, due to frequency. 
For example, in a chart, should there no celestial conductors in the sign of Aries, the House that Aries falls in at the time, let's say for example the Eighth House, the two will have interpolation; "The Eighth House In Aries". The Twelve Houses can be equated to the Twelve Zodiac Signs, but are energetically correspondent in the daily perspective of the Earth and its rotation. The Eighth House in this particular example mentioned above would equate to Scorpio, but again, on a much more frequent and Earthly scale. The definition could be then translated as, "Scorpio In Aries". With no form-based conductors within this Sign, our Earthly perspective, the frequency of the House, becomes a single other and reflectively prime, yet subtle influence.
Criticism: Regardless of form-based conductors' presence/resonance in a particular Sign, the House-In-Sign Interpolation is still relevant.
House/Sign Definition Composition
Below are conceptual draft definitions. The introduction statement, describing the nature of the House aspect of the House-In-Sign definition, can be equated to the force of the particular House and Sign it is associated with in translation:
(First House/Aries) "The sense of being..."
(Second House/Taurus) "The sense of possession..."
(Third House/Gemini) "The sense of communication..."
(Fourth House/Cancer) "The sense of locality..."
(Fifth House/Leo) "The sense of will..."
(Sixth House/Virgo) "The sense of determination..."
(Seventh House/Libra) "The sense of judgement..."
(Eighth House/Scorpio) "The sense of necessity..."
(Ninth House/Sagittarius) "The sense of aspiration..."
(Tenth House/Capricorn) "The sense of discipline..."
(Eleventh House/Aquarius) "The sense of intuition..."
(Twelfth House/Pisces) "The sense of belief..."
And the conclusive statements describe the formation, or conceptual aspect of 'force-in-formation', of the Signs:
(...In Aries) - "...is fully present and identifying in the Self."
(...In Taurus) - "is the root of growth."
(...In Gemini) "...is the primary of interaction."
(...In Cancer) "...is the guise of emotions."
(...In Leo) - "...is the catalyst of enactment."
(...In Virgo) "...is the sustenance of depiction."
(...In Libra) "...is the scale of inter-value."
(...In Scorpio) "...is the resource of passion."
(...In Sagittarius) - "...is where truth-seeking unravels."
(...In Capricorn) "...is where one brings manifestation."
(...in Aquarius) "...is where individuality becomes."
(...In Pisces) "...is of the soul."
Translation: ('Sign In Sign' = House In Sign)
(Reminder: Subtle Interpolations are a relationship of House/Sign with no other celestial influence, however, it is theorized further that Subtle Interpolations induct as a more-fundamental nature in duality, as compared to the resonance of the Planet/Sign/House triad.)
Aries In Aries "The sense of being is fully present and identifying in the self."
Aries In Taurus "The sense of being is the root of growth."
Aries In Gemini "The sense of being is the primary of interaction."
Aries In Cancer "The sense of being is the guise of emotions."
Aries In Leo "The sense of being is the catalyst of enactment."
Aries In Virgo "The sense of being is the sustenance of depiction."
Aries In Libra "The sense of being is the scale of inter-value."
Aries In Scorpio "The sense of being is the resource of passion."
Aries In Sagittarius "The sense of being is where truth-seeking unravels."
Aries In Capricorn "The sense of being is where one brings manifestation."
Aries In Aquarius "The sense of being is where individuality becomes."
Aries In Pisces "The sense of being is of the soul."
Taurus In Aries "The sense of possession is fully present and identifying in the self."
Taurus In Taurus "The sense of possession is the root of growth."
Taurus In Gemini "The sense of possession is the primary of interaction."
Taurus In Cancer "The sense of possession is the guise of the emotions."
Taurus In Leo "The sense of possession is the catalyst of enactment."
Taurus In Virgo "The sense of possession is the sustenance of depiction."
Taurus In Libra "The sense of possession is the scale of inter-value."
Taurus In Scorpio "The sense of possession is the resource of passion."
Taurus In Sagittarius "The sense of possession is where truth-seeking unravels."
Taurus In Capricorn "The sense of possession is where one brings manifestation."
Taurus In Aquarius "The sense of possession is where individuality becomes."
Taurus In Pisces "The sense of possession is of the soul." Gemini In Aries "The sense of communication is fully present and identifying in the self."
Gemini In Taurus "The sense of communication is the root of growth.
Gemini In Gemini "The sense of communication is the primary of interaction."
Gemini In Cancer "The sense of communication is the guise of the emotions."
Gemini In Leo "The sense of communication is the catalyst of enactment."
Gemini In Virgo "The sense of communication is the sustenance of depiction."
Gemini In Libra "The sense of communication is the scale of inter-value."
Gemini In Scorpio "The sense of communication is the resource of passion."
Gemini In Sagittarius "The sense of communication is where truth-seeking unravels."
Gemini In Capricorn "The sense of communication is where one brings manifestation."
Gemini In Aquarius "The sense of communication is where individuality becomes."
Gemini In Pisces "The sense of communication is of the soul." Cancer In Aries "The sense of locality is fully present and identifying in the self."
Cancer In Taurus "The sense of locality is the root of growth."
Cancer In Gemini "The sense of locality is the primary of interaction."
Cancer In Cancer "The sense of locality is the guise of the emotions."
Cancer In Leo "The sense of locality is the catalyst of enactment."
Cancer In Virgo "The sense of locality is the sustenance of depiction."
Cancer In Libra "The sense of locality is the scale of inter-value."
Cancer In Scorpio "The sense of locality is the resource of passion."
Cancer In Sagittarius "The sense of locality is where truth-seeking unravels."
Cancer In Capricorn "The sense of locality is where one brings manifestation."
Cancer In Aquarius "The sense of locality is where individuality becomes."
Cancer In Pisces "The sense of locality is of the soul." Leo In Aries "The sense of will is fully present and identifying in the self."
Leo In Taurus "The sense of will is the root of growth."
Leo In Gemini "The sense of will is the primary of interaction."
Leo In Cancer "The sense of will is the guise of the emotions."
Leo In Leo "The sense of will is the catalyst of enactment."
Leo In Virgo "The sense of will is the sustenance of depiction."
Leo In Libra "The sense of will is the scale of inter-value."
Leo In Scorpio "The sense of will is the resource of passion."
Leo In Sagittarius "The sense of will is where truth-seeking unravels."
Leo In Capricorn "The sense of will is where one brings manifestation."
Leo In Aquarius "The sense of will is where individuality becomes."
Leo In Pisces "The sense of will is of the soul." Virgo In Aries "The sense of determination is fully present and identifying in the self."
Virgo In Taurus "The sense of determination is the root of growth."
Virgo In Gemini "The sense of determination is the primary of interaction."
Virgo In Cancer "The sense of determination is the guise of the emotions."
Virgo In Leo "The sense of determination is the catalyst of enactment."
Virgo In Virgo "The sense of determination is the sustenance of depiction."
Virgo In Libra "The sense of determination is the scale of inter-value."
Virgo In Scorpio "The sense of determination is the resource of passion."
Virgo In Sagittarius "The sense of determination is where truth-seeking unravels."
Virgo In Capricorn "The sense of determination is where one brings manifestation."
Virgo In Aquarius "The sense of determination is where individuality becomes."
Virgo In Pisces "The sense of determination is of the soul." Libra In Aries "The sense of judgment is fully present and identifying in the self."
Libra In Taurus "The sense of judgment is the root of growth."
Libra In Gemini "The sense of judgment is the primary of interaction."
Libra In Cancer "The sense of judgment is the guise of the emotions."
Libra In Leo "The sense of judgment is the catalyst of enactment."
Libra In Virgo "The sense of judgment is the sustenance of depiction."
Libra In Libra "The sense of judgment is the scale of inter-value."
Libra In Scorpio "The sense of judgment is the resource of passion."
Libra In Sagittarius "The sense of judgment is where truth-seeking unravels."
Libra In Capricorn "The sense of judgment is where one brings manifestation."
Libra In Aquarius "The sense of judgment is where individuality becomes."
Libra In Pisces "The sense of judgment is of the soul." Scorpio In Aries "The sense of necessity is fully present and identifying in the self."
Scorpio In Taurus "The sense of necessity is the root of growth."
Scorpio In Gemini "The sense of necessity is the primary of interaction."
Scorpio In Cancer "The sense of necessity is the guise of the emotions."
Scorpio In Leo "The sense of necessity is the catalyst of enactment."
Scorpio In Virgo "The sense of necessity is the sustenance of depiction."
Scorpio In Libra "The sense of necessity is the scale of inter-value.
Scorpio In Scorpio "The sense of necessity is the resource of passion."
Scorpio In Sagittarius "The sense of necessity is where truth-seeking unravels."
Scorpio In Capricorn "The sense of necessity is where one brings manifestation."
Scorpio In Aquarius "The sense of necessity is where individuality becomes."
Scorpio In Pisces "The sense of necessity of is the soul." Sagittarius In Aries "The sense of aspiration is fully present and identifying in the self."
Sagittarius In Taurus "The sense of aspiration is the root of growth."
Sagittarius In Gemini "The sense of aspiration is the primary of interaction."
