kika-ila · 13 days
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Ehm... hi...
Two tinghs... I worked like a crazy for months and made my first important artistic achievment, a tarot deck called Once Upon a Time Tarot (Lo Scarabeo editions, you can google it if you're curious to see what I did while I was gone)
The other thing is... it's still hard for me to put it into words... I had to leave my home and the life I was building to come back to my home town and take care of my invalid (both phisically and mentally) maternal grandmother, since she's too poor for a nursing home and I'm the only one in the family that can actually work from home. And well... let's just say that I had good reasons to go low contact with my relatives. I'm still a little scared to write about my life because I don't want them to find out my vulnerabilities and give me a harder time, but luckily they don't speak english. And I'm far away from the people I love, they are suffering because of health, mobbing and family problems, I can't do anything for them and I'm feeling so useless... not a very good time for my depression... ^^;
I was really hoping to make my great news announcement, I had a lot of plans for this year, but everithing went upside down...
I'm still trying my best, I found some jobs as a colorist for french editors, I really don't want to give up, even if I'm so tired and my hands are trembling.
If you read all of this, thank you so much for your time.
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Dungeon Master: ok I need some details of your character's lore...
Me: Of course, here's the family photo of my warlock's patron before the great war 1314 years ago... Give me a minute, I have some worldbuilding to explain!
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Serafina, my little warlock, can polymorph into a pastel tyrannosaurus! o3o
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Gave them a little DnD contest ^^;
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Old picture of Primarina line: flat colors vs full colors!
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Two magical girls from different generations!
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kika-ila · 8 months
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I just love my little majokko warlock! ^^
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kika-ila · 8 months
Could I please tell Your Lopunnytaur how cute they are?
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Bonus: I had some old sketches of lopunny moving like a rabbit:
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kika-ila · 8 months
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Weeell... I have a full hard disk filled with years of various drawings and sketches I didn't upload because I'm still very shy (or uploaded only on a specific page), so here's a mermaid Bridgette with her water dress! ^^
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kika-ila · 8 months
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This is Serafina, my DnD character: she's a warlock I made to be a magical girl. So, just for fun, I drew her in different majokko anime styles!
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kika-ila · 8 months
is it ok if i make fanart of ur td fantasy au designs? <3
Sure, I would love that! Just please credit me for the designs :)
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kika-ila · 9 months
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These are some of my favorite Pokémon amigurumi!
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kika-ila · 9 months
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I'm uploading some old pictures: here a fantasy Duncney!
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kika-ila · 9 months
It’s so wild to me that I used to adore your total drama kids comic on DA around 6-8 years ago i think and now I’m sitting here realizing you’ve made some of my favorite obey me art as well, thank you for being a constant presence in my life even if you didn’t realize it, I’m almost an adult now and it’s crazy realizing just how long I’ve been interested in your work and how much it’s inspired me with my own art. Thank you and keep up the fantastic work, seeing you improve over the years has been so inspiring <3
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You don't know how much I needed to read these words today,
thank you so much
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kika-ila · 9 months
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Just realized that I didn't upload all of them in their fantasy version.
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kika-ila · 9 months
Cara Kika-Ila,
Volevo giusto approfittarne per complimentarmi con te per Total Drama Kids. Non posso dire di essere un grande fan di A Tutto Reality (solo l'Isola e Missione Cosmo Ridicola mi sono piaciute), ma il tuo fancomic... MAMMA MIA!!! Mi sono affezionato ai personaggi come mai avrei pensato di potermici affezionare (mai avrei pensato di arrivare a voler proteggere Scott!!!), e adoro il tuo stile. Leggerlo è stato un po' come tornare per primo ai tempi dell'asilo/prima scuola elementare, e a tutto quanto di bello e brutto portino con sè. A quattro anni e mezzo passai per primo quello che passa Trent (uno dei miei personaggi preferiti dell'Isola, e uno dei più deragliati in assoluto...), e mi sono rivisto tantissimo in quell'implicito senso di colpa ("Volevo vederlo, ma non l'ho fatto...")
Continua così, e in bocca al lupo per il futuro!
Grazie mille!!!
Ammetto che purtroppo quel fancomic non riesco più a finirlo, le serie successive hanno talmente tanto maltrattato i personaggi da affossarmi qualsiasi entusiasmo (e dire che gli devo tanto, è con quelle prime fanart che ho iniziato ad avere un po' di visibilità).
Però ci sono molto affezionata, sarà anche stato pieno di errori e ingenuità, ma ci ho messo tutto quello che avevo dentro e che stavo imparando a fare, passo passo, e sono sempre molto felice di vedere quanta gente ancora se lo ricorda (anche se mi vergono un pochino perché, insomma, è come leggere il mio diario del liceo ^^; )
Ti lascio un piccolo Trent:
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kika-ila · 9 months
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