pabosontheloose · 3 years
hello!!! i like your writing a lot! may i get a angsty fluffy scenario for baekhyun? he starts to put work in front of you but you keep trying to take care of him. fluffy ending please! thank you!!!
lmao I hope this still reached you because this request has been collecting dust in the box for so long, but I’ve written it
Work For You
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62 notes · View notes
pabosontheloose · 3 years
Work For You (Baekhyun)
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WC: 3.0k
TW: None? Neglect?
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“Baby?” Baekhyun’s loud, cheerful voice rang throughout the apartment, the sound being followed by his shoes clunking on the floor as he took them off. 
“I’m in the kitchen!” you called back, one hand still stirring the hot milk inside the pot while the other was turning off the heat. From behind, Baekhyun came up and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his chest against your back. Immediately, his cologne filled the atmosphere, easing your shoulders as he planted a light kiss on your cheek. 
“Hey Cutie, whatcha makin’?” he asked into your ear, eyes peering down at the pot that had steam emitting from it.
“Some hot chocolate, I figured you’d want some after a long day. Go sit.” you asked, to grab the two cups that were on the counter. You can hear the little claps of his hands behind you as he moved to sit on at the table. Unbeknownst to you as you were carefully pouring hot milk into two mugs, he was sitting with his cheek resting on his palm, eyes hooded and lips pulled into a smile that he couldn’t stop if he tried.
He was silently observing you move around. His heart was pounding in his ears as he watched you simply place the pan into the sink and grab two spoons from the rack. When you turned around, he grinned and reached out to grab one of the two mugs in your hands so you can settle down on the chair next to him.
“How was the studio?” you asked. Your legs came up to cross themselves under the table, carefully blowing on your beverage to cool it down. He went to stir the chocolate in his cup before looking at you.
“We’re planning on recording a new solo album. We sampled a few sounds today. At some point Chanyeol came in to help out. My ass is so sore from sitting all day.” he whined a  little, lips pulled out into a small pout before he carefully took a sip.
“Oh a new album? That’s so exciting! What’s it about?” you asked, leaning in. He made a motion of zipping his lips and locking it with a smile, shaking his head.
“I can’t leak that information baby, tsk tsk, you should know better than that. Let’s go cuddle on the couch.” he went to stand up and followed you to the living room where the two of you turned on the TV and set it onto a random show. Although neither of you were paying any attention as little kisses were stolen from time to time during the conversations that were had.
From: Baek the loml 💓
- Baby do u think u can bring some lunch to the studio today?
- Manager is having all of us stay late today 
- And i wanna see your pretty face before it gets dark outside 😍
From: You
- You’re just using me for my incredibly amazing cooking at this point 🙄
- But sure
- What do u want to eat?
- Also im bringing u a salad
- Bc whenever u prepare for a new album u keep saying u need to stay in shape for the performances
From: Baek the loml 💓
- Anything would be fine
- No cucumbers in the salad tho pls
- im not dating u bc of your cooking
- Its bc of your 🍑
- 😜
From: You
- extra cucumbers in the salad got it
- see you in a little bit!
When you arrived at the building, security allowed you to go in and the receptionist directed you to the room that Baekhyun was working in. When you arrive at the door, you can faintly hear the music lulling in the room. The rhythm of it was soothing and you were just tempted to open the door and listen but you knew he was excited for this album, so your knuckles came up to the door and knocked.
Immediately, the music was turned off and you can hear someone getting up and rushing to the door. 
Baekhyun’s face lit up once he saw you and urged you into the room, giving your cheek a lingering peck. You greeted his manager who was sitting on the couch going through some of the music sheets. He got up and greeted you back then headed towards the door, saying he needed to go talk to someone regarding the tune of the song and lyrics. 
You settled the bag onto his desk as the two of you sat down. He immediately went to grab the utensils before chowing down.
He, as he said, came home late that night but you didn’t mind. He did let you know about it anyway, so you were able to sleep soundly knowing he was working hard for his fans. 
Several days after that were just the same. He was held back until around the same time as last night, but you had nothing to worry, he sent you a message to let you know. When he came home, he answered your conversation pieces with little hums here and there to let you know he was listening, but you knew he was tired. The shine in his eyes wasn't as bright as before. So, you found a way to fizzle out the conversation by saying you were going to brush your teeth for the night. When you came out of the bathroom, he was already knocked out on the bed. It was endearing to see him curled up, one arm stretched out to where your side was. You carefully slid next to him and could feel his hand grab onto your side as tightly as it could in its subconscious state.
This cycle continued until the “I’m going to be home late” messages stopped altogether. You just went about your day working and then cleaning the apartment before shooting him a couple of messages asking if he wanted you to bring anything so he stays healthy. He responded to the ones he could and then it was just you for the rest of the evening. No message from him about when he was able to come home.
This continued onto the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
At some point, your inbox was just a string of messages from you, and a few responses here and there. But it didn’t discourage you from worrying about him. The way the door of the apartment opened later later during the night, the way he’d silently peck your cheek before moving onto the shared bed and immediately falling asleep, the way the bags under his eyes slowly got more and more prominent; Noticing all of that, and more, made you uneasy. Your brain was throwing up signals to talk to him, reach out to his members, anything to make sure that he was eating well and taking breaks.
Your messages were always read by him, but never replied to. The meals you left in the microwave for him stayed untouched and on better days they were eaten but not entirely. 
This is okay, he’s going to be okay, just a few more weeks until he finalizes the album. Just a few more weeks until he’s able to come home early. Just a few more weeks until he can be in your arms again. You deal with this even if it’s difficult because you care for him so much. 
You tried to ignore the loud silence of the apartment with him being gone for so long. Even the noise from the TV didn’t block out how alone you feel. You’re staring at it but the show isn’t registering, too deep in your thoughts, too tired yet unable to fall asleep until you know he’s home safe. 
