savedbystyle · 2 years
Rings, Rings, Rings -> Peter Parker
pairings: peter parker x reader
desc: in which your boyfriends newfound love towards jewellery affects you more than you expected
warnings: swearing, the most nsfw thing i’ve done, sex mentions, hand kink, dirty talk, choking, ring kink(?), hint of dom!peter, nicknames of pure filth
a/n: this is filth. it’s not all the way smut but oh my god it’s pure filth. if there were any mind readers in sainsbury’s while i thought this up - sorry😋
It started with one. One metal band around Peter’s middle finger. You had loved it, even complimented him on it.
Never could you have expected a fucking ring to make you like this.
Your problem had began in first period, when Peter walked into math, his fingers lined with rings. You had noticed straight away, and when he sat down next to you, your mind was already a million miles away.
The only thought bouncing around in your mind was short, sweet and simple. Rings, rings, rings.
By the end of maths, you could already feel the butterflies in your stomach dropping all the way down, giving you a familiar sensation in your abdomen.
You and Peter had been dating for the best part of two years, and yes - you had sex. Good sex, at that, although there was always a mutual feeling of wanting more, something beyond the reasonably vanilla sex.
Maybe this would be the kickstarter.
Now, it was last period, and you were surprised that you had made it through the day. It was English, and where you had normally been focused on the learning, your eyes were glued to Peter in front of you.
He was the row in front and one to the left, so his hands were in perfect view. Was it weird, to be so obsessed with your own boyfriend? No, you thought. He made you like this.
The whole day before, you had been quiet in conversations, although not quiet enough for Peter to be suspicious. MJ had noticed at lunch, clearly more observant than Peter, and she has teased you relentlessly.
But you didn’t care. He was hot.
You knew how wet you were - you could feel it every time you moved. It was unbearable, having to act completely fine all day when your mind was begging to be fucked. You prayed Peter couldn’t tell.
“Y/N?” Your English teacher, Mr. Robertson called.
“Hm?” You snapped your eyes up. “Yeah?”
“I asked you what you got for number seven?”
“Oh,” Looking at the board, you tried to work the answer out in your head. “Alliteration, right?”
Mr. Robertson nodded, “Pay more attention, please.”
“Yes, sir.” You shifted in your chair, accidentally rolling over that sweet spot.
You felt yourself get even wetter, while you hoped the bell would ring sooner. Eyes falling back onto Peter, you noticed the hair on his arms was standing up, and his eyes went vacant, staring at his work.
Fuck, you thought. He knows.
You reached to into your bag under the desk, shuffling things around until you felt the cool glass of your perfume bottle. Pulling it out, you took the cap off and sprayed it over yourself a few times, deliberately pointing some in Peter’s direction.
His spidey-sense normally came in handy, but right now all you wanted was to cover up your own hormones. He didn’t have to know, you said to yourself. It would be so embarrassing to explain - that you had been dumb all day over his hands, just from one simple change.
Eyeing the clock, you checked how long it was until the day would finally be over. Turns out it was only a few minutes - a few minutes until you could get home and get yourself under control-
Wait, you stopped mid-sentence. It was Thursday. That meant you weren’t going home. Thursdays meant May wasn’t home, so you always went to Peter’s for a movie night. Fuck.
“And on that note, pack up.” Mr. Robertson smiled, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Peter closed his jotter, turning around to face you. “Are you ok? You’ve been quiet today.”
“Yeah,” you tried to act normal. “Just trying to pick a movie to watch tonight. It’s my turn, right?”
He smiled. “Please don’t make me watch Love, Simon again. I love it- but I think I know it word for word at this point.”
Good, you thought. Maybe he hasn’t noticed. “Fine. Just because I love you.”
You shoved your jotter into your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and saying goodbye to Mr. Robertson. Every step you took caused more friction between your legs, it was torture. There was no way you could act normally.
Thankfully, the walk from school to Peter’s place wasn’t too far, although he still lived with May and was in his last year of high school, you were glad that he was so close to you, all the time. It was nice to have him there.
Approaching his apartment building, the conversation was scarce - not awkward, though. Peter seemed to take your quietness as a hint, and you two walked in comfortable silence.
He held the door for you as you walked into the building, heading towards the stairs up to his floor. You could hear him behind you, rummaging around in his bag to find his keys.
When you got to his door, you turned, meeting his brown eyes - seeing something within them, something not too prominent, but there. It was new.
“So, you decided on a movie?” Peter asked, closing the door behind him. “And please don’t say 365 Days. May doesn’t need that on our Netflix history.”
You laughed, “Really? I was looking forward to watching that.”
He rolled his eyes, pulling his bag off of his shoulder. “No, baby. I will not watch glorified porn with you.”
“Damn,” you joked. “Guess I’ll have to settle for my second choice.”
“Which is?”
“50 Shades.”
Peter scoffed. “No. Absolutely not, princess. That’s not even on Netflix.”
You set your bag down next to his. “I’m kidding, babe. MJ was talking about this movie in science - it’s called Room. It sounds good.”
“As long as it’s not a weird mafia sex movie.” Peter mumbled.
“I doubt it would be,” You giggled.
He walked over to the living room TV, picking up the remote and turning it on before you spoke;
“I’m gonna get changed, can I borrow a hoodie? This shirt is too tight.”
“Yeah, go ahead,” He smiled. “By borrow, you mean keep, right?”
You fake scoffed. “Never!”
Peter smirked. “It’s good, baby. You look good in my clothes anyway. I’ll get the movie on.”
Smiling, you walked into his room, pulling your own shirt off - leaving you in your bra. You walked up to Peter’s closet, looking for a hoodie you saw him wear the other day.
You searched through the hangers, not finding a single hoodie. Weird, you thought. Maybe he moved them into the drawers.
Turning around, you jumped when you saw Peter almost right in front of you, just a few feet ahead.
“Christ, Pete. Almost had a heart attack.” You laughed.
“I wanted to ask you about something.” His tone was smooth, almost totally opposing the joking tone he had just a minute ago.
