iuminouscrown · 2 months
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are you guys ready for some ✨ whimsy ✨ presenting: the magnolia cloak!!
✶ cotton twill exterior fabric, tencel inner lining. the (non detachable) inner vest also has 2 zippered pockets and may have an optional waist belt in the final version.
✶ for now the sizing will probably be s-3xl - this will be our own sizing, which is unisex, and ill have the size chart soon!
✶ gauging interest for this is super important so if youd like one, please consider signing up for a restock notification so we can see how many people are interested! dont worry about which size youre signing up for right now, the total number is whats important at the moment :)
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iuminouscrown · 2 months
Sudden Death Believability/ Chapter Twelve Translation
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Sudden Death
Believability/Chapter Twelve
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(Nearly one hour later: City of Osaka) 
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Rinne: ほら見ろニキッ、撮って撮って写真! 世界一。。。。。。✩
Rinne: Look, Niki! Take pictures! Take Pictures!!~ The best in the world! ✩
Niki: は、恥ずかしい!  田舎者の観光客そのものっすよ燐音くん!?
Niki: H… How embarrassing! Are you a hick tourist, Rinne-kun!? 
Niki: 看板と同じポーズをしてハシャがないでほしいっす~、通行人がみんな 『何事?』って顔で見てるっすよ!?
Niki: I want you to do the same pose as the billboard without overdoing it!~ Everyone passing by is looking at me with faces like “What’s going on!?”
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Rinne: ぎゃはは! 俺っちたちはアイドルなんだぜェ、注目されてナンボっしょ?
Rinne: Gyahaha! We’re idols or whatever the hell so isn’t attention what matters? 
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HiMERU: ………
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Rinne: あらっ、メルメルも格好付けてねェで一緒にアホになって騒ぐぞ!
Rinne: Oh? Merumeru isn’t striking a pose either, so let’s be stupid together and cause problems on purpose! 
Rinne: つっても大阪もだいぶ満喫し尽くした気がするし、次は他の観光地に行ってもいいか?
Rinne: Even though I feel like I’ve enjoyed Osaka to the fullest, can we go to tourist attractions somewhere else next time?
Rinne: 俺っち、奈良で鹿と友達になりたい!
Rinne: I wanna make friends with the deer in Nara!
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Niki: あ~、奈良の鹿は良いっすよね。美味しそうだし、あれはあれで僕にとっては理想の生き方っす
Niki: Ah!~ The deer of Nara are nice, aren’t they? They look tasty and that’s the ideal way of life as far as I’m concerned!
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Rinne: 観光客に可愛がられて餌付けされる、あの生き方に近いのってヒモかアイドルだと思うぜェ?
Rinne: They are doted on and fed* by tourists so I think the people who are closest to that way of life are gigolos and idols, right?
Rinne: ってことで、ニキもそろそろ真面目にアイドル活動がんばろうな♪
Rinne: So, it’s about time for Niki to get serious about doing his best for idol activities! ♪
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Niki: ええっ、観光地で浮かれて騒いでるひとに『真面目にやれ』とか言われたくないっすけど!
Niki: Eh? I don’t want to be told to “get serious” by someone who's messing around and being noisy at a tourist attraction!
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Rinne: ば~か。。。。。。 俺っちは計算してあえてアホのふりをしてるだけなンだよ、根っから不真面目なてめェと一緒にするんじゃねェ
Rinne: Stupid~....... I’m just making my calculations and intentionally playing the fool. Don’t lump me together with someone who is innately unserious. 
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Niki: んもうっ、自分に甘く他人に厳しい! いちばん嫌われるタイプっすよそれ!?
Niki: Hmmm… Being kind to yourself and harsh to others! Isn’t that the most hateable type of person!?
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Rinne: でも、ニキは俺っちのそういうところが大好きなんだろ♪
Rinne: But, Niki must love that kind of thing about me! ♪
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Niki: いや普通に不快で嫌いっすけど!? そういうとこ直してっ、真人間になって!
Niki: No! It’s actually extremely unpleasant and I hate it!? Please become an honest man and fix it!