Yes, you realized that he hadn’t invited you to the building, but after several weeks of not letting you know if he’s okay or if he’s been taking care of himself, you had to see for yourself. You’ve had enough of feeling his back against your own during the few hours of sleep he got when he came home, enough of sleepily watching his figure leave the apartment in the early mornings. 
And it was a good day today; your design was chosen at the company you work for which was going to take your position to a new step. Also you were the 100th customer at a new coffee shop close to the apartment, so they gave you an extra cup of coffee and pastry on the house. You wanted to share the news with Baekhyun, so why not drop in to see him.
“(Y/n), what are you doing here?” was the first question that left his mouth when he saw you, eyes widening a little bit to make sure he was seeing right. His hair was all messy (you suspected from running his hair through it while trying to figure something out with the songs and schedule but you didn’t comment on it) and he looked a bit irritated. Your head tilted to the side in question as he looked over your form standing in front of him.
“I just wanted to drop by to see if you were okay. We haven’t had some time for ourselves in a while, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” you gave him a smile. One that would usually have him melting just at the sight of it. 
But he didn’t melt. Not today at least. All he could think of was that the song had to come out perfectly and your presence here was at such an inconvenient time.
“(Y/n) we haven’t had time because I’ve been busy. I’ve told you this. I can’t make a mistake on this song, okay? Please go home, I’ll be back later.” he tried to brush you off and went to shut the door but you stopped it with your elbow, causing him to look back at you. 
“What time?” you questioned, keeping your voice leveled. You weren’t mad at him, but a little bit in disbelief. Here you were trying to make sure he was okay, (clearly he wasn’t since he looked exhausted as hell) and he was trying to push you away.
“What time will you be home?”
“God, I don’t know (Y/n). Late. Please don’t wait up for me.” he sighed, scratching his temple in frustration. The action causes you to sigh too before finding the words to speak up.
“I just wanted to make sure this album wasn’t destroying your health.” you mumbled, your words not coming out as strong as you had hoped it would. He narrowed his eyes at how you phrased your sentence.
“No. The album has to be great. It has to be up to my standards. And right now, it’s still missing something. I was just about to figure it out until you interrupted. Please go home. We can talk about this later.” he replied. You let out another hard sigh before lifting your hands and giving him the coffee and pastry that you got.
“Here. I got a free order earlier and I wanted you to eat something since it didn’t seem like you were eating much at home. I’ll see you later.” you grumbled as he took the food. When he did, you quickly turned around and headed towards the elevator. Just before the doors closed, you could see him still standing at the door, staring at you, as if something clicked in his head.
You didn’t see him attempt to take a step towards the elevator too but his manager called him back into the room to finalize the lyrics. As he sat down, he opened the paper bag to see his favorite little pastry cake, and noted on the details of the cup that you got his order just right. 
It was as if something knocked him on the head for him to finally understand the position he left you in for the past several weeks. He finally got a clear look in the mirror to see how dark the bags on his eyes had gotten and how his hands slightly shook when he set an alarm for 6PM on his phone under the note “Go home to my Baby”. That day he ordered a good meal during lunch, ate it all, and the thought of coming home to you gave him the drive to complete the lyrics before he was rushing to get to his car at 5:45.
Even if he knew he was in trouble, he still found the shocked look on your face amusing (and really cute but that’s for another day when you’re not passively mad at him) when he came through the door an hour later, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand while the other carried a bag of take-out.
“Okay, I’m not home as late as I said I was going to be, but, I got us food.” he held up the bag, and with a smile, “And this, for you.” he held out the bouquet. You got off the couch to grab the flowers to place in a vase as he sets the bag down onto the coffee table. 
The silence radiation off of you made him nervously chuckle.
“Good news, I finally nailed the song. It’s at Baekhyun standards now. Now we only have to worry about the scheduling for after it’s released but that shouldn’t be a problem.” he tried to cool you off with a few laughs here and there but when you gave nothing back, he started to worry.
“Baby?” he began, “I’m sorry for pushing you away earlier. I realized I was an asshole the moment that elevator door closed.”
“Baekhyun, that’s not the point. The point is that you got so far into your work that you start to neglect everything around you and yourself.” you finally let out after all the weeks of keeping it in for the sake of his work. He silently stared at you, the look in his eyes made you want to engulf him in the tightest hug but you held yourself strong.
“I love you but it was just so hard to see you work yourself so much for this particular album.” you sighed. You don’t notice it but the corner of his lips slightly curled up into a smile as your sentence reminded him of why he worked so hard.
“I haven’t seen you tire yourself out so much before and I was truly scared that you might pass out from the lack of sleep. What makes it so different from the other albums? It’s going to turn out so great because it’s you who made it and your amazing fans will give it the recognition it deserves and why are you smiling when I’m trying to be serious?” you asked him, voice exasperated from trying to keep your thoughts straight but seeing that smile on his face brought back the warmth within yourself. 
“(Y/n), I was gonna keep it a surprise for when the album releases, but now is a good time too…” he started off, grabbing your hands and immediately intertwining with your fingers as a way to start his apology. Your eyes looked up into his in anticipation, waiting for him to continue his sentence.
“I dedicated the new album to you.” the little grin that graced his face after he said that made your heart drop.
“What?” you managed to work out, feeling mist start over your eyes as you waited for him to confirm his sentence.
“The new album that I’ve been working on...it’s dedicated to you. I’m really sorry I haven’t been giving you the attention and love you deserved. I was too focused on trying to make the song perfect so that you’d love it. But in the process of trying to make you feel appreciated through a song, I forgot to appreciate you in real life.” his voice slowly died down towards the end of his sentence. He was going to continue but before he could you launched yourself at him and buried your face in the crook of his neck. The little sniffles he heard was enough to let him know that he was forgiven and he quickly wrapped his arms around your frame, holding you closer than before.
