Now I know that my blog started as a way to get my stories out there, and quite frankly I love that people are still enjoying what I've written. I apologize for disappearing and leaving everyone hanging, my current mentality and drive has caused me to lose my inspirations for my fics.
I'm thinking of doing something new with my life and I would love the support of everyone here. Have thought a great deal about it and hope it's a good idea, but I would love to start trying to spread body positivity through different Plat forms, modeling as it may be, but to showcase the beauty in being a plus sized woman.
What are the thoughts anyone may have on that? Would it be something anyone would be interested in following here? I know it may not go far, but if it could not only help how I see myself as well as inspire others, helping them, thats all I want to do.
The world is changing and I want to help be a driving force any way that I can.
Love you guys
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Peter: I wish I had a super tight-knit group of friends that I could fight crime with.
Wade: I wish I had a super tight-knit group of friends that I could commit crime with.
Natasha: I wish I had a super tight-knit group of friends.
Tony: I wish I had friends.
Y/N: I wish I could knit.
Steve: What is wrong with you all?
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lemme say it again louder for those in the back:
if ur ‘reader’ has a name or has a specific description that is not mentioned beforehand then it’s 🗣 NOT 🗣 A 🗣 READER 🗣 INSERT 🗣 FIC!!!!! 🗣
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I cannot 😂
Natasha: *Holding Steve’s hand over her stomach so he can feel the baby kick* Sorry this is taking so long, they kicked for everyone else.
Steve: It’s hard for the little guy to preform under pressure.
Y/N: Top ten things Steve said on his wedding night.
Steve: Woah! It was small, but I think I felt something!
Tony: Top ten things Bucky said on his wedding night.
Natasha: *Laughs*
Steve: Stop laughing at it!
Tony and Y/N: Top ten things Steve said on his wedding night!
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Still trying to process, its already almost may for christ sake
I don't even know what day of the week it is, let alone what month
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Hey guys, I know I've been MIA for quite some time, unfortunately life's caught up to me in a horrible way. I would like to continue my fics in the future and finish them, however writer's blocks been killing me as well as everything else happening. Thank you to everyone continuing to read my fics, I love you💞
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I have to more chapters I will be adding to Time goes on, in the mean time check out what I've already got here or my AO3 which has the most recent updates
A/N: If you would like to share any of my fics please feel free, but please do not attempt to pass my fics off as your own. Suggestions and feedbacks for fics are always welcome if you’d like to see one go a certain direction please let me know. Love you guys!
Old Flames: Supernatural/Riverdale Crossover
Summary: You arrive back in your once hometown of Riverdale with the Winchesters in order to work a case just across Sweetwater river, hearing about the case from an old friend from your past. Not knowing what exactly they’re walking into, Sam and Dean get to encounter some blasts from your past. Including the one and only FP Jones.
Pairings: FP Jones/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Brother: Supernatural
Summary: You are the first Archangel god created. One of the most powerful beings in existence but you left heaven to pursue a human life, but when you finally decide you want your family back, it’s to late for some of them. Will the Winchesters allow you to release Lucifer and Michael from the Cage?
Pairings: Lucifer/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Michael/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Past!Gadreel/Reader
PT. 1: Brother
PT. 2: Sister
Abomination: Supernatural
Summary: What happens when the girl sent by the king of hell falls in love with the Winchester who refuses to love. What happens when she gets rejected by the older Winchester and she releases her inner demons. What’ll happen when the boys find out shes really a demon/angel hybrid after only finding out herself shortly before. Even being raised by the king of hell to know you were at least half demon didn’t prepare you for the roller coaster of loving and hating Dean Winchester. You only just begun to realize how much of an abomination you really were.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Daddy!Crowley/Reader
Characters: You, (Y/N), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Rowena, Charlie, Lucifer, Chuck, OC, Amara,
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content, Violence
Chapter 1: Only The Beginning
Chapter 2: Reminiscing
Chapter 3: Angel
Chapter 4: Sexual Tension is a Bitch
Chapter 5: Daddy Knows Best
Chapter 6: Losing Control
Chapter 7: Truth Revealed
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 10: The Darkness
Chapter 11: Confrontation
Chapter 12: Cleanin’ Out The Closet
Chapter 13: Awkward
Chapter 14: I Love Lucy
Chapter 15: The Devil Inside Me
Chapter 16: “Feelings”
Chapter 17: Choices
The Wedding: Supernatural AU.
Summary: 5 Years after Dean Winchester left you, you are happy and getting married to Castiel Novak, who just happens to be best friends with Dean. What happens when the best man is still in love with the bride to be? Let’s find out.
