reverieaa Β· 4 months
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I come back for 5 mins and this is the things u guys send me 🫀
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
ohh i understand now, thanks for the explanation!! yeah i also believe that consciousness is the only reality and since i am consciousness, i am that reality itself and i’m also not 3D focused cause the 3D is just part of my consciousness. i just got confused cause there are so many infos to take on this site and some of them are clashing 😭 thanks for taking the time to answer my question!
Happy to help β™‘
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
Lately I’ve been planning to go to the gym and eat low calorie food to lose weight. I don’t hate my body or myself, I just want to lose weight really fast but I feel super guilty for not β€œmanifesting” my dream body and for planning to exercise everyday. this is probably because I haven’t manifested anything in my life since being in loa for 3 years…. How do I defeat this?
What is there to defeat? What is there to feel guilty about? If you haven't manifested this body you manifested another one, and you'll manifest another one, and another one, another one, you get it.
Both are equally the same, you just don't see it that way because there bias for one over the other, but it's the same one taking form. I won't go into detail of how to do so, or what the issue is, because I've already posted answers to questions like this, I hope my previous posts help to give you an understandable answer.
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
I think many people don't realize that the mindset of "trying to make sth happen" or "creating sth for the outer world" fails bc there is no outer objective reality.
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
The "dressing of a new state" occurs in the change of self. You do not "attempt" to change state for you are not the state itself, neither do you attempt to change thoughts or feelings. You shift self's consciousness of that perceived reality, it is such a small act you don't even have to try and do anything, it's natural. How? By becoming aware that you are/have your desire, you naturally enter the state you wanted. Many think because what they desire is so huge and life changing, they must take some massive action/sacrifice for it, it is quite the opposite.
But by then, you won't care what state you're in, only enjoying what is in the present, yourself.
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
I'll be posting some old quotes m/stream of consciousness I have had in my drafts I forgot about but really like.
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
Can u expand a bit more on creation is finished?? I have a hard time grasping that concept! A link to post would be fine too thank youπŸ’–
"Creation is finished " is a very common phrase used/concept in loa so it's good to understand it. Creation is finished bc when you imagine something it's always in the end of it and NOW, not the "process" of it. When we imagine it's always in the end of what we want. If there's a dress you really want, do u imagine it it's full and final form, or do u imagine it being made from cloth and needle into a full piece?
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reverieaa Β· 5 months
Hello everybody, I'm here to manye answer an ask or two that have been collecting dust in my inbox that i mever finished, but there seems to be sth wrong with my Tumblr editing option so until I figure that out, I'll have to answer like this if that's ok.
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That's because you're waiting for a "big boom" to happen, where u suddenly wake up and have everything. Now you can countinue everything you've put on hold, the wait is over.
When the waiting should've never begun in the first place. For what are you waiting for? For the 3d to reflect what you are? It already is. There is nothing wrong with the "3d." Change of perspective won't "change your 3D" bc if u had a new perspective you wouldn't care if what is being shown to you is what you want, you KNOW it is.
States and perspective exist bc you give them power, its not a human shifting to a place where they're finally happy after trying hard enough. States don't go down a check list and say "ah yes this one is worthy, they've tried hard enough let's give them what they want, today was their last day or presisitng"
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reverieaa Β· 6 months
i just wanted to say, you’re the person that helped everything click in me. i discovered you last december. when i read β€˜a change of clothes’ then, i didn’t understand it the way i do now. i realized me manifesting my sp back then was successful when i took the time to consider and understand your outlook on the law. but even then it felt like it was at a much more surface level than my current understanding. i broke up with my sp and completely forgot what it had been like to manifest and what success felt like. then i returned to your blog. it took a while once again for me to really understand how i do now. but now all there is is peace. there is peace and i feel okay again because i trust the inner man and the inner world with everything in me. love persists and i have that in me, and now that i realize that i move forward. i move forward as we all do, i choose not to give life to pain. to trust yourself, trust imagination is such a beautiful thing, to give yourself everything you could ever want in your mind. your writings and your blog are things i’ll always appreciate return to time and time again. i cherish your beautiful writing (the occasional deep stuff slipped in always gets me) and your perspective on the law. much love and i always love seeing you update when you pop in every once in a while
This honestly makes me emotional, I feel an incredibly deep happiness not only from this story and your beautiful words but anyone that sends things like this, I see them :).
I am so so happy to hear you say you've found peace within yourself, it is after all what we're all here for. We discover the law in an attempt of peace and a need to break free from our conditions of life that hold ppl down like chains, only to get lost in the need to "be successful " in manifesting. To be "high performing", manifest things faster than last time ect. We row the boat and trouble the water while we seek for a calm river and wonder what we're doing wrong.