“Sure,” You smiled. “But can I have some clothes on when you ask?”
You began to walk past him to his drawers, but were surprised when his hand caught your arm before you could pass.
“Pete- Are you alright?” You could feel the rings pressing against your skin, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a huge turn on. You could feel the butterflies in your panties, which were already soaked from the day.
The hair on Peter’s arm stood up.
“That,” he looked at his arm. “Keeps happening.”
“Is someone in trouble, maybe?” You tried to play it off.
Peter laughed a little. “No, angel. No one’s in trouble.”
You nodded. “Then what is it?”
“Come on, pretty girl,” he drawled. “Let’s not play dumb.”
His hand moved up from your wrist, slowing tracing your arm, going all the way up until Peter’s hand reached your face. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, but kept his hand there, cupping your cheek.
“I could smell you, all day,” He smirked. “That’s why you kept spraying perfume, isn’t it? You knew that I’d smell how fuckin’ wet you are.”
Your breath hitched. Peter had never been like this before, never so outright. Hey, you didn’t dislike it.
“Tell me, baby,” he looked back into your eyes before he pulled his hand away, running it through his curls. “What’s got you so needy?”
The words wouldn’t come out. It was too embarrassing. What is he thought it was weird, what if it made him uncomfortable? Your mind raced.
“Baby,” His hand went to your chin, pulling it up so you’d look him in the eyes. “I asked you a question.”
You still couldn’t speak, but instead looked down to his other hand, Peter’s own gaze following. He laughed a little when it clicked.
“Oh,” he breathed, putting both hands next to each other. “my hands?”
“I know it’s dumb, I don’t know why I-”
Peter stopped you with just a look.
“No, it’s not,” smirking, he raised his right hand and placed it back on your cheek. “It’s not weird.”
He seemed to recognise that you wanted more, just didn’t want to say it, as he gave you a look as if you say ‘Go ahead, do whatever.’ Peter could tell you a lot through looks.
You took a breath, reaching up to the hand on your shoulder, lifting it off and moving it up, slowing placing it on your neck, using your own hand to wrap it around.
The cool metal was nice against your skin, and although Peter could already smell your hormones, you knew they would be kicking off even more now that you had everything you wanted - his hand wrapped around your neck.
You moved you’re eyes back up to him, expecting him to look confused or uncomfortable, but instead there was just a vacant look on his face, something you had never seen before.
For a moment you thought he hated it, Peter’s blank look making you expect the worst, so you pulled away a little, letting your hand drop from on top of his.
But he didn’t pull away.
His expression turned, going from blank to a small smirk, his eyes almost lighting up. “Oh,”
You swallowed. “Is this ok?”
Peter nodded quickly. “This is definitely ok.”
Smiling a little, you moved further into his grip, feeling the cool of his rings against your throat. You felt Peter tighten his grip slightly, which took you by surprise.
Letting out a small moan - much to Peter’s delight, you flushed red and looked into his eyes again.
He laughed a little, moving closer to you and running his other hand down your side.
“We’re gonna have so much fun with this, angel.”
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savedbystyle · 2 years
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savedbystyle · 3 years
there you have him. In all his glory
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savedbystyle · 3 years
stop this is so cute
This is me trying
bucky barnes x female reader
summary: reader introduces bucky to modern music, more specifically, to taylor swift.
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Y/N and Bucky were cuddling on the sofa, watching television when a commercial sparked an idea for her.
“Yes, doll?”
“I have an idea.”
“Would you maybe wanna listen to- forget it. It’s dumb.”
“Your ideas could never be dumb, darling.” He kissed her temple. “Tell me.”
“Would you be willing to listen to a couple of modern music? I know that you’re adjusting to modern life and I completely respect-”
“Yeah.” He chuckled when he saw how excited she was as she got up from her spot in the couch and searched for her phone. When she came back she already had selected an artist.
“Ok so, I wanted to start light. With something that doesn’t scream at you. I think Taylor Swift is the perfect balance.” He nodded even though he had absolutely no clue who this ‘Taylor Swift’ was.
She shuffled a few of her songs in her playlist and they listened while Y/N had her head against Bucky’s shoulder. They stayed cuddled like that for at least thirteen songs, just enjoying the different sounds of her music.
After an hour of listening, Y/N stopped to get a reaction out of her boyfriend.
“I like her. Can- can you play a certain song again?”
“Sure, which one?”
“I think it was something about trying.” Y/N’s heart wanted to jump out of her chest. Of course he would like that song, he could relate to it. She loved him so damn much. She played the tune and relaxed against his arms, closing her eyes as she laid back.
“I really love that song.” He said once it finished. And she knew why. He didn’t have to tell her for her to understand. She turned her head and pecked his cheek, making the super soldier blush.
“Me too.” She whispered.
The next day when Y/N got home from work, she saw Bucky asleep on the floor, while ‘this is me trying’ played in the background. He must have figured out how to play it from his new iPhone.
God, she would die for this adorable strong man who really was trying.
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savedbystyle · 3 years
The fact that I literally said “ew” when seeing the nEw cApTaIn aMeRiCa says a lot and I’m glad everyone else is in the same boat
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savedbystyle · 3 years
So good I cant stop reading it omg it’s obscenely cute. Read it if you have a chance !! :D
“call me when you get home” (b.b)
@the-chocolate-bunny “call me when you get home” over a YEAR AGO. anyway, (incoherent screaming at myself) here it is,,, hahaha. 2.8k words of a lil fluffy first date with ol’ Bucko. 🧡🧡🧡 Thanks for reading!
[28 WAYS Masterlist // Prompts here & here]
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When Sam told him what he’d be doing on Saturday evening, Bucky groaned so loudly the couch vibrated.
Come on, man, you really giving up on dating?
He wanted to say yes, Wilson, fuck off. But Bucky only groaned again and reminded Sam that he’s not ready to date. Too busy. Too cranky. Scary robot arm. Last date went terrible and Bucky doesn’t even remember how to talk to a woman unless he’s trying to de-escalate a hostage situation.
