lleoverse · 18 days
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in love with him… help
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lleoverse · 22 days
chat i finally finished this 😞🙏🏽 this was written with a male reader in mind but like, i realized it can read as a gender neutral reader so mb </3 also i hope Kid’s character isn’t too ooc & i hope yall enjoy !! pls lemme know what yall like or want me to write next 🤟🏽
summary You need a break and find Kid already a step ahead of you.
WC 991
The tie around your neck seemed suffocatingly tight.
You were an hour into your shift and the VIPs showed no sign of slowing down. It was the weekend and Kings was the hottest spot for a rich man to get off on women and free drugs. And your job was to serve them and say nothing as you attended to their needs. Though the uncomfortable air was starting to get to you.
Your eyes couldn’t help but stare as you watched men roughly handle the escorts, listened as they obnoxiously laughed and hollered, and the way their brash conversations blended loudly with the blaring music. It was beginning to form a headache behind your eyes as the grip on the tray in your hands tightened.
You needed a break from this overwhelming scene. Fresh air. Water.
Anything would satisfy you as long as you were away from the flashing pink lights that only worsened the pounding in your head. And as if an angel had stepped through the elevator doors, another server had began to walk towards you to take over your shift. Your saving grace if you will.
The moment they reached you, you wasted no time in making your way towards the exit as your hands were already working to loosen the tie around your neck. As you passed down the multiple floors of the hotel you finally reached the bottom. You had to go through the kitchen but you didn’t mind much, it would allow you a chance to see more of your workplace.. and see Kid.
You and Kid had met before he had began working with you at Kings, getting first acquainted at the underground ring he fought in. And Kid had an interest in you first when he had laid his eyes on you in the front row, you followed suit after getting to know him better outside of the ring.
As you walked through the busy kitchen your eyes searched for the familiar tall lean figure. Not finding him anywhere near the cleaning station near the back but assuming he was outside in the alley. With that in mind you made your way out, enjoying the cold air that hit you the moment you opened the backdoors.
As the door behind you closed with a click it seemed to alarm Kid who was crouched down watching as a small dog ate in front of him. His eyes were quick to meet yours but his startled demeanor quickly melted into a more relaxed and calm one, his big eyes softening at the sight of you.
“I was hoping you’d be out here.” You said with tired eyes and a gentle smile on your face.
“And I was hoping you’d come out sooner.” He responded as he stood up and made his way closer to you.
Once he was right in front of you your head landed on his chest with a soft thud as you let out a loud sigh. His hands reaching towards your tie as they played with it, folding the silky fabric around his fingers.
“Guess it was a hard shift tonight, huh?” His eyes focused on the top of your head as he let out a small chuckle.
“God it was the worst. I have a headache just from standing in that room.” You grumbled as your arms wrapped around Kid’s torso.
Kid hummed as his hands moved from your tie to your chin to raise your face up to him. You two stood like that for a while as his hand held your cheek in his scarred palm, his eyes admiring your features and gentle expression. It was moments like these that you cherished whenever the two of you were alone. This peace that sat between you two, something you rarely got to see with Kid considering how stressed he always was. This constant tension in him that was never unceasing, even in these moments it was still present.
“What’s got you so deep in thought?” His question came off as teasing but it was genuine. “You. You’re all I can think about right now.” You truthfully responded as you leaned into his hand.
For a moment you can see him get bashful with the way his eyes looked down at where his hand met your cheek. A small shy smile adorning his face as he shook his head.
“You play too much..” He was still smiling as he looked back to your eyes.
Your hands seemed to pull him closer as they were still wrapped around his body. Leaning up to capture his lips in a small kiss that Kid melted into almost immediately. His hands went from your face to around your shoulders as he ducked his head lower to deepen the kiss, his head tilting ever so slightly. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss though when the feeling of his mustache began tickling your upper lip. Your hands trailed from around his waist to his neck as you slowly pulled away, watching as Kid slowly opened his eyes to see your loving look.
He could never get tired of the way you looked at him. As though he was the moon above, you would stare at him like there was nothing else to stare at. And every time he was met with this stare he swore he would drop everything for you. One word and you would have anything and everything right at your feet.
“You have such pretty eyes you know that, right?” You titled your head as your hands played with the curls at the back of his neck.