Sagittarius In Cancer "The sense of aspiration is the guise of the emotions."
Sagittarius In Leo "The sense of aspiration is the catalyst of enactment."
Sagittarius In Virgo "The sense of aspiration is the sustenance of depiction."
Sagittarius In Libra "The sense of aspiration is the scale of inter-value."
Sagittarius In Scorpio "The sense of aspiration is the resource of passion."
Sagittarius In Sagittarius "The sense of aspiration is where truth-seeking unravels."
Sagittarius In Capricorn "The sense of aspiration is where one brings manifestation."
Sagittarius In Aquarius "The sense of aspiration is where individuality becomes."
Sagittarius In Pisces "The sense of aspiration is of the soul." Capricorn In Aries "The sense of discipline is fully present and identifying in the self."
Capricorn In Taurus "The sense of discipline is the root of growth."
Capricorn In Gemini "The sense of discipline is the primary of interaction."
Capricorn In Cancer "The sense of discipline is the guise of the emotions."
Capricorn In Leo "The sense of discipline is the catalyst of enactment."
Capricorn In Virgo "The sense of discipline is the sustenance of depiction."
Capricorn In Libra "The sense of discipline is the scale of inter-value."
Capricorn In Scorpio "The sense of discipline is the resource of passion."
Capricorn In Sagittarius "The sense of discipline is where truth-seeking unravels."
Capricorn In Capricorn "The sense of discipline is where one brings manifestation."
Capricorn In Aquarius "The sense of discipline is where individuality becomes."
Capricorn In Pisces "The sense of discipline is of the soul." Aquarius In Aries "The sense of intuition is fully present and identifying in the self."
Aquarius In Taurus "The sense of intuition is the root of growth."
Aquarius In Gemini "The sense of intuition is the primary of interaction."
Aquarius In Cancer "The sense of intuition is the guise of the emotions."
Aquarius In Leo "The sense of intuition is the catalyst of enactment."
Aquarius In Virgo "The sense of intuition is the sustenance of depiction."
Aquarius In Libra "The sense of intuition is the scale of inter-value."
Aquarius In Scorpio "The sense of intuition is the resource of passion."
Aquarius In Sagittarius "The sense of intuition is where truth-seeking unravels."
Aquarius In Capricorn "The sense of intuition is where one brings manifestation."
Aquarius In Aquarius "The sense of intuition is where individuality becomes."
Aquarius In Pisces "The sense of intuition is of the soul." Pisces In Aries "The sense of belief is fully present and identifying in the self."
Pisces In Taurus "The sense of belief is the root of growth."
Pisces In Gemini "The sense of belief is the primary of interaction."
Pisces In Cancer "The sense of belief is the guise of the emotions."
Pisces In Leo "The sense of belief is the catalyst of enactment."
Pisces In Virgo "The sense of belief is the sustenance of depiction."
Pisces In Libra "The sense of belief is the scale of inter-value."
Pisces In Scorpio "The sense of belief is the resource of passion."
Pisces In Sagittarius "The sense of belief is where truth-seeking unravels."
Pisces In Capricorn "The sense of belief is where one brings manifestation."
Pisces In Aquarius "The sense of belief is where individuality becomes."
Pisces In Pisces "The sense of belief is of the soul."
Apply this theoretical astrological concept to your natal chart, and see if this is applicable for you! -Rensin
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sejjouaven · 5 years
The Mutable Zodiac: 3-6-9 (12)
In the pattern of threes, Astrology plays out a particular psychological accord in underlying the basic evolution of awareness in existential relativity between self, other, and environment.
Zodiac Intervals & Wheel Evolution Effect: Progressing Psychology of the Mutable Signs
3 "GEMINI" First Mutable sign, Air, co-ruled with Mercury, esoterically, the North & South Lunar Nodes.
6 "VIRGO" Second Mutable sign, Earth, co-ruled with Mercury, esoterically, with the Moon.
9 "SAGITTARIUS" Third Mutable sign, Fire, ruled by Jupiter (in ancient times, Jupiter was ruled by Pisces), esoterically, our planet Earth.
12 "PISCES" Fourth, and last Mutable sign, Water, ruled by Neptune, esoterically, Pluto.
Summary of the Mutable Signs:
First, we have the Gemini, who's nature is learning and communication, forging a dual aspect that is active in their particular state of reality, and fundamental to the progression of mutability and growing awareness.
Next, we have the Virgo, who has come to experience enough thought to be further deciphering of typical conclusions of thoughtform; Essentially critical and analytical of interactions, as well as thoughtforms of those interactions.
Then, we have the Sagittarius, who is consequently inspired to travel and seek past the conclusions of their own analysis, who is obtaining of knowledge, initiating the first interactive psychological culture of self and environment, hence the traveling and goal-oriented aspiration of their existence. 
And finally, we have the Pisces, whose sense of their surroundings has developed a psychological nature of ‘peripheral awareness'/intuition, attributing to an instinct/intuition-base of the conscious state consequently inherent of the progressive experience of interaction, analysis, and seeking.
The Mutable Intervals
In Gemini-Virgo, thoughtforms experienced throughout the evolution resolute a growing awareness that all these signs seem to have in common, which is the resolve of acquiring perspective for receptive interpretation. For Gemini-Virgo, as the first interval of the mutable nature, awareness previously conducted by Aries' and Taurus' energetic thought formation has resolved into a first will to interact, communicate, and learn about the immediate outer influence, other beings, and other things. The Cancerian, as the first water sign, leads learning to feel and to interpret these thoughtforms within the culture of the individual’s psychology, hence its cardinal and emotional nature. The next, generally creative psychology and conductivity of Leo, allows one to further this psychological expedition of perception/reception with a capability of furthering one’s own thoughtform, only to be self-criticized by the later Virgo.
In Virgo-Sagittarius, thought forms arise with an inheritance from the previous, and the additional psychological resolve of Libra through Scorpio.  As Libra, the psychological lead of consideration between self and other, the psychological experience acquires a necessity to threshold the prior sensuality of dissonance stemming from inner conflict, (a polar reflection of Aries). As the Libra psychology progresses to Scorpio, a more deeper reflectivity, ‘tip of the iceberg’ nature begins to experience the underlying interpretations thus far of this progressed awareness. The signs of 'existential defense' (health, analysis, interpretation in Virgo’s criticism and Libra’s determination of balance in self and others) have previously crafted the psychology to be more attenuated to the relations of personal experience. Scorpio psychology reformats with additional experience. The energetic power of this sign eventually resolves unto an archetypal realization of the necessity for the precision of thought. Which, after the watery, emotion-based sign of Scorpio, the individual would progress onward again to truth-seeking and travel, from deep inner-seeking. Sagittarius, becomes, and is the polarity of Gemini; both signs share the quality of learning, communication, and travel, however in different aspect elements of psychological progression.
And finally, in Sagittarius-Pisces, the interlude energies are Capricorn and Aquarius. Firstly, Sagittarius' energetic composition have inquired a psychological ethic leading to a good effort, concentration, and diligence to its environment, consequently, and in rapprochement, others. Libra and Scorpio are some of the immediate backbone natures of the Capricorn psychological resolve, and Sagittarius is the spirit of which after the three proceed, creating intuitive ethics, the concentration of activity, and consequential resolve of emotional restriction to carry out the ambition and cardinal nature of Capricorn. With the experiences of the diligent Capricorn Earth sign, there consequentially comes knowledge and further intuition, and this is the development of Aquarius which is an intelligent fixed air sign. Qualities of Aquarius lead the psychology of individualism, yet the capability and resolve of diligence to thrive in the psychological nature of the world-orientation, more-so humanitarianism. As experience increases from this point, psychology becomes adept in resolving matters pertaining to others and the environment. This brings on the development of Pisces’ psychological ‘field vision’ awareness. 
Comparing Mutable Origin Sign & Quality Progression
Throughout the mutable signs, the awareness of the individual has come from a self-orient standpoint to a more world-orient standpoint. And so, in the psychology of Pisces, the last of the mutable signs, the nature that consequently unravels from the progression of experience is a world-orient view, and less a self-based perception and awareness. This is seen in Pisces' sense-to-compassion, intuition, mutability. The subtle energies of Gemini tie in with the diluted inclination of pertaining to the surroundings, forging a sense for communication relativity.
Comparing the signs of Gemini and Pisces, the progressive psychological awareness of perception and reception have grown from the nature of self-other/environment comparison to self, other, and environmental awareness by moving in somewhat of a spectral triad between the three. From Gemini to Virgo, awareness is not only thoughtform-based but has reached a sensation to interpret its own thoughtform, forging a sense of ‘outside-looking-in’ awareness.
From Gemini to Sagittarius, a polarity has been conditioned, and inclination of learning has reached its higher potential, while in turn, due to the last catalysts of progression (Libra and Scorpio), careful thought in relativity is diluted with developing an awareness of the individual's environment, or a psychological expansion of consideration.
Defining The Mutable Repetition
After this, the wheel turns over from Pisces to Aries for another revolution of resolution. 
