poems-4-daze · 1 year
It’s funny
watching the time pass on
the antique Grandfather clock,
ticking away as it
sits in the same place he’s always been.
Collecting grey dust and
his brown luster fading from the sun,
Showing off his true age and wisdom.
I can’t help but
Believe that Grandfather
clock feels his pendulum warm
while thinking back
on our past.
Seeing me older,
as he’s watched me mature
into the young woman I’ve become.
In a way he raised me as his own.
Always making sure
I was on time for school,
my swim practices,
Job interviews,
And meetings.
To never be late.
To always be punctual.
It feels as if the time
he’s kept track all these years
has gone by too fast
for both our likings.
Grandfather clock always
watched over us, you know.
So it’s no surprise that he asks me
Where you are
How you’re doing.
It hurts me that
I can’t bring myself
to answer him.
Of course grandfather
is worried.
He watched over us
all the time when
we were children.
Like when we
Played house,
looked for fairies, or
When you saved me from
evil dragons..
I hope you know
That time I spent
with you felt like
time froze over.
It makes me wonder
If that was
Grandfather's doing,
his own way of telling
us that we would be together
in the long run.
That I was going to be
with you
But I,
took his blessing of time
for granted.
I continue to talk with Grandfather clock,
Avoiding his questions of and about you.
a few stray tears leave my eyes
Cascading down my face
Not going unnoticed by Grandfather clock.
I look at his time that reads 10:09
and I notice that Grandfather is smiling.
His own way of telling me that he knows.
Knows that you’re no longer by my side
like when we were children
when you promised me forever.
You’re really gone.
The ticking of Grandfather clock
Had finally stopped
Forever reading
the time 10:10
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poems-4-daze · 2 years
10 minutes
Before I walk into the room
I whisper to myself
“I know you.”
For reassurance,
Reminding myself that this
will lead to some kind of
I knock once,
Three Times.
She answers.
I walk in and I’m instantly
Seated below her
As she sits on her throne.
I’m nothing but a peasant in her eyes.
She insists I speak first,
And I try to reason,
Speaking my truth with
Trying to get through
To her.
But nothing resonates and instead
My words reverberate off of her.
My voice carries into silence.
I start to say to myself
“I knew you.”
As the conversation resumes
I recognize her less and less.
My once loud voice
Starts to dwindle
My voice no longer has the strength,
To try and reason with her.
She takes notice of this
and talks over me.
I’m nothing to her.
And I finally say
“I don’t know you.”
As the conversation dies
And all memories lost,
Everything I thought I knew
Was carried with the wind.
As I look up to meet her eyes
For the last time
I realize
I was talking to a wall,
The entire time.
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poems-4-daze · 2 years
I can’t love you.
I just can’t.
Though every time our eyes meet, it feels like everything is in slow motion.
I say that it’s from the lack of sleep,
But it’s only when I’m with you.
I hate how I’ve started to notice your little quirks.
Like when you laugh at me, you hide your laugh with a cough.
When you get nervous, I’ve noticed that you rub the back of your neck
And your face is dusts with hints of red on the tips of your ears and cheeks.
When you smile at me or someone else,
your smile is a little bit crooked, but it suits you.
I hate how you were always there for me.
You hugged me when I had a bad day.
You would stay up late with me till I fell asleep.
You were there when I felt like I had no one.
I hate the fact that I know you don’t love me,
but I can’t stop the quick beat of my heart when you talk to me.
Every conversation we had
Lead to late night cries into my pillow at night.
You don’t know this.
And you can’t know this.
I don’t want to lose you,
Yet I want to risk everything for you, but
You can't know how much I truly care about you
Because I see the way you look at her…
Whenever she walks in a room,
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky,
And I became envious.
Envious of the way her name falls from your lips like honey.
Envious that you’re wishing on every falling star
For her…
Even though I’m right in front of you.
Yet, You don’t see me…
This is why I hate you…
Because you were the one who made me this way…
All because I do,
love you.
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