raysofhelios · 26 days
Young Arthur Morgan is so funny to me because he is hinted at being everything BUT the calm, thoughtful man we know of today. He is described to be a menace from the mere age of fourteen and when he was twentyone he got so annoyed fish weren't biting that he just went and brought three ones and presented them to Dutch and Hosea as his own catch. Like this was an easily fustrated, angry kid who was probably SO easy to tease.
You cannot tell me that when john joined that he didn't stick his tongue out at Arthur and Arthur JUMPED at him. I see so many who thinks Arthur would be this kind of annoyed but calm big brother when I think he would be the "try me and you will find out what your guts look like" kind, like he will be GLARING at John if he comes anywhere near him and jump at the chance to get at him.
Imagine Dutch teaching Arthur to read, I don't think that it went well at all, I think that Arthur just said "I don't need to know how to read!" threw the book away and stormed off and first actually learned it after he had stood in a situation where he actually needed it and he realised he was fucked. He was probably still a bitch about it tho, getting all up in Dutch's face about it but following him around camp in case he found a word he didn't understand.
I think that Arthur learned to love John, but he was definitely rough with him and there were times where Hosea was genuinely worried if the two of them would end one another but then he sees how they protect each others backs in battles and realises he doesn't have to worry.
ANYWAYS, Arthur Morgan was a violent kid and he would not cry while learning math with Dutch at the kitchen table, he would just run off.
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raysofhelios · 28 days
Posting again in search of a Red Dead Redemption 2 roleplay! Do you like cowboys? Do you like redemption arcs? Do you hate tuberculosis? Me too!!!
I'm 20 and I go by Bree, pronouns are she/they. I'm a long time fan of rdr in general, and I'm searching for a roleplay partner to play some shops for me. If you're under 18, please don't interact.
I love CC x CC roleplays, and my top favorite ships in the fandom is Arthur x Charles and Hosea x Dutch, if that floats your boat. But I also love Javier x Arthur. I'm looking to take the rp to discord, as the organization is a lot more fun there, in my opinion.
I'm also into more fandoms! Here's some listed ones.
Chainsaw Man
Fire Emblem
Legend of Zelda
Demon Slayer.
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raysofhelios · 28 days
Roleplay Partner Search!
Hello hello! Im 20 and I go by she/they! I have almost a decade of roleplay experience in several forms, so I'd like to say I'm pretty experienced. I’ve recently been craving some specific roleplays in some fandoms, and so here is that search post! Anyone under 18, please please don’t interact, I’m not comfortable with that, and I’m a fan of nsfw topics and darker themes (Though not always! I don't appreciate plots solely based on those themes.) This will be mostly Discord based, too.
I’m slightly picky on my roleplays, though I am flexible!
-No minors
-OOC chat is heavily encouraged. I'd love to talk about more than our current rps.
-Discord only rps. I like the organization.
-3rd person semi lit to literate
-GOOD GRAMMAR!! I’m not the best all the time but proper punctuation is a must for me.
-CC x CC pairs only. OCs are welcomed as background characters.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Actually not picky with this. Willing to hear out any ship! I’m flexible with the plot too!
Jujutsu Kaisen. 
I need a break from stsg, I apologize. I’d like to try out Itafushi!
My Hero Academia
HotWings is my all time favorite. Though I’d be down to do some EraserMic!
Like this post or direct message me if you’re interested you can also just skip all that and send a friend request straight to my discord: sato__sugu
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raysofhelios · 2 months
Hello friends!!! I'm new to this to some level, but I'm pretty nervous and excited to advertise this new Fan Fiction I wrote!!
It's Jujutsu Kaisen based, following SatoSugu with a nice side serving of Nanabara. Please, give it a read! Let me know your thoughts and if you'd like to see more! There's going to be a second chapter uploaded very shortly. Just to draw people in a bit more, I'm looking at posting 3 chapters before May 15th.
I'm also a huge HUGE fan of Fire Emblem Three Houses, and a very devoted Sylvix shipper. I'll be writing some works on them once I've got my roots for this one.
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raysofhelios · 4 years
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