In relation to the Pisces-Gemini progression, the inner duality nature is relevant in Pisces for a maintained understanding of self-and-other in the environment, Pisces knows what it Feels and Desires (inclinations of the other water signs) apart from others, and is able to part those feelings with consideration of its own experience. This is one of the factors creating the duality nature of Pisces, especially with an aspect pertaining to its psychological complex most to world-orientation (surroundings, environment). 
The duality/relativity nature begins resolving again with its origin sign.
Gemini's psychological awareness is uniquely dual-based, comparison based, ‘self and other’, ‘communication’, ‘thinking’; the first fruits of psychological awareness in matters pertaining to other rather than orientations of the self, which Aries' key is, 'I Am', and Taurus' key is, 'I Have'. 
The second fruit growing in this aspect have progressed to a state of ‘furthering thought’, Gemini’s key of, ‘I Think’; Virgo's key is, 'I Analyze', from the psychological pretense of Cancer's, 'I Feel', and Leo's psychology of, 'I Create'. 
The third fruit Sagittarius, a sign of critical value for furthering awareness by designing/goal-seeking or trekking for more information, whose key is, 'I See' is more experienced and conditioned from the pretense of Libra's, 'I Balance/Judge', and Scorpio's, 'I Desire'. 
The fourth fruit, ending with Pisces, unravels an individual bearing the psychological conditioning of awareness and consideration for its surroundings, which experience and intuition of this sign come from Capricorn's, 'I Use', and Aquarius', ‘I Know'.
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sejjouaven · 5 years
Bones like shackles, a testimony for our temperament; the bodies of old age know not the creatures that would later consume them. Corroding after an abundance, the critters rejoice for their new homes within sight. The light shall shine on the living, the dead, and the seams between, ...evermore.
Just before us, you, the essence which guides worlds revered and blessed, yet, ashamed. You, that power, afar, summons water from the Earth for baptism. Reign down, and drown out our insecurities with mercy! Let us reflect, even in droplets, for all is more likened than ought. Condensate our turmoils for hallowed nourishment, and thrice mark the loon treading the ocean of rings throughout.
Yes, thrice, revealing the demiurge, a woman with many rings, two for one...one, in two, until next slew. From her bosom is the sound created in which the loon drifts and spins, drunken with new love at each crossing. The maternity is swooned and immersed with blood. "Vex trine hex!" read the winds of prevalence, revealed from the ruins of the starved.
Behold, the ringed woman yet produces drink and fruit for famished fools. From her bosom, a sirenic howl is received by all, and it shakes up the frames of every bone. A howl so deep that it lulls her own children to sleep. Her seed is left, but her expression, right, as she broils a vague light to beget a rebirth in oblivion.
Yes, you, to reign in remembrance, condense and be set free throughout the heavens and onto the earth. Borealis! That those foolish old men may live again accursed toward mindless mindfulness.
- rensin
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sejjouaven · 6 years
We’re drinking on Earth, in the physical, because we’re drunk in the spirit. It is on Earth as it is in Heaven. As Above, So Below.
“For it seems to me that the progress-minded, progress-intoxicated generation of the Darwinian epoch did not at all feel themselves humbled, but rather seemed proud of the fact that their monkey ancestors had progressed magnificently far, so far that nothing blocked the road any longer for further development, for 'Superman.’ Indeed, man’s ability to stand erect had 'gone to his head.’” - Viktor Frankl
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sejjouaven · 6 years
Revised today:
“Existential Duality” - Rensin
Existential duality is a spectrum between: 
1) Freedom, Individuality, Limitlessness 
2) Law, System, Order
It is evident that both ideologies of existence are capable of bringing about their own undoing. In universal objectivity, the pursuit of freedom and limitlessness is inherently irrational, but it is still that the ideology of law and order are susceptible to an implosion or collapse by circumstance. Let us call the existential tension of limitlessness/freedom, Existential-A, and the existential tension of law/order, Existential-B. For conceptual purposes, these are considered the extremes or absolutions of said existential duality. 
Existential-A finds that order can never be retained forever, that all things are temporary, therefore, it is meaningless to go about existence creating it to be the focus of our endeavors; every being is best to be free and noninhibited. 
Existential-B believes that there will always be a form of inhibition through every endeavor, that we are not entirely free from our experiences and conditions, including self-conditioning, therefore, it is erroneous to go about existence as if this were so; everything has a way that it is to be for an interconnective optimality. 
In grey light, it is objectively evident that, in evolution, the individual has both a system of order and evolves within its conditions, including its ‘free will’ of the mind. These conditions include the potential erring of our current evolution of emotion and susceptibility to delusion. The human psyche is unique for its self-awareness, therefore its ability to evolve its consciousness. There is scientific evidence of the individual having an effect on its body due to its consciousness in more ways that we have thought prior. Because of this, it is one of many ideologies preempted in Existential-A that the meaning of our endeavors should be to evolve in the succeedant means of which we have attained our current ground.
However, without the consideration of Existential-B, the consequence of all humankind is the neglect in the unified nature of relativity in systematic and conventional operations of the human psyche as well as the Universe around us. The rationality and capability of evolution seem to directly argue for Existential-A, but it is the fallibilities and erroneousness of human history that argue for Existential-B. We seem to create and prolong our artificial suffering as we evolve further into the self, which is why Existential-A will eventually inherit the ideology of the neglect of emotions. However, emotions are a necessity for receptive interpretation, otherwise, we would not be affected by the base survival stimuli to this point in time, or to even have survived. If we would not interpret our errors within the Universal structure, then we will surely end up at a point of self-afflicted extinction. The fundamental nature of being in existence is simply to survive. We should appropriately review both existential states for a greater optimality of our survival as a species, a greater notion than that of the self.
As for an example, should we integrate intergalactically as we are in this modern time, we are much more likely to cause conflict in other worlds due to our inability to integrate the dualling hemispheres of the psyche. This is evident in humanity’s advocacy of conquest and colonialism throughout history. It is very well known that our left hemisphere of the brain overwhelms the right hemisphere as a commonality of modern times. Naturally, most of the interpretation even goes into the subconscious and is not immediately ready for the hemispherical ‘oscillation’ of analysis and interpretation, unless inquired.
As so it is in the nature of becoming in the Universe, there must be a paternal order in the human psyche. However, if this order is not within the justice of the laws of nature, or is compromised in the sole ideology of self-orientation rather than the law of the Universe itself, it will more quickly trigger the existential tension in those whom would be conditionally inclined to feel opposed to law and order. To build the effort of harmony we all so desire in some shape, we must accept that we are objectively ruled by the laws of Nature (especially that we come from and are designed by it). This is what the ancient monotheistic effort once was, in generality. Again, if this system is corrupted by a self-orientation of the human will, then it will ultimately result in the existential effort of dismantlement, elimination, or separation (division and possibly later war). It is true that there will always be a person who sees things differently, every being is unique. The war state of mind is the way we have been conditioned in evolution due to our historical trials and errors, as well as temporary results and victories. Of course, the applicable usage of such a dismantlement of order and power is a revolution for freedom or the changing of societal states, but it is also to be acknowledged by the drivers of that revolution that freedom is ultimately elusive; a goal of freer expression and dismantlement by logicality, perhaps that of conscious self-reflection, is an example of focus that aligns for the resolution of the origination, not the making of freedom as a centripetal philosophy, which is ultimately idiosyncratic and objectively irrational. We must go beyond absolution and make a balance with its intermediate implications; to merge the dualities of man.
For example, let us imagine a society that is ‘free’. Everyone, with no hindrance of mental state, is free to do what they please; there is no law saying otherwise, because of the philosophy that every man should be free. While this may seemingly lower existential tension due to the fact that everyone is doing what they please, there are a many in the spectrum that is mentally furthermore genetically geared or make centripetal efforts of self-orientation. All murder, stealing, and rape is legal, all by some philosophy that justifies it so. This is the height of sayings such as, ‘Every man for himself’, and ‘Survival of the fittest’. And so it is that existence more-so becomes a war zone within the species, rather than a cooperative effort to maintain homeostasis within it. In this standpoint, the survival aspect of the brain thrives and evolves, but it is from this same structure of which we feel unto an inherently self-geared rationalization of our survival. Should we find an attacker coming against us regardless of our knowledge of their intention, does he befall a justice of self-defense by the means of offense? Or could it be that we may become more aware of the other, aside from our self, to build our self-control and defensive mastery that we may be capable to hinder the attacker, and first come to a resolution? Naturally, this is an irrational and overwhelming feat, however, it would prove much for the clarification in our actions. Of course, if the attacker is overwhelming, by nature of existence we are driven to defend our life; this is fundamentally natural. 
However, without clarification in the psyche, the collective survival effort is much more prone to a mass self-destruction, perhaps even a full extinction event, all due to the philosophy that every man should be free to express their self despite the fact that men are willing to grow in power and are able to retain it by whatever means. Aside from this, other human traits such as emotional integrity drop substantially; the moral code is predestined to diminish because the great philosophy of this human existence becomes a variant of, ‘It is what it is’. The justification is that survival of the fittest will sift out for the most powerful and clever. It also leaves these individuals to prolong the genetic pool of the human psyche. It is very true also that corruption within the survival structure is likely to kill off the man, woman, or child whom could have brought what 'contemporary good’ to the world it otherwise should have, as for one way that may benefit mankind. From another standpoint, for some ‘contemporary evil’ blossoming to flourish. Yet, by sole will, there is no true clarification unless interpreted by the logicality of self, other, and environment. Then, there is a more centripetal effort amongst the three. 
