poemones-blog · 11 years
Inside the Snowglobe
The meretricious maudlin man is out of sorts. His pupils bob… He stinks of sweet piss more than is allowed for someone sitting on a bar stool at Minty’s in suit pants. He knows I’m castigating him on this napkin; thick ballpoint against the white tissue, a sussurus. His skin will make the same sound, only higher, more taut – when I cut him up for petrichor. It’s his microbial broth they want, sure: their lives are all about better rot; but it’s the fresh smell of blood and limp body that really thrills me.
He stiffens his lower back, stares collectedly into a back wood panel. Slurs.
“If… you’re… going to… write me into your next… novel.., make it… a specious story.” He counts money out of his pocket onto the bar; slow.
I kill him in the alley, and the last of his urine trickles out after the breath.
- 150 word flash fiction that I wrote in the morning in half an hour and then was too late to submit at night when I got home! Lesson learned: submit to the one-day contests  right away, you won't go back to edit it haha.
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poemones-blog · 11 years
Hares' Privates Posed to Sustain a Public Institution
In an effort to generate profit, the University of Calgary has begun to harvest its hares’ vaginas, wombs, and testicles.
The abundant creatures are snatched from peaceful academic lawns, treated, then placed back into their natural habitat. Veterinary program students extract the requisite parts, which are then dried, mixed with wine, and ingested to cure infertility in couples – and to promote conception of a male fetus. The idea to use hare members for profit is reported to have emanated by an act of God from the Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine, which lists a number of treatments “On Impediments to Conception.” The University claims that, so far, sales have gone through the roof.
No change in the re-placed hares’ appearance or behaviour has been detected post-procedure by project officials. Low Enrollment Studies students claim to have observed a change in hare eye colour, but are glad the university is sacrificing hares, not programs.
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poemones-blog · 11 years
Hi, Tumblr
Remember when I  wrote good? 
good wrote I when remember
Tumblr, Hi 
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poemones-blog · 11 years
Idea for a Facebook Status
Who wants to get some chocolates (or other treat? or a page of interesting poetry? or tea?) in the mail, randomly? PM me with chocolate type (or other types ) preference and address, and I will get/find such a thing and send it off at *some* point in the next few months. ; )
so it's still kind of a random surprise.
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Cold winter Mornings are a bitch. (without you) 
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #14
 Press at my ear's skin Breathe.    Texture, layer, hang me            Mid  -  desire
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #12
I had a dream and We wrestled. You bit me and Told me to bite back.
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #11
Sometimes you kiss me Your skin traps me with softness Where where where may I?
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #10
Anointed mummy Brown, green, snail-sluggish with years Taught, bony, confined                                                                joy.
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #9
In the car you'll say, One day, I don't feel that way Anymore... 'Night, kay?
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #8
Blood sweat steel salt cum Tight warm whispered pulsed ruins slip sweet denial
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #7
Sleeping sucks You're angry, not at Even me!
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #6
Ludt idt kgo-o idt ihz noah-dtverd idt:                      -rrraiygku ceagks.
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #5
Conserve vowls. Speak short. Haiku allows fourteen syl. Ables specifics.
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #4
Sounds don't belong here I feel you melting my beige White hairy covers
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #3
Rant art felt scant, and Improvements were made within Our withering skin
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poemones-blog · 12 years
Raiku #2
Stereotypes sing, Sell subversive hipster dreams So, we got married
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