just9things · 3 days
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just9things · 6 days
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just9things · 1 month
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just9things · 5 months
So true.
"What do you want to do?"
"Uh, give me five to ten business days, and I'll let you know."
Nines are often described as indecisive, but I think that is too simplistic. They appear indecisive in front of others because each person’s point of view so fills their mind that they can’t access their own thoughts—until they can find time to be alone. They need quiet to know what they think.
Susan Piver, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship
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just9things · 7 months
Enneagram Type 9
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Center: Gut/Instinct/Anger
Other triads: Positivity, Withdrawn, Attachment
Basic motivation: Peace and harmony
Basic fear: Conflict, negative changes
Wings: 9w8, 9w1
Disintegration/stress: 6
Integration/growth: 3
- Strengths -
Values peace and harmony
Accepting and understanding of others
Warm, welcoming
- Weaknesses -
Too passive at times
Will not open up about their own needs
Fear of conflict
Lots of self suppression
- 9w8 -
The 8 wing helps the passive 9 core be more assertive and confident. They are not shy to share their own opinions and thoughts with others. They can be more outgoing and social. 9w8s can express their anger a bit more comfortably than the typical 9 - but it's only if they find it absolutely necessary. After all, they still do not want to cause conflict. This fear can clash with 8's intensity.
- 9w1 -
The 1 wing adds a perfectionistic and moralistic character to the 9 core. They prioritize fairness and harmony, much more people focused. They are more reserved and calmer compared to 9w8. 9w1s try to see all sides of a situation but will still try to choose the right answer in the end.
Disintegration: 6
When 9s disintegrate to 6, they become fearful, anxious, and insecure. They can feel overwhelmed and as a result, can be defensive and passive aggressive. They can very indecisive during disintegration and rely on others to make decisions for them. A disintegrated 9 can complain a lot and blame others for their issues.
Integration: 3
When 9s integrate to 3, they become more motivated and energetic. They learn to be more bold and assertive. They actually try to live life themselves instead of living it through others and letting opportunities slip by. Integrated 9s are more confident and action oriented.
Subtypes of 9
- Sp 9 -
Sp 9s are most concerned about physical matters such as eating, sleeping, reading, and any other activity to satisfy their physical and psychological comforts. They want to keep a simple routine in life since it already gives them peace and fulfillment. Any type of disturbance to their routine can be upsetting. These comforts help make their life feel complete, which is what they seek most in life. Since they're often so reserved, they can be very passive to other things in their surroundings. They can ignore and dismiss things that demand their time and energy. This results in passive aggressive behavior. Lots of repressed feelings as well.
- Sx 9 -
Sx 9 wants to fuse with others. They build strong bonds with others to achieve a sense of comfort in them. Can be overly dependent on the other person for a sense of identity. This subtype blends in with the person they're with, rarely stating their own opinions - they will naturally go along with the other person's passions and desires. Sx 9s may struggle with asserting personal boundaries. This type is the most gentle and can appeal to others through their softer charms.
- So 9 -
So 9s prioritize the feelings and needs of the group over their own. They will put up a happy front in order to avoid burdening others with their own issues and needs. They just want to bring peace and joy to others' lives. It makes them happy to care for others. They may make themselves smaller though in order to not appear bigger to others. So 9s just want a harmonious and peaceful environment and will work hard to achieve that.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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just9things · 1 year
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Enneagram 9 Proberbs (1-9)— Jenny Slate, enneagramer.com, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Mary Oliver, Jackson Browne, Beatrice Chestnut, Hannah Haifsch, Michael Cunningham , Fiona Apple
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just9things · 2 years
Hello again! I'm trying to type my sister for a while and wanted to ask you if having 9 on the tritype (963 or 693) can also have high standards? I know this usually is related to 1 and I think is possible for her, but she also is really conflict avoided. I'm gonna give you a situation that happened recently...