Within the ‘free’ society, there is framing, lying, stealing, cheating, and therefore it dwells and grows influence in society until those who create much less existential tension and elongating of the inner suffering of high existential tension within themselves as others die off. The ones who thrive likely become mad with their influence and this implies a species(self)-undoing state of some sort of god-head of people, or a person. We do not see this level of artificial adversity designed as existentially centripetal in any life forms except for that which complexifies its own existential tension. We, humans, are capable of doing this in our cognitive capabilities. The species would evolve to use only its logical, rational left brain, and forget how to interpret the necessary emotions altogether to interpret an efficient answer for such retained information.
Now, imagine a society that is philosophized by the laws of Nature as its centripetal acknowledgment in existence. For an example, under the impression that the reader understands fundamental laws as portrayed in themes of geometry, numerology, vibration, frequency, and the law of duality, we will be guided by the laws of nature as the objectively paternal One Expression; the evolutive implications of the Universe. As this becomes a centripetal point, all acknowledge and place themselves as under something much greater than they, individually, in which a common goal may be created for cooperation with this mental commonality. However, such a society is vulnerable to the current evolutive conditional state of the duality of man, which is modernly due to our inability to integrate the right with the left hemispheres of the brain. Even so, if we had, it will still be present for whatever reason, and that reason could simply, yet uniquely be, “I don’t want to live this way.” Though it is to be acknowledged that such a mentality might thrive on an existential tension of desiring or appeasing the pleasure of some self-ideology of difference and antitheticism, this is not considered as wrong, but fallible if pursued in what collectively appropriate construction created. The fallibility of this mindstate is its ever-growing potential of erroneousness in relativity to survival. The protrusion or opposition of order and structure must be Universally just and in accordance to the survival of a species if it is to survive. Also, in such a structured society, there can be leadership (due to the fact that not all people may be capable of leading their own self in being uniquely separate in our mental evolution and conditioning) that becomes corrupt and indoctrinated of their ideas unto the populace. This is the kind of society we recurrently see throughout human history. The answer for this issue is the building of resolve and selflessness in the human species’ psyche, that fewer individuals would be prone to such irrational forms of psychosis and neglect of the self-other-environment factor; reality.
Today, we have many people experiencing a high existential tension, especially in the modern world societies due to the growing availability of immediate gratification and the taking for granted; this is considered in psychology imbalance of the reward circuit. In this, we must ask ourselves, “Because it is available, do I truly deserve it? Do I deserve everything I want, and should I get it whenever I want?” Of course, this is a more absolute mindset, but many today put daily effort into the relieving of their tension with pleasures, thus, becoming their way of life. Many still live simply and happy on this Earth, despite their what is called Second or Third world condition. The survival factor may be lower by circumstances, but this just as well should reserve nature, of which we come from physically, as the ruler. We must find a balance of tension if we are to increase the chances of our survival as a species.
The mental inclusion of logical suffering against such tension is the key to such a thing. This, and the building of resolve within the human psyche; long-suffering.
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sejjouaven · 6 years
11:59 - ‘Borealis (Ring Beatmix)
Sample: Cardi B/Kehlani/Rob Williams ‘Ring’
Footage: Videvo.net
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sejjouaven · 6 years
“Existential Duality” - Rensin
Existential duality is a spectrum between: 
1) Freedom, Individuality, Limitlessness 
2) Law, System, Order
It is evident that both ideologies of existence are capable of bringing about their own undoing. In universal objectivity, the pursuit of freedom and limitlessness is inherently irrational, but it is still that the ideology of law and order are susceptible to an implosion or collapse by circumstance. Let us call the existential tension of limitlessness/freedom, Existential-A, and the existential tension of law/order, Existential-B. For conceptual purposes, these are considered the extremes or absolutions of said existential duality. 
Existential-A finds that order can never be retained forever, that all things are temporary, therefore, it is meaningless to go about existence creating it to be the focus of our endeavors; every being is best to be free and noninhibited. 
Existential-B finds that there will always be a form of inhibition through every endeavor, that we are not entirely free from our experiences and conditions, including self-conditioning, therefore, it is erroneous to go about existence as if this were so; everything has a way that it is to be for an interconnective optimality. 
In grey light, it is objectively evident that, in evolution, the individual has both a system of order and evolves within its conditions, including its 'free will' of the mind. These conditions include the potential erring of our current evolutive state in emotion and susceptibility to delusion. The human psyche is unique for its self-awareness, therefore its ability to evolve in its conscious. There is scientific evidence of the individual having an effect on its body due to its consciousness in more ways that we have thought prior. Because of this, it is one of many ideologies preempted in Existential-A that the meaning of our endeavors should be to evolve in the succeedant means of which we have attained our current ground.
However, without the consideration of Existential-B, the consequence of all humankind is the neglect in the unified nature of relativity in systematic and conventional operations of the human psyche as well as the Universe around us. The rationality and capability of evolution seem to directly argue for Existential-A, but it is the fallibilities and erroneousness of human history that argue for Existential-B. We seem to create and prolong our artificial suffering as we evolve further into the self, which is why Existential-A will eventually inherit the ideology of the neglect of emotions. However, emotions are a necessity for receptive interpretation, otherwise, we would not be affected by the base survival stimuli to this point in time, or to even have survived. If we would not interpret our errors within the Universal structure, then we will surely end up at a point of self-afflicted extinction. The fundamental nature of being in existence is simply to survive. We should appropriately review both existential states for a greater optimality of our survival as a species, a greater notion than that of the self.
As for an example, should we integrate intergalactically as we are in this modern time, we are much more likely to cause conflict in other worlds due to our inability to integrate the dualling hemispheres of the psyche. This is evident in humanity’s advocacy of conquest and colonialism throughout history. It is very well known that our left hemisphere of the brain overwhelms the right hemisphere as a commonality of modern times. Naturally, most of the interpretation even goes into the subconscious and is not immediately ready for the hemispherical ‘oscillation’ of analysis and interpretation, unless inquired.
As so it is in the nature of becoming in the Universe, there must be a paternal order in the human psyche. However, if this order is not within the justice of the laws of nature, or is compromised in the sole ideology of self-orientation rather than the law of the Universe itself, it will more quickly trigger the existential tension in those whom would be conditionally inclined to feel opposed to law and order. To build the effort of harmony we all so desire in some shape, we must accept that we are objectively ruled by the laws of Nature (especially that we come from and are designed by it). This is what the ancient monotheistic effort once was, in generality. Again, if this system is corrupted by a self-orientation of the human will, then it will ultimately result in the existential effort of dismantlement, elimination, or separation (division and possibly later war). It is true that there will always be a person who sees things differently, every being is unique. The war state of mind is the way we have been conditioned in evolution due to our historical trials and errors, as well as temporary results and victories. Of course, the applicable usage of such a dismantlement of order and power is a revolution for freedom or the changing of societal states, but it is also to be acknowledged by the drivers of that revolution that freedom is ultimately elusive; a goal of freer expression and dismantlement by logicality, perhaps that of conscious self-reflection, is an example of focus that aligns for the resolution of the origination, not the making of freedom as a centripetal philosophy, which is ultimately idiosyncratic and objectively irrational. We must go beyond absolution and make a balance with its intermediate implications; to merge the dualities of man.
For example, let us imagine a society that is ‘free’. Everyone, with no hindrance of mental state, is free to do what they please; there is no law saying otherwise, because of the philosophy that every man should be free. While this may seemingly lower our collective existential tension due to the basis that everyone is acting as they please, there are a many in the spectrum that are mentally, furthermore genetically, geared to make centripetal efforts of self-orientation. All murder, stealing, and rape is legal, all by some philosophy that justifies it so. This is the height of sayings such as, ‘Every man for himself’, and ‘Survival of the fittest’. And so it is that existence more-so becomes a war zone within the species, rather than a cooperative effort to maintain homeostasis within it. In this standpoint, the survival aspect of the brain thrives and evolves, but it is from this same structure of which we feel unto an inherently self-geared rationalization of our survival. Should we find an attacker coming against us regardless of our knowledge of their intention, does he befall a justice of self-defense by the means of offense? Or could it be that we may become more aware of the other, aside from our self, to build our self-control and defensive mastery that we may be capable to hinder the attacker, and first come to a resolution? Naturally, this is an irrational and overwhelming feat, however, it would prove much for the clarification in our actions. Of course, if the attacker is overwhelming, by nature of existence we are driven to defend our life; this is fundamentally natural. 
However, without clarification in the psyche, the collective survival effort is much more prone to a mass self-destruction, perhaps even a full extinction event, all due to the philosophy that every man should be free to express their self despite the fact that men are willing to grow in power and are able to retain it by whatever means. Aside from this, other human traits such as emotional integrity drop substantially; the moral code is predestined to diminish because the great philosophy of this human existence becomes a variant of, ‘It is what it is'. The justification is that survival of the fittest will sift out for the most powerful and clever. It also leaves these individuals to prolong the genetic pool of the human psyche. It is very true also that corruption within the survival structure is likely to kill off the man, woman, or child whom could have brought what 'contemporary good' to the world it otherwise should have, as for one way that may benefit mankind. From another standpoint, for some ‘contemporary evil’ blossoming to flourish. Yet, by sole will, there is no true clarification unless interpreted by the logicality of self, other, and environment. Then, there is a more centripetal effort amongst the three. 
