melinoekelapsi · 4 months
I wasn't planning on dropping this until I actually uploaded art but sadly that won't happen any time soon because of my scanner situation, so I figured I'd share it early just so that the people following me here know what's up -
I'm rebranding for a fresh start and will be posting new works under the name Heretic-Hymn from now on. Melinoekelapsi will still be maintained, but mostly for archival reasons. As I said, I'm unable to scan art at the moment so forgive me for the largely empty blog X'D At least there's a couple of new fanfics? (If you're into The Muse I guess)
Oh well, here's to hoping I can actually get shit done eventually!
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melinoekelapsi · 9 months
do you think you can make voice actor NSFW I would have done by tomorrow
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Sorry, I don't take requests or commissions at the moment and even if I did, it would certainly take longer than 1 day to finish x_x
Also I'm not sure where you got the impression that I do voicework or anything like that because I've never done it before and don't have any proper recording equipment X'D Maybe you're mistaking me for another user?
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melinoekelapsi · 9 months
Do you want to making drawing for cat thieves from courage the cowardly dog season 1 episode 7 king ramses' curse
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Doodles Cat thieves, thanks
Sorry this took so long to answer, I'm in the process of moving Tumblrs >.<"
Anyways, I don't take requests or commissions, sorry. Though I will say those are some of my fave minor side characters XD
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melinoekelapsi · 1 year
Um... Did Tumblr silently revoke the nsfw ban or something? Or is the filter bot just fucking things up again? Because I just got new likes on some old Samurai Jack naughties that I could’ve sworn had been flagged and deleted ages ago lmfao
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melinoekelapsi · 1 year
It’s been god-knows-how-long and I still can’t get over the fact that the Crewniverse didn’t go with the “CG Pearl used to be White’s Pearl” idea when it would’ve fit so perfectly.
Like... B R U H
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melinoekelapsi · 1 year
Anyone think I should make a new blog for my rebrand? I’ve thought about just completely revamping this one for said purpose, but the only things stopping me are -
A.) I kinda want a clean slate, which would require deleting a bunch of stuff if I were to keep using this blog, but like... I would feel bad for deleting things where I reblogged actually serious shit like petitions or awareness-related posts.
B.) I don’t know about anyone else, but I find it really confusing and annoying when people I’m following randomly change their whole ass name/profile/etc. to the point that the only reason you even know who they are or what you followed them for is because you recognize their style lmao
So new blog or no?
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melinoekelapsi · 1 year
Started off the new year by blocking some followers who appeared to be bots.
Apologies in advance if you were just some regular person with big tits in their pfp and/or no content on their blog lol
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melinoekelapsi · 2 years
So apparently those little candies shown in Grave of The Fireflies just got discontinued after literally 114 years of being around and with the way I feel about it, you would've thought my American ass had spent my whole childhood eating that shit.
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melinoekelapsi · 2 years
Okay so uh... Anyone happen to know WTF is up with this Peepy thing? I mean, obviously it's designed to kinda/sorta look like a bootleg Furby found at a Dollar General but like... Is it just a plushie or is it actually FOR something? I don't know why, but the awkward ass commercial gives me lowkey ARG vibes and every time it comes on, I catch myself searching the background for creepy shit Lmao The suspiciously generic site name, the use of Comic Sans, and the "Let him in" tagline sure as hell don't help either
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melinoekelapsi · 2 years
Whipped this together for the Fer.gration Discord server and figured I’d share it here just for shits and gigs.
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melinoekelapsi · 3 years
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The sketch I'd been preparing as a Halloween post wound up becoming more extensive than I expected so I figured it would be wise to use a substitute until it's presentable. This was actually made last Halloween, but unfortunately I was too depressed at the time to bother uploading it publicly, and frankly I came dangerously close to doing the same thing again this year.
Anyways, this little Casper pumpkin had a very long and unfortunate journey to being decorated :( Because it was my first ever white pumpkin, I decided to be a bit more experimental in what I put on it, but this led to me going back and forth between ideas until the poor thing started to lose its color. By the time I finally came up with a design and made it halfway through the finishing touches, the markers I needed to complete the wreath died and I had to literally hunt down the brand I needed. I wound up having to order them online and it took about a week to come in - and by then, as you can guess, my poor pumpkin was in even rougher shape.