She sounds 9 fixed. She has a lot of fierce opinions, but she doesn't take her own advice -- she hates conflict, so she would probably stay in the same bad situation that she's complaining about other people staying in; she seems to be focusing on asserting her views in a safe environment (around you) without actually acting on them. What you say matters less than what you do in typology -- someone can talk tough, but if they don't actually "walk the talk," they are not an assertive type.
In answer to your question, 9w1s have 1 -- a frustration wing that focuses on idealism, perfection, doing things right, and having fierce opinions about how everything should be done (to my standard), so yes, a 9w1 can have high standards and strong opinions -- the difference is they don't assert these opinions except with people who make them feel safe and/or whom they know will give them the space to be critical. I've known 9w1s to rant behind someone's back, but never actually go to that person and tell them off, because... that might disrupt my inner peace!
Venting is one thing, being direct is another...
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just9things · 2 years
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Enneagram 9 + Screenshots of Despair Moodboard
we saved the best for last ❤️ I hope you liked this series
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just9things · 2 years
Any Enneagram 9s out there who don't mind arguing in certain "safe" contexts but dread actual interpersonal conflict? I can argue about books all day (in lit classes, book club, whatever). But when the argument hits personal stuff, I get uncomfortable.
so i’m currently working at a law firm and the other day one of the attorneys was talking to me and he mentioned that he’s “not very confrontational” and i was like you are?? a lawyer???
and he said “yeah but in court there are rules. i can argue with some shmuck in a suit in front of a judge no problem, but when i leave the courthouse and go home i’m not gonna argue with my wife about dinner. there are no rules in our kitchen. i would die.”
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just9things · 2 years
Okay, but any Enneagram 9s out there who just don't like taking naps? Or am I alone in this?
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just9things · 2 years
May I ask a question? I am completely sure of me being an INFP 9. However, I am unsure about my wing. I’ve been reading about the differences between 8-winged and 1-winged, but I don’t think I relate too much to neither of those.
My anger doesn’t manifest much and, if so, the main and only reason is being forcefully intruded upon while trying to make out time for myself. I am thinking, creating or just doing my thing and someone come crashing with their emotional turmnoil that I, no matter what I do, can’t keep out. When being pushed long enough, I react with annoyance and demand to be left alone. I don’t cause much ruckus, but I assert myself properly. I don’t scream or throw tantrums. But it is not my usual self either. Something along the line:
Can you PLEASE shut up for a minute/leave me hang-up the phone/get out the room because I am (doing X thing) and you are upseting me?
And my take on the other main difference — must keep people calm (w1) vs. i am calm, you are not and that’s not my problem (w8).
I don’t relate to goodness or badness. I am not trying to be a good person. However, other people’s moods inevitably affects me greatly. I may try to calm the person down, not because I actually care about their well-being, but because if I don’t do anything and the emotional noise continues, I am being drowned on it.
For instance, I am writing, and my partner is playing some game in the same room. Because some consecutive fails, he starts to get angry at the game. Now him being upset is causing tension in my body and I can’t concentrate in my story any longer. I can’t ignore it, so I try to help him out with the game to dilute the situation, say some reassuring words, or leave the room to be in another place.
Would this being more coherent with w8 or w1? If so, why?
Sounds like 9w8, for this reason: “I don’t relate to goodness or badness. I am not trying to be a good person.” That’s not the super-ego-based thinking of the 1, which is driven to make themselves perfect and who sees their anger as problem that they SHOULD repress and get rid of, rather than manifest it through boundaries. You are throwing up an 8 wall of “get out of my face,” and then going on about your day, thinking nothing of it. That’s 9w8.
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just9things · 2 years
I’m a social-first Nine, and that “Nines act on behalf of the group to the extent that they lose themselves, though such action feels ‘right’ and therefore ‘chosen’” hits me right where I live.
The Self Preservation loses themselves in the satisfaction of physical needs. By compulsively immersing themselves in some form of numbing behaviour these Nines avoid having to take action from their own choice.  They like the comfort of routine and they structure their lives in a way that reduces the chance of the unexpected. They like to think of the world as being “concrete and real” to avoid the sort of inner questioning that challenges this refuge. They find their peace in low level external stimulation.
