lexidiane · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Prep: How to Impress Any Employer
Are you ready to take your job interview skills to the next level? Our ultimate guide has got you covered! We've compiled all of our top tips and tricks for job interview success into one comprehensive video. From researching the company to practicing your responses, our step-by-step process will help you feel confident and prepared every step of the way. So, whether you're just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, this video is a must-watch!
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lexidiane · 1 year
Bayanihan Awards Night 2022 - GoTeam Philippines
On the evening of November 19, 2022, GoTeam held its Bayanihan Awards Night at the stunning JPark Island Resort and Waterpark. All team members showed up in their finest Filipiniana attire to commemorate the company's accomplishments, victories, and milestones. It was an unforgettable event that recognized the dedication and commitment of team members, who received various service and special awards.
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lexidiane · 1 year
Why GoTeam Is A Great Place to Work
GoTeam recognizes and values each team member as a unique individual, rather than just another employee. We see you as a whole person, not just a number or a face in a crowd of workers. This approach is one of the key factors that has led to GoTeam being certified as a Great Place to Work, with a remarkable 89% of our team members agreeing that it truly is a great place to work.
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lexidiane · 1 year
Effective Tips For Job Seekers - GoTeam
If you're seeking a new and exciting career opportunity, you've come to the right place! GoTeam is currently offering a diverse range of job openings that cater to a variety of skills and qualifications, which means there may be a suitable position for you. We encourage you to explore our available opportunities and start your application process today. To assist you in making the most out of your application, we've provided a straightforward four-step guide.
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam's Got Talent Season 6 - A Night of Remarkable Performances
In September, GoTeam held their highly-anticipated annual event, GoTeam's Got Talent, which is known to be one of the biggest and most extravagant events at GoTeam. The theme for this year's event was "The Greatest Showman," and it was a huge success. As expected, the talented members of the team put on impressive performances for the sixth season of GGT.
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lexidiane · 1 year
How To Prepare and Ace For Job Interview - GoTeam Blog
Great job on catching the recruiter's eye with your well-crafted resume! To ensure you're ready for your upcoming job interview, it's essential to create a pre-interview strategy and properly prepare. What steps do you need to take to ensure you're fully prepared for the interview and can put your best foot forward?
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam’s Breakthrough Results Enablement Program 2023
The GoTeam Breakthrough Results Enablement Program 2023 is a revolutionary initiative that streamlines outsourcing, sales, and other activities for maximum efficiency. It equips your team with innovative frameworks and AI tools to unlock their full potential and achieve breakthrough results. Take your business to new heights and achieve sustainable growth with this game-changing program.
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lexidiane · 1 year
6 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Business
As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, many business owners are finding themselves shouldering a heavy burden in their efforts to achieve their objectives. In response to this growing need for assistance with process optimization and cash flow, outsourcing service providers have emerged as a viable option for small to medium-sized businesses.
Scaling a business is no easy task, and outsourcing has become an increasingly popular solution for those looking to reduce their workload while still maintaining optimal performance. By entrusting certain tasks to external service providers, business owners can focus their energy and resources on core operations, while also benefiting from the expertise and cost-effectiveness of outsourcing partners.
In today's fast-paced business world, staying ahead of the competition requires innovative and efficient solutions. Outsourcing has proven to be a valuable tool for businesses looking to achieve their goals and remain competitive in their respective markets.
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lexidiane · 1 year
Love Is in the Air at GoTeam Philippines
Valentine's Day at GoTeam was filled with love and appreciation as we organized a heartwarming activity to recognize the hard work and dedication of our team members. We wanted to show our gratitude for their efforts in keeping our operations running smoothly, and what better way to do that than by surprising them with some sweet treats?
It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to us to be able to bring a smile to our employees' faces and show them that their contributions are valued. The day was filled with joy and positivity, and it reminded us all of the importance of expressing gratitude and kindness towards each other. We believe that creating a supportive and positive work environment is key to our success as a company, and events like this are just one way we can work towards that goal.
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lexidiane · 1 year
Rewarding our AI Trailblazers at GoTeam
At GoTeam, we believe in recognizing and rewarding our employees for their dedication and effort. As a company that values innovation and AI technologies, we understand the crucial role they play in our success. That's why we established the AI Enhancer Award - to honor and celebrate exceptional employees who have demonstrated a commitment to integrating AI-based solutions into their work.
This award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in utilizing AI to enhance their productivity and achieve outstanding results. By embracing AI technologies, they have helped to drive our company forward and set an example for others to follow. We believe that recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance is key to fostering a positive and productive work environment.
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam Team Dine-Out: A January Gratitude Event
Our team recognized the importance of coming together to build stronger relationships, so we organized a January Gratitude event that we called "Better Together". To add some fun to the occasion, we decided to gather over a delicious meal of chicken wings at a favorite local restaurant. Each team was assigned a leadership coach and teammates to dine with, and the event provided a great opportunity to connect with each other in person once again.
We started off with some icebreaker questions to get the conversation flowing, and it was amazing to see how much we learned about each other during the event. The night was filled with laughter, bonding moments, and sincere expressions of gratitude. It was an unforgettable experience that brought us closer as a team and reminded us of the importance of building strong relationships.
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoteamCares - Once per month (45mins)
If you believe work and home life is more connected than ever before, then so do we. That is why GoTeam now has a monthly program for family members to join and learn about to benefits and advantage available to them and their family members that work together with us.
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam Masterclass - Once per month (45mins)
If having your team advance to achieve 2x, 5x, 10x results is important to your business, then join our Monthly Masterclass sessions designed to mentally and emotionally stimulate people to take action and execute on new learnings not after the sessions, but during!
This is not education, this is edu-action!
Join us at GoTeam!
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam Exceed Institute - Twice per month (30mins)
Do you believe people want to be INSPIRED?
Do you believe that people possess far more potential than they realize?
If you answered YES, then bring your team to Connect, be Inspired and Grow with powerful insights and frameworks they can apply together for rapid impact.
Join us at GoTeam now!
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam TechChoose-days - Weekly (10mins)
Think the world is moving FASTER than ever before?
Believe that technology is important but sometimes feel overwhelmed with options.
Join our CTO and Founder as he breaks down the latest in AI and Automation tools to practical examples you and your team can apply immediately for instant wins.
Don’t settle for 2X, 5X, or 10X results—these sessions are setting you up for 100X!
“It’s like we have our Tedx Talks at work”
Join us at GoTeam!
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lexidiane · 1 year
GoTeam Office Hours - Twice per month (15mins)
Want to Scale up RESULTS?
Latest AI, Automations & Performance Frameworks to unleash the potential of your team. Delivered in a bite-sized, 15-minute updates for leaders.
After the session, hang around for Q&A with our Founder/CTO and Head of Execution.
Join us at GoTeam!
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