“Oh please, you and these compliments. Just be quiet for a little bit, yeah?” He smiled as he shook his head with fake annoyance. His head leaning back down to capture your lips in another kiss. “So demanding -“ and again you were cut off by his lips.
This was definitely a well deserved break.
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lleoverse · 27 days
the lack of dev Patel fics is concerning guys. ITS CONCERNING.
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lleoverse · 27 days
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lleoverse · 1 month
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n. the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable—their pupils glittering, bottomless and opaque—as if you were peering through a hole in the door of a house, able to tell that there’s someone standing there, but unable to tell if you’re looking in or looking out.
✦ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Sir Gawain x GN!Reader
✦ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut + fluff
✦ 𝐰𝐜: 2.2k
✦ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Anyway I havent written anything in a hot second, especially smut, so i might've lost my touch but this man makes me insane. Hope its still enjoyable anyway and im working on some fluffy stuff as well whoop enjoy :)
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Stupid quest. Stupid forest. Stupid rainwater puddle.
You didn't see it – you were too damn busy staring into those gorgeous brown eyes of his, lashes lowered ever so slightly in a way so tender it might as well have been what knocked you over.
“Oh goodness.” Sir Gawain exhales a second after the splash, arms reaching for you a little too late. Turns out he’d been lost staring at you as well. “A-Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“I–” You start to deny it but think better of it. It’s Gawain, he’d know the answer just from looking at you. “I’m cold. And wet. And tired.”
“I see. Let’s find ourselves a place for the night, yes? The storm from last night might be coming back.” He tells you, reaching out a large hand to pull you up. You take it without hesitation.
Quickly finding yourselves a damp and dingy little cave to pass the night in, Gawain gets to work starting a fire as you shiver uncontrollably. 
“You know–” He begins, fumbling with two rocks and a handful of dryish branches, looking up at you for a moment, “You look good, all soaking wet.”
The warmth of his gaze sweeps over your form, lingering on your shaking shoulders, passing by the water dripping off your linen shirt and how your arms curl around yourself to keep the heat in – heat he stokes with that cheeky look, the quickness of his breath, the biting of his lovely, soft, bottom lip…
A spark goes off, catching fire to the branches, cutting the tension like a hot knife over butter. But it does not dissipate, the fire does not cool, it merely wanes to a simmer.
“I bet you’d look even better.” You blurt out, just to get the last word in before sitting by the flames, not entirely aware of what you’ve just said and where his beautiful, hasty mind would take your words. Then again, you’re much more concerned with not freezing to death.
“Trying to warm up with wet clothes isn’t going to do you any good. It isn't going to do anything at all, really.”
“What do you suggest, then?” You sigh, knees tucked to your chest, sitting opposite the dashing young knight.
“You should take off whatever clothes are wet and let them dry by the fire.” He begins shrugging off his thick wooly cape to lay on the stone floor beside him, “And sit close to me – we can share body heat.” he adds on quickly, as if he hasn't made his intentions with you clear enough throughout this journey already.
You’re not sure when it started, when his dark eyes began wandering, when his touches started lingering, or even when you started doing the same. But it’s clear to the two of you; the want– the need too transparent to hide. 
There’s more to it though, for you at least. It would be almost too easy to dive into him otherwise. Like a nymph’s bewitching calls into murky waters.
But it could never be that easy. Not with the one they may one day call King. That and his womanizinging reputation.
Expecting anything other than a purely lustful encounter out of this would be foolish to say the least, but perhaps you are a fool. Because the way he looks at you; the way he has been looking at you since– whenever you started noticing; makes you feel as if there might be a chance. 
So you do as he suggests, stripping down to the basics under his unwavering gaze, shuffling over to his side and nuzzling against him.
Questions swirl endlessly within your mind while leaning on Gawain's warm body, his shirt so thin you could almost perfectly imagine what he'd look like without it in your mind's eye.
But then, those eyes, clear as spring water in their intentions, cage you in with their stare and suddenly you feel as if everything must be laid out plainly, “What are your intentions with me, Sir Gawain?”
The look on his face nearly makes you regret it, fearing you may have offended him, but surely he’s aware of his reputation – surely he must understand.
After a beat he exhales with a slight smile as his large hand comes around to your shoulder, “Are they not clear?”
“Clear as they may be, I like things to be absolutely transparent, especially when it comes to men of your… caliber.” He hums in acknowledgement with a smirk, before it slowly slides off his face, replaced with a thoughtful expression so rarely seen it could be possession.
