pryceonpurpose · 9 months
The Power of Perception
How Our Minds Shape Our Reality
Perception is a fascinating aspect of human existence. It is the lens through which we view the world, shaping our reality and influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Our perceptions are not simply passive observations of the external world; they actively construct our understanding of reality. Understanding the power of perception can lead to a greater appreciation for the complexity of human experience and can help us navigate the challenges of life with a more open and curious mindset.
Perception as a Filter
Our perceptions act as a filter through which we interpret and make sense of the overwhelming amount of information bombarding our senses at any given moment. Every sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch is subjected to our perceptual filter, determining what we pay attention to and how we interpret it. This filtering process is influenced by a multitude of factors, including our past experiences, cultural background, beliefs, and values.
For example, imagine walking into a crowded room full of strangers. Your perception will immediately come into play, determining who you notice, how you interpret their body language, and whether you feel comfortable or anxious in the environment. Two people can have entirely different experiences in the same situation based on their unique perceptual filters.
The Role of Beliefs and Expectations
Beliefs and expectations play a significant role in shaping our perceptions. Our minds are wired to seek confirmation of what we already believe to be true, and we often make sense of new information by fitting it into our existing belief systems. This tendency can be both beneficial and limiting. While it helps us make sense of the world quickly, it can also blind us to alternative perspectives and new possibilities.
For instance, imagine two individuals attending a job interview. One person firmly believes they are qualified and deserving of the position, while the other feels insecure and doubts their abilities. These different beliefs will influence how they perceive the questions asked, the interviewer's body language, and their overall experience of the interview. The person with a positive belief system may feel more confident and perform better, while the person with self-doubt may struggle and perceive the experience as negative.
The Influence of Emotions
Emotions also have a profound impact on our perceptions. When we experience strong emotions, they can color our view of reality and distort our judgments. For example, when we are angry, we may interpret neutral comments as insults, and when we are anxious, we may perceive harmless situations as threatening.
On the other hand, positive emotions can broaden our perception and enhance our ability to see possibilities and opportunities. When we experience joy or gratitude, our perceptual filters expand, allowing us to notice and appreciate the beauty around us. This positive outlook can lead to a more optimistic and resilient mindset.
The Power of Shifting Perspectives
Recognizing the power of perception offers us an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. By becoming aware of our own perceptual filters and biases, we can challenge them and open ourselves up to new ways of seeing the world. This process requires curiosity, self-reflection, and a willingness to embrace discomfort.
One effective way to shift our perspective is through mindfulness practices. Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations, allowing us to observe our perceptual filters in action. Through this observation, we can begin to question our assumptions and consider alternative interpretations of our experiences.
Engaging in dialogue with others who hold different perspectives is another powerful tool for expanding our perception. By actively listening and empathizing with others, we can gain insights into their worldview and challenge our own preconceived notions. This process fosters greater understanding, empathy, and tolerance.
Embracing a Fluid Reality
Perception is a dynamic and ever-changing process. Our reality is not fixed; it is continuously shaped by our perceptions, which in turn influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Embracing the fluidity of perception allows us to approach life with a sense of curiosity and wonder, rather than rigidly holding onto fixed beliefs.
By cultivating awareness of our perceptual filters, challenging our biases, and seeking out diverse perspectives, we can expand our understanding of the world and foster personal growth. The power of perception lies in its ability to shape our reality, and by harnessing this power, we can create a more compassionate, inclusive, and fulfilling existence.
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pryceonpurpose · 1 year
Podcast break:
I’ve taken a break from one of my loves; podcasting.
There has been so much going on in my life and I’m going to start again. However, right now I need to focus on building my brand and monetization.
If you’re a creative, taking a break from something you enjoy can be tough. Heartbreaking. Just know that it’s not permanent.
Sometimes setting a date / time to return can be helpful. Be realistic about your wants and needs.
It’s not always the easiest.
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
Where are all the philosophers?
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
The unpopular theory:
When we accept things, they become real.
When we accept things…… they become, real.
When we accept things….. they. Become. Real.
We are slowing coming to the realization that emotions are so deep within us… that we are emotional creatures.
