robert-monsarrat · 1 year
New Zine!
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I put together an art zine featuring illustrations of ten original kaiju I created. First in a series. There are also coloring pages in the back! Hope to have it printed soon!
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robert-monsarrat · 1 year
Everybody commission this guy! He does awesome work!
Commissions to help with my EMU
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Well folks, in February I'm going to have an EMU. Yes, an EMU. Getting my EMU will take 3 to 5 days. A long time, yes I know, but I'm told the more time spent getting the EMU, the more results we'll get. In my research I've discovered EMU's aren't so bad, and may prove very helpful.
I've already grown tired of this bit, so let's move on. I've mentioned in a previous post that I've had some recent trouble with seizures. CT scans and MRI have come up clean, which is great, but means the cause is still unknown. So now it means I need to go to the hospital and stay for several days with sensors glued to my head monitoring my brainwaves. An EMU, they call it.
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While I will be able to move freely in the room and not be confined to a bed, I will be stuck in a room, which means that for up to a week I won't be able to make money from doing deliveries. It'll mean February is gonna put me in a bit of a hole financially.
BUT. I can bring whatever shit I want with me, so I can still draw and color and scan stuff. (I assume that by the year 2023, this hospital will have Wi-fi)
Which means I can work on commissions for ya'll. And my work on those commissions will be recorded in a brain machine too, so that's fun.
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If you want an art commission from me, this'll be a great opportunity to get one and help me generate some income while I'm stuck in a room with an EMU.
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And you can add full-color to any of these for an additional +$50.
This would help me immensely, and give me something very productive to do on the off-chance that the hospital TV doesn't have an HDMI plug for my PS4.
Boy it's just anagram city today here, isn't it?
Love ya'll 🧡🧡🧡
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robert-monsarrat · 1 year
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Recently got an article and art published in John LeMay’s Lost Films Fanzine about sci fi films based on works of Edgar Rice Burroughs! Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/FILMS-FANZINE-PRESENTS-MOVIE-MILESTONES/dp/1953221505/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1670868430&sr=8-5 
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
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Godzilla devouring cattle on Odo Island. Another piece from “Project: Kayama!” Read it here: https://projectkayama.wordpress.com/
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
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Left pic by the great Matt Frank, aka  @spankzilla85 who deserves all of the money for all his beautiful art, that I commissioned. Right pic by me. Final design for my character Rarraku. “The Geckumans” was one of many titles brainstormed for my in-progress Rarraku graphic novel, which I’m both writing and drawing.
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
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Godzilla concepts for “Project: Kayama,” a translation of the original 1954 Godzilla novel by Shigeru Kayama. 
I undertook as a little pandemic activity with Daniel Dimanna of  https://godzillanovelizationproject.com  
To read the novel, click here: https://projectkayama.wordpress.com
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
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Other Gamera pics I’ve done over the years! Surfing with Godzilla, battling Ultraman, and posing with a certain Hermit!
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
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As promised, my contribution to the recent fanzine “Gamera the Great!”
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robert-monsarrat · 2 years
Twitter Imploding, Reintroducing Myself
Hey to all my 14 followers! I still exist! Still writing, still drawing! Quite a bit, actually! 
Don’t worry, I’ll be updating! 
For those of you who’ve forgotten, or are just seeing this, my name’s Robert Monsarrat! I’ve got a few irons in the fire. 
One cool thing I did over the pandemic was co-translate (along with my buddy Danny DiManna of the esteemed Godzilla Novelization Project) into English and illustrate Japanese author Shigeru Kayama’s 1954 Godzilla novel, which can be read here: https://projectkayama.wordpress.com
Another cool thing, I had a comic published in the terrific turtle fanzine “Gamera the Great,” which was put out by the talented Kaijuhime! I’ll put up the comic in another post!
I also had a piece of art published in “Kaiju Ramen Volume One,” titled “The Devilfish Special!”
Plus, I’m developing a graphic novel tentatively titled “Rarraku,” about my reptilian OC who’s kinda my Mickey Mouse. Won’t really post updates here, it’s a very long-term project, but Rarraku will still show up in random pieces here and there! In fact, you may have seen him in the most recent issue of the “Columbus Scribbler” newspaper! Here's a link for that: https://columbusscribbler.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Columbus-Scribbler-11.pdf
Finally, speaking of OC’s, I’m developing a little zine filled with pics of Kaiju I’m making up as I go along, which I hope to sell at conventions in the not too distant future!
So, yeah, cool things on the horizon! Watch this space!
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robert-monsarrat · 3 years
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Hey, Tumblr! Big news! I made a book! “Dinosaur Demigod: A Character Study” tells how I created Rarraku and the many forms he’s taken over the years. Here’s the Etsy link for it: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1016975918/dinosaur-demigod-a-character-study?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1
I’d really love if y’all could check it out!
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robert-monsarrat · 3 years
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Rarraku in his prehistoric habitat
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robert-monsarrat · 3 years
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Fun little kaiju sketch! Check out the pic below for commission info, makes a great holiday gift!
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robert-monsarrat · 4 years
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Commission of Rathalos from Monster Hunter, art by me. If you want a commission, my prices are shown in the second image. Makes a great holiday gift!
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robert-monsarrat · 4 years
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Offering up my monster-drawing services!
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robert-monsarrat · 4 years
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Rarraku and the dinosaur are friends now.
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robert-monsarrat · 4 years
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Dinosaur in the Harryhausen style
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robert-monsarrat · 4 years
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Some new Rarraku pieces.
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