purpledragonslayer666 · 5 months
Sup everybody! I’m back!!
So, first off, sorry for going AWOL. It’s been a long year.
I’m engaged, I’ve moving house soon (hopefully), I’m in a new job in a casino. My partner works with me and is doing a lot better.
I’m ill. I have a heart condition that has been newly diagnosed. It’s a struggle managing it but I’m doing well. Ive been in and out of the hospital for a while. I am an auntie to a gorgeous nephew, I’m continuing my career.
I have a lot of catching up to do.
Thank you everyone. I love you all and I hope y’all were good while I was away
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I’m back bitches! Still alive!
So, what a clusterfuck of a year this has been! Putin started and lost a war, The Monarch died (RIP Lizzy) and we got a king now (don’t fuck it up Charlie), my partner spent a week in hospital with GALLSTONES ( he’s 23, so that is a problem), jaundice AND pancreatitis and in the fandom world David tennant is making a comeback as the doctor for a few episodes.
I am sick, again. Not COVID, but I’m sick. I’m working for a hotel (maybe not for too much longer tho), I’m still fighting the good fight and keeping my head high. I have been learning over this year about my self worth and how much I’m willing to put up with. I am worth more than what people think I am worth. I am inexpendable and I’m tired of pretending that I’m not.
We are more than we think we are. We are all of us valuable. There is no price on a life, and your life is the most valuable thing you have because, you have the power to change and grow and to bring something wonderful into the world.
Love yourselves, keep being awesome and no matter how hard it gets, know that I believe in you. You got this.
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It’s 1:15 am. My goblin brain tells me I must seek food.
I oblige.
I am snacking on chocolate bars and chips, while drinking a family sized bottle of Coca-Cola
I am a goblin
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Ladies of tumblr
I had a thought today. A thought that, in my opinion, needs to be shared.
So, in the last year (I know I’m a bit slow), I’ve noticed that tampon/pad commercials on the telly, some of them have FINALLY made the liquid they pour onto their product RED!!! The colour a period should be (I know it’s different for everyone, don’t at me, I’m just being general for the moment)
So, why is this news? Why am I talking about this? I’ll tell you why! Because I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed that it’s taken us this long to see red in a tampon commercial. Periods aren’t blue! And you know what, I felt a rant coming on.
We, as a society, need to break the taboo of periods
In so many industries, it’s taboo to talk about. In films like Mean Girls, the director had to fight to keep in the lines of ‘heavy flow’ and ‘wide set vagina’. The company producing the film told him to cut it or the film would have to be rated R. Whereas The Anchorman and so many other films can get away with dick jokes aplenty and get lower film ratings.
So, I had a thought. Let’s talk about periods openly and unashamedly, let’s do something bold and something a bit crazy. I had a thought about making a statement and a stand.
Women go through periods and it breaks the bank sometimes. We still pay tampon tax, they come in needless packaging, companies make millions on eco-friendly/reusable/washable pads, we buy intimate soaps and washes, wipes, scented plastic sanitary bags to put used tampons/pads in and we do it in silence. We pay for them, eyes down as the cashier scans them through, silently praying for you to get through the week.
We need to speak up and speak out and speak to each other about our flows, our cramps, our cravings, our pain, our periods. We need to teach our daughters not to be afraid of them and let them know they can speak to us about them, or any woman. Teach our sons not to be judgemental about them and not get grossed out by the word or the mention of it. Get them used to the sight of pads/tampons. Get the boys to help their sisters out, and sisters we need to help each other.
TL:DR- let’s talk periods to each other, let’s not be embarrassed about it, let’s make it normal and let’s make a power move. Any ideas??
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I just ended a big chapter of my life. I left a job of three years for a new one doing what I love with more freedom to do as I please.
I am sad, yes, because I leave behind some lovely people, but I am relieved too.
I am doing something for me for once. I’m happy and can’t wait to start the next chapter
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Sup bitches!!!!
So… I caught COVID a few days ago. I AM LIVID. But, I’m happy to see the new year.
Here’s to 2022! No one touch anything, no one piss off any governments and be the best you possible.
Love you beautiful people.
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So, I got a FNAF Christmas calendar.
They are all unique and beautiful. My legion of tinies. So precious, so deadly.
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I’m still here bitches!!!
So, it’s my favourite time of year again. Fucking love Halloween. Work had a disco and we all dressed up. Working with the skeleton crew this shift but it was fun. Here’s to tomorrow, with more frights and delights
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Ten of pentacles, work your magic
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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So, big news.