Although important, the things we put in our bodies can sometimes have zero effect towards healing what is within.
So what does that mean?
Looking within has more answers than looking without.
Emotional pain is what we mask with external “things”.
We were human before all of this “stuff”.
Flowers were enough, trading spices was enough…
We have so many “things” now.
Disease is Dis-ease.
Focus on healing thyself from the pain of the past to begin seeing your true self.
It is unpopular.
However, what’s more important?
Doing what everyone else does? Or doing what works best for you?
Speak, journal, write, exercise, meditate, breathe deeply; meaningfully.
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
Soul catcher:
Your soul lives with your body.
It’s there, connected to the divine energy. Always.
We see it as a child, feel it too! We know it’s there; imagination running wild.
Then, in our teens we sometimes embrace doubt, or miscalculate our direction. It leads us into a space of unconsciousness in adulthood.
However, if we come to the realization of how blessed we are, we can become childlike again, and have the ability to embrace our souls and learn how amazing we are.
Where are you?
Who are you?
Who do you wish to become?
Soul catcher.
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
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I posted 86 times in 2021
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My Top Posts in 2021
There are moments that arise in life when you start to work with and not against yourself.
Some may say, “Well, I’ve always worked with myself…” well, that’s great for you! Keep going!
However, there is a group of us that have moments where there is such a huge impact on what we’re willing to accept, what we’re willing to move with and even, who.
We may fight it, try to understand it or even try to deny it but it will always be so big that we can’t unsee it, or not feel it.
It’s happening for a reason. It’s the red pill or the blue pill.
The choice is yours.
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 13:24:09 GMT
The freedom to create:
Watching an episode of Home on Apple TV. If you have the ability to see this, please do so.
I love watching shows that make me think. Make me see how other people think. Stories of people taking a path that they created vs a path that was already made.
This is why I love creativity so much, it’s “beautifully risky”. As someone that used to deny themselves this gift, embracing it now is liberating and magical.
When we step outside of “the norm” we can see there is beauty already all around us. It’s so important to change and embrace change.
This is a freedom we all have and it looks different to all of us. Creating. We can create things from food, to cleaning to whatever it is, creativity lies in it.
Today, do something creative. Whatever it means to you.
You’re human, dig into your creativity.
4 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 14:37:57 GMT
It’s the moments that are the most difficult where faith is present. It’s the moments where you’re feeling doubt is where faith thrives.
I’ve come to learn that faith is a lens. It’s a moment where your mind is attached to fear, but you choose to see the light. It’s a choice to focus on the end result instead of attaching to the “what if” or “will it” moments.
With faith, you’ll always get a response. You get your answer. It just takes some time to get.
5 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 15:19:42 GMT
Currently watching an episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty with Will Smith:
Something I absorbed...humans are forever interesting to me. I know I am one but I have an experience from time to time where I feel I can look outside myself so to speak.
They’re discussing how humans naturally want revenge when they feel wronged or disrespected. (Very true) which to me is a natural response but, us humans have free will. We can choose to act on it or not.
It’s funny, in some cases, I’ll express my ability to not react in certain situations since it’s just not worth my time or peace, others would perceive me as “crazy”. Now I know what their version of “crazy” means to me.
“Crazy” is not doing something someone else would do, so of course it would seem “crazy” to them. It’s not in their vision currently to behave this way.
There is not right or wrong, however there is a doing of what’s best for the person.
Lesson: focus on your peace. This is ones truth.
8 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 12:52:31 GMT
Ebb & Flow:
When one makes a conscious decision to become their future version. It’s like a tide.
Moments of clarity appear and disappear. Old and new dance together sometimes even fight each other, then there is a harmony of self.
I constantly fight my old version. I mean constantly. The belief of being less than, the facade of fear, and just defaulting to a life unnoticed.
Maybe it’s a reminder of being humble. Never forgetting where I came from, and learning to adapt to those at the places I’ve been.
We all go through things and the ebb and flow is part of the constant. It’s about being at peace with it.
It’s natural. It’s normal. Be at peace with your journey. Sometimes love isn’t felt without loss.
17 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 18:42:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
Be ye transformed by renewing of the mind.
