jinkxmonspoon · 16 hours
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happy pride month to any queer intersex babes 💜💛
[ID: A bright yellow background with purple, shadowed text that reads the "i" is not for invisible. End ID]
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jinkxmonspoon · 16 hours
explain your gender in 10 words or less without using boring words like “male”, “female”, “nonbinary”, “masculine”, “feminine” or “androgynous”.
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jinkxmonspoon · 23 hours
Please help me and my family to evacuate from gaza
Donate if you can
Share if you cant
If anyone can donate: please, please, please do. Every little bit helps.
If you can't share, reblog (not like!! that doesn't do anything) to push the post to more people. I don't care if it doesn't "fit the aesthetic/vibes" of your blog, these people need our help. We must raise awareness and support our Palestinian brothers and sisters as best we can through the unspeakable horrors they are enduring.
Free Palestine
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jinkxmonspoon · 2 days
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A Very Human Moment (Part 1)
if y’all ever want to see a part 2 this better do numbers
Part 2
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jinkxmonspoon · 2 days
Donate if you can, and reblog,if you can't. Also I didn't know about the daily click thing, and am pretty excited to know that I can help by simply clicking. Thank you @28reas0ns!
i know i don’t have a lot of followers but i would like to ask you to please match my donations if you can (any amount for any of these fundraisers) or reblog to boost these campaigns. lets keep the momentum going!
(6 june 2024)
€10 towards nada and her children to evacuate gaza. nada reached out to me and is currently at €668 of her goal of €15,000 - please reblog her post here to help her gain some traction
€10 towards khalil’s family and his sister nahla’s family to evacuate gaza. they are currently at €1,266 of the €40,000 goal
€10 towards ahmed and his family to evacuate gaza. he is currently at €6,985 of his goal of €35,000
$10 towards doua’s family to evacuate gaza. currently at $17,369 CAD of their goal of $120,00 CAD
$10 towards crips for esims for gaza. they have been fundraising money to provide esims for palestinians in gaza. donate here. for usd, they ask you to consider donating via p*ypal under jane shi writes
$10 towards helpgazachildren as facilitated by @fairuzfan and their friend hussam who is currently in gaza. hussam has been providing care for his people over the last several months. see information and updates here, and please consider supporting
i know people have been experiencing problems donating to gfms, so if thats the case please take a look at this post for some possible fixes
if you have the means to help more, please see here, here or here to find more campaigns to support. every bit counts
please match and/or reblog! and don’t forget your daily click
receipts below the cut
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jinkxmonspoon · 4 days
Love love love this.
Mr. Steal Your Girl really walked up to Debling with a straight face and said ‘Do you mind if I interrupt? It should only take a moment,’ with the full intention of it taking the rest of their lives.
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jinkxmonspoon · 4 days
reminder that donating just a few $ to gofundme campaigns actually helps, you don't have to donate huge amounts if you don't have the funds, every little bit is useful. give $10, $5, even $1. it all adds up. don't scroll past because you think you can't help. help in your own capacity. donate a dollar. share and speak up.
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jinkxmonspoon · 4 days
hi! sorry this is so abrupt, but i was hoping that you could boost this gofundme campaign. it has been vetted by gazafunds (you can check by searching "help the helpless mother & her 3 children in gaza" in https://gazafunds.com/all). there are also unique photos and videos in their gofundme description!
al-ameen was a three-year-old with leukemia who passed away on may 14th after his family has unable to afford medical treatment. this campaign is for his mother and remaining three siblings: ahmed, rema and mohammed. they have had no source of income since their father went missing months back. this family has already been through unthinkable loss. it's the least we can do to support them in a time of grief and crisis.
here is the link to their campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/financial-help-for-the-family-of-alameen
the campaign goal is extremely reachable at only £15,000. however, progress as been stagnating. i've been promoting al-ameen's family's campaign on my personal blog, but i simply do not have very much reach. it would mean so much if you could share this link!!
of course, please help al-ameen's family evacuate gaza! spread their campaign widely and donate whatever amount you're able to
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jinkxmonspoon · 4 days
Happy pride month y'all! Im a demisexual demi girl! This pride month, remember those who aren't able to celebrate safely, remember those in gaza, in africa, and others in g*nocide in your thoughts. If you cant donate, do what you can to spread awareness! You are seen, loved and accepted! Be safe! ❤🍉🍉🍉🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪
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jinkxmonspoon · 4 days
Happy pride month 🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
And remember there’s still genocide happening 🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸
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jinkxmonspoon · 6 days
I am so f*cking gay aha
Jinkx Monsoon and Chappell Roan have both had iconic queer photoshoots in the past two days. What have we done to deserve this??? Happy Pride sapphics!!!
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jinkxmonspoon · 6 days
Hello, I'm from Gaza, my little daughter Nour has hydrocephalus and seizures, we are now in a tent in very bad conditions, and every thing destroyed our house, hospitals and physiotherapy centers 😔 I'm waiting your reply hope you will support Nour as she's a palestinian child needs your urgent help because the seizures attacks have increased, and hospitals don't receive her because of the huge number of injuries and martyrs. She must see a neurosurgeon soon to adjust the doses of the antiseizure medications. Also she needs CT scan and MRI to ensure that the shunt is working well. She also needs to continue Physiotherapy ASAP and Occupational therapy sessions to enable her to stand and take her first steps. Please support my campaign because Nour needs special care out of Gaza war, 🙏💔
Sharing this so that you can get the help needed. Sending all best wishes your way!
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jinkxmonspoon · 6 days
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jinkxmonspoon · 7 days
Jinkx Monsoon (Them Magazine, 2024)
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jinkxmonspoon · 7 days
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Jude Duarte - The Cruel Prince
artist: @/h.hartes / @hhartes
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jinkxmonspoon · 7 days
Don't scroll. Just think.
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jinkxmonspoon · 7 days
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This is the important part
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We're going to see A LOT of pro Israel propaganda in the media in late June. More than usual I mean.
We need to be prepared to combat it all especially with the current invasion of Rafah killing and displacing thousands
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