miathinaf · 5 months
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whenever i binge, i bite my tongue until it bleeds so i won’t be able to eat food cus it hurts so much <3
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miathinaf · 5 months
i just wanna be small
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i wanna have thin legs. drown in big clothes. look small next to everyone and everything..
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miathinaf · 5 months
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real lol
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miathinaf · 5 months
you ever feel like you’re too fat to dress a certain style? me too.
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miathinaf · 5 months
im back lol
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miathinaf · 6 months
lmao im going to my cousins wedding this saturday and i’ve ordered 2 dresses online and i look so fkin fat in them. my mom has ana and im scared to even look at myself standing next to her in the mirror because i wish i looked like her. today i only ate dinner, cereal and a protein bar and i think thats pretty good.
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miathinaf · 7 months
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thinspo + motivation/meanspo🌿🦢
aw, you like those pictures? you wish you looked like them? what a shame. aren’t you tired of looking bigger than your friends? aren’t you tired of wanting a boyfriend, but you’re too scared to show your body to him? or even if you have a boyfriend, aren’t you tired of having bigger thighs and knees than him? are you too ashamed to wear crop tops or low rise jeans? baggy clothes never look baggy enough on you? girl. get a grip. snap back to reality. if you don’t start NOW not tomorrow, not in a week, NOW then you won’t reach your goal. ever. october is the best month to start, because if you stay consistent you’ll have your dream body next summer. everyone’s going to be so impressed. you’ll lose fat from your face and you’ll have a body of a model. :)
remember, it may be only one meal to you, but to your body it’s a few hundred calories away from being skinny :)
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miathinaf · 7 months
what i ate today (09/10/23) 🌿🧺🐇
small piece of homemade apple pie (296cal)
half of a mini pizza (130cal)
muesli bar (134cal)
rice pudding with cinnamon cereal (300cal)
that’s all for today:) for the rest of the day i will be drinking green tea and water only<3
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miathinaf · 1 year
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chcesz wygladac dobrze na kazdym zdjeciu? nie musiec wciagac brzucha kiedy nosisz obcisle ubrania? topic sie w duzych bluzach? siadac komus na kolana bez wstydu ani opierania sie nogami o podloge? nie musiec zakrywac twarzy kiedy sie smiejesz, zeby nie bylo widac twojego podbrodka? chcesz by ludzie sie o ciebie martwili? czy moze chcesz zebys wygladala na "tą większą" przy swoich szczupłych znajomych? żebyś miała wieksze uda od swojego chlopaka? chcesz sie wstydzic rozbierac przy kims? chcesz miec grube palce, tak ze nosisz pierscionki najwiekszych rozmiarow?
dla ciebie to być może tylko jeden posiłek, ale dla twojego organizmu kilkaset kalorii dalej od celu.
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miathinaf · 1 year
Moja przygoda z ED.
zaburzenia odzywiania zaczelam miec w 2021, w wakacje. na poczatku to byly tylko mysli, ktore niedlugo po tym zamienily się w czyny. na poczatku 2021 wazylam 75kg (przy wzroscie 175cm) a w grudniu wazylam 66kg. od wakacji 2021 do lutego 2022 szlo mi doskonale. bylam blada, z kazdym tygodniem coraz chudsza, bylo mi zawsze zimno, zawsze mialam siniaki. to juz byl ten etap any gdy nie jadlam calymi dniami prawie nic i nawet nie odczuwalam juz glodu, bo zawsze czulam sie tak samo. przestalo mi burczec w brzuchu, stracilam apetyt. moja mama zauwazyla w lutym 2022, ze nic nie jem i ze strasznie schudlam, wiec zaczela mnie pilnowac. codziennie pilnowala, zebym jadla obiad w domu, zebym jadla sniadanie przed szkola i zawsze probowala mi cos wciskac (moja mama sama jest anorektyczka). niestety podlapalam te nawyki i zaczelam jesc normalnie. przestaly mnie interesowac kalorie. zarlam to co chcialam i ile chcialam. w wakacje tego roku zwazylam sie po raz pierwszy od lutego (gdy wtedy jeszcze wazylam 65kg) i zobaczylam na mojej wadze… 76kg. przytylam 11kg w kilka miesiecy. przerazilo mnie to. od wakacji moja waga jest taka sama, ale probuje znowu wrocic do any. tym razem nie pozwole na to, zeby moja mama zauwayzla cokolwiek, tylko potrzebuje pomocy ze schudnieciem. juz nie wiem sama co robic. z dnia na dzien jem coraz mniej a na wadze dalej widnieją te same liczby. nie moge tez za bardzo cwiczyc. bieganie nie wchodzi w gre, bo mam astme + jest snieg wszedzie na ulicach. silownia tez nie, bo w moim miescie jest jedna, gdzie chodza moi wszyscy znajomi a ja sie za bardzo wstydze, zeby sie tam pokazac. cwiczenie w domu mi nie wychodzi, nie mam motywacji juz po 3 dniu. szukam porad…
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miathinaf · 1 year
byłam taka śliczna pare lat temu… chuda… wyglądałam dobrze na każdym zdjęciu, ktore ktos mi robil. nie mialam zadnego podbrodka ani nie mialam szerokich rak. moja twarz byla szczupla nawet gdy sie usmiechalam. a teraz? jak ktos mi robi zdjecie to musze sie liczyc z tym, ze bedzie widac moje grube nogi, rece, grube palce, gruba twarz gdy sie usmiecham, drugi podbrodek, bede grubsza i wieksza w porownaniu do innych… mam juz tego tak dosc. z dnia na dzien jem coraz mniej a na wadze nic sie nie zmienia.