“I’m sorry I got upset, I-”
“No baby, you don’t have to apologize at all. You’ve been trying to take care of me all this time and I took that for granted. From this point on, I’m going to give back to you as much as you give to me.” he was planting kisses on your forehead as he spoke, making sure you understood him as he spoke softly to you. 
Sometime during this intimate moment, he had brought the two of you to settle down on the couch. He held you by your waist on his lap, your thighs on either side of his while you were still hugging him with your face to his chest.
“Since we’re here now, is there anything I can do to make it up to you, Love?” he asked once you pulled away to look at him. One of his pretty hands came up to caress your flushed cheek, resting his thumb there for a second longer, further adding onto the intimate moment you two were in.
“Can I hear the song?” you asked, eyes batting in hope that he’d give you a small version of it but he only chuckled, the other hand squeezing your side as he shook his head.
“Oh baby…of all the things in this world that I can give you, the song is the one you’ll have to wait for.”
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pabosontheloose · 4 years
Can you write a scenario where Sehun is always judging you about everything and you just break down and happy ending?
Of course I can. Here I am two years later with your story
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pabosontheloose · 4 years
Words (Sehun)
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Today was another day that seemed to keep dragging on no matter how much I tried to keep myself occupied. It was lonely in this apartment when he wasn’t here. It would’ve been deafeningly silent had I not put on some music to fill the space. 
It was on these days when I wished that he was here so we can do nothing together instead of just me being on our couch, aimlessly surfing through the TV channels and wondering if he’s eaten yet. I worked in the mornings, from 5am to 1pm at a 24hr coffee shop. It had an above average pay which I was glad with. But then the afternoon comes and I find myself needing something to occupy the rest of the day with.
With this recent album coming up, I knew he wouldn’t be able to be home a lot, and I didn’t mind at all. I understood what his job required of him and I tried my best to support him through it; it was his actions that had me wondering if he really noticed my efforts or not. 
I had cooked dinner for two, and ended up eating by myself, occasionally looking over to my phone when it lights up in hopes that it was a message from him. But it wasn’t. It never is anymore these days. The rest of the food was wrapped up and placed in the microwave so he has easy access when he came back.
I was dozing off at around 1 in the morning when the door opened. There was the sound of it closing after he had stepped in. His coat rustled as he placed it on the hook behind the door. As he walked further into the house, I heard his footsteps stop before a sigh left his mouth. 
“Why are you still on the couch? There is a bedroom for a reason.” he shook my leg to snap me out of my drowsiness. I didn’t get to answer before he was making his way to the kitchen. A tiny beep came from the microwave before I heard him find the eating utensils. Slowly, I sat up and let out a yawn. My hands reached to move the small blanket from my body before standing up and stretching away the sleepiness. As soon as I reached the kitchen entrance, the microwave let out five beeps and Sehun went over to take out his dinner before sitting down at the table. I sat on the seat next to him and rested my head on the hand that was propped up by my elbow. I silently watched him cut into his food and bring it to his mouth.
“This is over seasoned.” was all he said, slowly chewing as if it was hard for him to swallow.
“Really? I thought it was fine when I tried it.” my eyes looked down at the plate in front of him. His eyes met mine for the first time since he set foot into the house.
“Well, clearly, you were wrong. This is overwhelming my nose. Would you mind if I made ramen instead?” he slightly pushed the plate further away from him. I could feel his words pinch at my heart. I stared at the plate as he got up to go turn on the stove and dig through the drawers to find the packets of ramen.
“But I made this especially for you...you’re just going to leave it here?” I asked his moving figure that was going back and forth in the kitchen. 
“Well, I figured you’d finish it since you thought it was fine.” he shrugged, his voice low and held a hint of irritation. “Listen, I had a long day alright? Can we please not get into something that doesn’t have to happen in the first place?” 
“Okay…” I mumbled before getting up and silently making my way towards our bedroom. 
This was just one in a long line of things that I should’ve talked to him about. But there was always something that came up or it was just waved off. Next time I guess..
It was two days after that night. I had let it go for the most part when his half-assed apology came the next day but it was still picking at me. I didn’t want to make him feel guilty, but I can’t just let go of something that has been building up inside of me for so long. Keeping that aside, he told me he was going to be at a practice stage for the next three days and won’t be able to come home, so I decided to give him a visit at the dorm. I hadn’t seen the guys in a while too, so why not bring everyone something. 
A couple of banana milk boxes were tossed into my bag along with chocolate bars and then I was off towards their building.
“Ahhh!! (Y/n)!!” Baekhyun’s cheery voice rang out through the security com before the doors were unlocked. I let myself in and looked around. I hadn’t gotten a few steps in before thudding footsteps were heard coming towards me. Baekhyun threw his arms around me in a tight hug before letting go and we walked further into the place. 
“Hey, I didn’t think many of you would be here since promotions are happening.” I grinned seeing the boys spread out all over the living room. Minseok lifted his hand indicating a welcoming high five which I gladly gave. 
“Yeah, we have about an hour before we gotta go. You looking for Sehun?” Junmyeon nodded, emerging from their kitchen. 
“He’s just in the bathroom. What’s in the bag?” Baekhyun gave a cheeky grin, waving off my questioning glance towards the bathroom, as he plopped himself down onto the arm rest besides me. 
“Oh, I thought you guys would like some refreshments.” I stated before opening the said bag. Head turned at the mention of food and I gave each of them their drinks and snacks. A round of thanks erupted before they dug in.
“What are you doing here?” my boyfriend’s voice suddenly asked as he entered the living room. I smiled before standing up to approach him.
“Hi! I just thought I’d pay you and everyone a visit since you won’t be home for the next three days.” His eyebrows furrowed before his hand came up to scratch at the end of his eyebrow.
“You should have called. Coming here was a hassle since we have to leave in a little bit.” he quickly remarked. My cheeks tinted pink at the tone of his voice. 