There is this awesome documentary available on Amazon Prime that I highly recommend.
Sometimes we feel like we don’t have a choice. It’s an illusion. You always have a choice.
Healing has many ways of revealing itself to us but, sometimes we ignore it because we have been told there was only one way.
I encourage you to examine the choices you have.
Check this out when you have a moment. Let me know what you think.
Hey I’m watching Heal. Check it out now on Prime Video! https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.26bb7ba5-d960-19ce-6f75-e01240eef73b&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web
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pryceonpurpose · 2 years
Being a person of color is not synonymous with struggle.
Being a person of color is not synonymous with struggle.
Sometimes I feel that if I keep my thoughts to myself, it’ll prevent a boomerang effect. Energy can only be transferred and not destroyed.
I sometimes wait a while (not really waiting, just taking the time to find the tone) to share my thoughts and feelings to make sure that I understand why I’m saying what I’m saying. The reality is that some people may or may not agree, but also… I have to try to create a space I call, “Not giving a fuck-ness.”
There have only been a handful of times where my skin color was an issue, or anger was expressed or some type of “assumption of struggle” in my direction. One, was when I worked in retail and a four year old called me a “Stupid Black” and stepped on my foot. Another was when I was a teenager and I was followed in the store…
Another was on television during our recently most memorable election. It seemed that the message that was trying to be shared was that I or, people that look like me are mistreated on a regular basis. Although this may be the experience for some, it is not my experience.
My experience is and was a little different. Maybe some can relate. As discussed in a recent episode with Ursa Major on my show (Check the episode out here: https://soundcloud.com/pryceonpurpose/numbers-diving-timing-and-am-i-black-enough-with-coachursa?si=947d4b29d06c43a88e52443e32011225) sometimes I wondered if I was black enough to hang with others that looked like me.
I didn’t fit in with folks that looked like me. I fit in mostly with others that didn’t look like me. Maybe it was because I didn’t know all the songs by Biggie and Tupac or, maybe it was because I begged my mom to get me BOSS jeans or something from Sean John and she was like….. “No.” Maybe because I have no desire to learn how to play spades… Maybe it was because Riders Jeans and Wrangler Jeans were a common brand in my home… I don’t know but…. I just didn’t fit in.
So most of the disconnect or mistreatment I got was not from people that didn’t look like me, but it was from the people that did.
For some reason it seemed that people that looked like me had to struggle in some sort of way or that we had to listen to specific music and wear specific clothes… I was not that. I was and still am drawn to writing, reading, listening to classical music and although I do listen to some very specific rappers (Migos, Rick Ross, T.I, Future, Dave East just to name a few) I don’t identify or try to fit in the lifestyle.
I grew up in a way some would say was privileged. I didn’t watch TV in color until I was a little older. I watched shows like Cheers, Murphy Brown and Frasier and they still are shows I enjoy! I did watch some Martin, Living Single and Family Matters… but I was definitely drawn to Full House and Step by Step. I had a Barbie power wheels corvette. Didn’t have to fight for food or resources…it wasn’t even a thought in my mind…
It makes sense when I look back why certain shows didn’t appeal to me, because it just wasn’t my life. I understood it but… it’s not sharing my story.
In conclusion:
Sometimes people would ask me during the times of our recent election, if I went to any marches or, was I going to participate in a protest. My answer is no, and will be no. Although I know some people feel that this is important to them, it is not important to me. I feel there are many ways to be the change we wish to see. My way is to continue the legacy. I do believe in a peaceful protest but it is not in the way it is seen today. My art is my “protest”. Showing that there is another way and that we all have free will and it starts with being the change. By going to a protest I am doing something of the past. People had to do that back then because they didn’t have the rights we do today. My show, Pryce on Purpose shares how people help other people. It shows how they took a sucky situation and turned it into something positive. It’s showing the power of peace, positivity and free will. We are a physical example of the choices we make.
I am living proof that there is another way. My proof will last beyond me in the Digital universe speaking to a kid that could feel like I did in the past….feeling like they didn’t belong and my story gets to tell them why.
