pen-o-tentacles · 5 years
Moons of 2019🌙
Here’s the list of the full moons that’ll be occurring this new year, sadly there aren’t blue moons this year.
January 21st Wolf moon ♌
February 19th Snow moon ♍
March 20th Worm moon ♎
April 19th Pink moon ♎
May 18th Flower moon ♏
June 17th Strawberry moon ♐
July 16th Black moon ♑
August 15th Sturgeon moon ♒
September 14th Harvest moon ♓
October 13th Hunter’s moon ♈
November 12th Beaver moon ♉
December 12th Cold moon ♊
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
Baby Witch Tips and Tricks
🔮 The Moon goes ‘Wax on, Wan off’
🔮 White Candles, Clear Quartz, Rosemary and Roses can be a substitute for anything
🔮 Do research on your Deities and Divine beings so you don’t accidentally offend them
🔮 Before you start doing spells and rituals, make sure you got bath magick, tea magick, and sigils down pat
🔮 Clockwise is for positive things, such as summonings, and Counter-clockwise is for negative things, such as banishings
🔮 If your ritual/spell/potion goes wrong, Don’t Panic. Finish it and make sure to Cleanse and Bless the area strongly afterward. If you are still in doubt or if the problem consists, consult an older or more experienced witch
🔮 Never doubt your own power, you are more powerful than you realize, so be careful!
 ☽O☾ Blessed Be!
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
Not dead, just dying. Viral thing. It’s nearly gone now. Cat adjustment also taking up my spare time but she’s settled I. Nicely
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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Card of the Day - Three of Swords
(Jumped out of my deck)
Heartache, jealousy, loss
Turmoil, trouble in relationships close by
Sometimes it feels like someone is chewing on your heart, but don’t rip their head off for it.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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So, I got the cat. This is Coco, confirming that cats are in fact, a liquid. She loves this one spot on the couch and will come for scritches if you stick your hand out. She does not love the dog though 😂🐱🐶
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
Dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,
Good luck with the Thing. You can do the Thing. You will do the Thing. You just have to do the Thing.
Best wishes,
Someone who is also doing a Thing
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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Spice Jars as potion bottles / pocket altar
After looking for literal years for good little containers for my homemade self-care stuff I found these spice jars at Kmart for $3 for 4.
3 got bathroom goodies in them (coconut/coffee face scrub, coconut/peppermint oil pulling oil, olive oil/coffee shaving “cream”) and the last one I turned into my altar so that I could seal it all away safely. The candle for my altar is wax-glued to the lid so I can screw the lid on and not lose the candle. 🤗
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
DIY Magical Shower Disks
So you have seen our lovely bath magic spells but you cannot take a bath. Maybe you don’t have a bath in your current residence, maybe you are physically unable to use bathtubs, maybe you’re just super stretched for time but want to get in some extra magical umph. Recreational Witchcraft is here for you. 
Shower disks are traditionally used in the aromatherapy world to relieve congestion and other flu-symptoms while showering via the use of essential oils, but we will be bumping up their magical potential.
Basic recipe:
1 cup baking soda 
1 tablespoon corn starch
1/3 cup of water
Muffin tins and muffin liners
Combine baking soda and corn starch (making sure there are no clumps), then slowly add in the water. Fill lined muffin tins about third of the way, then leave out for 24 hours to dry completely. Carefully take them out of the liners, add your essential oils, and place your disk somewhere in your shower that will allow them to dissolve slowly while you do your business. Bam. You’re done. 
Now onto the magic. All dry ingredients (herbs, spices, etc) should be added in with the baking soda and corn starch before the water is added. All essential oils should be added right before they’re used (so when they’re completely dry).
Cleansing and Purifying:
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essential oil of rosemary
essential oil of lemongrass
dried peppermint leaves
dried lemon rinds
dried rosemary
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essential oil of lavender
essential oil of eucalyptus
dried basil leaves
dried lavender flowers
pinch of ground cloves
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essential oil of sweet orange
essential oil of rose
essential oil of jasmine
crushed red rose petals
pinch of (body safe) glitter
Attracting Love:
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vanilla extract
essential oil of jasmine
essential oil of ylang ylang
apple seeds
1 lavender flower
pinch of cinnamon
Attracting Money:
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essential oil of patchouli
essential oil of juniper berry
dried mint leaves
dried thyme
pinch of allspice
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
BRB, spending all night reading about Australian Megafauna
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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COTD - Eight of Cups
Move on, change, Starting again.
You’ve looted all you can from this abandoned shopping mall. Move on to the next one for more useful stuff.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
Quick and Easy Money Spell:
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A simple spell for attracting a lil bit of money, no tools required except some loose change! I tend to perform this spell using my coins for the bus ticket while I’m waiting at the stop. It’s discreet, quick and gets me good results!
💰 Take a few coins, a note or what have you. It doesn’t need to be a large number; any small amount will do.
💰 Hold your money (I usually close my hand around it while it’s in my pocket) and rub your fingers across the coins to feel its energy and project your own, focusing on channeling happiness, good luck and positivity into it. Once you feel ready and connected to your money, take a few focused breaths to get in the zone and then mentally say the following to channel your intent.
💰 “These coins shall surely see / that money to keep is drawn to me / with harm to none, my will be done / so mote it be.” You can change the words here as you see fit, this is just the little rhyme I use because it’s effective for me. It can be whispered, said aloud or in your mind - it’s up to you.
💰 The next step is to spend your money! The idea here is that once you spend the money, the intent of your spell will be released into the world along with the money you enchanted. For me, the money I release with the spell also acts as a small thank you in return for the money I’ll soon receive, and to brighten someone’s day with the happiness and positivity I enchanted it with. I like to say a small affirmation when spending the money too, to seal the spell: “These coins I bid farewell / for the sealing of this spell.” Of course, this bit is optional but I find that the rhyme helps me re-affirm and focus my goal. You can also repeat the first part of the spell in the previous step if you want to!
💰 That’s it! Now you simply wait for money to come your way. I often find that it comes in relatively small amounts, just what I need and nothing extravagant. When I receive this money I thank the universe and try to spend it on things that are necessary and unselfish to show my thanks (but that’s just me, what you do with your money is totally up to you!)
Feel free to reblog, anyone can use this spell.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
The other day I pulled The World card from my tarot ( new adventures, new cycles) was the same day a teammate of mine posted on Facebook about giving up a beautiful rag doll cat for adoption. I’m 400% sure this is the universe telling me to get a cat.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
Co-worker to me: wow you always dress so nice, I just wear our uniform shirt so I don’t have to think about it!
Me, to them: haha yeah
Also me, to myself: I just wanna retain some iota of individuality in this soulless government job if that’s o k a y
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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Confirming that bloggers are, in fact, an entirely different species of sentient being.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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Life goals.
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pen-o-tentacles · 6 years
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Card of the Day - The Star
Good job, congratulations, recognition, achievements, renewed self belief.
Even though the zombies are relentless and never-ending, you are still alive. Good job. Keep going.
(I read this one without knowing it’s meaning beforehand. That’s a first! Yay!)
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