“I understand what you mean, love. But, in truth, I cannot answer you as of yet.” At the inquisitive look you give him he begins trying to explain himself, “It is that… Well, I am to be King somewhat soon, I assume. So it would be reckless for me to act as carelessly as I once did. But then also, I do not yet know what my intentions are – beyond tonight, that is.” Your face warms slightly at his suggestive tone as his hand drifts down your naked back, “All I know, is that you intrigue me. Greatly. If anything, I know– I feel as if… once will not be enough…”
A dark hand of long, slender fingers lifts your chin to meet his fathomless stare, looking deep into your eyes and beyond that – to your vulnerable soul. 
“I feel… the same.” You speak, suddenly breathless as your face nears his subconsciously, giving in to his siren call.
Lips meeting like a spark to a fire, a beginning. His hands wander over you, reverent, gentle, as yours grasp at the front of his tunic, urging him as close as humanly possible – as if close isn't nearly close enough.
The kiss grows fiercer, a push and pull of soft pink muscles attempting to gain control, before being forced to part, open around heaving breaths while eyes grow hazy with lust– no, yearning. Gawain draws back to shed that bothersome tunic before his hands attach themselves to your hips to pull you onto his lap. The ease with which he does it has you grinding down instantly, hands running over sweat-slick caramel skin.
His dark curls bounce as he tosses his head back under your movements, desperate for some control of the primal urges suddenly overloading his brain – to fuck you without mercy, to ruin you for anyone else – but no, that’s not how he wants this to go.
“God above, you're beautiful.” He breathes, hands stilling your hips to let his eyes sweep over your features slowly. The intensity of his gaze makes you squirm and the strength in his hands warms your inside more than the fire ever could. 
Burying your face in his gorgeous, exposed neck you speak so low not even God could hear, “Shut up and take your pants off.”
You feel him smile against your hair, laying a kiss against it before drawing away to do as you ask, somewhat clumsily, but earnestly all the same. Sitting still on his cloak, you watch him avidly, eyes catching on every new inch of dawn-hued skin revealed.
The singularity of the moment strikes you suddenly; back at the castle, amongst duties and expectations, this would never be possible – this calm, this undemanding rhythm. You have no place to be, no one to meet, so you can just be. Together.
“Where did you go?” He whispers, caressing your face with a softness undeserving of a knight’s strength, making your eyes focus back on his features and immediately surge forward to connect your lips to his, “Nowhere important.”
Gentle as a breeze Gawain lays you back, body between your legs and arms beside your shoulders. His prominent nose brushes yours softly, sensually as he parts your legs even further, “Good. I want you here with me. For this will not be a moment you’ll want to ever forget.”
“Oh,” You chuckle teasingly, back arching almost subconsciously against his warm, wide chest while his hips start moving against yours, “You’re sure of that, are you?”
“Your reaction tells me all I need to be sure.” He replies, so cocksure you’re suddenly reminded of who he’d been before the Green Knight had showed up proposing a ridiculous game – knowing he hasn't changed completely is oddly comforting.
“You talk too much… Sir.” You grumble in lieu of remaining silent and further inflating his ego, getting a raised brow at the tacked-on title.
“But you like it, don't you? Don't lie to me, it's unbecoming.” The corners of his lovely lips twitching with the effort not to laugh. Quick as a flash, your legs lock around his waist, pulling his center down to yours and he’s forced to take a breath from between his teeth as his long lashes flutter, “Like I said; you talk too much.”
Gawain bites his tongue – there will be plenty of time to get back at you once you’re mindless and thoroughly spent – he reasons. For now, he just needs to get you there.
One large hand settles at the base of your throat as his luscious lips travel down your neck in flickers of contact that have you arching against his firm grip for more. Soft as a feather, he pulls away your undergarments as needed to kiss at your chest; sweetly at first and then so wet and sloppy you’re left gasping and whimpering, hands grasping at his strong shoulders for purchase.
Grabbing you below the knees, he gently pries your legs open while kissing down your body until you're tingling and trembling all over wishing he'd just get to it.
“Hmm? Are you going to beg? Go on.”
You pout petulantly; no you won't beg, he'd enjoy that far too much. But you can, however, tempt him into doing what you want.