Within the ‘free’ society, there is framing, lying, stealing, cheating, and therefore it dwells and grows influence in society until those who create much less existential tension and elongating of the inner suffering of high existential tension within themselves as others die off. The ones who thrive likely become mad with their influence and this implies a species(self)-undoing state of some sort of god-head of people, or a person. We do not see this level of artificial adversity designed as existentially centripetal in any life forms except for that which complexifies its own existential tension. We, humans, are capable of doing this in our cognitive capabilities. The species would evolve to use only its logical, rational left brain, and forget how to interpret the necessary emotions altogether to interpret an efficient answer for such retained information.
Now, imagine a society that is philosophized by the laws of Nature as its centripetal acknowledgment in existence. For an example, under the impression that the reader understands fundamental laws as portrayed in themes of geometry, numerology, vibration, frequency, and the law of duality, we will be guided by the laws of nature as the objectively paternal One Expression; the evolutive implications of the Universe. As this becomes a centripetal point, all acknowledge and place themselves as under something much greater than they, individually, in which a common goal may be created for cooperation with this mental commonality. However, such a society is vulnerable to the current evolutive conditional state of the duality of man, which is modernly due to our inability to integrate the right with the left hemispheres of the brain. Even so, if we had, it will still be present for whatever reason, and that reason could simply, yet uniquely be, "I don't want to live this way." Though it is to be acknowledged that such a mentality might thrive on an existential tension of desiring or appeasing the pleasure of some self-ideology of difference and antitheticism, this is not considered as wrong, but fallible if pursued in what collectively appropriate construction created. The fallibility of this mindstate is its ever-growing potential of erroneousness in relativity to survival. The protrusion or opposition of order and structure must be Universally just and in accordance to the survival of a species if it is to survive. Also, in such a structured society, there can be leadership (due to the fact that not all people may be capable of leading their own self in being uniquely separate in our mental evolution and conditioning) that becomes corrupt and indoctrinated of their ideas unto the populace. This is the kind of society we recurrently see throughout human history. The answer for this issue is the building of resolve and selflessness in the human species’ psyche, that fewer individuals would be prone to such irrational forms of psychosis and neglect of the self-other-environment factor; reality.
Today, we have many people experiencing a high existential tension, especially in the modern world societies due to the growing availability of immediate gratification and the taking for granted; this is considered in psychology imbalance of the reward circuit. In this, we must ask ourselves, "Because it is available, do I truly deserve it? Do I deserve everything I want, and should I get it whenever I want?" Of course, this is a more absolute mindset, but many today put daily effort into the relieving of their tension with pleasures, thus, becoming their way of life. Many still live simply and happy on this Earth, despite their what is called Second or Third world condition. The survival factor may be lower by circumstances, but this just as well should reserve nature, of which we come from physically, as the ruler. We must find a balance of tension if we are to increase the chances of our survival as a species.
The mental inclusion of logical suffering against such tension is the key to such a thing. This, and the building of resolve within the human psyche; long-suffering.
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sejjouaven · 6 years
Quotes from ‘The Kybalion’ Three Initiates Edition
This original post is susceptible to a revising of additional notes, and personal note tags. 
[*] xyz [***] - A personal notion of importance
{xyz} - Personal note tags
From Myself: I encourage anyone interested in the meshing of practicality and spirituality within the constructing of Universal Laws and ancient teachings. This book outlines the basics of Hermeticism, which is an ancient path to great knowledge of mutuality of the mind, spirit, and the Universe as a whole. Besides these personal notes, there is much more great wisdom and light within the full-text shedding on the elements of what we call mind, spirit, and matter. This book is not intended to offer doctrine, but an examination of Universal mechanisms.
In this choice of quotes, I have found personal significance. Once again, I hope they encourage the reader to extend their self towards the full insight of the book.
(Pg. 18) - “...the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest-just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. “
(Pg. 23) - {In regard to the Principle of Gender} “On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical mental or spiritual, is possible without this Principle.”
(Pg. 24) - “From astrology has grown modern astronomy; from alchemy has grown modern chemistry; from the mystic psychology has grown the modern psychology of the schools. But it must not be supposed that the ancients were ignorant of that which the modern schools suppose to be their exclusive and special property.”
(Pg. 40) - “...yet to all that is Finite, the Universe must be treated as Real, and life, and action, and thought, must be based upon thereupon, accordingly, although with an ever understanding of the Higher Truth.”
(Pg. 41) - “And if Man, owing to half-wisdom, acts and lives and thinks of the Universe as merely a dream (akin to his own finite dreams) then indeed does it so become for him, and like a sleep-walker he stumbles ever around and around in a circle, making no progress, and being forced into an awakening at last by his falling bruised and bleeding over the Natural Laws which he ignored. [*] Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze.” [***]
(Pg. 44) - [*] We commit a folly when we attempt to deny the existence of Matter in the relative aspect. We may deny its mastery over us-and rightly so-but we should not attempt to ignore it in its relative aspect, at least so long as we dwell upon its plane.” [***]
(Pg. 45) - [*] “...even the highest Master, and the highest Being, must bow to the Law, and be as Nothing in the eye of THE ALL.” [***]
(Pg. 47) - [*] “Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions, and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower-escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher.” [***] [*] “Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master.” [***]
(Pg. 49) - [*] “To take a modern example, let us say that Othello, Iago, Hamlet, Lear, Richard III, existed merely in the mind of Shakespeare, at the time of their conception or creation. And yet, Shakespeare also existed within each of these characters, giving them their vitality, spirit, and action. Whose is the ‘spirit’ of the characters that we know as Micawber, Oliver Twist, Uriah Heep-is it Dickens, or have each of these characters a personal spirit, independent of their creator? {An analogy to the principle, explained in the book, of THE ALL being in all} The Law of Paradox explains that both propositions are true, viewed from the proper viewpoints. Micawber may be said to be Dickens, yet Dickens is not identical with Micawber. Man, like Micawber, may exclaim: “The Spirit of my Creator is inherent within me-and yet I am not HE!” How different this from the shocking half-truth so vociferously announced by certain of the half-wise, who fill the air with their raucous cries of: “I am God!”
(Pg. 65) - [*] “The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual Planes inevitably results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as far as it had previously risen.” [***]
(Pg. 75) - [*] “The tendency of Nature is in the direction of the dominant activity of the Positive pole.” 
(Pg. 81) - [*] “But the Hermetists carry it still further. They teach that a man’s mental states are subject to the same Law. {The Principle of Rhythm: The Law of Compensation} The man who enjoys keenly, is subject to keen suffering; while he who feels but little plain is capable of feeling but little joy. The pig suffers but little mentally, and enjoys but little-he is compensated. And on the other hand, there are other animals who enjoy keenly, but whose nervous organism and temperament cause them to suffer exquisite degrees of pain and so it is with Man. There are temperaments which permit of but low degrees of enjoyment, and equally low degrees of suffering; while there are others which permit the most intense enjoyment, but also the most intense suffering. The rule is that the capacity for pain and pleasure, in each individual, are balanced. The Law of Compensation is in full operation here.” [***]
(Pg. 82) - [*] “The Law of Compensation plays an important part in the lives of men and women. It will be noticed that one generally “pays the price” of anything he possesses or lacks. If he has one thing, he lacks another-the balance is struck. No one can ‘keep his penny and have the bit of cake’ at the same time. Everything has its pleasant and unpleasant sides. The things that one gains are always paid for by the thing that one loses. The rich possess much that the poor lack, while the poor often possess things that are beyond the reach of the rich. The millionaire may have the inclination towards feasting, and the wealth wherewith to secure all the dainties and luxuries of the table, while he lacks the appetite to enjoy the same; he envies the appetite and digestion of the laborer who lacks the wealth and inclinations of the millionaire, and who gets more pleasure from his plain food than the millionaire could obtain even if his appetite were not jaded, nor his digestion ruined, for the wants, habits, an inclinations differ. And so it is through life. The Law of Compensation is ever in operation, striving to balance and counter-balance, and always succeeding though time, even though several lives may be required for the return swing of the Pendulum of Rhythm.” [***]
(Pg. 89) - [*] “The great Seventh Hermetic Principle-the Principle of Gender-embodies the truth that there is Gender manifested in everything-that the Masculine and Feminine principles are ever present and active in all phases of phenomena, on each and every plane of life. At this point we think it well to call your attention to that fact that Gender, in its Hermetic sense, and Sex in the ordinarily accepted use of the term, are not the same. The word “Gender” is derived from the Latin root meaning “to beget; to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce.”
