lucktrap · 1 year
please PLEASE do go on about how autistic Hunter is. As a probably-neurotypical person I love to learn more about neurodiversity from people firsthand rather than textbooks it's so cool, plus media diversity rep is something so important, I did a whole project about it actually
he's just...... soooo autistic-coded, like there's NO way he's neurotypical lmao (there are of course some things that he does that can also come from his PTSD or his upbringing/growing up conditions rather than autism (or just both! since they might overlap) but there's just.. SO much stuff that's strictly autistic that like........ it's canon. canon to me.)
like, how dramatic he is at times? the entire hexside scene???
the moment where he comes up to that one random kid like "CLASSMATE. ignore the fact that we'd never met, how would you say abt [gets straight to the point where he tells him to join a coven and leave his friends and family forever in an overconfident cheerful manner]" LIKE THAT'S SOOO XKSJKSK the manner in which he said it, the way he just came up to that random person outta the blue, how he got straight to the point, like COME ON
and THIS????
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"teens are probably into the same things as me! like authority. and rules!" BRO........
also how expressive his face is (especially how expressive it is for some emotions and schooled/subtle for certain others)
oftentimes his choice of words and the specific intonation in which he says stuff???? 💀 "stop acting foolish" "it will take more than that to thwart my mission" "that's sacrilege" okay grandpa let's get you to bed nxsjksk BUT LIKE. NO, EVEN THE INTONATION he uses in very casual sentences, it's very...... yeah
how much he likes to share fun facts and talk abt stuff he knows abt and is interested in (wild magic, titan's veins/eclipse lake, mindscapes...)? and how he sometimes stops himself mid-sentence before he says too much? that could definitely be interpreted as info-dumping and special interests
how much he loves research in general? i just KNOW he loves knowing stuff and reading up on stuff and memorizing cool fun facts (him immediately reading all the grimwalker books he could find after finding out that's what he is- like obviously he did that, obviously he wanted to know what he is. but also just..... it's so, so very huntercore)
taking things literally.. wanting clearer/more direct instructions on stuff......
“i don’t feel sick” 💀
him just turning around and walking away with no word right away after willow introduced the rest of the team
him not realizing emerald entrails rly didn't want to join the emperor's coven and not realizing he did sth wrong until later, when he noticed willow was upset
THE FREAKING. DELETED SCENE FROM CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON in which he automaticaly moved to climb the vines onto amity's balcony along with luz and didn't get why luz could possibly wanna be alone with amity before willow and gus stopped him. willow and gus saying "you'll understand when you're older" and then him arguing with flapjack how he IS older, JUST. LMAO....
the whole description of him as this...... “prodigy” and everything related to that (not necessarily a positive thing, considering how he was treated and described as by many adults)? the little intricacies of it.... hm
him being kinda bad at lying and making up stuff
and even his stance sometimes???? boy
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and not just THIS one, but. many many different poses in which he stands sometimes. very hmmm hm
how direct he is?
also this is a headcanon/interpretation but him constantly wearing gloves? and him saying "why are you touching it [the selkidomus] with your hands? gross"? sensory issues. so real.
also the sounds he makes and his squeaks???? how he sometimes fidgets with his hands/thumbs?
and MORE, like there are also many many moments that can be interpreted as other autistic traits or behaviours, just. ALL OF IT.
the crew did say that they've written neurodivergence into the show and into who these characters are intentionally, even if they might not be aware of some terms or labels at times, so like... i’m 100% certain hunter’s purposely written to be neurodivergent. and i’m gonna be very surprised if not specifically autistic (+ ptsd ofc)
he just... is.
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lucktrap · 2 years
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lucktrap · 2 years
Saving this for myself
let's be honest here, claptrap's singing voice is actually really soothing when he's not screaming half his words out in panic
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lucktrap · 2 years
Twikki: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Ninja: You mean literally or figuratively?
Twikki: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
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lucktrap · 2 years
Sensei: Okay, truth or dare? Ninja: Truth Sensei: How many hours have you slept this week? Ninja: Ninja: …Dare Sensei: Go to bed. Ninja: I don’t like this game.
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lucktrap · 2 years
You could put Ninja (from I-ninja) into Borderlands and a good chunk of his duologue (for killing enemies, at least) doesn't have to be changed.
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lucktrap · 2 years
This, but in reverse.
imagine your fave rocking you back and forth while hugging you until you calm down, then they'll whisper praises and give you snacks and drinks before taking a nap with you <3
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lucktrap · 2 years
It's my fucking autism again!
I was so freaking upset last night and I couldn't find out why...
Turns out I just needed water.
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lucktrap · 2 years
This is completely random but what the hell...
So, I thought of this the other day and am now deciding to post it. A neurotypical hero and an autistic villain.
Hero: Don't you grow weary of the same old routine?
Villain: Absolutely not! My routine is pretty damn strict.
Hero: The fuck?
Villain: Bitch, I'm autistic...
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lucktrap · 2 years
Imagine your f/o finally opening up to you. Maybe they've been hurt or abandoned in the past and they struggled to trust anyone before you came along. Imagine the relief and love on their face when they finally talk to you about what happened and how they feel and you're the first person to treat them with respect and compassion.
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lucktrap · 2 years
Claptrap would probably (try to) teach me how to dance and let me be the first to hear the dubstep songs he writes
Ninja would beat the absolute shit out of anything that tries to hurt me and just listens to my rambling
And Bakugou...
He mainly does what he does with anyone else, but there are a couple of privileges.
Q: what're the ways your F/Os say "I love you" to you?
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lucktrap · 2 years
*joins in*
*aims a high five at the stars* for Claptrap
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lucktrap · 2 years
Actually, now that I think about it, Claptrap cursing in general gives me life.
Claptrap saying "GOD F***ING DAMNIT!" gives me life for some reason.
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lucktrap · 2 years
Claptrap saying "GOD F***ING DAMNIT!" gives me life for some reason.
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lucktrap · 2 years
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lucktrap · 2 years
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lucktrap · 2 years
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Spreading to raise awareness and hope it helps ♥️.
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