“Well, it’s just you never answer my calls so I thought-”
“Well maybe there’s a reason I never answer your calls!” he snapped, making me back up a little bit in shock. My eyes widened slightly as I watched him start to fume.
“What? What do you mean?” I quietly let out. Not wanting the members to hear me or even be witnessing this right now.
“Don’t you ever think that maybe sometimes you can be a bit overbearing?” he questioned. I blinked at him and felt my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. 
“Sehun.” a word of warning came from Junmyeon. No one else said a word. Although I wanted to speak, my throat ran dry. I just stood, staring at him, waiting for him to apologize or take back what he said; but his eyebrows stay furrowed and lips stayed a frown. When I didn’t say anything, he ignored his members' looks and continued, “I mean you are constantly around me, all the time. It’s always “have you eaten?” or “have you rested enough?”, come ON. I’m not a child, there is no need for you to be bugging me 24/7.” 
“Oh Sehun!” this time, everyone was up. Those who rarely got angry were now suddenly raising their voice. Having been with Sehun for several years, I also knew a lot about the members. Sure, when Junmyeon raises his voice, everyone is cautious. But when it’s Minseok who raised his voice, everyone instantly shut up. I even noticed Sehun take a slight step back in surprise. I knew this was about to derail, and instantly held out my hands in hopes of getting everyone to settle down.
No one spoke a word. I stared up at Sehun before sighing.
“Fine. Enjoy your meal. See you guys.” I mumbled and turned around quickly. My vision blurred and my lids blinked to keep back the inevitable tears that will eventually come running down. I made my way towards the door, not wanting to stop for any of them who were calling out to me. My hands carefully closed the door before I made it all the way down towards the lobby and my car. 
I wanted to fight back, and tell him off for his behavior, but I lost my energy. It was as if his words deflated everything that I wanted to discuss with him about and he left me there. I sat in my car for a little, just letting every tear go. 
Buzz buzz...buzz buzz...buzz buz-
“Yeah, Baekhyun?” 
“Tell me you aren’t driving.”
“No, I’m still here. I just need to calm down first before I leave.” I sniffled, wiping my tears as if someone were watching me. A sigh of relief was heard through the line before he started talking again.
“Good, I’m coming down.” and before I could even object, the line cut off. I sat there, waiting for his figure to show up and let him into the passenger seat. When he got in, we were silent for a good minute.
“Listen, that brat doesn’t mean it, you know that right?” he asked. I looked at him.
“I know, but it still hurts.” 
“Yeah, I know it does. And trust me, he’s getting an earful up there right now. Damn, I can’t even imagine what Kyungsoo and the others will do when they find out after the stage.” he chuckled, his words contradicted his facial expression because I knew that that was exactly what he was doing.
“How are they going to find out?”
“Oh, because I’m gonna tell them.” he grinned as-a-matter-of-factly, his cheerful tone slightly enlightening my mood. 
“Thanks Baek.” 
“No problem, and hey, you should come by tonight for the show. If you’re too angry to go because of him, go for us.” he patted my shoulder. I looked down at my hands and nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll see you all tonight.” he grinned. His hand came up to ruffle my hair before he said his goodbye and went back upstairs.
Several hours later, I found myself standing in front of their stadium. The lights were dim and Aeris were waving their lightsticks around in anticipation for their boys. I flipped the on switch of mine and held it up as well. Within seconds the lights of the stage came on and the performance proceeded.
The fanchant shook the roof, and the boys were amazing as they always were. As they were performing, I caught eyes with Sehun. I noticed them widening a little in surprise but he continued performing. And every once in a while, I’d meet them again.
I sighed to myself, hating the fact that I can’t even stay mad at him even after what he said. Here I was, proudly and happily watching him dancing on that stage. God I love him a lot, huh. 
When the performance came to an end, their fans screamed louder than they already were. The boys took a bow, taking the time to thank the audience and saying goodbye before starting to move backstage. I decided not to go backstage since they might be rushed somewhere by the staff, so I started to make my way out of the venue and back home for the night.
When I woke up the next morning, something felt off. The sun barely shone as I prepared to get ready for work. I made a move to get out of bed but found arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me in place. He released a groan in protest when I tried to move again.
 How long has it been since we’ve slept like this? His hold got tighter as I wrapped an arm around his own.
“Sehun, I need to go take out the trash before the truck drives by. And I have work in 30 minutes.” I shook his arm but he still refused to let go. Instead, he gently moved to turn me around to face him before pulling me closer once again.
“You don’t have to. I took it out last night before I went to bed. And I also used your phone to ask your coworker if she can cover your shift today since you’re seriously sick.” through the dim light in the room I could see the sleepy smirk on his face. My eyebrow raised as I watched him. I could see the playful glint in his drowsy eyes.
“Seriously sick? But I feel fi-” his finger came to touch my lips, making me pause my words. “Yeah you are. That’s why we’re staying home together today. So that I can be with you, aaaallllll day long. And since you don’t have work tomorrow, we’ll get to be together even longer.” 
“Sehun, what’s going on?” I asked him as he threw his right leg over my body, effectively keeping me in his hold. His warm, secure, embrace made me yawn.
“Nothing’s going on, babe. I’m just trying to make up to my beautiful, deserving girlfriend for my behavior the past few weeks. To let her know how sorry I am for making her feel so horrible.” he planted a kiss onto my forehead, trailing down to place another one on the tip of my nose and ending up at my lips.
“Hun, you don’t have to do that. Your schedule is so packed already, what are the members gonna say?” I whispered, before placing my head on his chest, my arms slowly coming up to wrap around his waist. He laughed before reaching back to open his phone and show me the messages he received from the boys. Most were threats which I knew were empty because they would never do that to their precious maknae. I giggled while reading Chanyeol’s messages about; ‘What it takes to keep a woman, dummy.’. What made my full out laugh was Kyungsoo’s short and simple message; ‘Do you want to die?’