Sam couldn’t be deterred. Dude, that was like, a year ago. Just try one time–Sharon’s friend, from work—remember her, Barnes? Steve, you know her. Pretty, funny, real sweet. She already agreed to it, she’s gonna meet you there at 7. Thank me later.
Bucky rummaged through his mind for pretty, funny, real sweet and came up empty. Steve pretended to remember—he didn’t—can’t remember anyone’s face but Sharon Carter’s, the lovestruck idiot—but if she was Sharon’s friend, then Bucky wasn’t allowed to stand her up. So, 7. Saturday. Date.
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savedbystyle · 3 years
right where you left me (s.s)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
Warnings: just a bit of angst haha
Summary: After Endgame, Steve found himself having to return the stones. Gathered around the transporter, you were unaware that that was the last time you would see the love of your life. 
A/N: Thought of this prompt today and thought I would write on it! I hope you guys enjoy, please like and reblog it it would mean a lot to me. 
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Friends break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried Trends change, rumors fly through new skies But I'm right where you left me
You were walking with Steve, Bucky, and Sam to the transporter where you meet Bruce. Surrounded by tall trees and a peaceful sense of quiet, you found yourself calm and happy. You look up to see Steve looking off in the distant, lost in thought. 
“Hey, you okay? Don’t worry, just take put stones back and come home to me” You tell him whilst rubbing his arm comfortingly. He always seemed to calm down, but today he was on edge. You brushed it off thinking it was because he had to go back in time, this time without his partner. 
“Yeah doll, I’ll always come home to you, forever and always. Even more now that you have that ring on your finger again” Steve said with a small smile gracing his face. He looks down at you a little longer before his eyes start to tear up; “I missed you so much, those five years were hell without you”
You put your hands delicately on his face and kissed him. Breaking away you told him “I’m here now darling, and that's all that matters” He smiles at you before giving you on last kiss and moving on to talk with Bucky and Sam leaving you with a smile and hands crossed. 
Matches burn after the other Pages turn and stick to each other Wages earned and lessons learned But I, I'm right where you left me
You watch Steve and Bucky talk for a little and you smile, grateful for your fiancé to have his best friend. You heard murmurs of the familiar words of ‘till the end of the line’ uttered between the two, laughing at their hundred year old antics. You watch Steve step up onto the transporter, giving a quick nod to the two before looking at you with clouded eyes you couldn’t decipher and mouthing ‘forever and always’. You smiled mouthing it back playing with the necklace he gave for your two year anniversary. 
“Alright, it’s gonna be real quick for you Steve. You take however long you want and for us it will be a second. Come right back okay” Bruce told Steve. “Thank you Bruce” He said before looking back ahead. 
“Alright, navigating jump point in 3... 2... and jump. Okay bringing him back in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...” You wait for Steve to reappear, only for nothing to happen. “Where is he?” You hear Sam getting scared getting a little nervous yourself, “I’m trying to bring him back okay? Lets try again... It’s not working” “What do you mean it’s not working” The two bicker only causing your throat to close up in fright wondering where your fiancé is. 
Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light They say, "What a sad sight" I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Right when I felt the moment stop Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on
You look to your side seeing Bucky let out a small laugh and walk away. Eyes clouded with tears you call out “Buck, what's going on?” He looks at you with pity and his eyes flicker down to the diamond ring sitting on your finger. Letting out a sigh he says “Let’s go home doll” You walk away trying not to cry right then and there until you hear Bucky call to Sam. You stop walking and look up to see an old man sitting on a bench overlooking the lake. 
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it She's still 23 inside her fantasy How it was supposed to be Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion? Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it She's still 23 inside her fantasy And you're sitting in front of me
“No, no, no” You let out a strangled tear filled cry. “This cannot be happening, I-” You drop to your knees unable to believe that Steve left you for Peggy. You knew that he loved her still, but you couldn’t believe that he loved her more than he loved you. 
You, who was there when Tony and him fought and he was heartbroken at the thought of leaving his best friend behind. You, who went on the run with him pleading your life to him telling him that you would stay with him and love him ‘forever and always’. You, who he spent multiple sleepless nights with, worshiping each others body and marking it as your territory. You, who he proposed to telling you that he would always come home to you because you were home. You, who he left at the transporter, cold and collecting dust. 
I, I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair I'm sure that you got a wife out there Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware
You pick yourself up and dust the dirt off your knees with tears pouring out of your eyes. Now you were unable to contain yourself in front of your friends who have only ever seen you as strong willed and sarcastic, but you could care less. All you could see was your Steve, if you could call him that, with gray hair and old age sitting in front of you. 
You walk over to him and listen to his conversation with Sam. “So did something go wrong or did something go right?” “Something went right”. Those three words shattered you more than you could explain. You stood there like a ghost, humiliated and embarrassed. Waiting a little longer, you noticed the sun glint off of silver that graced his hand. Wincing and letting a couple more tears out, you knew that that was a wedding band. Not the one that you two wore, a new one that showed years of love and memories. Love and memories of his life with Peggy and his kids, the birthdays and christmases that were supposed to be something you two shared. 
Cause I'm right where I cause no harm, mind my business If our love died young, I can't bear witness And it's been so long But if you ever think you got it wrong
After Sam walked away, you gather the courage and look up at Bucky getting a small smile of encouragement. You noticed he moved a little giving you space to sit next to him. You sat next to him and looked out on the lake. With a rush of adrenaline you asked him, “When did you stop loving me?” “Never” he instantly replied. You turned to look at him noticing that he was already looking at you. You noticed his visible aging, he now had wrinkles around his eyes and smile lines around his mouth but he was still as beautiful as he was 2 minutes ago. 
“Don’t lie Steve, you wouldn't have left if you still remotely cared” You laughed bitterly and told him. Looking at him gave you a distaste that you never thought would happen. “Doll I still did love you, I just couldn't bear to live without Peggy. She was the only one to truly love me for me” Your heart broke at his words.