Pairings: Castiel/Reader, Past!Dean Winchester/Reader
(On Current Hiatus)
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Time Goes On: Marvel/Supernatural Crossover
Summary: You are a vampire that had been recruited by a group of hunters working for the not yet named Shield.  For years you were a hunter, killing your own kind for your own protection as well as protecting the innocent lives around you. When WWII hit nearly 20 years after your recruitment you were itching to get onto the battlefield, but you had a much more important job. You needed to train Captain America himself, in between meet and greets of course. You fell in love with him in the process, not realizing it even possible to feel anymore after nearly being dead for 40 years. But was winning the war really worth the cost that you felt in losing the first Avenger? Even after you meet a young Sam Winchester who made you feel as alive as he had made you feel?
Pairings: Steve Rogers/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Tony Stark/Reader, John Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader
Fallen Angel (Song-Fic) -Castiel/Reader (Supernatural)
Domesticated - Dean Winchester/Reader (Supernatural)
Jealousy - FP Jones/Reader, Sweet Pea/Reader (Riverdale)
My AO3 (Archive of Our Own):
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So I just have to say I am deeply sorry for slacking like I have, I will be updating Time Goes On real soon, so thanks to everyone who continues reading and commenting. I've been having a rough year and have only just started getting back into writing. So if anyone has any requests please send them my way, I will be slowly getting back into all of my fics and hopefully have each updated soon. My most recent updates are already posted to Archive Of Our Own so if you'd like to check them out just search for SupernaturalAddict
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So its been a while since I've shared anything, fanfic or anything else for that matter. I'm hoping to get back to is asap, but for all of my loyal followers thanks for sticking around, never thought I'd get one follower let alone over 200. Love all of you guys
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So I know I haven't posted in a long time and I am very sorry for that. This past week especially has been horrible. My father committed suicide and I don't even know what to do with myself, you know? As someone who has struggled with and still struggles with depression I can feel myself slipping. I'm only 20 and I feel like I aged 50 years the past few days... I'm staying strong for my mother and my siblings but I dont know how long I can keep it up.. Sorry for my late night rant guys I just needed to get it off my chest
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I understand this to an extreme level
me: *comes up with a half decent idea for a fanfiction*
*ten minutes later*
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reading smut
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reading fluff
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Abomination Ch. 17
Summary: What happens when the girl sent by the king of hell falls in love with the Winchester who refuses to love. What happens when she gets rejected by the older Winchester and she releases her inner demons. What’ll happen when the boys find out shes really a demon/angel hybrid after only finding out herself shortly before. Even being raised by the king of hell to know you were at least half demon didn’t prepare you for the roller coaster of loving and hating Dean Winchester. You only just begun to realize how much of an abomination you really were.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13      Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Taglist: @adamsbubblegumbitch @amandamdiehl
Chapter 17: Choices
Word Count: 
Warnings: Language, Angst, mentions of death, slight depressed reader
Darkness always seemed to calm you. Maybe it was just the demon half of you that liked it, but it was something you always found solace in for whatever reason. Any time you felt yourself slipping you could always rely on it. You figured that’s why you really enjoyed sleep as much as you did, considering you really didn’t need it. You cherished your dreamless nights and more times than not feared when you had dreams, given the fact you would always have unwanted visitors. Tonight seemed like one of those nights.  
“I always look forward to seeing what your mind comes up with,” a feral voice said from a distance. Though you couldn’t see them, you knew who it was.
“I thought you had left me for good,” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh no, I would never do that. After all I’m trapped in here with you at all times,” you saw her walk up to you from out of the darkness.
“What do you want? Haven’t you caused me enough problems?” you glared at your mirrored self, only it wasn’t you. Not really.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, though with the blackness in them you could barely tell. “It seems to me you caused enough problems. Falling for not one, but three men. Not to mention the fact the devil himself has you wrapped around his little finger.”
“You’re one to talk,” you snarled at her.
“Now really, what have I done to make your situation any worse? I just simply want to go home, and I think deep down you do to,” you watched her lips form into a dark smile.
“I am home, my family is home,” you felt your fists clench.
“No, you only think that,” she stalked towards you. “Amara is our home, she is the reason we are what we are. You think we would be alive if she didn’t want this?”
“It doesn’t matter what she wants, I am my own person and I can make my own choices.”
“Really?” she laughed. “Your own choices, sure seems like there’s always someone making choices for you. WE were built as one, WE are better as a whole. She wants what’s best for us.”
“Best for us? She wants everyone dead and I’m willing to bet as soon as she destroys everything and everyone we’ll be next,” you glared at her, you could feel your wings stretch in defiance.
“You really think that lowly of her?” you watched as her face formed into a stone glare. “Everyone has pushed her away (Y/N), even her own brother.”
“You don’t think there’s reason for that? She destroys everything she touches and anything she creates destroys for her.”