(Pg. 90) - [*] “The so-called Negative pole of the battery is really the pole in and by which the generation or production of new forms and energies is manifested. There is nothing ‘negative’ {the societal impression of positivity and negativity} about it. The best scientific authorities now use the word ‘Cathode’ in place of ‘Negative,’ the word Cathode coming from the Greek root meaning ‘descent: the path of generation, etc.” From the Cathode pole emerge the swarm of electrons or corpuscles; from the same pole emerge those wonderful ‘rays’ which have revolutionized scientific concepts during the past decade.”
(Pg. 95-96) - “While at first there seems to be only an ‘I’ existing, a more careful and closer examination reveals the fact that there exists an ‘I’ and a ‘Me’. These mental twins differ in their characteristic and nature, and an examination of their nature and phenomena arising from the same will throw much light upon many of the problems of mental influence. 
Let us begin with a consideration of the Me, which is usually mistaken for the I by the student until he presses the inquiry a little further back into the recesses of consciousness. A man thinks of his Self (in its aspect of Me) as being composed of certain feelings, tastes, likes, dislikes, habits, peculiar ties, characteristics, etc., all of which go to make up his personality, or the ‘Self’ known to himself and others. He knows that these emotions and feelings change; are born and die away; are subject to the Principle of Rhythm, and the Principle of Polarity, which take him from one extreme of feeling to another. He also thinks of the ‘Me’ as being certain knowledge gathered together in his mind, and thus forming a part of himself. This is the ‘Me‘ of a man.
...The ‘Me’ of many men may be said to consist largely of their consciousness of the body and their physical appetites, etc. Their consciousness being largely bound up with their bodily nature, they practically ‘live there.’ Some men go even so as far as to regard their personal apparel as a part of their ‘Me’ and actually seem to consider a part of themselves {The ‘I’ and ‘Me’ simaltaneously}. A writer has humorously said that ‘men consist of three parts-soul, body, and clothes.’ These ‘clothes conscious’ people would lose their personality if divested of their clothing by savages upon the occasion of a shipwreck. But even many who are not so closely bound up with the idea of personal raiment stick closely to the consciousness of their bodies being their ‘Me’. They cannot conceive of a Self independent from the body. Their mind seems to them to be practically ‘a something belonging to’ their body-which in many cases it is indeed.
[*] But as man rises in the scale of consciousness he is able to disentangle his ‘Me’ from his idea of body, and is able to think of his body as ‘belonging to’ the mental part of him. [***]
(Pg.98) - “He is able to rest in its consciousness at will. He finds there not a consciousness of an ability to generate and actively create, in the sense of the gradual process attendant upon mental operations, but rather a sense and consciousness of an ability to project an energy from the ‘I’ to the ‘Me’-a process of ‘willing’ that the mental creation begin and proceed.”
(Pg. 98) - “The principle of Mental Gender gives the truth underlying the whole field of phenomena of mental influence, etc.”
(Pg. 103) - [*] “Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing.” [***]
(Pg. 105) - “The mastery of Polarization is the mastery of the fundamental principles of Mental Transmutation or Mental Alchemy...”
(Pg. 105) - “The principle is true, but the results obtained depend upon the persistent patience and practice of the student.”
From Myself: I want to extend the wisdom of this book and bring mutuality of these Hermetic understandings with my own personal and developing mode of logic of CONCEPTUAL ASSOCIATION, which encompasses many of the dual aspects of the Hermetic Principles. 
Another book that I have read in the recent past is, ‘Psychotherapy & Existentialism’ by Viktor Frankl; a book of Logotherapy. This LINK will lead you to another post of quotes and personal notes. I also encourage readers to extend their knowledge to this writing. 
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sejjouaven · 6 years
Conceptual Association: Key Words, Phrases, Terminology, Principles
*List may update*
UNICITY - The primordial concept of a totally singular instance, or oneness.
LINEARITY - One of two dioriginate concepts of manifestation. Lacking depths, succeeding in lengths and distinctions. 
CIRCULARITY - One of two dioriginate concepts of manifestation. Lacking distinction, succeeding in depths and interconnectedness.
CIRCUITRY - An attribution of Circularity in which instances are connective and interactive.
INSTANCE - An event of evolutive manifestation.
PROTRUSION & ENVELOPMENT - A universal simplification of ‘cause and effect’. With the same manner, it addresses the pattern of manifestation rather than the becoming of events.
CONCEPTUAL INTERROGATION - The act of deciphering concepts between its original features, adjacencies, or juxtapositions.
FORM/FORCE - A feature in consequence to manifestation. An object’s physicality and its effect on/in existence.
CONCEPT - The mental construction of something.
SUBJECT - The mental portrayal or projection of something.
OBJECT - The fixed existence of something.
SPECTRAL CORRESPONDENCE - The feature of existence in which things have a direct effect on their similarities and immediate dissimilarities. 
POLAR CORRESPONDENCE - The feature of duality in which one thing is immediately effective towards its antithesis. 
DIFFRACTALIZATION - The splitting of patterned events or concepts. “Double/Multiplied fractalization”. 
CONCEPTUAL CONVENTIONALISM - The standard or immediately implied concept of something in consequence of its existence.
CROSS-FLUCTUATION - The constant oscillation of dominance between two or more concepts. 
CONCEPTUAL ADJACENCY - Concepts that bear mutual qualities, but are not of the same subject.
CONCEPTUAL JUXTAPOSITION - The contrasting conceptualization of subjects/objects that do not bear mutual qualities.
CONCEPTUAL UNCONVENTIONALISM - The nonstandard or inappropriate capability of a subject/object.
DIORIGINATIONS - The term of a universal and fundamental duality in which all things originate.
GENESIS DUALITY - The fundamental duality.
PRIMORDIAL UNITY - The pretense of unity before Linearity and Circularity.
DURATION - An appropriation for 'time’.
VARIATIONAL MANIFESTATION - The potentiality of fused fundamental duality.
MULTIPLEX ENVELOPMENT - A multidimensional resolution of an initial protrusion.
CONCEPTUAL GENERALIZATION - The simplification of a concept, usually in turn measuring towards one of two polarities.
CONCEPTUAL ASSIMILATION - The act of bringing concepts together for comparison. 
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sejjouaven · 6 years
(Quotes-Additional Notes) ‘Psychotherapy & Existentialism’ - Viktor E. Frankl (1967)
(Pg. 2)
"Man's freedom of will belongs to the immediate data of his experience."
(Pg. 3)
"Man is not free from conditions, be they biological or psychological or sociological in nature."
"Man is free to rise above the plane of somatic and psychic determinants of his existence."
(Pg. 6)
"Thus we could say that while the 'will to pleasure' mistakes the effect for the end, the 'will to power' mistakes the means to an end for the end itself."
(Pg. 8)
"If man were really driven to meaning he would embark on meaning fulfillment solely for the sake of getting rid of this drive."
(Pg. 9)
"...man also only returns to himself, to being concerned with his self, after he has missed his mission, has failed to find a meaning in his life."
"Rolf Von Eckartsberg, also a Harvard assistant of mine, has shown the insufficiency of the role-playing concept by pointing out that it avoids the very problem behind it--the problem of choice and value. For again there is a problem: Which role to adopt, which cause to advocate? We are not spared decision-making. "The same holds for those who teach that both man's ultimate destination and primary intention is to develop his potentialities. Socrates confessed that he had within himself the potentiality to become a criminal, but decided to turn away from materializing this potentiality, and this decision , we might ad, made all the difference."
(Pg. 12)
"...meaning must not coincide with being; meaning must be ahead of being. Meaning sets the pace for being. Existence falters unless it is lived in terms of transcendence toward something beyond itself. Viewed from this angle, we might distinguish people who are pacemakers and those who are peacemakers: the former confront us with meanings and values, thus supporting our meaning orientation; the latter alleviate the burden of meaning confrontation.""In this senses Moses was a pacemaker; he did not soothe man's conscience but rather stirred it up. Moses confronted his people with the Ten Commandments and did not spare them confrontation with ideals and values. Peacemakers, on the other hand, appease people; they try to reconcile them with themselves. "Let's face facts," they say. "Why worry about your shortcomings? Only a minority live up to ideals. So let's forget them; let's care for peace of mind, or soul, rather than those existential meanings which just arouse tensions in human beings.""What the peacemakers overlook is the wisdom laid down in Goethe's warning: "If we take man as he is, we (may) make him worse; if we take him as he ought to be, we help him become it."Once meaning orientation turns into meaning confrontation, that stage of maturation and development is reached in which freedom--that concept so much emphasized by existentialist philosophy--becomes responsibleness.”
(Pg. 14)
“In the course of growing awareness, it might then finally turn out that life never ceases to hold and retain a meaning up to its very last moment. This is due to the fact that, as a phenomenological analysis can show us, man not only finds his life meaningful through his deeds, his works, his creativity, but also through his experiences, his encounters with what is true, good, and beautiful in the world, and last but not least, his encounter with others, with fellow human beings and their unique qualities."
(Pg. 15)
"It goes without saying that suffering can be meaningful only if the situation cannot be changed--otherwise we would not be dealing with heroism but rather masochism.""Life can be made meaningful in a threefold way: first, through what we give to life (in terms of our creative works); second, by what we take from the world (in terms of our experiencing values); and third, through the stand we take toward a fate we no longer can change (an incurable disease, an inoperable cancer, or the like).""However, even apart from this, man is not spared facing his human condition which includes what I call the tragic triad of human existence, namely , pain, death, and guilt. By pain, I mean suffering; by the other constituents of the tragic triad, I mean the twofold fact of man's mortality and fallibility."
