maddielion364 · 10 years
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maddielion364 · 11 years
To many, she’s known better as @popularrosie:
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Rosie The Dog has 2,565 followers on Twitter… and she barely tweets! She’s got style, she’s got charisma, she’s an overnight sensation! How DOES she do it? Well to get the scoop on Popular Rosie, here’s an exclusive blog post from her...
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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YOU GUYS. The new #skyfox record drops today! I've just begun working with this group, but I'm doing it because I'm so impressed with this album. PLEASEEE go take a listen for FREE on Spotify or SoundCloud. I'm really proud of this release, and can't wait to see it pick up some steam. Pop Punk is alive and well, my friends! http://m.soundcloud.com/skyfoxmusic/sets/counter-counter-culture/s-CGVLV
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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This is @jimadkins . He plays in a nifty little band called @jimmyeatworld. It's been nearly 10 years since I was 12 and saw them play the Fillmore for the first time - it was my first show EVER. Who thought that nearly a decade later, I myself would be touring with bands across the US, and get a chance to tell them thanks? I feel like i owe this band my passion for music, and the career and industry i so dearly love. Days like today are pretty cool. So thankful. (at Ogden Theatre)
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maddielion364 · 11 years
I don’t want to be angry at you anymore. But it’s really hard when I feel this kind of sadness.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
HAHAHA. this is the best synopsis of last summer that i've ever heard. They speak for the whole damn tour. oh, #warpedtour2012, how i miss thee. What a summer.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
My smile’s an open wound without you…and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
Sunset reflection in lake ~ By Netanyahu
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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maddielion364 · 11 years
even in my happiest moments, i stop and think of you. 
In the most quiet moments of the night, I still yearn to feel your arms around me. 
In the deepest crevasses of my mind, my love for you still sits, waiting to be allowed back to the surface; although I know that time may very well never come. In the calmest moments of my day, i feel the distance between you and I; the weight of it all. The way it weighs on me feels wrong, like an offer that has expired, a missed moment from the past.
I feel the weight of it all. I feel my sadness, my loneliness. I feel alone.
Any time I stop and think is time to mourn what i've lost: I've lost you, and in some ways i've lost myself.
Although the anger inside is strong, the sadness is stronger. I hate what we've become. I hate what you've done. I hate knowing that things will never be the same.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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maddielion364 · 11 years
I sent a mean text. Potentially a little more mean than it should have been, but it wasn't without good cause. I came to find out that Danny's been messaging my best friend who lives in LA on Facebook. At first he was only asking for advice on where to live, which is completely acceptable. I would have appreciated him asking my permission before he did, but whatever. But then apparently it didn't stop there, and he messaged her again asking to hang out - from what i understand he asked a few different times. She is a compassionate person, and was put in a weird position, and said yes, feeling sad for him being all alone in a new city. Now i've been left in a weird position because my best friend has been spending time with my very recent ex-boyfriend without me knowing, and it all feels like a big invasion of my personal life. 
This is really crossing a boundary in my opinion. She's one of my BEST friends, and he knows this very well. How did he think it would be cool and fine after us breaking up less than a month ago to go to her saying "hey, I know i don't know you at all, I just broke your best friends heart, and she's probably been telling you all about it, but let's go party!" WTF?? 
I don't need to hear or see or know what he's doing while he's gone. The last thing i want is for her to be spending time with him, and then tell me all about the girls he's flirting with, or how happy he is. I need time and space AWAY from him, and that isn't gonna happen when he's trying to fit himself right back into my life through her. 
I feel like he's invaded my space, my privacy, and is taking advantage of my kind-hearted friend who is taking pity on him. He's taking advantage of me, our past relationship, and my friends in LA. If it was a mutual friend, that'd be one thing. If he had ever said more than 3 words to her, it would even be a little different. But he doesn't know her at all, and he and I aren't dating anymore, so what connection does he have to her? He does, however, know that she is one of my closest and oldest friends. Does he not realize that she's probably been hearing some pretty bad things about him lately, and probably doesn't want anything to do with him? How can he not realize that this is already awkward and hard enough for me, and now he's put her in an incredibly awkward position as well?? 