“So is that what we are, a weapon?” she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Yes, but more so you. All you want is death and agony of others, you reek of everything evil. I will die before I ever agree to anything you or her want me to do,” you sneered.
She lifted a finger and tapped her chin. “You may say that now but if anything happens to one of those boys,” she paused walking closer to you. “You would do anything to save them if you couldn’t. Hence why you’re working with the devil right? Didn’t he, what’s the word for it. Threaten to kill all of them, including daddy dearest,” you looked at her without answering so she continued. “You are not only part archangel but part knight of hell. You have more power than any of them could dream of. Yet you choose to do nothing.”
“I choose to do nothing in the way you want me to because I know once I let myself go, you’ll be there waiting to take control and I cannot let that happen.”
“The thing you don’t seem to understand,” she smirked and ran a rough hand through your hair, grabbing it tightly and pulled. Her lips raised up in a snarl as she showed her teeth. “You have no choice. Either they die or you die,” he voice got louder as her face was directly in yours, you couldn’t move. You were trapped. “It will end with blood just as it had begun, and I will not let you kill me,” she pulled harder, enough to pull you to the ground. Though it was all blackness. “One way or another everything will end with blood.”
You woke with a jump and clutched your hand over your chest. Why did she come to you again, after all of the things that happened why now. Running your hands through your hair and down your face you took a deep breath and looked around your empty room. You had chosen to leave the boys without much explanation, so you were alone for the first time in what felt like forever.
Sitting up from your makeshift bed you rolled your shoulders. Maybe deciding to sleep in an abandoned warehouse wasn’t the best of ideas, but you didn’t want anyone to find you. It had only been a week, but it felt like ages. You couldn’t decide if it was the fact you were waking up alone or if it was just the idea of not seeing any of the people you cared about again, but you felt empty inside as well. The only person you allowed to know your location was Lucifer, and that was only because if he didn’t know he’d kill everyone without much thought.
“Fuck this,” you groaned and laid back down with a huff, covering your face in anger. She’s right in a way, you shouldn’t be letting him control you like this when you may very well be stronger than even the devil himself. Why take the risk though and piss him off further, maybe he wouldn’t kill you but the lives a stake were to great to lose.
Reaching your hand out to your left you pulled your bag towards you. You left the bunker with the bare essentials, taking clothes, money, and your phone with you. Though you kept your phone off most of the time, you needed to know if the boys were okay.
Turning it on you sighed, holding it above your head trying not to drop it on your face as the power screen turned on. The moment it turned on you saw at least 30 missed calls and even more texts, all from the boys. At first you thought maybe it was due to them wanting you to come back but as you looked through them you realized it was worse. You opened the messages and you could feel your throat tighten.
Sam: Call us back ASAP, please (Y/N)
Sam: I know you left for your own reasons but we need to know you’re okay
Dean: Answer your Goddamn phone
Sam: It’s about Cas, please
Dean: I swear to god if that son of a bitch hurt you..
Dean: Please
Sam: Crowley isn’t picking up his phone either, are you with him?
Not wanting to see anymore of the messages you swallowed down the bile rising in your throat. Did Lucifer make an appearance? You were sure but you’d bet money on it if he did. Swallowing your pride you clicked on Sam’s contact and hit call. Putting the phone on speaker, you sat up and crossed your legs.
“(Y/N)?!” Sam’s distressed voice answered.
“Yeah Sammy,” you smiled sadly. “Sorry I didn’t answer, my phone was off,” you said ashamed for worrying them so much.
You could hear a gruff voice in the background and could only assume it was Dean. “I’m going to put you on speaker.”
“Alright,” you bit your lip anxiously, standing from your spot on the floor.
“Sweetheart? Are you alright?” you could hear the concern and fear in Dean’s voice.
“Just peachy,” you rolled your eyes and smiled a little when you heard him scoff.
“Where are you?” Sam asked, all seriousness in his voice.
“Honestly, I’m not sure anymore. Just kinda been flying around, seeing the sights,” you shrugged and began picking up your stuff, throwing it into your bag.
“Well you need to get your feathery ass back here, now,” Dean said assertively.
“You can’t talk to me like I’m Cas,” you cringed at the slip of his name through your lips.
“NOW,” Sam and Dean yelled all that once.
Sighing to yourself you through your bag over your shoulder. “Fine,” you closed your eyes and appeared behind the two distraught hunters. “Happy?”
They both turned to face you, shock of your sudden appearance fading quickly. Shaking off the surprise Dean looked at you seriously and assessed your body, checking for any damage. “Has Castiel come to see you at any point since you’ve been gone?” Sam said before Dean could say anything.
Swallowing you looked away from him. You had to choose between telling them the truth or lying. “(Y/N),” Dean looked at you questioningly waiting for an answer.