“Yes I do. The members gave me an ass whooping after the show yesterday before I could even tell them I planned to be with you for the next two days. Thank you for coming to watch us last night…I was hoping you’d come backstage but I understand why you didn’t.” he gave my lips a kiss once more.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get longer than two days. I asked for a week but my manager said no and left me many...many..voicemails.”  I giggled at him before shaking my head.
“Two days is great, Sehun.”
“Good. Now, let’s make the most of it by sleeping till noon.” he gave me another kiss before we were both dozing off once again.
I have no words :)
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pabosontheloose · 6 years
hi, i recently find your blog and i looooooove it too much, but please, if you can do, make more fluff scenarios with sehun !! i love fluff scenarios that you make with all of exo... you are making a great job, bye sweetie 💞
Okay, so this took me like 1000000 years to write, I am so sorry for the long wait! I still hope you liked it though!
Free Day
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pabosontheloose · 6 years
Free Day (Sehun)
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Today was a rest day for EXO. One would imagine that the boys would stay at their dorm and rest or do whatever they pleased, but they decided differently. Sehun called me at 6 in the morning and asked me to come over.
“But please pack some beach stuff.” and without a further explanation, he hung up. I groggily started to pack whatever I could think of; sunscreen, a towel, a bathing suit, sunglasses, anything. Once finished, I drove over to their dorm and rang the bell.
“Baby! You made it!” Sehun cheered as he pulled me in and shut the door. I looked inside and the other eight members were sitting excitedly on the couch, each with a bag at the side.
“What was so important that you called me at 6? 6 in the morning! You know I don’t wake up until 10.” I complained. Sehun let out a laugh before sitting me down on the one man chair.
“We-” Chanyeol started, motioning towards everyone in the room including me “-are going to the beach!” and with that, Sehun went and picked up my sleepy self and we all dispersed into two different cars. It was Chanyeol driving, with Jongdae, Baekhyun, Sehun, and me in one car. The other car had Junmyeon as the driver, with Yixing, Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Minseok.
“Oh come on! I don’t wanna sit in the back with them! They’re going to make out and stuff!” Baekhyun whined as he watched Jongdae climb into the passenger seat. Jongdae replied with a laugh and sticking out his tongue to tease him. Baekhyun huffed before climbing into the back seat with us. I sat in between Sehun and him. I was about to fall asleep again, my head was slowly leaning over to Sehun’s shoulder.
“Here, I knew you’d be falling asleep. It’s an hour ride, I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He handed me a blanket. I grinned and gave him a kiss before taking it and draping it over my body and falling straight to sleep once more.
A soft, gentle hand shook me awake. My eyes blinked for a few seconds before finally registering that the car was parked and the members were standing outside.
“We’re here!” Baekhyun cheered before he opened the door and jumped out. Sehun took the blanket from me and left it in his seat before we exited the car. We all then took ourselves to the bathroom, them literally taking up the entire men’s bathroom to change while I went to the women’s. One I was finished changing into my bathing suit, we started heading towards the beach. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongdae were the first to reach the water being the excited children that they were.
The rest of the members all went to decide a spot to rest on, setting up their beach umbrellas and blankets, water coolers were set on the sand and sunscreen was pulled out. I watched as Kyungsoo and Minseok set up their beach chairs, pull out their sunglasses to put on and lay down. Jongin took one of the water buckets and headed towards the water to most likely start building sand castles.
“So, are you two lovebirds too scared to challenge us in a game of volleyball?” Junmyeon provoked, in his hands were the poles to set up the net while Yixing grinned, holding the ball in his arms. Sehun and I sent a look towards each other before smirking.
“Scared? More like excited to win, hyung.” Sehun replied. With that, we were off to set up the net and start the 2v2 volleyball match.
“Come on Yixing, we can beat these kids.” Junmyeon laughed as he served the ball. The match began and they weren’t kidding around. Sehun and I were using teamwork to help us win. Gradually, Jongdae and Jongin came over to watch.
“We get to take over for the losing team.” Jongdae stated. I looked at Sehun and within a second, I knew we both had the same thought. We were going to lose on purpose. We have all day here and we want to spend some time alone along this beach. So, every time they served, we purposely missed, hit it wrong, or crashed into each other to make it seem like we suck at this game.
“Damn, you guys really suck. Oh well, there’s still time to learn.” Jongdae commented before he dragged Jongin into the match. Sehun and I shrugged before he came over and picked me up over his shoulder.
“Have fun!” he cheered before making his way from the group. Together, the two of us got closer to the water and walked around, hands laced together. It got quieter as we move further and further away from the group, Sehun suddenly bent down to pick something up. He turned to me and opened his palm revealing a small brown rock. It had numerous dents in it which caused the colors to distort into different shades of brown. I raised my eyebrow to question what he was doing.
“It matches your eyes.” he grinned before placing it inside his pocket. I laughed and suddenly, the sweet sound of an ice cream truck rung throughout our ears. Sehun and I had one of those moments again, the moments where we knew exactly what we were going to do. We wasted no time in running towards the sound. He got us both a chocolate cone and paid before we were back to walking along the shore.
“Hey…” he mumbled, looking over to me. I looked up and almost let out a laugh. His lips had a faint ring of chocolate around them. I raised my eyebrow to ask what he wanted.
“Can I have some of yours?” he asked. My eyes widened before looking at his hand. He still held his cone, ice cream still in it.
“Why? You have yours!” I held my cone far away from him as he leaned in to take a bite. There was a smirk on his face and I knew that I needed to finish my ice cream in the next two seconds or else.
“Come oonnn, just a small, tiny bite?” he begged, still leaning in as I was slowly moving away.
“You and I have very different definitions of ‘tiny’.” I mumbled and within the next second, I ducked under his arms and moved a few paces away. Standing up straight, I stared him right in the eyes and grinned before taking the last bite of my ice cream. His eyes held betrayal, they were asking me why I did that to him. He then looked at his ice cream cone before walking towards me, sighing dramatically in the process.