“So I didn’t love you? Was I lying when I told you that in my mind there was a string tying me to you? When I told you that I would die for you? When I told you countless times that you were it for me? I guess it was, Steve. I guess I did lie because I don't love you, I absolutely despise you” 
You took the ring off of your finger and dropped it on his lap. “Even though I lied, you tricked me. You told me things that turned out to be a hoax and that is much worse than a lie. Especially coming from you Steve” You stood up walking away when he called for you, “Doll...” You turn around to see him getting up with a sad expression as he looked at you as if begging for you to tell him its okay so he didn’t face the consequences. 
“Loose the nickname Rogers” You snapped “You can't beg for forgiveness when even you know you don’t deserve it. I guess Tony was right about you, you really are nothing but a liar” You walked away from him through the tall trees and woods that surrounded you, hoping you conveyed that you were beyond enraged with his lies, but deep down you knew your heart would always be his. And if he really wanted to find you, you would be right where he left you. 
I'm right where you left me You left me no, oh, you left me no You left me no choice but to stay here forever You left me You left me no, oh, you left me no You left me no choice but to stay here forever
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
AHHH GUYS! I really hope you enjoyed this one! I had so much fun writing it :D pls leave comments on what you think and like reblog pls its MUCH appreciated
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savedbystyle · 3 years
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savedbystyle · 4 years
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savedbystyle · 4 years
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Jimmy Fallon and the Roots have HAD IT with Chris Evans
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savedbystyle · 4 years
one of the best stories i’ve ever read
the distance between us
pairing- draco malfoy x reader
word count- 9.7k
summary- the first time draco uses the muggle post system, it goes so terribly wrong, and a letter falls into the hands of a girl who was never supposed to see it, a muggle at that.
warnings- curse words, ptsd, anxiety/ panic attacks, depression mention of death, murder, blood and burns aswell as insomia, seperation anxiety (?) and my grammar.if these may trigger you, i suggested not reading.
a/n- this took me a while to get out, sry abt that. the reader was set to live in a canadian town called kelowna, british columbia. it takes place in readers grade 11/12 and dracos 6/7 year. i hope it’s not to self inserted, and you guys can enjoy and relate to it. big thank you to @dracodear for the help on this, love you! also thanks to everyone who left owl name suggestions, all were awesome and i ended up going with @winnsmills suggestion ‘noctua’ ! tumblrs been acting weird, so i hope it lets me post the whole thing. letters are in italics. also please note, this is off the movies timeline! i tried to fit in as many details as possible but some didn’t make it.
the town was widespread. wineries and mountains everywhere, the okanagan lake splitting it down the middle, reconnecting the cities halves by a bridge. little snow and tons of rain. jeep wranglers in every colour roaring around into unholy hours of the night, bustling with life yet all to lonely at times. but hey, that’s kelowna for you.
rain was running down the windows of y/ns most boring class, last period biology. she knew she should be paying attention. she had a high gpa to maintain, and couldn’t afford to fail another class besides french. the last five minutes of blabbering ended after what felt like a year.
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savedbystyle · 4 years
the man (t.s.)
pairing: tony stark x reader
summary: You’re furious of the double standards between you and Tony Stark
warnings: some curse words, nothing much its just frustration no angst, secret dating
a/n: hi again! i really hope this does well because lately the interaction with my posts have been going down since ‘i forgot that you existed’ but this is my first tony fic! i really hope you guys like it and PLEASE comment if u like it and want to be tagged:) i also dont really touch on her actual job but just mention that shes a ceo so please keep in mind this is more about double standards not her job! 
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(gif credit to creator!)
i would be complex i would be cool they'd say I played the field before i found someone to commit to
“Y/n!” “Y/n, look here!” “Is it true you broke up with Justin Hammer?” You blocked your face as bursts of light showered your figure. You tried avoiding the paparazzi as you made your way to your car. “Is it true you dumped Hammer for Tony Stark?” “Why are you always moving on so fast from your ex boyfriends?” 
You successfully made your way into the car and your driver quickly started driving to your penthouse in New York. You were rubbing your head when you decided to call your childhood best friend James Rhodes. “Rhode pick up” you muttered to yourself. 
“Hey y/n” “Rhodey I just came out of Per Se and the paps bombarded me, they know about Hammer” “Y/n, darling, it’s fine it was bound to get out at some point. I think you should go home and get some rest Marla (your publicist) will deal with it” “Yeah you’re right” “When am I not?” You laughed at his sassy remark “Bye James, love you” “Night y/n/n, love you” You ended the call and rubbed your temple, annoyed at the circumstances. 
and that would be okay for me to do every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you
You scrolled through instagram whilst sitting on your couch, waiting for Marla to get to your house. You stumbled on a video of Tony Stark. You watched it and were confused “Im a genius, playboy, billionaire, and philanthropist. I can get anyone I want and get whomever I want” 
You were angry, not at Tony but the fact that the paparazzi demeaned you for moving on too fast when in reality you only ever had two public boyfriends with a year gap in between them. But when Tony Stark does it, it’s powerful and seen as a sign of winning? 
You were waken from your thoughts by the knock on your door signaling that Marla was here. You opened the door to your friend who looked exhausted. “I’ve been up all night containing this mess the paps started. Everyone knows that you and Hammer broke up, and he even had something to say. Y/n, this is bad” 
You took her phone and watched the video on the screen of your ex boyfriend “Me and y/n broke up earlier this month, it disgusts me that she moved on so fast, I mean come on! That’s not her character. That’s mine and Tony’s! Y/n, stay in your lane darling” 
You were shocked at the false allegation and the fact that your ex attacked you for ‘moving on too fast’. “I need to speak up or do something about this Marla! What is this double standards for us, because i’m a women i’m not able to get as many deals as Stark and everything I do is scrutinized! I need you to schedule a press conference” “Alright y/n but if things go bad then,” “I know Y/l/n Tech will crash and burn but thats a risk i’ll take Marla. This is ridiculous” 
i'd be a fearless leader i'd be an alpha type when everyone believes ya what's that like?