It would have even been nice if he thought to ASK me before he just went off and got ahold of her so randomly, but nope... 
I'm sure he's lonely, and i'm sure it's weird being in a city where you don't know anyone. But ya know what? He lost out on getting to take advantage of my network of friends and family living there the minute we broke up. He just moved to a city filled with literally MILLIONS of new, young people, and yet he still chooses to go out and try to be buddy buddy with the ONE person he knows is a big part of my life and is very close to me. REALLY? Okay, fuck you too buddy. Maybe if he's that lonely he should get ahold of some of the friends he left behind here at home, because from what i've heard, none of them have heard from him since the day he forgot to tell all of us he was leaving. 
I was hoping him leaving town would make it easier to begin to forget, forgive, and hopefully move on, but he's certainly working overtime to ensure that I continue to stay furious.
Before he left town we were trying to stay friends, but i'm realizing that he's done nothing to change how he acts, and nothing to make me WANT to be friends with him. I'm just shocked, appalled, and really upset. I made sure that all came across today in my message, and told him i was NOT okay with what he was doing. I've felt guilty most of the times i've said very blunt, rude things to him lately, but i feel like this time? He deserved it. 
He should grow some balls and take some time to think about what a jerk he's been and try to change. Then maybe he can make his own friends, and stop making my life weird for a bit.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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Ladies and gentleman: my 92yr old GRANDMOTHER came out drinking with me tonight. This is her drinking my FLAMING Scorpion Bowl. And she just went home, at 1am. My life freaking rocks. #birthday #21 #drinking #grandma #grandmother #bar #tikibar #tiki (at Adrift Denver Tiki)
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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BALLOONS! Breakfast and #pride with @jellyfishpocket and Ali! NOMS. <3 #snooze #breakfast #food #balloons #rainbow (at Snooze)
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maddielion364 · 11 years
it's sad to look back through any posts i made on here about Danny over the past two years, and start to realize just how long I was putting up with him treating me less than how i deserved. I feel so much all at once thinking about what's happened lately... regret. sadness. pain. anger. frustration. 
I guess at the end of the day i just feel so cheated. When was the last time i was genuinely happy in my relationship with him? Seeing that there were so many times i was unhappy enough to need to vent on here makes it fairly clear that I felt that way much more often than i should have. I think Danny has the capacity to be wonderful, and kind, and sweet and romantic. and the only feelings i have left about our relationship is I wonder what i did to be unworthy of that? what did i ever to do make him think that i didn't deserve his love? or compassion? What did i ever do to make him think it was okay to treat me this way? To let him say that he loved me, but get away with all these things? Why did i allow him to take advantage of me and my love for him? 
i feel taken advantage of, and let down, and lied to. I wonder when in the year and a half we were together did he forget about me? When did he stop loving me? or did he EVER really love me? There is just so much. And now he has just seemed so happy and content that we're broken up, like it's a relief for him. He says that's not the case, but it certainly doesn't come off that way. He gets to be young and single and live in Hollywood because i busted my ass to help him get an internship i'm worried he'll take for granted as much as he did our relationship. I put up with him being rude, and ungrateful and acting immature when put in stressful situations (including some regarding our relationship), and received nothing but a brief apology (if that) every time. What is so painful is the fact that i still want to love him, and want to be with him, and wish we could still be together. It takes these brutally harsh reminders to myself for me to remember that I was the only one putting in effort in our relationship. I know that I deserve better, but much like an abuse victim, all i know is how this last relationship has been, and it's going to take a very long time to re-adjust. He took so much away from me, and took advantage of me in so many ways...I was never a priority to him, and it hurts to finally confront these truths i've neglected for so long. 
I lost the love of my life, my best friend, my co-worker all at once. And with that, i lost almost any evidence that the love i felt was real. I've been robbed, and it hurts very much.
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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#fondfarewell #danny (at Apple Store, Cherry Creek)
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maddielion364 · 11 years
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You know it's #summer around these parts when I actually have enough time to do my #nails. Cute new colors at #Target - can't say no! #essie #nailpolish
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