You are so amazing that the love and peace you feel within yourself now, you've given it to me and everyone else who reads this. No one may have said it yet but I'm genuinely proud of how far you've come and letting you know there's plenty more ahead for you to enjoy.
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely anon and I hope you have an amazing life through your new perspective ❀️
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reverieaa Β· 7 months
how can i change my self concept? what kind of techniques do i use? can subliminals change self concept?
You could literally throw a pebble across a pond and call it the "pebble throwing self concept technique", believing that will fix your self concept and it will, bc u believe it does. There is no "how do I do this to get there" for me, it already is.
When u don't believe u have a good concept, it's literally the same thing as believing u do. U can use anything to change what u want, but they hold no power outside of what u give them. So in reality, nothing works other than your own will.
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reverieaa Β· 9 months
hi, if i waver/spiral and/or have a bad couple of days, would i be back at square one and will it take longer for my desire to manifest?
No, it doesn't matter how much you to spiral to me, there is no "they will manifest faster", or" they will manifest longer" they are already there, don't view it as a process.
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reverieaa Β· 9 months
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reverieaa Β· 9 months
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reverieaa Β· 9 months
No bc I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
hey yallllll how you doinnnnnn
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reverieaa Β· 10 months
not the same anon but i’m kind of confused, sorry if you got a lot of similar questions. i thought it’s enforced early on that the inner man and outer man are one? when i started learning about LOA, one of the first thing that i learned is that there is no separation between the two. is the teaching here different? i only learn from neville and neville based teachers and am new to tumblr. i thought that what we see is our perception/assumption and that everything is us, that’s why there’s nothing to change but self?
I completely understand what you're saying. I feel like ppl understand loa a bit differently since we're all different, the inner man and outer for me are one and yes I believe consciousness is the only reality. It's just that when I first got into loa I was taught that outer world and inner world are different/separate and that "materialization " was the ultimate indicator of success in loa, which is not true. I was just explaining that separating imagination from the outer creates a pressure for ppl to become desperate and focus on the outer which leads them to spiral and bully themselves for not "doing things correctly". But for mg personal belief I believe that I am only one and the only reality is me, if that makes sense? Also some people think of different things when they hear "self" they point to their body and think to manifest they need to change that.
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reverieaa Β· 10 months
Hi!! It's the change your clothes anon that shared a spiritual epiphany before. Can I be pink anon from now on?
Anyway, I came to share with you that I finally had my first shift and it all came down to living in my imagination and deciding that's the real reality! Like what even is the '3D' anymore but a malleable thing to mold as we please when we finally awaken and realise this is just all a dream! I'm so excited for what's to come.
I was so excited I told my sister and of course she didn't believe me and tried to rationalise it as a glitch lol. It's okay, I don't need her to believe me. After all, she's not real is she? :P I feel so much peace and freedom to finally know/see/feel my true nature!!! And you played such a huge part in that journey. Thank you so much <3
I will end with this quote from movie The Matrix for readers to ponder:
Do not try to bend the spoon. Instead, try to realise the truth... There is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, but yourself.
Hi pink anon, sorry for the late reply! I'm so happy to see you thrive, and I think the things u say give others hope too.
I've had a few ppl ask me "I told x person abg this and they called me crazy" or "I want to tell x person abt this but they won't believe me" and for me I never felt the need to do so, because if I believe I truly am the creator of my relaity I don't feel the need to ask of what others think of this, when I know my belief is the one that truly matter in my life, is that makes sense? But I hope you're doing great and it's lovely to hear from you againβ™‘
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reverieaa Β· 10 months
wasn’t, β€œimagining is the only reality .” always a loa concept?? like even tho initially 3d and 4d were treated as different entities, didn’t we come to a conclusion that 4d = 3d?? i always thought it was an loa thing
Everyone has different beliefs. In loa the belief is that there's a a difference between the outer and inner (hence why the separation through words such as 3D vs 4D) but that the 4D is the true relaity bc it's were the 3D comes from, and the belief that all is one, like imagination being the only reality and 3D and 4D being one is that of nondualism. It's even in the name, "non-dual" meaning "not two".
When I first got into loa, sepreating the world into 3D and 4D made things confusing for me, and worried me more rather making things easier, so I chose to get rid of that concept and view imagination as the only reality, I've noticed that giving ppl this advice also helps them more bc they're nor "waiting" for something to happen, which tends to be a thing when u view your imagination and the outer world as separate.
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