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HiMERU: 相変わらず仲良しで何よりですが。それよりも
HiMERU: The most important thing is that we’re good friends as always. More importantly… 
HiMERU: .....おや?
HiMERU: …… Oya? 
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Kohaku: ーー 何やえらい楽しそうやねぇ、蜂ちゃんたち♪
Kohaku: — Looks like y’all are havin’ great fun, ‘lil bees! ♪
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Rinne: おっ、姉御! お疲れさんでェ~す☆
Rinne: Oh, Anego!** Thank you for your hard work!~☆
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Niki: サクラ姐さん、こんちゃ~っす♪
Niki: Hi, Sakura-neesan!~♪
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HiMERU: ーーー桜河姉。しばらく姿を見ませんでしたが、どこで何をしていたのですか?
HiMERU: —- Oukawa-ane.*** I have not seen you for some time. Where were you and what were you doing?
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Kohaku: 呼び方ぐらい統一しとき、ややこしいわ。それと一応、どこで誰か聞いてるかわへんしーーーわしのことは『桜河こはく』として扱っとくべきやろが
Kohaku: It’s about time to unify the way y’all call me. It’s confusin.’ Also, just in case, y’all should treat me as “Oukawa Kohaku” since we don’t know who's listenin ‘n where.
Kohaku: こっそり変装が得意な姉が本人と入れ替わっとる、なんてお上に知られたら問題になるん違うん
Kohaku: It’d be a problem if higher-ups found out that Kohaku’s older sister prided herself on disguisin’ herself in secret ‘n switchin’ places with said person. 
Kohaku: そんなことは有り得へんって普通は思うんやろけど、むしろそういう大掛かりな嘘こそをみんな信じるもんやしな
Kohaku: I wouldn’t think that sort of thing is normally possible but, if anythin,’ everyone would end up believin’ a large-scale lie like that. 
Kohaku: みぃんな、自分だけが誰も気づかない世界の真理に気づけたって思いこみたがるもんやからなぁ
Kohaku: Everyone likes to think that they are the only ones who have noticed truths about the world that no one else has.
Kohaku: そういう阿呆こそ詐欺師の餌食やのに、コッコッコ♪
Kohaku: Idiots like that are the prey of con men! Ko ko ko! ♪
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HiMERU: ーーー流石ですね。こうして間近で喋っている姿を見ても、桜河本人と見分けがつきません
HiMERU: —- It’s just as you’d expect. You are indistinguishable from Oukawa himself even when I see you talking up close in this way.
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Kohaku: ふぅん。こはくは、ぬしはんらには〝こういう部分〟も隠さず見せてたんかいな。粧えんだけだったんかもしらんけど
Kohaku: Hmm.~ I guess Kohaku didn’t hide “those parts”**** of himself from y’all, did he? Maybe it was just how he was “made up.”
Kohaku: そんだけ、ぬしはんらを信頼してたんやなぁ。うちとこの弟は果報者じゃ♪
Kohaku: I guess that’s why he relies on y’all to that extent. My younger brother and I are very fortunate people! ♪
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Niki: ………
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Kohaku: これ、椎の字。女子(おなご)の匂いをクンクン嗅ぐもんとちゃうで、助平
Kohaku: Hey, Shiinoji!***** You’re sniffing a girl’s (onago******) scent, aren’t you? Pervert.
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Rinne: 本当にすんません! この馬鹿は後で縛り首にしときますンで!
Rinne: I’m really sorry! I will hang this idiot later!*******
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Niki: ごごご、ごめんなさい! 悪気はなかったんすよ〜っ、でも匂いで区別するのがいちばん簡単っすから!
Niki: I… I’m… I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any harm! But the easiest way to differentiate you two is by smell! 
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Kohaku: さよけ。拭っても消えんもんやからなぁ、この種の匂いは
Kohaku: That so? Even if ya get rid of this kind of smell it still won’t go away. 
Kohaku: 良い鼻を持ってんねんね、椎の字。親御さんから与えられた贈り物じゃ、大事にしぃや?
