It’s nice to know that to every dark there’s always a bright side.
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I hate it when I’m feeling sad and don’t know what to do about it :/
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Do you know those days where you just want to have another life?
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When I was maybe 14 she gave me a cooking book with recepies with little calories or carbs as a christmas present even though at that time I actually already lost weight and wasn’t chubby at all. Other times I got gifts like sport equipment..
You heard about BMI, right? And you probably know, that it only takes your height and weight into concideration… so I gained a little weight and though I’m still very normal or average in my figure my BMI tells me I’m slightly overweight. So I tell my mom about it, like how absurd this is and she just looks straight at me and says all seriously : “But it’s true.” And she doesn’t even get that that hurt me. I guess weight is a weak point for me bc since I was little my mom gave me the feeling that she didn’t love me so much because I was a little chubby.
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