I'm just grateful that I was even able to finish it at all. It's not perfect, but it's probably the best one I've ever made so far. When the pumpkin started going bad, the colors began to "bleed" in an intriguingly unsettling manner (wish I’d taken a photo of that), and I buried this lovely couple in the garden so they could rot together.
It's also worth noting that I haven't drawn in Tim Burton's art style since I was somewhere around 13-14, so this required quite a bit of reference to get back in the hang of it. It's not spot-on, but it's at least good enough for the characters to be readable as themselves. I really ought to start practicing his style again, I've even considered redrawing this very same design but on paper so it can actually be saved.
Oh, and for anyone whose curious, I made this by penciling in the drawing on the pumpkin and tracing over it with markers while adding slight adjustments along the way.
Hope you enjoy this and more importantly, have a Happy Halloween!
Characters (c) Disney
Art by me
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melinoekelapsi · 3 years
Ok... Not sure if anybody else has had this happen, but what’s up with the notes glitch? My last post apparently has 1 note but when I tried to look at it, there was nothing there ._.” I’d noticed this happen a while back when a post with 14 notes only showed 5, but never said anything because I figured the bug would’ve been fixed by now
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melinoekelapsi · 3 years
This is really weird, but I just remembered something I stumbled across years ago and I’ve been wracking my brain to recall the name of it.
It was a really fucked up Animal Crossing fanfic made using unedited screenshots from the game taken out-of-context (I think it was either the OG or Wild World, not sure) along with some fanmade illustrations to go with the later half of the story. Basically the town was secretly a cult-like dystopia that the player char/protag was trying to escape from and return to humanity to get help. All of the villagers were once human themselves (having arrived there the same way the player did) and had been turned into animals due to some ancient curse regarding those creepy Gyroid statues.
Throughout the story, the protag is led to believe that Tom Nook is the cult leader and is responsible for sabotaging his attempts to escape/call for help, but in the end it turns out that Nook was actually a victim too. The real cult leader was some mouse lady (forgot her name) who was harvesting body parts from various villagers to replace the ones she’d lost as a result of some terminal disease.
One of the things that’s burned into my memory is when the protag loses an eye as punishment for trying to escape... Only for it to later be revealed that the mouse lady had his eye implanted in her own empty socket o_e
I don’t recall exactly what all happened, but the story ended with the Japanese military(?) coming to the island and rescuing the protag. The protag then writes a book about what happened and leaves off with the cryptic note that the government chose to dump the Gyroid statues in the bottom of the ocean (implying that the curse might possibly have an effect on fish as well).
I’ve had this lingering in the back of my mind lately, and figured it was worth asking to see if anybody knows what fanfic I’m referring to. It was the first Animal Crossing fanfic I ever read and it left a pretty enigmatic impact on me, especially since I was still new to the game and fandom at the time I read it.
If anything I described sounds familiar or if you happen to have a link to the fanfic, please let me know XD I keep thinking this might’ve just been a fever dream, but the fact that the few things I remember about it are so vivid seems to indicate otherwise. I don’t think I can put this to rest until I read the fanfic again, or at the very least have someone confirm that it did, in fact, exist.
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melinoekelapsi · 3 years
Figured I should probably make a birthday post since today’s been kinda’ uneventful irl XD It’s not much but just for fun, here’s a quick peek at a new MLP-sona I’ve been tinkering with since October
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I’ve taken to calling her “Glitzen”, she’s supposed to be half-deer/half-unicorn but expect her design to change a bit in the future (I’m still getting the hang of FiM’s art style)
MLP (c) Hasbro
As usual - 
Do not trace/color, reupload, or use in any way without permission
Comments/likes and reblogs are always appreciated
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melinoekelapsi · 4 years
Okay, is it just me or is Primal starting to make Felidae look almost tame by comparison because HOLY FUCKING SHIT at that last episode o_0
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melinoekelapsi · 4 years
This so made my day X’D
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Credit: @pet_foolery
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melinoekelapsi · 4 years
I regret that I didn’t see the posts about this yesterday, but I figured I’d make my own today regardless -
Happy late birthday, Roger Waters, and thank you for all of the wonderful music you’ve given us.
I discovered Pink Floyd at a time in my life when I really needed it and I’ve enjoyed both Roger’s band years and his solo work ever since.
Here’s one of my favorite songs from his newer album just to close this off in a relaxing way <3
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