Kohaku: Ya possess a good nose, Shiinoji. Ya treasure the gift ya received from your parents,******** doncha? 
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Rinne: ぎゃはは! 良かったなァ、姉御の心が広くて? 下手したらセクハラで訴えられてたっしょ?
Rinne: Gyahaha! Thank God that Anego has a big heart, right? If he’s too careless, he could be charged with sexual harassment, no? 
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Kohaku: コッコッコ♪  訴えたりせぇへんけどな、わしらはそういう立場でもないし。。。。。。
Kohaku: Kokoko! ♪ I can’t sue him though. We’re in no position for that. 
Kohaku: せやけど嫁入り前の女子に唾つけたんや、責任を取ってわしと結婚してもらうしかないわな
Kohaku: Right. But if ya spit on a girl, she’s yours.********* So ya have no choice but to take responsibility and marry me. 
Kohaku: そのためには、まずはうちとこのお父はんを倒してもらう必要があるけど。あれも入り婿やけどそこそこ強いで、わしと結婚したいんなら気張らや
Kohaku: To that end, first of all, ya need to defeat my family and my father. If ya want to marry me, ya need to go all out though. My father may have married into our family and took our name, but he’s still pretty strong.
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Rinne: いや、こいつは俺っちと結婚するんで
Rinne: Nah. He’s gonna marry me! 
Niki: 前を見ても振り返っても地獄。。。。。。!
Niki: It’s Hell wherever I look….! 
HiMERU: モテモテで羨ましいですね、椎名
HiMERU: I envy how popular you are, Shiina. 
Niki: そう思うなら代わってくださいよHiMERUく〜ん! ずるいっ、いつも自分だけ安全圏を確保して。。。。。。!
Niki: If you think so then please take my place, HiMERU-k~un! Be cunning and always maintain a safe zone for you alone……! 
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HiMERU: ふふ。HiMERUには守りたいものがありますから
HiMERU: Fufu. HiMERU has something he wants to protect.
TL Notes:
*Term specifically for human feeding of wild animals. Edzuke (餌付け).
**Older Sister. Kenjougo language. Extremely polite and humble with intent for the speaker to speak lower of himself to a superior. Rinne is being playful and joking in tone with his usage of it here.
***Big Sister Oukawa.
****In reference to Kohaku's "manhood" so to speak. Obvious innuendo.
*****Oukawa Nee-chan's nickname for Niki. Originally a popular way of addressing someone from the Edo period without mentioning their full name. Usually implies the addressee is of lesser status. Antiquated.
******Specifies pronunciation of 女子 (which is usually joshi).
*******Rinne is using polite language here in a playful/performative way.
********Oyagosan (親御さん) for parents. Sonkeigo language. Very respectful.
*********Literally: But if you spit on a girl before marriage... (Spit on being an idiom for making a claim for or calling dibs).
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iuminouscrown · 3 months
haaiiiiii i love your kyoto fic sm!! will u still update it 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Hey! I am horribly behind on everything. I do plan on updating it the question is just "when" lol. Unfortunately, I spread myself thin with personal projects but I've made note to update that next (I just need to remember what my plan was with it lol).
Thank you so much for reading it though!
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iuminouscrown · 5 months
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"Portrait of Frieda Baars (Sangernebo) with three cats, 1907" Source.
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iuminouscrown · 5 months
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Love. ❄️ 1967. Source.
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iuminouscrown · 5 months
Escape Mansion Prologue Translation
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Escape Mansion 
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〈脱出ゲームバラエティ【エスケープマンション】ーーー 最後局面〉
(Escape Room Game Variety Show “Escape the Mansion” — Final Round)
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Tsukasa: ついに辿り着きましたね。【エスケープマンション】の『101号室』ーーー
Tsukasa: We have finally arrived. “Room 101” of the “Escape Mansion.” —
Tsukasa: 脱出まであと一歩です!『Team V』で一致団結して乗り切りましょう!
Tsukasa: We’re one more step away from escaping! Let’s band together as “Team V” and get through this as one! 
