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🌝04.06.18🌝 I did my first A-Level Physics exam today! It was a really tough paper, but I’m proud of my progress and I know I worked as hard as I could have for this paper. Next exam is Physics Paper 2 on Friday - time to start working towards that! currently listening to: sunflower by rex orange county🌻
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🌞03.06.18🌞 My first A-Level Physics exam is tomorrow, so I spent the entire day today working for that. I think I’m ready, but you never know with physics!
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expectation at age 13: will grow up to become the extroverted, witty, and enchanting elizabeth bennet
reality at age 22: has grown up to become the introverted, awkward, and stressed out fitzwilliam darcy
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pretty buildings in san francisco
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hey everyone!! love summer but miss the routine system school gave you?
well here’s a list of tips i’ve drawn up so that you can have the best summer possible and stick to your summer do-to list!
1. wake up early! 
and no, this doesn’t mean you have to wake up at 5am everyday (unless that’s your cup of tea!). although it’s summer and often times we feel the obligation to stay up till 3am watching videos and waking up at noon, it will mess up your body clock and may actually prevent you from accomplishing your goals.
by waking up around the same you used to (+/- 1 hour), your body establishes and maintains a healthy circadian rhythm and allows you more time in the day to follow your list! which brings me to number 2..
2. write down your goals for the summer!
i can’t stress this enough. get out a piece of paper / blank document and write down every thing you want to accomplish this summer. this may include: 
get a job 
eat healthier 
read x amount of books 
exercise 3x a week 
write a short story 
learn an instrument 
learn a new language 
hang out with friends more 
watch a tv show 
finish summer assignments 
this then leads me to my favourite part:
3. plan your day / accomplish those goals! 
get out that planner / bullet journal / piece of paper and write down everything you’re going to do today in order to achieve your goals!
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this is an example of what your daily planner could like!
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good morning!
a good morning = a good day. wake up everyday with a goal set in your mind. what do you want to accomplish today. why? set an alarm clock, get up, and drink a glass of water. then (yes) make your bed. freshen up in the bathroom and make some breakfast. watch the sunrise. do some stretches. refresh your mind. remember your goals. write your plans for the day down. these are your plans and you will accomplish them. and yes, taking naps and watching movies can be a part of your plan. fuel your mind and body. the world is yours to seize. 
good night!
time to wind down and reflect. freshen up and get to your planner. did you accomplish as much as you could? what inhibited you from doing so? why? what were some of your accomplishments today? you may choose to write this down or mentally reflect. before going to bed, clean up your room / workspace. remember, room clutter = mind clutter. remember to avoid social media at least an hour before going to bed. set an alarm clock for the next morning and set your phone as far away from your bed as possible. get at least 7-9 hours of sleep and prepare to seize the day again the next morning. 
i hope you all have a great summer guys!! remember, you are not obligated to learn 5 new languages and study next semester’s syllabus. this is your time to relax and reflect. your past failures are a learning opportunity and this summer is your chance to enhance your character and grow out of your failures to become the most successful person you can be. you got this, i believe in you. 
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09.02.2018 // With the thesis done, I tried to relax for a week or so, but here I am putting together a bibliography for a new paper. 📚📚📚
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Life Cleanse - What I Did (Updated 5/2/18)
Deep clean your room - I’m talking about stripping the bed, going through clothes, papers, and belongings and having no mercy. Sweeping and damp mopping the floors. Dusting surfaces. Finding new homes for those miscellaneous items that just sit there in the way.
Delete old contacts - I went from having maybe 30-40 contacts to 14. In other words, delete contacts you haven’t messaged or called in the last two weeks to a month (if so long). If they text you don’t be afraid or feel guilty for asking who it is.
Go through your music library - Play all your songs and if you skip a song delete it without hesitation. The next time you hit shuffle on your playlist you won’t even notice it’s gone. What if you get in the mood for the song? That’s what YouTube is for my friend… or just add the song back onto your phone.
Go through clothes - That dress you haven’t worn once in the past year- donate/toss it. The shirt you swear fits if you don’t raise your arms- get rid of it. Those worn out clothes- dump them. *Of course there can be exceptions but within reason.
Journal/Do a brain dump - Write down any thoughts to cleanse your mind. Any ideas you might have. Good things that happened that day. Bad things that happened. Things you’re grateful for. It helps so much. Try it for at least three days straight and you’ll notice how much better you feel. Problems might not disappear completely but it’ll give you the strength to get through another day.
Don’t try to force things to work out - It’s so hard and it can be upsetting when things don’t, but sometimes the best thing you can do for you is accept the way (some)things are.
Don’t be hard on yourself for messing up -  It can be easy to physically or mentally punish yourself for making a mistake no matter how big or small, but I’ve learned that doing things like starving yourself, beating yourself  up (literally), or just scolding yourself repeatedly doesn’t improve the situation and it doesn’t improve yourself.
Cut toxic people off - Remove them from your life physically (which sometimes takes time). Unfriend them from social media. Remove prominent traces of them from your life. It’s like suddenly a weight comes off of your shoulders.
Practice self love -  I write/say this so often and sometimes I feel like it’s so harThe same do sometimes but it’s not. I’m talking about taking a break when you need to. Drinking water. Moisturising your skin. Getting enough sleep. Saying no. It’s the little things like that count as self love.
Don’t run away from your problems - It’s tempting and hard but it’s important to face any problems you’re facing. No one is saying you have to be strong 24/7, only that you should try.
Delete old files - Go through you computer, tablet, phone, USB drive etc. Delete old unimportant documents, old photos, music, apps and more.