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miathinaf · 1 year
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dzisiaj zjedzone:
ryż na mleku (216kcal)
galaretka tęczowa (130kcal)
mikołaj czekoladowy (300kcal)
ryż z kurczakiem i warzywami (400)
tragedia!! jestem załamana.. łącznie ponad 1000 kalorii… niby i tak mniej niż to co jadłam jakiś czas temu, ale miał być tylko obiad… niestety nie miałam czasu rano żeby wypić herbatę ani zrobić sobie do szkoły w termosie więc takie są efekty..
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miathinaf · 1 year
Omad Dinner
one meal a day, dinner. how to?
in the morning, let’s say before school (at least one hour before you leave) drink a big cup of warm green or white tea.
first hunger of the day (usually 1-3 hours after your morning tea) will hit you suddenly. always be prepared and have a thermos with black coffee or green tea if you don’t want everyone hearing your stomach rumbling.
throughout the day drink a lot. A lot. A Lot. A LOT of water. helps so much.
try to eat dinner around 5-7pm (max 400/500kcals)
go to sleep as early as possible.
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miathinaf · 1 year
drink warm skim or almond milk (skim milk is higher in calories, but keeps you full for longer and increases your metabolism)
omad dinner (i’ll make a post how to make it easy, simple and keep you full all day long)
drink so so much green or white tea!! (both burn calories, increase your metabolism and make you feel full)
so So SO much water!!! cant stress this enough. water is so important when losing weight. (i’ll make a post about ways to drink water, and how to always remember about drinking it)
personally, getting rid of tiktok was such a significant move for me. tiktok made me stay up late which slows down your metabolism and it also made me bored often, which lead to cravings. now that i’m without it, i have time to study, read and be productive, which keeps me distracted and i don’t think about food.
avoid carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes and instead choose rice, vegetables and oatmeal!
take! your! vitamins! (B2, B3, B4, B6, D)
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miathinaf · 1 year
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i figured that the best way for me to lose weight and stay in my calorie limit without feeling the urge to binge is eating a meal or two a day. from monday to friday i only eat one meal, because in the morning before school i never feel hungry, but to stop my hunger at school i always drink lots of green tea (makes you feel full, helps with digestion), water or black coffee. i’m usually home around 4/5pm, so then i eat my dinner (max. 400kcals). i go to sleep as early as it is possible for me, which is around 10/11pm so before that i always keep myself distracted but productive at the same time by studying or reading. and i repeat every day. however, weekends are a bit harder than that. when i wake up (around 10am) i drink a cup of green tea, so it keeps me full to around 1pm, so that’s when i eat my breakfast (max. 200/300kcals). i always make sure to eat protein for breakfast and try not to consume carbs (like bread, pasta) because they cause you to feel full, but after a short time they hit you with a very sudden hunger. i usually feel hungry around 3pm, but it’s still too early for my dinner, so i’ll have a glass of warm skim milk or a cup of hot white tea (supresses apetite, makes you feel full). it’ll keep me from being hungry to around 5pm, so that’s when i eat my dinner (max. 300/400kcals, depends on how much i’ve had for my breakfast). even at weekends i try to go to bed around 10/11pm so again, before that i keep myself distracted and productive by studying, working out or reading. i’ve also uninstalled tiktok around a week ago, and let me tell you. THAT HAS HELPED ME SO MUCH WITH CRAVINGS (not to mention my productivity). tiktok had me spending most of my free time on it. it also had me staying up late and feeling bored often. staying up late increases your cravings for food and slows down your metabolisim. also, boredom makes your cravings drive you crazy!! when your brain isn’t busy it’ll think about food.
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miathinaf · 1 year
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20 hours into my fast :))!
its been really easy, i just drank a lot of green and white tea with ginger and i had a glass of warm skim milk. im hoping to get to 24 hours but idk if it’ll be possible with my family that keeps telling me to eat something. anyways, the limit for today is max 500 cal so yeah!!!
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miathinaf · 1 year
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dzisiaj zjedzone ok 1000kcal..
zupka chinska (ok 300)
dwie kanapki (ok 300)
shake mullermilch (ok 300)
+ jeden wafelek czekoladowy
nie jestem z siebie dzisiaj dumna… oby jutro bylo lepiej, chociaz w weekendy jest najciezej..
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