ms-magical-mayhem · 2 years
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DISCLAIMER: PLEASE DO NOT JUST USE ONE RESOURCE ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE INGESTING SOMETHING!!! Henbit and dead nettle are both in the mint family. They often grow together and are easily confused. Henbit has shorter leaves while dead nettle has longer leaves. They're both invasive species and can be eaten raw or cooked. Both Henbit and dead nettle are rich in iron, vitamins A, C, and K, and they are rich in fiber. They both boost energy and are good for digestive support. Be careful when harvesting them because they can easily be confused with poisonous species that look like them. One of the species is foxglove; it looks like henbit and/or dead nettle when they are first sprouting. Make sure you are picking the right, non-poisonous, plant.
Dead nettle is used for women's menstrual issues; pain, heavy flow, and discharge between cycles (this is why you shouldn't take it when you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant). Dead nettle is also used as a laxative. Henbit can be used as a mild diuretic (help release salt and water from your body through your urine). Henbit can also be used as a fever reducer and bloat-buster.
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ms-magical-mayhem · 2 years
Herbs for protection, banishing, cleansing, and warding.
DISCLAIMER: Do your research on each herb if you want to use it, especially if you want to burn it! Make sure you know how to handle each herb, see what is and isn't safe for your pets if you have them, if it is safe to burn it and what are the effects if you do, and how the herb(s) will affect you. For example; mugwort can cause miscarriage in pregnancy, foxglove is extremely poisonous, and Palo Santo is apart of a closed practice.  Herbs for protection: acacia, aconite, acorn, African violet, ague, Aloe, Althea root, alyssum, Amber, anemone, Angelica, Anise, Arabic gum, Ash, asofoetida, astragalus root, Balm of Gilead Tears, bamboo, barley, basil, bay leaf, betel nut, bilberry bark, Birch, black cohosh, black pepper, BlackBerry, bladderwrack, blessed thistle, bloodroot, blue violet, blueberry, boneset, broom tops, buckwheat, burdock, Burnet, butcher's broom, cactus, calamus, calendula flowers, caraway, carnation, carob, Cascara Sagrada, Cedar, chia, chives, chrysanthemum, cilantro, cinnamon, clove, clover, close, Club Moss, coconut, comfrey, coriander, corn, cotton, coxcomb, cramp bark, cumin, Curry, Cyclamen, Cypress, Devil's Bit, Devil's claw, Devil's shoestring, Dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, ebony, Elder, eucalyptus, fennel seed, figwort, fleabane, foxglove, frankincense, galangal root, gardenia, garlic, geranium, Ginger, genseng, gorse, Heather, heliotrope, Hickory, high John, Holly, Indigo weed, Irish moss, ivy, Juniper, kava kava, lady slipper, Larch, Larkspur, Laurel, lavender, leek, lettuce, lime, linden flower, Lotus, Mandrake, marjoram, marshmallow root, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, monkshood, mullein, nutmeg, Oak Moss, olive leaf, onion, Orris root cut, Osha Root, papyrus, peat moss, peony, pettitgrain, pimpernel, plantain, quince, radish, raspberry leaf, red clover, rhubarb, rice, Rowan, Rue, Sandalwood, saw palmetto berries, sea salt, slippery elm, snapdragon, Solomon Seal root, Spanish moss, spearmint, st. John's Wort, strawflower, sunflower, thistle, toadflax, True Unicorn Root, valerian, Venus flytrap, vervain, violet, witch hazel, wood aloe, wood betony, Woodruff, wormwood, Yerba Santa, yew, Yucca, Agrimony, Ague Root, Amaranth, Arbutus, Bean, Bittersweet, Bodhi, Briony, Bromeliad, Castor, Cinchona, Cyclamen, Datura, Elecenpane, Gorse, Gourd, Grain, Grass, Hazel, Hyssop, Liquidamber, Loosestrife, Lucky Hand, Mallow, Masterwort, Molluka, Mugwort, Mulberry, Mustard, Myrrh, Norfolk Pine, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Pepper Tree, Periwinkle, Pilot Weed, Pine, Plum, Primrose, Purslane, Quince, Rattlesnake Root, Rhubarb, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Sloe, Southernwood, Squill, Tamarisk, Ti, Tomato, Tormentil, Tulip, Turnip, Wax Plant, Willow, Wintergreen. Herbs for banishing: Betel nut, cactus, Juniper, Morning Glory, thyme, sea salt, mullein, chili, red pepper, dragon's blood, lilac, lemon rind, pepper, lemon, cloves, Cayenne, eucalyptus, feverfew, frankincense, Mandrake, mugwort, peppermint, rosemary, sage, wormwood, Oak, onion, Pine, Rowan, Rue, salt, thistle, thorns, wolfsbane, yarrow, Angelica, basil, broom, black pepper, cedar, cumin, fleabane. Herbs for cleansing: Cloves, lemon, Sage, salt, sea salt, Juniper, Rosemary, mugwort, lavender, Rue, basil, cinnamon, Barberry, burdock, Cayenne, fern, frankincense resin, hyssop, lemongrass, lovage, marjoram, Pine, vervain, thyme, yucca, lemon verbena. Herbs for warding: Garlic, Oak, black pepper, ragwort, spikenard, thistle, thyme, Agrimory, anise, basil, borage, celandine, cinquefoil, Devil's bone root, fennel seed, flaxseed, BlackBerry, mullein, Palo Santo, mugwort, sage, lavender, Rosemary, Blackthorn, burdock, alfalfa, neem, ginger, onion, black salt, salt, pine cone, eggshell, cloves, bay leaf, vervain, twine, basil, sea salt, Cayenne, Red Pepper.
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