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Midori: うん。。。。。。正直自信はないけど、最善は尽くしてみる。。。。。。
Midori: Yep…… To tell you the truth, I don’t have a lot of confidence but I’ll try my very best…… 
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Hajime: 光くん、ぼくたちもがんばりましょう
Hajime: Mitsuru-kun, let’s do our best as well.
Hajime: 『仔ウサギチーム』の強さはチームワークです。最後まで協力して乗り越えていきますよ♪
Hajime: The “Baby Rabbit Team’s” strength is teamwork. We will support each other to the very end and get through this! ♪
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Mitsuru: もっちろん! 最後までダッシュダッシュだぜ~!
Mitsuru: Of course! Dash dash to the end!~
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Koga: (クソッ、まさか最後まで勝負がもつれることになるなんてな)
Koga: (Shit! I never expected that this game would be such a mess all the way through). 
Koga: (三つ巴の勝負になるなんて予想もしてなかったぜ。これが "TV的に美味しい" っつ~やつか?)
Koga: (I also never expected it to be a three-way match. Does this really “make for good TV?”)
Koga: (だからバラエティは苦手なんだよ! 変な横槍が入らなけりゃ、未だに俺様たちが独走状態だったのによう!)
Koga: (That’s why I suck at variety shows! We would still be far ahead of everyone else we if didn’t get that weird interruption!) 
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Keito: どうした、大神? さっきから狼狽えているようだが。。。。。。
Keito: What’s wrong, Oogami? You’ve been flustered for some time……
Keito: もし 【エスケープマンション】のルールに疑問を覚えたいるようなら、それは間違いだ
Keito: If you are in doubt about the rules of the “Escape Mansion,” that’s a blunder on your part.
Keito: 俺たちの目的はひとつ。一着でゴールして優勝することだろう?
Keito: We have but one goal. We must finish in first place and emerge victorious, correct?
Keito: だったら、脇目も振らずに目指せばいい。俺たちは最初から独走状態だった。その経験を遺憾なく発揮するまでだ
Keito: All you have to do is aim for that without putting on airs for the viewers. We were far ahead of everyone else from the start. We should put that experience on full display. 
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Koga: ったりめ~だ! 俺様たちが最後までぶっちぎって優勝だ!
Koga: OFC!! We’re fighting to the bitter end to win! 
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Tsukasa: いえ。大神先輩には悪いですが、私たちこそが勝者です!
Tsukasa: No. I feel bad for Oogami-Senpai, but we are the winners! 
Tsukasa: あんたには絶対、負けませんからね。。。。。。!
Tsukasa: We will absolutely not lose to you……! 
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Koga: それはこっちの台詞だ! テメ~にだけな負けね~!
Koga: That’s my line! You’re the only ones who're gonna lose~! 
Koga: 俺様たち 『チーム月光』の相性はバッチリだ! 吠え面かかせてやんよ!
Koga: We of “Team Moonlight” have perfect chemistry! I’ll make you howl like a dog!*
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Kaoru: ふふ。いよいよ最終局面。状況は横並びーーーいい感じに番組が盛り上がってきたね
Kaoru: Fufu. We’re at the final phase at last. We’re equally matched—- This program’s keeping the good vibes going!
Kaoru: 勝利の女神はどのチームに微笑むんだろう? 最後まで目が離せないよ♪
Kaoru: Which team will the Goddess of Victory smile upon? Don’t take your eyes off us until the very end! ♪
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(Back in time: a day in early November - at the Rhythm Link office)
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Rei: 晃牙や~。晃牙はおらんかえ~?
Rei: Oh Koga~. Is Koga not here~? 
Rei: 。。。。。。う〜む。晃牙は一向に姿を現さんのう。昨日『ホールハンズ』で運絡したときも既読無視じゃったし。反抗期かのう?
Rei: …… Hmm~. Koga never shows up. Even when I tried touching base with him via “Hold Hands” yesterday, he left me on read. Is he going through a rebellious phase? 