“I guess eating this cone alone wouldn’t feel right...Oh well...” he shrugged and before I knew what his scheme was, his chocolate ice cream was smothered all over my cheek before he was running down the beach, laughing his head off. I was shocked and I didn’t know what to do but the first thing in my mind which was to bend down, grab a fistful of sand, and throw it even though he was far from arm length. Then I went chasing after him.
He was too busy looking forward and laughing that he didn’t notice me gaining speed behind him. When I was close enough, I took a last leap before launching myself over his shoulders, taking him by surprise as he spun around. With this new weight on him, he lost his footing and started to stumble towards the water.
I realized my mistake and taking one last look at the sky, he caused us both to fall into the freezing saltwater. The ice cream on my cheek washed away with the waves when we came back up. He was laughing at me as I surfaced and I slapped the water in his direction, catching sea water in his mouth. I laughed as he was desperately trying to get the taste off his tongue.
“Hey! Animals pee in this water!” he screamed before splashing the water right back at me. We spent that day going back and forth at each other, splashing and screaming before the air started to get a  bit cooler and our lips turned blue.
“These kids, honestly.” Junmyeon shook his head as he came over to us both with two towels in his arms. He handed them to us and Sehun wrapped one around me and the other around himself. Together, we walked back to our spot on the beach. As we got closer, we noticed them starting to build something. In the middle, they had piled up some logs and twigs to start a fire.
“When the heck did you guys bring this?” I asked, I was in the car with them and got out with everyone so I honestly didn’t know they packed this because you don’t randomly find logs at the beach.
“We got it as you guys were being kids in the water earlier.” Minseok answered before chuckling and pulling out the baskets that they also brought. There were three bags of marshmallows and skewer sticks, numerous cans of soda, and chips.
“So you guys didn’t pack anything healthy?” I asked, sitting down next to Baekhyun as Sehun plopped down on my other side.
“What is a ‘healthy’?” Baekhyun asked jokingly as he grabbed a can of soda for himself and Chanyeol.
“Yeah, we know nothing of this “healthy” thing you’re speaking of, but we got snacks!” Chanyeol added before they lit the logs in the middle. As the sky was starting to darken, we were warmed by the fire pit we’ve created. They were roasting marshmallows and stuffing their faces with the food they they’ve brought.
“Don’t tell our manager, okay?” Jongdae pointed a finger at me as he was eating yet another roasted marshmallow. I laughed at all of them, taking another sip of my drink.
We stayed until it was late, making conversations, jokes, telling stories, it was until more than three members saying that they’re tired that we all decided to pack up and head for home. Sehun carried me towards the car and I was dozing off on his back.
“You see, why can’t I find a relationship like that?” Baekhyun complained before he hopped into the back of the car and pouted the rest of the way home.
A/N: I know, I know, you’re all thinking ‘Woah, the ancient blog has awoken’. I don’t know if this is going to be a temporary thing or not but I don’t want to bring any hopes up to those who ‘enjoy’ my blog. I know I always say that I’ll try to update and that I’m busy but I don’t intend to abandon this blog. I’ll still write as much as I can so that this blog doesn’t keep running dry. Thanks for sticking by to those people who still read from this blog!
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pabosontheloose · 6 years
They said “wolf” instead of  ’‘oolf’' OMGG
The squeaky voices are amazing, Nice harmonizing and whispering voices…and the rap part thoughO_O
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pabosontheloose · 6 years
pls watch this (cr)
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pabosontheloose · 6 years
Dear EXO-Ls
When I first got into this fandom, I had no idea what to watch and where to watch. So, this is for all the new EXO fans (like I was), everything you need/want to watch to relieve/relive your feels.
1. ALLL the music videos/practices/teasers/trailers: What is Love, MAMA, History, Growl, Miracles in December, Overdose, Love Me Right, Call Me Baby, Lightsaber.. here’s a playlist! 
2. EXO Showtime: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12
3. EXO Superline: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3
4. EXO 902014: Episode 1, Episode 2 (Part 1, Part 2), Episode 3, Episode 4 (Part 1, Part 2), Episode 5, Episode 6 (Part 1, Part 2), Episode 7 (Part 1, Part 2), Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11
5. EXO’s First Box: Disc 1, Disc 2, Disc 3, Disc 4
6. EXO Next Door
7. EXO’s Second Box: Disc 1, Disc 2, Disc 3, Disc 4. 
8. Couple Talks from EXO’s Second Box: Suho/Sehun, Chanyeol/Sehun,  
Suho/Chanyeol, Xiumin/Lay, Baekhyun/Lay, Baekhyun/Xiumin, Kai/Chen, D.O/Kai, Chen/D.O
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pls reblog & follow <3
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
kyungsoo forgets your birthday???? angst but fluffy ending juseyoooo~
Here ya go
this was like late by 10 years lmaoooo
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
Forgot (Kyungsoo)
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I just knew he had something really nice planned for me today. This morning, Kyungsoo woke up before I did and made me some pancakes before he left for work. But the thing was, he didn’t say anything special. He just gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I was expecting a huge “Happy birthday, my love!!” but it didn’t happen. It’s been hours and he hasn’t sent me a text or anything.
So, instead of assuming the worst, I assumed the best and hoped that he was planning something when I get home. I went through the whole day of work constantly checking my phone whenever it vibrated to see if it was him, but every time, it was a friend.
It was time for me to clock out and I couldn’t do it any faster. After punching out, I was hurrying home in hopes of seeing him at the door with a present or something. I returned back home with the lights out and everything dark. My face lit up before waking towards the door, anticipating him to jump out and yell, “Surprise!” but it didn’t happen. I turned the key to my house and nothing jumped out. The lights did not turn on and there were no balloons anywhere. His shoes were not here which means he was still at work.
I was a bit disappointed since he didn’t do anything but the hope was still there because there was only a few hours left before my birthday is over. I dialed his number and placed the phone to my ears.