Scott Cawthon has retired from FNAF. Now, I was gonna stay out of this, but as someone who loved and grew up with FNAF, I have to make this post. I’ll regret it if I don’t.
To all of you who are complaining about his political standing:
1. It’s HIS choice, not YOURS.
2. What he does in his own life doesn’t concern you, so don’t let it upset you if he does something you don’t agree with. And if you are upset about it, keep it to yourself. The world doesn’t need your negativity. He doesn’t need it either. And neither do you.
3. Just because you have different political views and opinions, doesn’t mean you get to bash his.
Y’all can hate me if you want. Tumblr can flag this post, you lot can fight to take it down, I don’t care. But one thing you lot should be doing is thanking him. So...
Thank you so much for creating something I have enjoyed playing, something I have enjoyed watching other people play, something I have enjoyed reading about and theorising about and loving to this very day. Thank you for approving merchandise to be made of these characters. Thank you for inspiring people, myself included, to create content based on and around these games and books.
TL:DR: give Scott love for his creation, stop judging his personal life, stay out of politics.
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I’m back bitches!
So, I’m back to work! Hell yeah!
I’m slowly gaining my sanity. I’m getting there. Very slowly.
Stay safe everyone!
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Still here bitches!!
So, still in lockdown. Got COVID, got over it and kicked it’s ass! Said goodbye to my granddad. Had a handful of mental breakdowns, got better, got back on my feet and kicked ass even more!
Still not back to work. Starting to go stir crazy again. Brother had a tumble. And is not doing so well in the love department but he’s getting there.
But, with lots of love, patience and mind numbing activities, I’ll get through it. Especially with my fur baby and feather baby. Stay strong, stay safe and love yourself.
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Ladies, please. I think I have you beat. Look at her majesty. The eggs in the pictures are hers.
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Barn owls are common species found in most countries. They prefer to nest in enclosed spaces, so they are protected from the elements. The female will lay one egg at a time. When the female has laid, she will puff out her chest feathers and keep the egg inbetween her feet. Her eyes are a dark brown/black. (This owl is my personal pet. Yes, I have a license. Yes, she is captive born, but she’s still pretty)
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So, it’s the end of 2020.
Thank God!
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Well, bite me in the ass universe. Take more from me, why not?
Bye, Grandpa. I love you. So much.
Hi guys, gals, non-binary pals and all other configurations of being
I’m back with my recap of this year. And the only two words to describe it are:
Well, shit.
So, we’ve had a pandemic sweep the world, businesses close and open and close and open, Trump lost the run for presidency and can’t admit it, BoJo put most of London and surrounding areas in to tier 4 lockdown and I have been to therapy again.
Christmas this year was a highlight. The family bought VR for the PlayStation, so that’s entertaining, until you start to feel sick from using it so much. Had excellent results for Christmas dinner, the other half approved so that’s a big win. The only down was that we were missing someone at the table.
I am not going to wish for a better year, only a more sensible year. I’m hoping for a sensible year where people will take all of this seriously and behave. Here’s to next year.
Stay safe, stay well and be kind my friends
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Hi guys, gals, non-binary pals and all other configurations of being
I’m back with my recap of this year. And the only two words to describe it are:
Well, shit.
So, we’ve had a pandemic sweep the world, businesses close and open and close and open, Trump lost the run for presidency and can’t admit it, BoJo put most of London and surrounding areas in to tier 4 lockdown and I have been to therapy again.
Christmas this year was a highlight. The family bought VR for the PlayStation, so that’s entertaining, until you start to feel sick from using it so much. Had excellent results for Christmas dinner, the other half approved so that’s a big win. The only down was that we were missing someone at the table.
I am not going to wish for a better year, only a more sensible year. I’m hoping for a sensible year where people will take all of this seriously and behave. Here’s to next year.
Stay safe, stay well and be kind my friends
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Happy Halloween everyone!!
This year’s Halloween is very different thanks to COVID-19. No more trick or treaters. So, yesterday, in the spirit of the season, I dropped off goodies to my neighbors kids. Old traditions need to be brought back, like this one. Tonight is one of the most magickal and powerful nights in witch history. New Years, veil at its thinnest, full blue moon. You don’t get more powerful than that. (Except maybe and eclipse) Tonight is celebrating he dead. If you have loved ones, tonight is your best night to see them again, how ever they choose to manifest.
Samhain blessings and happy Halloween
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