Rei: 薫くんもアドニスくんも、晃牙の姿は見ておらんかや?
Rei: Kaoru-kun and Adonis-kun: have you seen Koga?
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Adonis: 。。。。。。そのことだが、朔間先輩。文面が良くなかったのではと、俺は思っている
Adonis: …… That’s the thing, Sakuma-Senpai. I was thinking that, maybe, the contents of your text weren’t great. 
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Kaoru: あはは、俺もそう思う。バラエティ嫌いの晃牙くんに "バラエティ番組の出演依頼が来ておる" はないよね~
Kaoru: Ahaha. I think so too. Koga-kun hates variety shows. I don’t think he’s ever been asked to appear in one.~ 
Kaoru: 最近はドラマの出演もあったし、晃牙くんもさすがに運チャンでライブ以外の仕事をするのは嫌なんじゃない?
Kaoru: Koga-kun had recently appeared in a TV drama… but, just as you'd expect from him, he’s a hack** who is unwilling to do any work besides Lives, right? 
Kaoru: もしかすると、最近の『UNDEAD』の方向性に性に抗議したいのかもしれないね。そのためのサボリ~、みたいな♪
Kaoru: Perhaps he wants to object to the direction “UNDEAD” has been going in lately. That could be why he’s slacking off.~♪
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Koga: おいコラ、誰がサボリだって? 羽風先輩にだけは言われたくね~ っつの
Koga: Oi, who’s slacking off? I don’t want to hear anything about that from the likes of Hakaze-senpai.  
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Rei: おぉ晃牙。来てくれたのかや
Rei: Oh, Koga. You have arrived. 
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Koga: 待たせちまったな。ライブハウスに顔出ししてたら、後輩たちに囲まれちまってよ
Koga: Sorry to have kept ya waiting. I was surrounded by kouhai as soon as I showed my face at the music club. 
Koga: ギリギリ間に合うと思って走ってきたんだが、すこし遅れちまった
Koga: I was thinking I could just barely make it in time if I ran but I’m still a little late…
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Rei: くくく。晃牙もちゃんと『先輩』しておるのう。良いことじゃ
Rei: Kukuku. Koga is also properly a “senpai.” That’s a good thing.  
Rei: それに、今回の件は打ち合わせというより雑談のようなものじゃ。気にするほどのことでもないわい
Rei: Besides, the matter at hand is more like idle chit-chat than a briefing session. It’s not a big deal. 
Rei: 実は、最近話題の脱出ゲームバライティ【エスケープマンション】が、若手アイドルを出演させる大会を行うようなんじゃ
Rei: As a matter of fact, “Escape Mansion,” the escape room variety show that’s hot these days, is holding something like a tournament for young idols.
Rei: それで、老舗事務所であるリズリンの若手アイドルから数名ーーー 『UNDEAD』からもひとりは出演してほしいと依頼が来ておる。誰か興味はあるかのう?
Rei: So, considering that the long-established Rhythm Link agency has several young idols —- a request has arrived through “UNDEAD” to have one of us appear on the show. Is anyone interested?
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Koga: 脱出ゲームバラエティ。。。。。。? 何だそれ?
Koga: Escape room variety show……? What’s that?
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Kaoru: 最近はみんなで恊力して謎解きをするイベントが流行ってるんだよ
Kaoru: Events where everyone cooperates to solve puzzles are now in vogue.
Kaoru: 『脱出ゲーム』とか、『謎解きゲーム』とか呼びかたは様々だけど
Kaoru: They are called various things such as  “Escape Room” or “Puzzle Solving Game.”
Kaoru: そんな脱出ゲームをバラエティ番組でお茶の間に放送したのが【エスケープマンション】だね
Kaoru: “Escape Mansion” is a living room variety show that broadcasts escape rooms like that. 
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Rei: うむ。そして、収録当日は我輩は別の仕事が入っておるので、『UNDEAD』から別のメンバーを推薦しようと思ったんじゃよ
Rei: Mmhmm. And I was thinking of recommending another member from “UNDEAD” since I have another job on the day of the recording. 