“James, if I was a man i’d be a fearless leader and the alpha type. I have always been attacked and multiple times been taken down because i don’t know what it feels like when everyone believes you, whats that like James? Really? I don’t know simply for the fact that i’m a women” “You’re holding the press conference right? You tell them this exactly Y/n, don’t hold back. It hurts me too that you don’t get enough credit for being the CEO of one of the most influential tech company in the world” 
You sighed taking a bite of your hagen daz ice cream anticipating the conference tomorrow where you decided you were finally going to give the public a piece of your mind “I better sleep Rhodes, i’ll catch up with you later” “Bye y/n/n” You hung up the phone, with a pit in your stomach. 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You saw the mass amount of press waiting for you inside the room and adjusted your suit before walking on the stage. “Wait y/n” Marla stopped you and showed you a video of Tony Stark commenting on you, “What do you think about Y/n’s recent allegations?” “Well I think none of you pricks should be inserting yourself into her business. So what if she’s dating someone? Why can’t she? Me and Hammer can but not her? Go do something better with your lives, please” You watched as the video ended, appreciating your competitor commenting on you. You felt a little better knowing you had the Tony Stark on your side. 
“I’m here today to address the several rumors going around. First and for most, I am in fact not in a relationship with anyone but that shouldn’t matter in the first place. Please explain to me why I can’t be in a relationship or go on dates with someone after i’ve been broken up with? Second, I’m so sick of running as fast as I can simply to keep up with men because I get less opportunities and jobs because i’m a woman, and I truly wonder if i’d get there quicker if I was a man. We all know that if I was a man, then i’d be the man.
they'd say I hustled put in the work they wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve
I run one of the most influential and highest grossing tech companies in the world and I that is what I want to be focussed on! Not the double standard and constant prying into my private life which will forever be private unless both parties come together and agree to talk about it. I hustled and put in the work, and I don’t need any more men shaking their heads and questioning how much of this power I deserve because I know I deserve it. So please, treat us as equals to men and have the same respect that you give men to women” 
You finished with a big sigh, and looked up and asked the press who were in shock “There will be no questions, I said what I needed to say” You walked off the stage feeling the power surging around you as you hugged Marla “That was brilliant Y/n, i’m so proud of you!” “Thanks Marl, I actually need to go somewhere before I go back home so you can go” Marla smiled and nodded before heading out as you walked towards your car, “Go to Stark Towers. There’s someone I need to meet” 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You got off the elevator and walked in the direction of Tony’s r&d lab. “Hi Tony” You said smiling at the man in front of you before setting down your bag and keys, going to sit next to the man. “Hi y/n/n, I was watching it live. You were amazing out there” You got out of the embrace and looked lovingly into your lovers eyes “Thank you for what you said Tones, it gave me what I needed. I love you so much” Tony smiled at you pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you, “Always darling, cause if you were a man then you’d be the man” 
I hope you guys enjoyed this! I wrote this in an hour with the prompt in my mind for a couple days. I really hope it resonated with some of you, because all of you are bad b!tches!!! For all my females out there, this one is for us! We are just as powerful as men and right now we don’t need anyone telling us were not. 
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savedbystyle · 4 years
lover (p.p)
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: two pining best friends, and the only way to get them to fall in love is christmas
warnings: angst if u really squint
a/n:hi guys lemme know if you want to be on a taglist, i might put one! im also very sorry this came weeks after the last one ugh sat it racking my brain! i hope to get the next one up soon:)
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(gif credit to creator)
we could leave the christmas lights up ‘til january this is our place, we make the rules
You were sitting at the lunch table with your friends Michelle, Ned, and Peter. You were laughing with Ned which Peter was annoying Michelle about something new. “Ow, watch it Ned!” You said as you rubbed your side in pain. “I did that on purpose, you know you should just tell him” you were dumbfounded but covered it up quickly replacing it with a scowl. “Tell who what?” “Tell Peter you like him” You scoffed, “I do not like Peter” you said as you looked over to Peter, slightly upset it wasn’t you he wasn’t laughing with. “It is so obvious y/n, it’s as obvious as Peter being Spiderman” You laughed as you remembered cornering Peter in his room and questioned him about being Spiderman. You sighed asking Ned “It is that obvious, huh” You had a look of longing on your face when Peter looked over at you smiling. 
and there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
The bell had rung, signaling that lunch was now over. You picked up your bag and said goodbye to your friends. You were walking to your class, slightly upset over Peter. You wished it was you who made him laugh, who made him smile but crush after crush you stood by him only falling for him harder. First it was Gwen Stacy in middle school. He was practically in love with her and that was when you figured out you were madly in love with your best friend. Then it was Liz Allan. When he liked her it was all he talked about and he asked you for advice all the time. That was when you realized that saying “Peter you need to do this by yourself” was better than assisting the boy you loved and getting your heart crushed. Most recently it was Michelle Jones. They even dated until two months ago when Michelle came out to Peter, telling him that she liked girls instead. Every time Peter Parker came to you with girl problems, you fell harder for him even though he didn’t realize your feelings towards him. Ever. 
can i go where you go? can we always be this close forever and ever?
After school, the four of you regrouped like always to walk home together. While you guys were talking, Flash had come up to you guys. “Hey losers, i’m having a small christmas party and were kinda friends so you guys better come. I’ll text you guys the address. Peace out Penis and friends” you all started laughing at the outburst. “Well I guess were going to a christmas party at Flash’s!” Peter said with a smile on his face. 