It’s because I was not ever put on this Earth to fit in. I was put here to stand out. Put here to show that these are many ways to be a person of color. It doesn’t have to be from a perspective of struggle, it doesn’t have to be from a place of “fighting for your rights.” That time is of the past and for those that still live there, they too are finding their way.
“Your way, becomes a way, when you believe there is no other way.”
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Accessing the divine:
I had an awakening conversation with Kellan Fluckiger (discussion coming soon to Pryce on Purpose).
I cannot get out of my head something he mentioned.
I just finished a sleep meditation on peloton and, normally I’d drift away but… this thought resides in my consciousness.
We can awaken the divine connection anytime we’d like. We don’t have to wait for specific moments to happen, we can control it.
He mentioned that he has a 2hr time frame to himself daily in which he participates in his spiritual practice. This is something that is unique to him.
Some business owners wake up at 5am, or even 2am to create their ideal days.
I know for me, working out and listening to classical music are some ways I can access the divine.
If this is possible, and this is true…. Why do we spend time away from it through fear, worry, etc?
Why do we sometimes fear success and abundance?
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Shift on Perspective
As I transitioned out of a “situations are against me” to a “situations are for me” perspective I realized the winners of society think differently about not only their outcomes but also, their incomes. 
Losers lose because there is a desire to lose. Creepy thought right? 
Deep down, they actually do not want to be a winner. 
How is this possible you ask?
Well, if they become a winner, that means the idea of being a loser is a lie. 
This is shown in the book Wake up and Live! by Dorothea Brande. 
She talks about how deep down we have a connection to our subconscious thoughts that drive us and we don’t even realize that it can potentially cause us to fail because this is what we actually desire. For things we want to not actually get to fulfill a prophecy. Wild! 
So how do we shift perspective?
Dig, deeper. Be aware of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! 
Who you’re around.
What you’re around.
Why you’re around.
How you’re around.
What you listen to.
Who you listen to.
Why you listen to.
When you are around.
These are just some of the concepts but it all connects to you subconscious. 
Start there and your truth will reveal itself. 
This is how you start to shift your perspective. 
When you figure out what is really driving you, you’ll be able to control your mind instead of having your mind control you. 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Birds Eye Vision / Looking beyond
It is said that birds have the ability to see ultraviolet light...beyond the spectrum that humans can see. Interesting. 
Here we are, singing songs of “roygbiv” when there are more colors than that! 
How would we know that something exists if we cannot see it? 
Taking a step back, looking at things the way they are, learning and gaining a deeper connection of self, helps to create a sense of understanding of you and your environment. 
Isn’t that interesting that the more we learn about why we do or don’t do what we do can provide clarity of others, environments and other behaviors? 
Experiment: Repeatedly sit with yourself and ask yourself very specific questions over the next 21 days. It can be questions of why you desire certain things even ask yourself things like, “What do I want?” Then ask...”Why do I want it...” just as an example...you can ask yourself whatever but just make sure you’re alone and aren’t interrupted... For every answer, allow it to naturally develop another question if it comes up within you. 
This is how I developed vision and the ability to read environments and to continuously develop a deeper understanding of self and “reading a room”.
One of the most interesting things we humans ignore is our gut instinct. 
It is something we practice. Think about working out...we get stronger through the repetition. 
“Sight is not always about what we visually see, it can be what we see through motive, feeling and timing that presents the authenticity of what is truly before our eyes.” - Stacey Pryce 
Imagine, accepting the reality that you are limitless in your beliefs, understanding and abilities. Accepting this...I mean really accepting it gives you the foundation for seeing beyond! 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Looking for Motivation?
Pryce on Purpose has a server! All motivation all the time!
Join me on Discord! 
Invite expires in 7 days. https://discord.gg/YMPU9Z5N
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Ever ask yourself where do you apply your effort?
What drives you into action?
Where do you see the most energy applied?
What makes you move with the sense of urgency?
I’ll confess… my effort used to be applied to fear, and the story of me being less than.
When I started to work on where I applied my effort, I started to change inside and my world changed outside.
Take a minute to see where your efforts went in the last hour, the last minute.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Is chaos organized? 
It can be... even if it looks out of order... there is some sort of flow to it. 