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Koga: はぁ、またそういう感じの仕事かよ。俺様はライブがしたいってのに。。。。。。
Koga: Haaa. That kind of job again? I want to perform lives though…… 
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Rei: では、晃牙は辞退するんじゃな?
Rei: Then Koga will decline. Correct? 
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Koga: 当然だ。俺様が手を挙げるとでも思ったのかよ
Koga: Naturally. Did you think I would raise my hand?!
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Rei: では、薫くんとアドニスくんが候補かのう。二人の予定はどうじゃろうか?
Rei: Then Kaoru-kun and Adonis-kun are the candidates. What plans do the two of you have? 
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Kaoru: 俺のその日の予定はーーーちょうど空いてるっぽいね。大丈夫そう
Kaoru: My plans for that day—- are fortunately empty-ish at the moment. Okay for me.
Adonis: 俺は。。。。。。残念だが、スケジュールが被っているようだ
Adonis: Looks like…. I have a schedule conflict regrettably. 
Adonis: 『ラブ・アンド・ビースト』の反響のおかげで、TV雑誌のインタビューが入っている。俺のために用意された取材だから、どうしてもずらせない
Adonis: I have a TV magazine interview thanks to the response to “Love and Beast.” I can’t shift it because the interview was arranged just for me.
Rei: ふむ。では『UNDEAD』からは薫くんに出演してもらうかのう
Rei: Mmhm. Then I guess we’ll have Kaoru-kun appear for “UNDEAD.” 
Rei: 返事は数日ほど保留しておくゆえ、晃牙も気が変わったら言うが良い♪
Rei: I’ll hold off on replying for a few days. Also, Koga, if you change your mind, feel free to tell me! ♪
Koga: 誰がやるかっつの。俺様は謎を解いたり脱出したり、そんなことで喜んだりはしね~ぞ?
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Koga: Who’s going to do what now? I wouldn’t be happy about solving puzzles or escaping, would I?!
Koga: この間のドラマみたいに、主題歌を歌わせてもらえるとかなら考えてやらなくもないけどな。さすがに、そう都合の良いことが何度もあるわけね~だろ
Koga: If I could sing the theme song or something like in that last TV drama, then I wouldn’t mind considering it. All the same, how many times do you have a convenient good excuse!?
Translation Notes:
*Idiom. Lit: make a barking face. Insult meaning to make someone cry.
**運チャン (Un-chan). Casual and relatively pejorative term for a cab driver.
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iuminouscrown · 10 months
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More doodles 🐰💖
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iuminouscrown · 10 months
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Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1937
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iuminouscrown · 10 months
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Doodles 🦊💚
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iuminouscrown · 10 months
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Ottumwa Tri-Weekly Courier, Iowa, July 13, 1915
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iuminouscrown · 10 months
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Sudden Death
Believability/Chapter Eleven
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Tsukasa: それに。桜河は賢い子ですし、 自分の立場を弁えています。決して、 本家筋である私に逆らうような愚は犯さないでしょう
Tsukasa: Besides, Oukawa is a well-behaved child who knows his place. He would never commit a foolish act like going against me: the head of the family.  
Tsukasa: とはいえ。『Crazy:B』はどうも憎たらしいい『Trickstar』と同種の存在のようですし、何をやらかすかわかりません
Tsukasa: Be that as it may, “Crazy:B” appear to have the same kind of existence as the quite odious “Trickstar” so I don’t know what to do. 
Tsukasa: 決して、こちらの望むとおりに動いてくれるとは思わないほうが良いでしょう
Tsukasa: We should not ever expect that it will work out the way we want it to. 
Tsukasa: なので。そちらにはあまり期待せずに、我らは我らの為すべきことを為しましょう
Tsukasa: Instead, since we cannot expect too much from them, let us do as we intended.