“Yes,” you said softly. Choosing to go with the truth, maybe they’d understand and if not well you’d be fucked either way.
“Did he say anything to you or do anything to you?” Sam asked, his eyes laced with pure concern.
You held up your hand to stop them both from saying anything more. “Before I tell you both anything. I need to know what happened and why I had so many messages.”
Dean looked at Sam briefly before shrugging. “Lucifer is possessing Castiel.”
“What?” you squinted your eyes at them.
“Well, while you were gone and before we knew about it. He sent Dean into the past to retrieve the hand of God. And well he let it slip when he was about to kill us,” Sam looked at you like it was a normal day for them. You cut him off when he opened his mouth to say something else.
“I’m going to tell you both something and you’re going to get very pissed off, and I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out,” you looked at them pleadingly.
“Depends on what it is you have to say,” Dean's defence was up higher than it had been in a long time, you felt hurt even though you had no right to.
Running a hand through your hair you let out a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “I knew.”
“WHAT?” they both yelled at once.  
“I KNEW,” you yelled back so you could continue talking. “He threatened me, my dad, Cas, and you both. He brought her to the front and made it so I didn’t have control,” you could feel your eyes sting slightly at the remembrance of the feeling of losing control like that again. “I’m sorry,” you sighed softly, looking down at the ground. “That’s why I left. He made me leave.”
You heard Dean scoff and heavy footsteps walk away from the library. You couldn’t bare the thought of how much you had hurt him, only to look up and see the pain Sam held in his eyes. You had lied to them both and they would never forgive you. Their best friend was being possessed by the devil and the woman they loved lied to them about it.
“Samm-,” you started but Sam just lifted his hand at you to cut you off and walked out of the room. You watched his retreating form as it followed after his brother. You could feel your heart breaking more than you thought possible. Your lip trembled as a tear escaped down your cheek. “I’m sorry,” you whispered to the empty room as you felt her laughing darkly. She was close to the surface again, but this time you didn’t completely mind it.
“I had a feeling this would happen,” she chuckled. “The moment you fucked up they literally turned their back on you.”
“Maybe you were right,” you said to her sadly.
“About what?” her voice was cocky. She already knew.
Looking down at your hands you sighed. “I don’t have my own choice anymore. I either do something to piss one person off or another.”
“You’ll learn to accept that, can’t make everyone happy,” you could feel her pat you on the back. “But maybe you could make yourself happy again.”
“How?” you asked quietly.
“I think you know exactly how,” she tapped your shoulder lightly. “Let me in.”
“I can’t do that,” you clenched your jaw tightly.
“You said it yourself and you know deep down it’s true,” her lips were right by your ear. “You have no choice, I’ve always been here waiting. It’s time you let me in.”
“I don’t want to join Amara, I don’t want to hurt anyone. I love them,” you could feel her hand run through your hair.
“And yet they turned their backs on you. One even got possessed by the devil to get away from you,” she tsked. “Some love that is, but you still have me. No matter how much we fight I will never leave you.”
You turned your light blue, almost white eyes to her black eyes. It didn’t feel like this was all in your head anymore. She was right in front of you.
You both stood in the library of the bunker. For the first time you realized how real she really was. She held out her hand to you as you looked into her dark onyx eyes that actually held genuine sympathy.
You held your hand out to her and as you connected your skin to hers you felt a warming feeling. It washed over you in comfort and for the first time you felt whole.
You only felt slightly different, your mind and body were the same and yet you no longer cared for anything. You no longer felt any pain in your heart. You smirked and you could feel her inside as you stretched your limbs.
“Let’s get started.”
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It stinks to hear that people are still doing this. As someone who writes my own fanfiction I would hate to see that people are posting my stories without permission and especially trying to pass it off on their own. It's still plagiarism and its disrespectful. Hopefully this can be fixed
Repost Alert
I just found a few my works reposted over on Wattpad without my permission.  I have messaged both individuals asking nicely for them to take them down and am awaiting a response.  Below the tag are the blog names, the links to the collections, and a partial list of other authors who have fics reposted (sorry guys, 100 chapters deep is kind of my limit).  Note: Some of you have fics in both collections.
Also, just a friendly reminder that it is never ok to repost someone’s work (fics, art, whatever) without their permission even if you give them credit.
Not sure if your work has been reposted here (or somewhere else)?  Copy and paste a line from it into a google search.  That’s how I found mine.
Update: Casifer_67 responded and is super nice / willing to remove anything you request.    
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I'm so sorry for my slacking as of the past few months things have been crazy and works just got me beat. I currently have the next chapter of Time Goes On finished but I have no yet posted it. It will be up soon though, I promise
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Yup, sums it up nicely
everyone after infinity war
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