Chaos can be a reminder, it can be a moment for change.
Chaos can be a flashlight... highlighting that something isn’t working. 
Embrace it. Observe it. 
We do not grow if we run from chaos, fight in the dark and lean into the worry. Instead we build a cage of false comfort and continue to run around in circles hiding away from our future selves. 
“By touching the fire, we learned it was hot. We may have been burned by it. The pain reminded us of it’s temperature and we learned to use it for good. Fire, became our light, our heat and a means to feed ourselves. All chaos, isn’t bad when we define its purpose in our lives” - Stacey Pryce 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
When I think about humanity and how we function, I think about us as sponges and our environment as water. 
Everything and everyone has a vibe. 
(From Google/Oxford Dictionary)
plural noun:
1.a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others."we've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy"
How is it possible for a human to be in a particular environment and behave one way, then change to another environment to behave differently? Is it, that simple? 
If so, why?
This would mean if we desire change it comes with a conscious decision to not only change our environment but also to change what and who we listen to. T change our environment will contribute to a change in our thinking. To change one’s thinking may influence one’s doing. 
To develop change is to develop a conscious decision to do so; the why.
To say this is a reminder that we do not stop being sponges as children. We are sponges for life. Whether we are aware of what we absorb or not we are always absorbing whether it is to stay the same or to manifest change. 
Question of the day: When was the last time you listened to something that makes you feel good? 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
The energetic journey.
From a young age I realized the travel of energy. 
I grew up in a home with people that, let’s just say didn’t have the best ways of dealing with their pain and development. Not that I was looking for perfection. That is non-existent. I was looking for ownership and understanding. Growing up in a place where people did not take the time to understand the depths of their anger and the depths of their joy and gratitude transferred itself to me as ignoring my ability to feel. My emotions were disregarded, questions ridiculed.  Therefore, for my personality type it created a sense of distrust not only for the people around me, but also towards myself. 
For some personality types, growing up in environments like this can create a cage where trust is not something developed in emotion but developed in material items or developed in behaviors of sacrifice rather than connections of the soul which lead to emotional understanding. Who am I to say that one is better than the other...everything works differently for different people. 
For me, I desire and thrive off of emotional connection. When we question our behavior and how we developed we can better see what is serving to us and what isn’t, we can take the time to move towards or move away from something that doesn’t serve our development and cause. 
I share this to say, that energy is transferable. It takes someone that is not trying to prove their worth, or prove anything to allow it to pass through them and to not use it to take action in the same way it was shared. 
1. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you feel the emotion of anger. You speed up to see who it was and “flip them the bird”, this person does it back to you and speeds off...
2. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you feel the emotion of anger. You breathe, and realize that although you are angered by their behavior, you do nothing and continue about your day. 
This example can be used for many scenarios. However, these two moments are filled with choices. We all have the ones we make that we are aware of and the ones we know we do, but we do them....why?
That’s the difference. 
If we continue to pass on the energy, it will come back to us. The energy = emotions. 
Acts of kindness, acts of anger, acts of doubt, acts of joy. These are ACTions. 
So today, be aware of your ACTions. 
What is the result I desire? Why?
Why do I desire a result?
Why is there a result?
One of the greatest powers we forget we have, is the power of free will. 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Don’t discount your greatness:
We all have things we love to do, or enjoy.
Sometimes we think it’s “no biggie”.
I met a man that carved animals out of wood as a hobby.. these things looked like they came out of an art store, they were gorgeous!
He was like, “Yeah, it’s just a hobby…”
I met a man that didn’t see himself as an artist.
I thought his art was gorgeous, but… he was like… “Thanks..”
I thought that my obsession in habit forming and purpose was just… “average”… like, “So what? There are so many speakers out there…”
People would compliment my voice…
“Thank you, but I hear it everyday..”
We look at our greatness sometimes as average or uninteresting.. but this could be one of the majorly unique things about us that make us, us.
When someone compliments you, don’t question it… accept it and don’t take it personally (They’re just showing appreciation, acknowledgement).
It is what it is… it’s a compliment.
You should know and study your greatness.
You’re unique. Be great.
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