Clean up your daily diet - Often times you’ll have a goal for what you want your daily diet to look like but you fall off the wagon once and end up staying off. So when you notice you’ve been drinking more soda/juice, swap your next beverage for some water. Cut down your portions or eat more often if you need to instead of starving yourself. Hopefully, you get the idea.
Reassess your goals/habits - It’s a necessary evil. Maybe you need to scratch a previous goal and pursue a new one or add a few extra steps so you reach it. The same thing goes for your habits. Maybe you need to exercise daily, or you need to break the habit of staying up on your phone instead of going to bed. Write them down and brainstorm how to build/break that habit.
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may 18th, 2018 notes and reads ☕️🖊📓
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anyone who says they don’t like 80s music is either lying or naive
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07.06.18 just me, Homer and an iced coffee chilling in the sun.
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21.2.18 // started bullet journalling again after a month and a half into 2018. At the beginning of the year, I didn’t have enough time to maintain a bullet journal, but then I ended up really craving the therapeutic part of designing a bullet journal page, so I got back into it!
The pictures are from Frankie magazine, and the paints are watercolor.
Also just finished The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku last weekend and also Mad Girl by Bryony Gordon this morning, which are both amazing books that I recommend you check out.
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What’s that? History exam on Monday you say? No thAnkyoU.
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Friday, 4:34 pm
Overview of neurodegenerative diseases, featuring my cute cactus house tenant 🌵
Neurology turned out to be a much bigger part of this semester than I thought. Only a month left until exams, and there’s still so much to cover! At least I have a simple overview now~
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some more icons! if you’re going to use them remember to reblog this post and please give me credit somewhere. like always I can change the colors in any of them if you want so feel free to message me!
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There are three rules.
1. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. 
2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. 
3. If you do not step forward, you will remain in the same place. 
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4.00- the golden number. Every student wants it, but how to get there? In this post, I’ll be giving you my best advice as to how I got my 4.00 GPA, and how you can get one as well. The post will be split into 4 sections- before school, during school, after school, and overall. Hope you enjoy! 
MAKE SURE YOU’RE COMING TO SCHOOL PREPARED. I can not stress this enough. Your school day begins before you even step inside a classroom. If you use a device to take notes, make sure you charge it overnight. If you use notebooks, make sure you’re bringing them all with you. Be prepared for the day that’s about to come. 
EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST. Eating poorly literally diminishes your ability to think well. Have a balanced breakfast- keep yourself well fed throughout the day as well. 
BE ON TIME. Starting your day late can sometimes put the whole day out of whack. Teachers can also take points away from you if you have poor attendance and punctuality, so make sure you’re always on time!
ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS. Make sure you take advantage of the lesson time you have. The teacher is there to teach you, so try your best to learn. 
GET THE IDEA INTO YOUR HEAD THAT CLASS TIME IS WORK TIME. I know it can be tiring to always be working. But, associating class time with play time is dangerous (and a hard habit to snap out of). You will have time to rest later- now it’s time to work. 
PRACTICE SMART NOTE TAKING. Don’t copy everything the teacher says- that’s not effective. Be succinct, try your best to assimilate the information before you write it down. 
YOUR TEACHERS ARE RESOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE- USE THEM AS SUCH. Ask them questions. If there’s a concept you didn’t quite understand during class, try to ask them about it later. This will show you are dedicated and have the desire to learn. 
ACKNOWLEDGE DISTRACTIONS, AND AVOID THEM. If your friends are distracting you during class, don’t sit near them. You’ll have time to hang out later. If your phone is distracting you, turn it off or don’t bring it with you. Know what your distractions are and make an effort to avoid them. 
REVIEW WHAT YOU LEARNED THROUGHOUT THE DAY. You’re more likely to remember what you learned that day if you look at it more than once. Reinforce your new knowledge. 
REST. It won’t do you good to just study your way into exhaustion. It’s not good for your mind or your body. Take care of yourself too. 
STUDY REGULARLY AND EFFECTIVELY, NOT DAILY. You don’t have to study every day. I repeat- YOU DON’T HAVE TO STUDY EVERY DAY! That is not the best way to learn. 3 hours of productive studying are way better than 8 hours of ineffective studying. 
GET YOUR HOMEWORK DONE WITH. I know, homework sucks for the most part. But teachers can discount points from you if you don’t hand in assignments on time, so just get it over with. 
GET GOOD SLEEP. Only about 15% of teenagers get enough sleep on a school night. Try your best to be in that 15%. Sleep deprivation can decrease your ability to concentrate and solve problems, so sleep well!
UNDERSTAND THAT SOME DAYS WILL SIMPLY BE BETTER THAN OTHERS. It’s ok if you’re not doing too well on one day- don’t beat yourself up because of that. Vow to come back stronger tomorrow. Stay motivated and don’t lose hope because of some bad days. 
KEEP TRACK OF YOUR STUDY SESSIONS. Keeping track of my study sessions is my favourite way to organise my studying. Since I struggle with hyperfocus, I time myself while doing a certain task so that I don’t lose track of time. I strongly recommend the app Focus Keeper for this!
WORK ON YOUR WEAKNESSES. You don’t have to just accept not being good at something. For example, I struggled with History for the longest time, and it was always my lowest grade. But after months of working and working, I now do well in all of my exams because I dedicated myself to it.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, REMEMBER THIS AT ALL COSTS: NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, IS UNLEARNABLE. As much as some things are harder to learn than others, this does not make it impossible. Keep in mind that you can do anything by working hard and being dedicated. 
That’s it for today guys! I hope you found this post helpful!
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