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Ritsu: うん。ひたすらライブ対決を避けながら、 可能な限り他の仕事で 『SSL$』を稼ぐ。。。。。。
Ritsu: Yeah. We’ll earn “SSL$”  from other jobs as much as possible while solely avoiding live showdowns……
Ritsu: 予選会が終了した時点で、他の『ユニット』から見て逆転不可能なぐらい圧倒的に稼ぐ
Ritsu: When the preliminaries have ended, we’ll earn an overwhelmingly impossible amount from other “units” to turn the tables in our favor.
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Arashi: でも。言うは易く行うは難しで、 そう都合良く行かなさそうなのよねェ?
Arashi: But that’s easier said than done. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be convenient for us, does it? 
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Tsukasa: ええ。それが我らの抱える問題の、ふたつめです
Tsukasa: Yes. That’s the second problem we have.
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Izumi: 。。。。。。俺とれおくんには他に絶対に外せない用事があって、予選会の途中で離脱する必要がある
Izumi: …… Leo-kun and I have other things to do that we absolutely can’t miss so we’ll need to withdraw in the middle of the preliminaries. 
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Leo: うん。欧州のほうで "音楽と芸術の祭典" っていうのがあって、おれとセナはそっちに出演する必要がある
Leo: Yeah. There is a “Music and Art Festival” in Europe that Sena and I need to perform at. 
Leo: それに比べれば『SS』なんか所詮は国内限定のぜんぜん無名の行事、って言い切っちゃえるぐらいの大規模な催しだ
Leo: After all, in contrast to a large-scale function like that, “SS” is an altogether unknown event restricted to domestic audiences. 
Leo: 喩えると、 スポーツでいうオリンピックみたいな感じ?
Leo: To use a metaphor, wouldn’t it be something like the Olympics in sports? 
Leo: おれたちみたいな若い日本人が結果を残すどころか、出演できるだけで有り得ない奇跡で名誉だーーー って言われるぐらいの一大イベントだよ
Leo: It’s an impossible miracle and an honor just to be able to perform for young Japanese people like us let alone to produce results. It’s a huge event, so to speak. 
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Ritsu: 日本ではあんまり知られてないけどねぇ。でも、あれって本来は三月ぐらいに行われる行事じゃなかった?
Ritsu: Not very well-known in Japan, though. But, wasn’t that event originally supposed to be held in March? 
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Izumi: うん。だからこそ、 俺たちも出演依頼を快諾したわけだし。身に余る光栄です、 って似合いもしない殊勝な態度でさぁ?
Izumi: Yeah. We readily consented to the booking request for that reason. Saying it’s “such an honor” though? That kind of admirable attitude doesn’t suit you, does it?
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Leo: でも。なぜか今年は急に、 そのイベントの開催がえらく早められたんだよな~ 。。。。。。 理由は不明。現地の大物が横槍を入れてきた、って話だったけど
Leo: But, for some reason, the event was suddenly held very early this year.~ ……. Don’t know why. Word on the street’s that it’s due to the meddling of some local big shot.
Leo: お陰でこっちは大迷惑だ。『SS』予選会とそのイベントの開催時期がもろかぶりしたせいで、おれたちはどっちを優先するか選ばなくちゃいけなくなった
Leo: That “blessing” is a royal pain in the ass. Due to when they’re held, we had to choose which to prioritize between the “SS” preliminaries and that event.
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Arashi: 予定がダブルブッキングしちゃったのよねェ。。。。。。この仕事をしてると、ままある話ではあるけど
Arashi: You double-booked your schedule…… That’s sometimes the case when doing this job.
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Izumi: それでもさ。そういうこっちの事情を考慮して、『SS』運営委員会には融通を利かせてもらいたいもんだけど
Izumi: But still, I wish the “SS” executive committee would be willing to make accommodations considering the circumstances.  
Izumi: 予選会の間に欧州に渡ってイベントに出るのは、『他の地域への移動禁止』のルールに抵触するから駄目だってさ
Izumi: Leaving for Europe during the preliminaries to participate in the event is useless since it infringes on the rule that “bans travel to other regions.” 
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Leo: そうそう。酷いんだよな~、さっきまでおれとせナは運営委員会のやつらと直接会って交渉してたんだけど
Leo: Yeah. It’s harsh!~ Until just a moment ago, Sena and I were still negotiating directly with those guys on the executive committee!
