mytestosterone · 2 months
Stomach hair, 18 months on T
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heart is there bc I don't like my surgery scars
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mytestosterone · 3 months
Switched from testosterone injections to testosterone gel 02/24/24
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mytestosterone · 3 months
Done with correcting people when they misgender me I'm just gonna wait til my voice drops and I get more facial hair and watch them be confused
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mytestosterone · 3 months
17 months and 1 week on T
I know my voice will probably fluctuate, especially with how unstable my schedule is for taking my testosterone, but it still hurts a little to see it get higher. Hopefully when my dose increases and I switch to the gel things will even out 😮‍💨
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mytestosterone · 3 months
My experience on Testosterone so far
1st Month:
-First change is that I noticed my hands were more clammy.
-My mother claimed to have noticed my face getting more narrow.
-Small bottom growth
2nd month:
-Bottom growth pains started this month. Keep in mind pain levels (or if any at all) is different for every person. For me it just randomly would start up for a few minutes once in a while. Like someone punched me in the junk.
-Noticed slight strength changes. Mainly because I kept breaking necklace chains that I had not had issues with previously.
-Took note of having more frequent heat flashes
3rd month:
-I figured out that I was no longer bisexual and now only had attraction to men.
-First experience of slight voice cracks
4th month:
-Noticed that I had been needing to take more frequent showers. I used to only have to shower 2-3 times a week, now it's closer to 4-6.
8th month:
-DOSE CHANGE TO 1.5 ML (04/06/23)
-After my change in dosage, my voice cracks quickly became more frequent.
-Acne became much more frequent and developed in more places besides my face.
-DOSE CHANGE TO 2.0 ML (04/26/23)
-I did not write this down so I'm not positive it occurred this month but it was around this time that I noticed my period becoming shorter, less predictable, and less heavy.
9th month:
-More hair! Especially on my stomach. I started developing a happy trail.
-Even worse voice cracks. Made it difficult to sing. I can sing better now but I still crack sometimes.
-According to my voice pitch app (Voice Pitch Analyzer), my voice went up and down A LOT with a rough range of 260 Hz to 140 Hz (loosely)
-Noticed my eyebrows getting thicker.
10th month:
-My eyebrow hairs are significantly greater in numbers and length. I used to never have to worry about taking care of my eyebrows, now I have to make sure to smooth them down or they look funky.
-According to Voice Pitch Analyzer, I have a range closer to 160 Hz - 130 Hz
-I noticed my feet getting larger, which was a huge surprise as I'm not even getting taller. Keep in mind this change in feet size may be due to something else that I am not aware of.
12th month:
-Voice range closer to 140 Hz to 120 Hz
-So sweaty. Everywhere. Even from doing nothing. Keep in mind this has been a very hot month, though.
14th month:
-Have been off of it for nearly a month due to insurance issues.
-Noticed more defined dimples
16th month:
-Dose upped to 2.5 ML
-Will be switching to gel soon
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