“Baby?” he answered, out of breath, I can faintly hear the music in the background and the members laughing. I knew he was still there.
“Hey, are you going to be home soon?” I asked a bit too excitedly but leveled myself out. I was hoping he’d be home soon so we can celebrate.
“Well, we have a few more songs, so I’ll be home in about fifteen to thirty minutes, okay?” he informed and I knew by his voice, he was smiling. I gave him a chuckle before giving him an, “Okay, I love you.” before we hung up. I got to the kitchen before preparing some food for when he comes back. Once that was done, I was upstairs getting ready.
The food was on the table, and I was decently dressed just before keys were heard and the doorknob turned. Kyungsoo walked into the house and set his stuff down onto the couch. I held my arms out for him to hug but he just stared at me in confusion.
By now, the worst had begun to show and the hope that I held left. I frowned and dropped my arms.
“What? Why do you look so nice?” he asked, taking off his shoes. That made me frown even more. He gave the most confused look ever before moving towards the couch.
“Why are you upset now? Look I’m sorry I didn’t get home early enough.” he sighed. I shook my head holding my hands up to stop his talking.
“If you really don’t know why then just forget it.”
“Baby, I’m tired after a long day of training. If you’re upset, just tell me.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s not like today is a special day or anything.” I shrugged before storming upstairs while unzipping my dress. I took it off when I slammed the door and threw it to the side before walking to the bathroom to take off my makeup. I didn’t cry, no, I was upset that he forgot, there’s no reason to cry.
Once my make up was off, I took myself to bed, sleeping in anger with little hope that he’d realize.
I watched as she stomped upstairs, unzipping her pretty dress. My brain was racking itself for answers as to why she was angry. I got off the couch t move near her until a smell entered my nostrils. It smells delicious so I lead myself to the kitchen to see food on the table and a cake in the middle, candles put in but not lit.
My heart dropped seeing the cake. My hand reached for the phone in my pocket to check the date.
(Yn)’s birthday.
Today was my baby’s birthday and I forgot. No wonder she looked so upset, I’ve messed up. In an instant, my feet lead me upstairs
Once I reached our room, I knocked gently onto the door. When there was no answer, I turned the knob and pushed the door opened. To my disappointment and guilt, I saw her on our bed, blanket buried up to her neck. As I got closer, I noticed her pretty dress tossed aside onto a chair and my guilt doubled.
I got closer to her and noticed the tear stains down her cheek. Sighing, I went to kiss her cheek, knowing I have to fix this right now.
Putting on my jacket, I closed and locked the door behind me before rushing to any stores that were open this late.
Last night’s sleep wasn’t good at all. I realized that Kyungsoo didn’t go to bed, which probably means he left. I groaned before swinging the blanket off of me before getting out of bed and heading straight towards the bathroom.
Once doing all my routine was done, I opened the door and was going to step out but the rose petals on the floor halted me in my tracks. I looked at them and they lead down the stairs, so, being the person I am, I followed them down the stairs. They lead all the way into the kitchen where I saw, on the table, a huge vase of roses and around it was the food I made last night, steaming hot. I looked around but there was no evidence of a person.
I jumped when there was a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Kyungsoo was standing there, with the most guilty smile on his face. There was a bag in his hand.
“Look, before you say anything, I wanted to say I’m sorry. I forgot your birthday, the most important day of the year, and I have no excuse for it. I really hope this can make up for it. Happy late birthday, baby.” he held up the bag. I took it from him but before opening it, I lunged at him with open arms. He nearly fell over but held on as we hugged.
“Kyungsoo, all this is enough. I forgive you, I know you’ve been busy at work and stuff.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek before opening the gift. When I pulled out a box, I glared at him.
“If this is expensive, I’m going to scream at you.”
“Well, you can’t give it back, I already paid for it. And you have no idea how hard it was to pull this off. Can you believe not many stores are open late?” he smugly smirked before urging me to open it. I sighed before opening it. Inside rested two black matching watches. One was slightly bigger than the other and they reflected the light from outside.
“Oh my goodness.”
“I got us matching ones.” he lifted my chin before giving me a deep kiss. I carefully closed the box and placing it back into the bag before swinging my arms over his neck to return the kiss.
A minute later, we pulled away before he lead me towards the table so we can eat. We spent the morning eating the breakfast that he recooked and smearing cake on each others faces.
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
(Did you watched Ep. 16 of Scarlet Heart?) Please can you write a Baekhyun scenario (fluff) when his girlfriend went crying after watching Wang Eun's death scene so he comforts you?
I’m really sorry but I don’t watch Scarlet Heart at all. Oops..I know about Wang Eun’s death and everything because you know, a bunch of the people I follow exposed it in numerous gifsets and stuff but I still can’t write this because I don’t know the characters well enough. I feel that in order for me to write a good scenario, I need to have a feel of the characters before hand. I hardly know the story of Scarlet Heart, so I apologize.
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
2,000 of You
Soo, recently I’ve reached 2,000 followers on Tumblr dot com and I just wanted to say;
Thank you so much for following me! Even though I basically never update, I’m thankful that you guys still stuck with me. Either that or you forgot about me and left it at that. But overall, thank you so much! 2,000 is a lot in my eyes. ♥
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
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[ throwback ] yixing was so amazed by exo-l’s fan project that he forgot to get on the platform with the other members ;;
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
Can I request a ChanyeolScenario where he was the Star in his School and he had a crush on the nerdygirl,who was bullied by his friends.10years later he sees the oldPicture from her in his old schoolyearbook.He wants to meet her and She became pretty
Her Again
I’m so sorry it took like, 30 years for me to post this! T^T I hope you still like it
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
Her Again (Chanyeol)
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There she is. I know that’s her. She’s got her eyes, her lips, her hair, her smile.