These Nines have a passionate drive to find the person with whom they can merge completely, feeling thereby they will find themselves. This is sloth played out through losing oneself in another. It can also be channelled into religion and the desire to be one with God. In this case there may be a conflict between merging with the partner or with God, or they look for the divine in the partner and merge with that. “I AM you’” gives the illusion of being a self.
The term for the social subtype of Type Nine is “Participation”. The social Nine subsumes themselves into the needs of the group. The term sloth can seem inappropriate for this Nine who is usually super busy keeping everyone happy and together- but this is exactly where the sloth comes in, they forget themselves through participation. It may mean joining teams, or setting up activity groups for others to participate in, or networking. Nines act on behalf of the group to the extent that they lose themselves, though such action feels ‘right’ and therefore ‘chosen’.
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just9things · 2 years
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just9things · 2 years
Finding Your Type: Problem Solving
(Transcribed from this post by Kambrie Ross.)
Type One
Competency Triad
In conflict, thinks about the “right” thing to do—based on a sort of moral standard, system, or principle—doesn’t want to fail.
Consciously seeks to separate themselves from overwhelming feelings in order to solve the problem at hand with competent, dichotomous thinking.
“Right” for me means it serves a purpose, whatever it is. If it doesn’t serve some purpose, it’s in the way or causing a problem. If I can fix it I’m happy. if I can’t, I stress.
I want to be taken seriously—I don’t want to present myself as anything but composed and rational. I try to distance myself from my emotions—they are messy and hard to understand. Being rational is just more efficient.
Type Two
Positive Outlook Triad
Tends to ignore, gloss over, and push aside conflict and problems rather than address them (both externally and internally).
Sees conflict, problems, and negativity as divisive, which interrupts the flow of the relationships that give them their sense of identity.
Numbness to negative emotions. And numbing my own feelings so I can do more for others.
I try to see the positive in every situation.
I am the glue in relationships. It’s hard for me to verbalize what I’m feeling and it’s hard to bring up things that bother me. I will almost always opt to avoid conflict to preserve the peace.
I’m receptive at recognizing boundaries and reading moods without needing to speak them.
Type Three
Competency Triad
In conflict, finds an anchor in future goals—pushes hard into mentally assessing, then quickly and efficiently eliminating all blockages—avoids failure.
Tends to see emotions as obstacles that complicate problems and obstruct the path to efficiency and progress.
Every action should be intentional. I’m constantly searching for my purpose and doing what I can to achieve it.
I’m an achiever. I know if I want something, I’ll get it done.
more often than not, it’s hard to relax or feel fulfilled unless I’m accomplishing something or making effective use of my time.
I think logic trumps emotion almost always, and get angry with myself when I have emotions that are illogical.
Type Four
Expressive Triad
Has big, emotional reactions in conflict—feels a need to be authentic to the moment and their current feelings—wants to be heard, validated, and understood.
Believes (subconsciously or not) that the way you solve the problem is by addressing the emotional experience.
I wish people understood the importance of processing emotions…I don’t want people to categorize me as “dramatic” or “too deep” when they lack understanding.
I’ve been told I’m very expressive when I talk about things (especially when I’m passionate or opinionated about something, which happens a lot). I often encourage others to not dismiss what they’re feeling, whether good or bad.
I saw something once that said nothing feels small to a 4 and that felt really true. 4s CARE.
Type Five
Competency Triad
In conflict, thinks about data and facts—wants to think and process the problem before solving it—doesn’t want to fail.
Believes you must shut down emotions to solve problems—feelings are messy, hard to understand and cloud judgment, but facts are straightforward and make sense.
I see lots of possibilities and I like to take my time to think everything through.
I’m extremely rational, logical, and level-headed. I put facts, morals, and usefulness first when dealing with emotions, making decisions, forming opinions, and gathering and proving knowledge. people always come to me for logical solutions to problems.
