scholarsspace · 4 years
Agriculture and Nature | Agriculture Talk Series | Bikash Poudel | Schol...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Blood in Milk (Hemolactia) : In Cows and Buffaloes.
Blood in Milk (Hemolactia) : In Cows and Buffaloes.
Haemolactia can be defined as the condition in which there is presence of blood in milk. Due to the presence of blood in milk it appears pinkish or red tinge in colour. It is associated with various physiological disorder. This may occur due to various causes such as : haemorrhage in the capillary walls in the tissues of mammy gland , bacterial infection(leptospirosis), lack of blood platelets .
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Why do people fear of public speaking ?|Personality development series |...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
नेपालमा जैविक कृषि , यसको सम्भावना
नेपालमा जैविक कृषि , यसको सम्भावना
जैविक कृषि
नेपालमा अझै पनि ६७ प्रतिशत मानिसहरु कृषि पेशामा नै निर्भर रहेका छन। नेपालमा अझै पनि सबै जसोलाई जैविक कृषि को बारे थाह छैन । केवल केही किसानहरू विश्वस्त छन् कि जैविक कृषि सम्भव छ र जैविक कीटनाशक र मलहरूले पनि रासायनिक इनपुटको तुलनामा राम्रो उत्पादनमा योगदान पुर्‍याउन सक्छन् ।
जैविक कृषि एक उत्पादन प्रणाली हो जसले माटो, इकोसिस्टम र व्यक्तिहरूको स्वास्थ्यलाई सँधै राख्छ। यो पर्यावरणीय…
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Narcissism: Personality Disorder
Self-love; while this might be the most important thing to survive in this world full of cruelties and inner-demons, everything in excess is opposed to nature. When there is long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and lack of empathy towards other people, the said person is known to have Narcissism personality Disorder (NPD).
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Coronaviruses are a gaggle of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, these viruses cause tract infections which will range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the cold, while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19.
• Coronaviruses are enveloped carrying petal or club shaped or crownlike peplomer spikes giving…
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scholarsspace · 4 years
How to find your passion in Nepali |OPP series | Scholars talk |2020
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scholarsspace · 4 years
How to use law of attraction in business in Nepali | Ep:4 | OPP series |...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Failing is important
Article credit : Saurav Pantha , B.V.Sc and AH , IAAS , Paklihawa DO NOT FAIL!! All our lives we are taught not to fail, not to let anyone down. Every day , every seconds of our life we are judged on the basis of the success we have encountered, on the glory we have achieved. A student by his percentile and ranks, the employee by his salary and promotions, a CEO by his profits and company…
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scholarsspace · 4 years
law of attraction Ep :3 ion Nepali:Harvesting ideas into action||OPP ser...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Law of attraction in Nepali :How to get anything you want|OPP series| Sc...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
law of attraction in Nepali | How to get anything you want |OPP series|S...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
10 situations you will face as an entrepreneur| OPP| idea series | 2020|...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
How to find mean in discrete and continuous series|Class 10 |compulsory ...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
12 reasons why smart people fail in business||OPP|idea series | 2020|sch...
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scholarsspace · 4 years
s it  important that ones who are smart can really perform well in a business ? So , tommorrow , in our another OPP series , we will discuss about 12 REASONS WHY SMART PEOPLE FAIL IN BUSINESS . #Stay_tuned
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scholarsspace · 4 years
Art of Enduring an startup business and PR| idea series|OPP|2020|Scholar...
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