“Gawain…” you moan seemingly helplessly, nails brushing his skin making him shiver in delight, “won't you take me? It's clear you want to.”
“It's clear, is it?” He chuckles breathlessly, ceasing completely to just watch you and it makes you want to smack the back of his head in frustration.
Breathing deep, your eyes move over him carefully, appreciating every inch of delicious, exposed skin so many yearn to catch a glimpse of before…
“Gawain,” you raise an amused brow, surely he noticed… “Yes?”
Oh, he's far too good at playing dumb.
You raise yourself until your lips barely brush his, brown hues watching you closely down the length of his nose before your hand boldly presses down on his stiff cock and those eyes glaze over before rolling back in overwhelming delight, “I'd call this pretty obvious.”
Hand squeezing in pulses, you're granted a low groan followed by a deep sigh, “God, you're too much. I cannot– wait.”
Gawain's mouth devours yours, hungry as a wolf, pushing down once more while his lithe fingers graze the inside of your thighs, grinning at what he finds. Cheeks warming at how your mouth chases his as he pulls back, he gives his palm a full lick before wrapping it around his throbbing cock and stroking. The flames illuminate this length of his gorgeous neck like an old painting and your tongue longs to glide over it and follow the path of his sweat so deeply you almost miss him speaking, “Will you beg now?”
You groan most crudely, far over his games and his perfect face and his disarming voice and his damned haughtiness– your hand grasps the curls at the back of his head, delighting in his whimpered response, “Take me now or so help me–,” your not proud of the way your voice wavers but you’re both past that now.
Gawain’s lips connect with yours surprisingly softly, leaning his forehead against yours and lining himself up with your center, “Shh, I’ve got you, just relax.”
A kiss to your hairline is the only warning you get before he starts pushing into you, slow as can be and yet still you cry out at the feeling in between the kisses he places to your lips to offer some comfort.
“There we go, breathe for me. It’ll feel better soon…”
“Gawain…” You moan, clinging onto him as the bite of initial pain melts into pleasure.
Sucking on your neck, his hips sway against yours rhythmically, wavering only when your nails dig into his sides while moaning desperately in his ear, “Gawain please…”
“Now–” his breathing stutters while his hips buck suddenly, pressing a collection of whispered curses from both of your mouths, “Now you beg?”
“Just please fuck me, please.”
The way his cock twitches inside you tells all you need to know on how he feels about your words.
Curls brush the side of your neck as he reaches to bite at your lobe, grunting and moaning into it while speeding up his hips so much your own moans become stuttered and desperate.
As the end nears, Gawain presses his lips to yours, nearly missing in his eagerness, and opens his mouth as if to say something but no words leave him, only a loud moan of your name ringing across the cave just as your body does the same.
Your mind is eerily quiet as you come down, blinking eyes you don't recall closing and feeling the next king breathe against your naked chest while gathering himself. After a moment he raises himself on shaky arms to gaze down at you, hand reaching to brush a stray hair from your cheek and sighing as if suddenly, all is right in the world.
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lleoverse · 1 month
i like nutted honestly (i need this man chat)
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DEV PATEL 'Monkey Man' behind the scenes
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lleoverse · 1 month
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MONKEY MAN (2024) dir. Dev Patel
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lleoverse · 1 month
how crazy would it be if i wrote a monkey man x male reader .. wouldn’t be too crazy right … 😍 also i have a little smth for female readers too that’s in the works so be ready 😵‍💫
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lleoverse · 1 month
me sliding my panties to the side and going insane while watching monkey man and seeing him:
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lleoverse · 1 month
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david dastmalchian lovers unite there is NOT enough posted about him on the internet i feel like im screaming into the void be my mutual plz
(if you write about him, i am ur number one supporter i love you)
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lleoverse · 5 months
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god i need this scene tattooed onto my eyeballs
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lleoverse · 5 months
People who said the Saltburn bathtub scene was traumatizing never stepped foot on this app, wattpad, or ao3 🤷‍♀️
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lleoverse · 5 months
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Somethin about puppy dog eyes.
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lleoverse · 6 months
All Sejanus Plinth did was be hot, sad, and sensitive with daddy issues and he got fucked over by a mediocre white man and honestly who hasn’t been there
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lleoverse · 8 months
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Joji Supremacy
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lleoverse · 9 months
the tenth doctor is so fucking attractive
that’s the post
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