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savedbystyle · 4 years
lover (p.p)
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: two pining best friends, and the only way to get them to fall in love is christmas
warnings: angst if u really squint
a/n:hi guys lemme know if you want to be on a taglist, i might put one! im also very sorry this came weeks after the last one ugh sat it racking my brain! i hope to get the next one up soon:)
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(gif credit to creator)
we could leave the christmas lights up 'til january this is our place, we make the rules
You were sitting at the lunch table with your friends Michelle, Ned, and Peter. You were laughing with Ned which Peter was annoying Michelle about something new. “Ow, watch it Ned!” You said as you rubbed your side in pain. “I did that on purpose, you know you should just tell him” you were dumbfounded but covered it up quickly replacing it with a scowl. “Tell who what?” “Tell Peter you like him” You scoffed, “I do not like Peter” you said as you looked over to Peter, slightly upset it wasn’t you he wasn’t laughing with. “It is so obvious y/n, it’s as obvious as Peter being Spiderman” You laughed as you remembered cornering Peter in his room and questioned him about being Spiderman. You sighed asking Ned “It is that obvious, huh” You had a look of longing on your face when Peter looked over at you smiling. 
and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
The bell had rung, signaling that lunch was now over. You picked up your bag and said goodbye to your friends. You were walking to your class, slightly upset over Peter. You wished it was you who made him laugh, who made him smile but crush after crush you stood by him only falling for him harder. First it was Gwen Stacy in middle school. He was practically in love with her and that was when you figured out you were madly in love with your best friend. Then it was Liz Allan. When he liked her it was all he talked about and he asked you for advice all the time. That was when you realized that saying “Peter you need to do this by yourself” was better than assisting the boy you loved and getting your heart crushed. Most recently it was Michelle Jones. They even dated until two months ago when Michelle came out to Peter, telling him that she liked girls instead. Every time Peter Parker came to you with girl problems, you fell harder for him even though he didn’t realize your feelings towards him. Ever. 
can i go where you go? can we always be this close forever and ever?
After school, the four of you regrouped like always to walk home together. While you guys were talking, Flash had come up to you guys. “Hey losers, i’m having a small christmas party and were kinda friends so you guys better come. I’ll text you guys the address. Peace out Penis and friends” you all started laughing at the outburst. “Well I guess were going to a christmas party at Flash’s!” Peter said with a smile on his face. 
and ah, take me out, and take me home you're my, my, my, my lover
You and Peter said goodbye to Ned and Michelle, who lived on a different end than you guys. You and Peter lived in neighboring apartments in the same building so it was convenient. “How’s your day been y/n, we barely talk anymore” “It was ok, how about you?” “It was good, theres this girl I like but I don’t know how to tell her” your heart broke but you suppressed your feelings and smiled “That’s great Peter, is she coming to Flash’s?” “Yeah she is” “Great, I can’t wait to meet her” You said, trying to sound enthusiastic “So, how do I tell her?” “It is christmas, so I don’t know put mistletoe or something?” You saw Peter’s eyes light up at the idea “That is a great idea, thanks y/n you’re the best” You smiled, and talked the rest of the way home.  
we could let our friends crash in the living room this is our place, we make the call and i'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you i’ve loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
That weekend you were getting ready to go to Flash’s. You decided on jeans and a red full sleeve with a necklace. You knocked at Peter’s door. He opened the door in a dress shirt and jeans. “Hey, uh, wow y/n you look great” He blushed, making you do the same “You too Pete, um, you look handsome” He smiled and moved to let you in. “Hi y/n darling!” “Hi Aunt May!” You smiled at the kind elderly woman. “Y/n I need help with my hair, please?” You excused yourself and went to Peter’s room. “Pete your room is a mess” “Yeah whatever, could you help” “Of course” You put your phone on his bed and went to grab the gel. You got a generous amount and started running your hands through his hair. You noticed he visibly softened at your touch and smiled. After a few strokes, you were done. “It looks really good y/n thanks, i’m sure she will love it” “A slight frown etched it’s way onto your face” “Yeah she will, lets go!” You said dragging him through the apartment, hearing May tell the two of you to be home before midnight. 
ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? with every guitar string scar on my hand i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
“WHATS UP PARTY PEOPLE!” You giggled at Flash’s excitement “Hi Flash” you smiled, hugging your friend “Hey Penis!” Peter laughed “Hey Flash, nice house” “Thanks man, anyway the rest of us are outside and there are drinks and food in the kitchen so knock yourselves out” You took off your jacket and hung it in the coat closet. “So Peter, where’s this girl of yours?” You asked, anxious to meet the girl who once again stole your friend’s heart” “She’s not here, but she will come later” you nodded and joined your friends outside. 
can I go where you go? can we always be this close forever and ever? and ah, take me out, and take me home  you're my, my, my, my oh, you're my, my, my, my darling, you're my, my, my, my lover
You and your friends hung out and had a great time. You were so immersed in your friends you failed to remember that Peter’s crush was coming. MJ stood up along with Ned and Betty who were all going home together “It’s getting late, I think we’re gonna dip, see y’all at school” a choruses of goodbyes were exchanged. Peter nudged you and you took the hint, getting up to leave noticing the time was past midnight. 
You were walking home, and Peter was on high alert. There was a comfortable silence, until Peter broke it and the two of you stopped walking. “Hey Y/n, um merry christmas. I know its early but this is all you need to know about the girl” You lifted your eyebrows in confusion as you looked at the piece of paper Peter was giving to you. You opened the paper and started reading the message Peter wrote to you, 
“Hi Y/n. You keep asking me who the girl i’ve fallen in love with. Well the answers easy, it’s you. I’m in love with you. You have been with me since the start and comforted me after every heartbreak and stitched me up whenever I got hurt after patrol. You are my rock, my lifeline. You’re the girl I wanted to impress, and I hope I did” 
You stare in shock and look up at Peter who looked extremely nervous. “So...” You answer him by crashing his lips to yours. The overwhelming feeling of happiness overtook you as you held his face and brought him closer to you. You broke apart, panting trying to catch your breath. “I love you, Peter Parker” Peter smiled with a blush covering his face “You’re my lover, as I am yours” You smiled nervously pulling your lip between your teeth, walking home hand in hand. 
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savedbystyle · 4 years
The Spectrum
Pairing: Peter Parker x Autistic!Reader
Synopsis: You join the Avengers and get off on the wrong foot 
Authors note: this was inspired by a reader of mine and Greys Anatomy.