“Hey! Look who it is, it’s (Y/n)! Long time no talk, isn’t it my friend?” one of my friends sneered at her. Even though she had those thick rimmed glasses, two textbooks in her arms (possibly two more in her bag) and was deemed the Nerd of the school, I still found myself liking her. I mean come on, her eyes twinkled whenever she got an answer right during class and the small triumphant smile whenever she finished something before everyone else. Not to mention the snappy tone she used on my friends, the bullies.
“You guys, are not my friends.” she growled, clutching her books tighter towards her, having already experienced them being chucked across the hall before. The boys looked at each other and smirked.
“Oh would you look at that kids, the little one’s got a mouth on her. It’ll get you into trouble one day.” he growled right back and pulled his fists up. I sighed, hating to see this scene every single day. (Y/n) flinched back and I felt something snap in me.
“Hey! Guys, you need to get out of here, there’s a teacher coming this way, hurry!” I yelled in a panicked voice. They all looked at each other before bolting it down the opposite way that I pointed. Once they were out of sight, I sighed and turned to (Y/n) who stared in confusion. The moment she looked at me, all the thoughts left my head, my nerves were acting up and now I’m stumbling over what to say to her.
“Consider this a one time thing, okay? Don’t tell anyone.” and with that, I walked away without seeing her reaction. If I had, I would’ve seen her tiny smile before walking off with a slight blush on her cheeks.
And now she’s here again, 10 years later. Her style of clothing has changed, she’s grown (not as tall as me of course but I notice she’s up to my neck now) but I know that smile anywhere.
I didn’t think she’d be here after 10 years, I mean I kinda hoped she would be but now I have no idea what to do! Earlier, I stumbled upon an old year book and decided to roam through it. Her picture came up and the familiar warm feelings came back. The recollection of her favorite coffee shop made me get up and put on a jacket and run here, the yearbook still in my arms. Somewhere, deep down, I hoped to see her here, to see her gain after all these years and maybe, just maybe, tell her about my feelings for her.
I didn’t order anything, I only sat down in a booth and went through the book again. Every time the little bell chimed, my heart jerked, hoping it was going to be her and disappoint washed over when it wasn’t. That was until the bell that rang only seconds ago. She looked around for a booth to sit at and I couldn’t help but wave, instantly regretting my decision.
We made eye contact, it took a few seconds before her eyes widened in surprise once she realized it was me. I couldn’t move, I could only stare before she smiled and made her way over to me. My nerves  were acting up ad she neared before she spoke.
“Chanyeol? Park Chanyeol? Is that really you?” she asked, her voice still as soft as ever and I felt myself slowly melting just like I was back in high school. Working up the nerve, I looked at her and nodded.
“Is this seat taken?” she pointed to the spot in front of me. I shook my head, welcoming her to sit down. She gladly took it, I could feel my hands shaking as I turned the pages of the book, I think she noticed it too because she giggled a little bit.
“That’s our year book isn’t it? Crazy how time flies, huh? I never thought I’d see you again, Chanyeol.” she tried enlightening the mood when I didn’t reply. I was trying to ease my breathing, realizing something important. I still harbor feelings for her...after all this time, all these years, I still like her. But something makes me wonder;
“Why are you sitting here? Smiling like that even though I let them hurt you...Even though I didn’t do anything to help you...” I reminded us both of what happened during our school years. She was silent for a second before giving me a smile.
“That’s in the past isn’t it? And besides, you didn’t hurt me yourself, right? And you helped me that day, remember? Did you think I forgot? I realized I haven’t had the chance to thank you for that.” she looked down at the table. I don’t know what happened but when she started talking, I could feel myself easing up because I knew she was a bit nervous too.
“No no, you don’t have to thank me for that. Honestly, I should be the one apologizing for even letting them do that to you for so long...” I sighed before gaining the courage to look at her. She still had her thick rimmed glasses and I found it adorable.
“If you don’t want my ‘thank you’, then will you accept my confession?” I intake a breath, hoping she was going to say what I hope she would.
“I know this would sound silly, saying it after over 10 years but...I like you, Chanyeol..” I could see her cheeks turning pink and I chuckled, leaning forward, gently taking her chin with my thumb and index so she can look at me.
“I’ll accept your confession if you accept mine, (Y/n).” I smirked when she looked at me again with surprise and them smile again.
“What say I buy us both a cup of coffee and we can continue talking about our infatuation with each other?” I suggested. Her cute giggle came out and she nodded.
I soon returned with two steaming cups of coffee and found her looking through the book. That was how we spent nearly five hours in that coffee shop, looking through our year book, recalling stories and somewhere along those lines, people were staring at us in awe, even the waitresses were watching us with that longing look as if we were the goals of their lives.
I found myself giving her a kiss on the cheek as she returned home and with the month following, we were walking around, hands intertwined with each other.
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pabosontheloose · 7 years
Can you make a part 3 of Crushing on my manager? Please. I really like the story and want to see what her and Xiumin do to the boys.
Long story short,
Yixing, Kyungsoo and Jongin were free to go because they didn’t try to join in. And because they knew they were going to be punished so they just sat back and watched the members slowly lose their belongings.
Baekhyun started looking for one shoe to each pair of shoes he has around the dorm. He thought he was going crazy because he could’ve sworn they were in the same place, not one at the front door and one inside the kitchen cabinet.
Junmyeon was suffering the pain of not having his credit card. He keeps finding fake, paper ones lying around and does not find it amusing after two days.
Chanyeol’s hat collection suddenly became too small for his head. And by too small, it means they fit on a baby’s head. He wondered if someone washed them to the point where they shrunk.
Jongdae was missing his little stuffed animals at the side of his bed. He’s always waking up to find them somewhere around the dorm. In the bathroom, in the closet, the fridge, sitting on the couch. He was starting to get suspicious.
Sehun keeps finding pictures in his phone that was taking up too much space. They weren’t any bad pictures, they were badly photographed stuff like a blanket or a toothbrush.
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