(Pg. 17)
"Each man is unique and each man's life is singular; no one is replaceable nor is his life repeatable, This twofold uniqueness adds to man's responsibleness.""Ultimately, this responsibleness derives from the existential fact that life is a chain of questions which man has to answer by answering for life, to which he has to respond by being responsible, by making decisions, by deciding which answers to give to the individual questions.""Again, I quote Geothe who once said: 'We must always aim at the bull's eye--although we know that we will not always hit it.' Or, to put it more prosaically: We have to try to reach the absolutely best--otherwise we shall not even reach the relatively good."
(Pg. 21)
"...in this age of existential vacuum, the danger lies much more in man's not being burdened enough (*Perhaps a burden caused by workings that are accumulative toward suffering?*) Pathology results not only from stress, but also from relief of stress which ends in emptiness. A lack of tension created by the loss of meaning is as dangerous a threat in terms of mental health as is too high a tension."
(Pg. 25)
"...we see that man is ready to suffer if only he can be satisfied that his suffering has a meaning.”
(Pg. 28)
"Today the exercising of one's freedom is sometimes hampered by what I call a crippling pandeterminism which is so pervasive in psychology. The doctor's pandeterminism plays into the hands of the patient's fatalism, thus reinforcing the latter's neurosis. There is, for instance, the contention that a person's religious life is wholly conditioned by his early childhood experiences--that his concept of God is formed according to his father image. In order to obtain a more accurate information on this correlation, I had my staff at the Vienna Poliklinik Hospital screen the patients that visited its outpatient clinic in a day. This screening showed that twenty-three patients had a positive father image, thirteen a negative one. But only sixteen of the subjects with a positive father image and only two of the subjects with a negative father image had let themselves be fully determined through these images in their respective religious developments. Half of the total numbered screen developed their religious concepts independent from their father images. Thus half of the subjects displayed what education has made out of them, and the other half exhibited what, by way of decision, they had made out of themselves."
(Pg. 31)
"Even in advanced years one should not envy a young person. Why should one? For the possibilities a young person has, or for his future? No, I should say that, instead of possibilities in the future, the old person has realities in the past-work done, love loved, and suffering suffered."
(Pg. 38)
Homeostasis, equilibrium, adaptation, self-preservation, defense, and adjustment are merely negative concepts and must be supplemented by positive concepts.
(Pg. 39)
The normal approach of man to the world is never primarily that of a means-end relationship. Rather, such a view, centered around the means-end relationship, corresponds to what is observed in animals which have been exposed to certain artificial conditions.
(Pg. 40)
This proves (regarding an experiment illustrated in the book) that even an animal is not normally, or at least not primarily, interested in the restoration of that psychic condition which is called satisfaction.
(Pg. 41)
"...'pursuit of happiness' amounts to a self-contradiction:..."
"A really good conscience can never be reached by grasping for it, but solely by doing a deed for the sake of a cause, or for the sake of the person involved, or for God's sake."
"A good conscience is one of those things which can be brought about only as an unintended side effect and is destroyed at the moment that it is sought after directly."
"He cannot even strive for "peace of soul", for this kind of peace, which apparently means the (re-) establishment of a good conscience, eludes him as soon as it has become a matter of intention instead of remaining a matter of effect. (of subjection)."
(Pg. 42)
"...homeostasis can never be the ultimate aim in life."
(On noogenic neuroses) "They are rather rooted in collisions between different values, or in the unrewarded longing and groping of man for that hierarchically highest value-an ultimate meaning to his life."
(Pg. 44)
"Each human being is unique both in his essence and his existence."
(Pg. 45)
"...self-actualization is an effect and cannot be the object of intention."
(Pg. 46)
"Only as man withdraws from himself in the sense of releasing self-centered interest and attention will he gain an authentic mode of existence."
(Pg. 47)
(On the challenge to responsibility) "Potentialism involves an attempt to avoid this burden of responsibility.
"A close examination of such escapism reveals that the potentialist finds the tension between what is and what should be intolerable. However, this tension cannot be eradicated, even by potentialism, for it is inherent in human existence.
"...acceptance of finiteness is the precondition to mental health and human progress, where the inability to accept it is characteristic of the neurotic personality."
(Pg. 48-49)
"Any theory which obscures the objectivity of the object and disregards its intrinsic otherness through the assumption that the world is a mere self-expression and nothing but a projection of the subject is a theory which misses the point."
"The essential dynamic which constitutes human cognition has its source in this tensional situation between man and that 'world' which he 'is in'. In logotherapy, this dynamics, in contrast to psychodynamics, is referred to as noodynamics."
(Pg. 50)
"The more the eye sees itself, the less the world and its objects are visible to it. The ability of the eye to see is dependent upon its inability to see itself."
(Pg. 54)
"...being, with its objective counterpart, which is meaning."
(Pg. 55)
"Thus, we can see that when speaking of man's 'being in the world' we should not deny that there is also a 'meaning in the world'. Only when we have taken this meaning into full account have we supplemented the subjective aspect of human existence with its objective correlate. Not before then have we become aware of existence as being expanded in a polar field of tension between the self and the world."
"No concept of the world is adequate, then as long as it is understood in terms of mere projection or self-expression. If, above all, the meaning in the world to be fulfilled by man and the values therein to be realized by him were no more than his 'secondary rationalization, sublimations, and reaction formations."
"The world must be seen as essentially more than that (objective)."
(Pg. 56)
(On the psychology of a mean's end outlook) "...for then he would have destroyed any authentic relationship with them. They would then have become mere tools; they would be of use for him, but by the same token, they would have ceased to have any value, that is to say, value in itself."
"When we speak of meaning, however, we should not disregard the fact that man does not fulfill the meaning of his existence merely by his creative endeavors and experimental encounters, or by working and loving. We must not overlook the fact that there are also tragic experiences inherent in human life, above all that 'tragic triad'-if I may use this term-which is represented by the primordial facts of man's existence: suffering, guilt, and transitoriness."
(In regard to suffering) "...patients never really despair because of any suffering in itself. Instead, their despair stems in each instance from a doubt as to whether suffering is meaningful."
(Pg. 57)
To look for the general meaning of man's life would be comparable to asking a chess player: 'What's the best move?' There is no such thing as 'the best move' apart from the one that is best within the context of a particular situation of a particular game.
(Pg. 59)
"...there is something different that seems to me to be an even more erroneous assumption underlying psychoanalytic theory-and, unfortunately, psychoanalytic practice-which we may call 'pandeterminism' By this I mean any view of man which disregards or neglect the intrinsically human capacity of free choice interprets human existence in terms of mere dynamics. Man, as the finite being he basically is, will never be able to free himself completely from the ties which bind him to the various realms wherein he is confronted by unalterable conditions."
(Pg. 63)
"Human existence is, in its essence, noetic."
"...man is self-determining. In actuality, man is free and responsible".
(Pg. 64)
"Man is free to be responsible, and he is responsible for the realization of the meaning of his life, the logos of his existence."
(Pg. 76)
"...hyperthyroidism brings about an inclination to anxiety states which the patient often responds to in terms of what is called 'anticipatory anxiety.' That is to say, he is afraid of the recurrence of anxiety, and the very expectation of such an attack precipitates it again and again. Increasingly, the patient is caught in a feedback mechanism between the primary somatic condition and the secondary psychic reaction."
(Pg. 77)
"...masked tetany frequently results in claustrophobias just as mild as hyperthyroidism does in agoraphobias."
"...anticipatory anxiety thrives in the existential vacuum."
(Pg. 82)
"What man is, he becomes through that cause which he has made his own."
(Pg. 84)
"...the ultimate meaning of man's life is not a matter of his intellectual cognition but rather the matter of his existential commitment."
(Pg. 88)
"Pain, death, and guilt are inescapable; the more the neurotic tries to deny them, the more he entangles himself in additional suffering."
"Although, the tragic triad is an undeniable fact inherent in human existence, it is rationalized away by means of technological progressivism and scientism."
(Pg. 89)
(Quote of Jewish sage [Hillel]) "'If I do not do this job-who will do it? And if I do not do this job right now-when shall I do it? But if I carry it out only for my own sake-what am I?'"
(Pg. 90)
(Quote of Lao-tse) "Having completed a task means having become eternal."
"What man has done cannot be undone."
"In the same fashion, a man who has failed by a deed cannot change what happened, but by repentance he can change himself."
"The difference lies in the fact that the right attitude is, then, a right attitude of himself."
(Pg. 99)
"There can be no question, therefore, that a prisoner did not necessarily and automatically have to succumb to the camp atmosphere. By virtue of that which I have in another context called the 'defiant power of the human spirit,' he had the possibility of holding himself above the influence of his environment. If I still had any need of proof that this defiant power of the spirit is a reality, then the concentration camp was the crucial experiment."
"...it is true that the good example productively gives birth to good."
(Pg. 103)
(On the underlying truth of the psychotherapeutic work in the concentration camp) "He who knows a 'why' for living, will surmount almost every 'how'."