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“Avengers. I found the cutest little kitten outside the 99th precinct but alas, Pepper said no.” Tony sighed dramaticaly. “I did, however, get to keep the highest ranking officer in her division, Y/n.”
Tony stepped aside to reveal you. You nervously pulled on your fingers as you feigned a smile.
“Hello everyone.” You blinked repeatedly as you looked around the room.
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savedbystyle · 4 years
♡hi! welcome to the lover masterlist:) here are all the avengers oneshots based on the songs from lover!! 
✩: angst
☞: fluff
☾: smut
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♡✩☞ i forgot that you existed
♡✩☞ cruel summer
♡✩☞ lover
♡☞ the man
♡ the archer
♡ i think he knows
♡ miss americana and the heartbreak prince
♡ paper rings
♡ cornelia street 
♡ death by a thousand cuts
♡ london boy
♡ soon you’ll get better
♡ false god
♡ you need to calm down
♡ afterglow
♡ me!
♡ its nice to have a friend
♡ daylight
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savedbystyle · 4 years
cruel summer (b.b)
pairing: highschool!bucky barnes x reader
warning: angst, death of major character
summary: falling in love was scary, but thrilling especially when it was with bucky barnes
a/n: this is the second part to the lover series!!! i have received such positive feedback about i forgot that you existed and OMG it makes me incredibly happy:) also i know that during the times bucky went to high school it was all white students BUT that would suggest a white reader, and my aim is to make the reader as fitting to YOU as possible. I get it i’m indian and the pain, but yeah so were just gonna pretend were in those times but with todays diversity:)
song: cruel summer by taylor swift 
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gif credits to original creator
Fever dream high In the quiet of the night You know that I caught it
You were walking through the halls with your friends June and Sara, careful not to bump into anyone. “I can’t believe that you and Connor are going out Sara” June said with a big smile on her face. “Oh for lord’s sake June, calm down its not that big of a deal” “Oh Sara darling, it IS! I mean Connor is one of the most well known boys in school plus he’s as cute as a bug’s ear” 
You laugh at the banter between June and Sara when you accidentally bump into someone.You bend down to pick up your books, but not before someone does it for you. You stand up and look at the attractive man standing in front of you. Your eyes meet the steel blue eyes in front of you. “I’m sorry doll, didn’t mean to hurt ya there. I’m Bucky” you smiled at him “I know, Bucky. My name is y/n, thanks for helping me” You smiled at the attractive man in front of you and made your way back to your gaping friends. “That was-” June paused “Bucky Barnes” Sara completed for her friend. “Oh stop it you’re gonna get flies in your mouth. He’s just a boy, now come on we gotta get to our class” What you didn’t notice was Bucky staring at you and your friends, a small smile etched onto his face. 
Bad, bad boys Shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it
Throughout the week, you never saw Bucky again. It didn’t bother you, but you didn’t mind seeing that gorgeous face of his. Your class had just ended and it was time to go home. You were walking home when you heard someone shout behind you. You turned around to see Bucky, running towards you with a smile on his face. “Hey there doll” he said panting, trying to catch his breath. “Hello James, what is it?” He raised his eyebrow when you called him James, but excused it. “You’re such a pretty dame you know that” He said, smiling even bigger when he saw the blush take over your face. 
“Thank you James, but you’re not here to tell me that are you?” “No doll, uh, I was wondering if you’d let me take you out sometime?” Your heart skipped a beat, but you doubted the words considering you’ve never talked to him before. “This ain’t a joke, is it James cause that wouldn’t be very nice” “No, I promise doll. Let me take you out” You looked up at his face and noticed the genuine look “Fine. This Friday after class, alright? I got Miss Jamie last” You left him on the side of the road, continuing your walk home, smiling and excited about your date.   
Killing me slow, out the window I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below
It was Friday, and you were tapping your foot anxiously, waiting for the bell to ring out. “Remember, you all have to read Act 3 Scene 1 of the Great Gatsby by Monday’s class!” Miss Jamie told your class as the bell rang. Your heart was racing as you got your books in your arms and waited to get out the door. When you got out you could see Bucky’s head perk up, noticing you. He smiled, and you returned it with a shy one. “Hey doll, you ready?” He asked, holding out his hand for you to take. “Yeah James, lets go” 
The two of you walked to the diner all the couples in high school went to, and sat down at a booth. The waiter approached your table and asked what the two of you would like “Can we have an all the way please” “Sure, that’ll be right out” You smiled at Bucky, but hesitating to ask the questions you’ve been dying to know. “James, can I ask why me? I mean you’ve never talked to me before” “Y/n, you’re the first person who didn’t go out of their way to talk to me. It gets tiring you know? But I can tell you’re a special one” You smiled at him and you two talked the day into the night, and the waiter could tell that the twi of you were already in love. 
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
After that date, you and Bucky went on many more. Even during school Bucky would hold you by your waist, or when you’re going to your next class he’d sneak up on you and sneak a kiss leaving you blushing. You even met Bucky’s best friend, Steve Rogers, who was one of the most honest and kindhearted men you ever met. You met Steve’s dame as well, Peggy Carter, and the four of you quickly became a close knit group, doing everything together. Of course, you would ask to bring your best friends along, who quickly approved of Bucky seeing as he made you happy. 
You went home that day and decided to tell your parents about your new partner. You opened the door and saw your mother sitting on the couch watching some television and your father who had come home early reading the day’s newspaper. “Hi darling, how was your day?” your mother asked approaching you and kissing your forehead. “It was great ma, hi papa” Your father said hi and smiled at you, patting the now empty seat besides him signaling for you to come sit. “Uh, ma, papa? I’ve been meaning to tell y’all something. I’m going out with James Barnes now” Your mom had a smile on her face, while your dad’s expression didn’t change. “Papa?” You asked, your voice quiet “I will not allow it, you’re still too young y/n” “Nonsense y/f/n, we met each other at the same time” Your mother butted in “I said I won’t allow it” He met your eyes, and you rushed out the door trying to get to Bucky’s as fast as you can. When you found him, you started crying and pulled him close to your chest. “Doll, hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, comforting you “My papa, he doesn’t want me seeing you. Say’s i’m too young to see people” you say in between tears. “I just wanted him to like you, James” “Hey doll, it gonna be alright. We’ll make it work, alright? I’d do anything for ya” You looked up at him, and pulled him down to meet your lips.
