What should have happened in season 4 of supernatural:
Castiel: You should show me some respect. I pulled you out of Hell and I can throw you back
Dean, an openly bisexual disaster: You can totally throw me over the table and fuck me
Castiel, rethinking his life choices: Remember when I met you, I told you to not be afraid. I am going to need you to be a little more afraid
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Cas: Whose turn is it to give the pre-hunt talk?
Sam, rolling his eyes: Dean’s
Dean: *Clears throat* Go fuck shit up out there and don’t die
Gabriel, wiping away a fake tear: Inspirational
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Dean: The risk I took was calculated
Dean: I never said I was good at maths
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i still think there should've been one single dead sam clone among the thousands of dean clones naomi forced cas to kill
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↳ dean confronting john as a ghost // dean confronting mary in her mind
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it’s a lovely day in the fandom and you are dmitri krushnic
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Have you guys seen that clip
Go off Kermit
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trans guy who finally figured out his name, about to come out in the funniest way to his friends: hey guys can i be frank with you all
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*Sam as a lawyer*
Sam: Your honour, you weren't there so shut the fuck up
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Dean: My life has become a never-ending game of 'Illegal or Just Frowned Upon'
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also i have never thought of dean allowing gadreel to possess sam as a violation of sam’s autonomy. dean was acting basically as a healthcare proxy for his brother who was in a coma, making medical decisions for sam because sam was not able to do so himself. it’s not like sam was sitting there actively saying “do not under any circumstances let a strange angel possess me” and dean went ahead and did it anyway, directly violating sam’s vocal wishes. multiple times over the course of s8, whenever dean and sam had talked about it, sam had said that he didn’t want to die, he wanted to live. based off the information he had, dean made yes an admittedly drastic decision, but not one that’s totally out of left field for the in-universe world? when dean was dying in season three, sam wanted him to harvest organs and keep himself alive like frankenstein’s monster. so. let’s have some perspective
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i miss season 1 spn. the way they made it seem like everything bad that happened in america was the result of demons and folklore n then dean would drop some bars like this. no more shows like this ever
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i feel like all the mcu fans who haven't watched the daredevil show seem to think that he's just. a fucking mentally stable dude? a badass vigilante who is definitely not fucked up in the head? and i cannot stress how incorrect that is /aff
you. yes, you, the mcu fanfic writer who thinks that matthew micheal murdock has his shit together. i am grabbing you by the shoulders. you see that smile of his? that cocky little lawyer smirk that says, "i am so put together and sexy and my life is great"?
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this one? it's a fucking lie (minus the sexy part)
underneath that suit he has 12 fractured ribs 7 punctured lungs 18 ruptured spleens, he's mentally straining under the weight of his enormous catholic guilt, he's ghosting 15 nurses who genuinely just don't want him to fucking die, he's in love with his best friend, he has 9 court cases the next day, he hasn't slept in 378 hours, he's running on 26 solid cups of coffee and cheap chinese takeout, he's hallucinating his dead dad, and he's probably debating murder and/or sewerslide.
this man may be an absolute slut, manboss manwhore murdock if you will, but do NOT mistake him for someone with his shit together. please, for the love of god. if he has his shit together in the new daredevil show coming out this year, i will genuinely be shocked.
this post has been brought to you by Dear God, Give My Favorite Blorbo His Fucking Horrors
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This is what life is about baby!
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sorry i can't come in to work today. yeah sorry they killed me off last night. yeah i just wasn't relevant to the plot anymore. i should be in tomorrow but i'll let you know.
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