I try to learn how people like to communicate…usually doesn’t work because people are human, not science, and always change things up.
Type Six
Expressive Triad
In conflict, wants to verbally process fears, concerns, and feelings in order to assess stability (relational and otherwise)—has a natural radar for threats.
Believes (subconsciously or not) that external affirmation of their thoughts and feelings will solve the problem.
I can pick up on if someone I love is emotionally off within seconds.
I feel like people don’t understand my need to talk through scenarios. I want to be prepared for everything.
It’s exhausting at times to feel like the only person who can see the problems with someone else’s scheme or to be treated as overly negative when voicing intuitive concerns. I’m hard-wired to spot problems and threats and it’s NOT just all in my head: it’s good to think through and process all of the things I see and not dismiss them.
Type Seven
Positive Outlook Triad
Seeks to avoid or reframe negativity—often spins things in a more positive, exciting, or fun way (in the moment and retrospectively).
Sees conflict, problems, and negativity as unpleasant, (usually) unnecessary, and as hindering their ability to keep going and stay “up"—doesn’t want to feel stuck.
I’m quite low maintenance in a relationship as it doesn’t take much to make me happy—just spend time with me, don’t be a Debbie Downer, and do fun things with me, even if they’re simple. I’m so spontaneous and I see the good in people in life, so I rarely feel sad or let things get me down.
I see the world through a kaleidoscope lens. Everything is colorful, bright, and my mind jumps from piece to piece…As a 7 with depression and ADHD (as well as a chronic illness), life can be pretty sucky sometimes. But I’m able to look on the bright side and channel my pain into action (on most days).
Type Eight
Expressive Triad
Has big, passionate reactions in conflict—doesn’t feel the need to censor impulses or emotional reactions—often pushes for contact to have a stronger sense of being.
has no problem with confrontation or challenges—engages with conflict boldly and willfully in order to keep moving forward.
I’m very upfront when I’m angry. I let people know.
I am so honest that I seem mean. So sometimes I am mean because it’s easier than being misunderstood.
I make myself seem larger and louder (an outward defense mechanism to hide the vulnerabilities within myself).
When I feel threatened I go to "fight or flight.”
I tackle conflict head-on so the tension is gone and we can be at peace.
Type Nine
Positive Outlook Triad
Tends to avoid and withdraw from tension, conflict, and drama they don’t deem as worth the effort.
Sees conflict, problems, and negativity as unnecessary disruptors of peace—will engage in conflict if they can heal the connection and restore harmony.
I hate conflict, tension, and drama. I will engage in conflict as peacefully as I can to break the tension and bring peace back.
I see the world full of conflicting people who refuse to attempt to see things any other way and that’s hard. The little things where humans are good to each other makes me happy. I see things with more potential good than many people I know. Conflict, tension, or passive-aggressiveness being present around me make me want to fall through he ground into the center of the earth.
I will do anything to avoid confrontation or conflict.
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just9things · 2 years
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just9things · 3 years
I’m not convinced that all of these are “nine things.” But I do all of these, so. . . .
Type 9
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just9things · 3 years
It took me a while to understand, but I've realized that some types have a lot more in common than they seem to at surface level. But today I want to talk about 8s and 9s. They are next to each other for a reason. Both in the instinctual/anger triad. Descriptions make them seem like polar opposites. 8s as someone who loves power and controlling people, and 9s as people who enjoy submitting to others. 8s as always being angry and 9s as always being calm. First of all, it's not that 8s are always looking to have control over people, it's just that they're afraid of being controlled, so they act dominant in response. And 9s do not enjoy being controlled in the slightest. We hate it. But everyone thinks of us as being people who are submissive because we like it. The truth is, the reason why we usually act quite passive is because we are afraid of conflict. But deep down we can't stand being pushed around. There is a lot of repressed anger that never gets talked about. What makes us different from 8s isn't our feelings, but how we handle them.
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