And it's new The shape of your body, it's blue The feeling I've got And it's ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer  
Your school year had ended, meaning that the both of you were about to go to university now. You had gotten into Columbia considering both your parents were alumni, but Bucky on the other hand decided to enlist in the army. “Bucky, I swear you’re nuts” you walked across his room back and forth “Why would you do that? Why would you enlist in the army James?” Bucky winced. You had stopped calling him James, but rather Bucky so when you called him James he knew he was in trouble. “Doll, I thought you’d be more supportive of me” He said, dropping his head. 
You fell silent, and went to sit beside him “I am proud of you Bucky, honest” “Then what is it, doll?” he asked voice breaking. You replied eyes full of tears for the unknown “I’m scared that one day, someone is gonna come knockin on my door and tell me that the last time I saw you was truly the last time. I’m scared that you’re gonna get shot and hurt, and you will spend the rest of your life upset over it. I’m scared that when I kiss you goodbye at the train station, its the last time i’ll ever kiss you and see you Buck. I’m just scared of loosin you” you admitted, tears streaming down your face. Bucky was crying as well know. He lifted your face to meet your eyes, and kissed you with as much vigor as he could. “Doll, no matter what, I will always come back home to you” You kissed him, not letting him go. And that night ended up with you two sleeping in each other’s arms.
It's cool That's what I tell 'em, no rules In breakable Heaven but Ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer With you
That entire summer, the both of you spent almost all of it together. Day after day, Bucky would take you out on a date sometimes with Steve and Peggy, but most times just the two of you. You enjoyed every moment you had with the love of your life, refusing to thing about when he get’s deployed. You enjoyed strawberry sundaes, and ferris wheels at the fair. You even went to the Stark Expo, where the both of you had the time of your lives. You had later found out from Steve that he had secretly enlisted in the army as well and got in. That night, you and Bucky yelled at Steve but later pulled him into a hug. “I swear to god punk if you hurt yourself” “I will personally come over and kill you Steve” you said jokingly. Steve chuckled “I promise I will be alright” 
When Steve went home, Bucky and you went to the roof of his apartment and laid down watching the stars. “Darling, i’m leaving next week for the army” You got up and looked at Bucky “Buck, I thought it was the end of the summer?” “They needed us to do some extra training for the war darlin. I promise I will write to you everyday, not a chance i’d miss it” You scooted closer to him and put your head on his chest. “I’m countin on it James” 
I'm drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) Said, "I'm fine", but it wasn't true I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I, snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) And I screamed, "For whatever it's worth" "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
It was the week after you dropped Bucky off at the train station, and you missed him so much. He sent his first letter two days back, sending his dog tag along with it. He wrote, 
Hi Doll,
     Every night I lie awake thinkin of you darlin. There isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t cross my mind. I remember the first time we met, and I now know that that was the first day I fell in love with you. I fell in love with the strong, independent woman you are. I fell in love with kindhearted woman you are. I fell in love with you. I love you y/n y/l/n and I hope you love me too. I am giving you one of my dog tags so you always have something of mine to wear. I promise you when I come back, i’m marrying you doll. I know I should be telling you this in person but I feel the need to tell you know. I hope you have a great day doll. I miss you a lot. 
Yours truly, 
James (Bucky) Barnes
You felt a tear trail down your cheek as you held the dog tag close to your heart. It felt as if he was still there with you, and you murmured “I love you, Bucky Barnes” The two of you wrote for months on end, until one day an officer knocks on your door telling you that him and his regiment were captured by the opposing side. They called it Hydra. But you didn’t care for the name, you cried for Bucky and his safety. You missed him. You had also found out that Steve was injected with the serum and became plenty rugged. Meanwhile, you were at school continuing your studies like you know Bucky would’ve wanted you to do.  
It's cool That's what I tell 'em, no rules In breakable Heaven but Ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer With you
You heard a knock on your door and went to open it. Standing in all his glory was the love of your life. You flung your arms around Bucky, smelling his cologne you grew to love. “Bucky, oh lord, I thought you died” you sobbed into his shoulder and pulled away to see his face. He smiled, caressing your face pulling you into a kiss. “Steve saved us, doll. I’m alright” “I love you Bucky, and whenever you choose to I will marry you” He smiled kissing you again as if it was the last time he could. The two of you spent the entire night surrounded by the others naked body, memorizing each and every curve and scar. When Bucky left again, you had a little more hope this time that he would come back to you. The letters never ended, until they did one day. 
You heard a knock on your door, letting the person know you were coming. You opened the door to see a shattered looking Steve holding Bucky’s uniform. “Bucky, uh, fell off a train during a mission. Y/n, I tried to catch him but I couldn’t” Steve was sobbing, and you put a hand on your mouth not believing this cruel joke the universe played on you. “Oh Steve” The both of you held on to each other, the last piece of Bucky both of you had. Both of you mourned for the loss of a best friend, the loss of the love of your life. 
A couple of weeks later, you went to the place Steve was at to surprise him. You saw Peggy and went over to her. “Hey Pegs, have you seen Steve” Her eyes started watering and she sighed before gaining her composure. “Captain Steve Rogers went down in the Arctic last week. I had assumed you had found out, but i’m sorry y/n. Steve’s gone” You were numb, you felt no pain. First the love of your life, and now your best friend. You went home that day and cried for the loss of America’s heroes. You mumbled to yourself, “It’s been a cruel summer with you, Bucky Barnes”.  
slang used: 
all the way: chocolate or fudge cake with ice cream
cute as a bug’s ear: very cute
doll and dame: a woman
nuts: crazy
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