(Pg. 110)
"In a sense, living through the concentration camp was one big experiment-a crucial experiment. Our dead colleagues passed the test with honors. They proved to us that even under the most deprived, the most humiliating conditions, man can still remain man-true man and true physician. What was honor to them who gave this proof, should be a lesson to us. It should teach us what man is, and what man can become."
"What then is a man? We ask again. He is a being who continuously decides what he is: a being who equally harbors the potential to descend to the level of an animal or to ascend to the life of a saint. Man is that  being, who, after all, invented the gas chambers; but at the same time he is that being who entered into same gas chambers with his head held high and with the 'Our Father' or the Jewish prayer of the dying on his lips."
(Pg. 110-111)
"What is man that you are mindful of him? 'He is a reed,' said Pascal, 'but a reed which thinks!' And it is this thinking, this consciousness, this responsibility that constitute the dignity of man, the dignity of each individual human being. And it is always to be ascribed to the individual person whether he preserves this dignity or tarnishes it. Whereas the first behavior is guilt. And there is only personal guilt; collective guilt is a concept which has no meaning. Certainly there is also the personal guilt of a man who has 'done nothing wrong,' but who has failed to do 'something right'; failed to do so because of the apprehension for himself or anxiety for his family, but whoever wishes to condemn such a man as a coward must first prove that in the same situation he himself would have been a hero."
([Translated] Quote of Paul Valery) "As long as we judge and accuse, we have not arrived at the fundamental truth."
(Pg. 113)
"The American psychiatrist, Freyhan, asserts that earlier centuries had both more anxiety and more reason for anxiety than our own age and points to the witch trials, the religious wars, the migration of nations, the slave trade, and the great plagues."
(Pg. 114)
"For it seems to me that the progress-minded, progress-intoxicated generation of the Darwinian epoch did not at all feel themselves humbled, but rather seemed proud of the fact that their monkey ancestors had progressed magnificently far, so far that nothing blocked the road any longer for further development, for 'superman.' Indeed, man's ability to stand erect had 'gone to his head.'"
(Pg. 115)
"One is left with the impression that the delusional ideas of our patients are shaped by the spirit of the age and change with it; that therefore the spirit of the age makes itself felt right into the depth of psychotic mental life."
(Pg. 117)
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis--On the word/statement, '[ephemeral] attitude toward life') "And thus they have given up the idea of planning far ahead or organizing their lives around a definite purpose."
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis) "A further symptom is the fatalist attitude toward life."
(On fatalist attitude) "He tends to consider himself a plaything of external circumstances or internal conditions and therefore lets himself be shifted around."
(On the symptoms of the collective modern neurosis) "The neurotic who suffers from the fourth symptom, fanaticism, denies the personality of others."
(Pg. 121)
"A nihilist is a man who considers Being, and above all his own existence, meaningless."
(Pg. 122)
(On the crisis of the existential vacuum) "And when does this vacuum open up, when does this so often latent vacuum become manifest? In the state of boredom."
(Pg. 124)
(In the words of Harvey Cushing as quoted by Percival Bailey) "The only way to endure life is always to have a task to complete."
(Pg. 126)
"Sexual libido only becomes rampant in the existential vacuum."
(Pg. 127)
"Man is not 'driven,' man decides. Man is free. (To decide of responsibility).
"The more a man strives for pleasure the less pleasure he achieves. And vice versa; The harder a man tries to evade unpleasure, or suffering, the deeper he plunges himself into additional suffering.
(Pg. 128)
"The possibility of realizing what I called attitudinal values--by the very attitude with which we face our suffering--is there to the very last moment (of our existence).
"That which causes our guilt, for which we are responsible, can no longer be changed; but the guilt itself can be redeemed and here again everything depends on the right attitude toward ourselves--upon true repentance."
"If the meaning of life consisted in reproduction, then every generation would find its meaning only in the next generation. (Not only sexual but also cultural, societal, economical, etc., regardless of circumstances.)
(Pg. 129)
"The so-called life not worth living does not exist. And even the manifestations of psychosis conceal a real spiritual person, unassailable by mental disease."
(After the illustration of ‘IQ: Idiots/Saints debate’ with Pere Beirnaert) "There is, therefore, and I hope I have shown it, no reason to doubt the meaning of even the most miserable life."
(Pg. 136)
"One characteristic of human existence is its transcendence."
(Pg. 141)
"...values do not drive--they pull."
(Pg. 145)
(On anticipatory anxiety) "This is the compulsion to self-observation."
"In addition to the fact that excessive attention proves to be an intrinsically pathogenic factor with regard to the etiology of neuroses, we observe that in many neurotic patients excessive intention may also be pathogenic."
(Pg. 146)
"Thus we see an interesting parallel in that anticipatory anxiety brings about precisely what the patient fears, while excessive intention, as well as excessive self-observation with regard to one's own functioning, makes this functioning impossible."
(On paradoxical intention) "This brings about a change of attitude toward the symptom which enables the patient to place himself at a distance from the symptom, to detach himself from his neurosis."
(On paradoxical intention) "Such a procedure must make use of the unique potentiality for self-detachment inherent in a sense of humor."
(Pg. 152)
"The traumata merely provide the contents of the respective obsessions, compulsions, and phobias. Even psychoanalysts are more and more inclined to assume that traumata in themselves do not directly cause neuroses. In some cases, I would dare say that even the opposite is true: The trauma does not cause the neurosis, but rather, the neurosis makes the trauma reappear."
(Pg. 160)
"Just as paradoxical intention is designed to counteract anticipatory anxiety, de-reflection is intended to counteract the compulsive inclination to self-observation."
(Pg. 163)
"Paradoxical intention lends itself particularly to short-term therapy, especially in cases with an underlying anticipatory anxiety mechanism."
(Pg. 165)
"...if an artist should become psychotic and nevertheless continue his artistic production, he does so in spite of his psychosis, never because of it. A mental disease in itself is never productive, a sickness as such never creative. Only the spirit of man can be creative, never a sickness of that spirit."
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sejjouaven · 6 years
(The First Mark): “To Be Aware Of The Fundamental Mechanisms Of Physical/Mental Constructs”
A truth we cannot deny is that we are invested in a realm of systematic manifestation. We find ourselves to sleep unto the likes of the unconscious, to dream in the realms of the subconscious, only to reawaken and operate under the concretion of a defined world regardless of the personal perceptions or conceptions of which we may construct of it. 
By its natural principle of the Fourth Instance of Transformation, all concurrent reality is then between the difference of multiple vehicles of enactment, vehicles to be proven as genuine or erroneous in either pursuit of evolution or devolution. However, due to the instance of complicative implications in this realm, a correspondence implies the forte of enacting simplification as the heading path to a universally efficient resolution.
The realm of manifestation initially demonstrates itself as an eluding chaos for its potentialities of possibility as well as its structure. Life and consciousness would then tread its dimensions only to find that its own ‘chaos’ is as equally or in parallel to the instances of objective potentialities. Although, this realm is riddled with behaviors of a root blueprint, a system of becoming.
These things have been determined as sciences, and such sciences behold the One Expression of manifestation between numerology, frequency, and geometry. The self-embedding nature of the Universe allows for objective laws to correspond in both its lowest and highest potentialities, this is known as the phrase, ‘As Above, So Below’. Conceptual Association determines this expression as the fractalized, contradictive duality in all things catered by the conceptual impression of fused duality (Linearity & Circularity) as dissected from the Universal nature of vibration.
The fractalization of the One Expression bestows consciousness with the gift of will, and this will is also parallel to the same vehicles and principles of the objective world which creates the vessel of flesh. Consciousness must then perform and learn to experience knowledge, and then decipher this knowledge into wisdom. Harmonic enactment with the Expression will result in a transformation (of either evolution or devolution).
Should one be aware of the core similarities between these facets of the One Expression, they then have become endowed with the Germ of Intuition.
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sejjouaven · 6 years
Perspective Is A Vertex
The belief that the Sun moves across the sky was prevalent centuries ago and this leads the people of that time to believe that all things revolved around the Earth. We now understand that lesser bodies, planets, revolve around the more influential gravitational orbit of a star, our Sun. 
But this is still somewhat definitively controversial because regardless of our understanding the Sun still appears to move across the sky. The appearance or semblance of this event from our Earthly perspective paradoxically conceptualizes that the Sun indeed moves across the sky, but scientifically we judge that we revolve around it and that it does not move (technically, it moves through the galaxy along with other systems). 
The same element of a paradoxical evidence relying on perspective exists with how we perceive color. This is because of the physical laws of color absorption and color reflection. Our eyes pick up a fraction of color reflection, however, color absorption is simply the light absorption of the object would result in being the inversion of what we can see.
This element of paradox originates from the cross-fusion of fundamental duality in the Universe. Because of this fundamentality, the contradiction acts out in all things in some way; it is decipherable by perspective and discoverable by sciences or areas of study. 
There are many other things or behaviors of existence that directly or indirectly expresses the paradoxical feature of cross-fusion duality. Because of this, Conceptual Association acknowledges perspective in association with the geometrical concept of a vertex.
(Read about Conceptual Association) 
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