Leo: どれだけ頼みこんでもルールは曲げられない、 って頑なな態度でさ。おれやせナが海外で大活躍すれば、ESにも利益はあるはずなのに
Leo: With a stubborn attitude, they said that no matter how much we beg and plead, they won’t bend the rules. But, ES is bound to profit too if Sena and I make a spectacular showing abroad.
Leo: ルールはルールだ、 って頑として首を縦に振らないんだよ。ルールの星からやってきたルール星人なのか、 あいつら?
Leo: They said, “rules are rules” and stubbornly shook their heads. Are those guys alien rulers who came from the planet of rules? 
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Izumi: 本当、チョ〜うざぁい。。。。。。
Izumi: Truly soooooo annoyinng….. 
Izumi: ともあれ。それを踏まえて、俺たちが取り得る選択肢はふたつある
Izumi: Anyhow, taking that into account, we have two options. 
Izumi: ①/ 予選会の途中で、俺とれおくんが離脱して欧州のイベントに参加する
Izumi:  ①/ Leo-kun and I will withdraw and participate in the event in Europe halfway through the Preliminaries. 
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Leo: ーーその場合、 『他の地域への移動禁止』のルールを破ることになって罰金!
Leo: — In that case, we’d receive a penalty for breaking the rule that “bans travel to other regions!”
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Izumi: ②/ 欧州のイベントに出演するのは諦めて、『SS』予選会をがんばる
Izumi: ②/ We give up on appearing in the European event and do our best in the “SS” Preliminaries. 
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Leo: でも。その場合は今後、すくなくとも欧州では仕事をもらえなくなるかもって話だ
Leo: But, in that case, we might not get work from now on… or in Europe at least.
Leo: せっかくの仕事をドタキャンすることになるからな~、依頼人の顔を潰すことになる
Leo: That will wreck our chances with that influential client if we’re going to have to cancel this perfect job at the last minute!~
Leo: そういう悪い評判はあっという間に広がるから、おれはともかくモデルとしてはまだ芽が出たばかりのせナなんかプチッと潰されそう
Leo: That kind of bad reputation spreads in the blink of an eye. That aside, Sena would likely be crushed just like that since he’s still just a budding model. 
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Izumi: 信用を失って、仕事を干されるだろうからねぇ。。。。。。
Izumi: I guess I’d be hung out to dry; costing me both my job and reputation……
Izumi: せっかく名誉ある立場を得たのに、"個人的な都合" でそれを放り捨てた、生意気で馬鹿な日本人って思われるだろうし
Izumi: I’d come across as a cocky and stupid Japanese guy because, even though I’ve received a rare honor through this position, I threw that away for “personal convenience.” 
Izumi: 業界の運中には嫌われて、場合によってはバッシングとかされるかも。アイドルもモデルも人気商売・信用商売だし、そうなっちゃうと致命的
Izumi: I’d be hated by the industry at large and, in that case, bashed to no end. That’s deadly since both idols and models are professions that rely on popularity and clout.
Izumi: これまで重ねてきた努力が無駄になるし、わざわざこの狭い国から飛び出してまで叶えようとした俺の夢が潰える
Izumi: All the hard work I’ve put in so far would be wasted. The dream I went to all that trouble to make come true by rushing out of this oppressive country would collapse. 
Izumi: だからまぁ、俺としては①を選びたいんだよねぇ。。。。。。かさくんたちは申し訳ないけど、俺たちは途中で脱けで欧州に飛ぶ
Izumi: So, well… I would like to choose Option 1…… I’m sorry Kasa-kun & co. but we’re dropping out halfway and flying to Europe. 
Izumi: でも。それだと『他の地域への移動禁止』のルールを破ることになって、たぶん大量の罰金を取られる
Izumi: But, in that case, we’d probably get a massive penalty for breaking the rule that “bans travel to other regions.” 
Izumi: ただでさえ大儲けが可能な唯一の方法、ライブ対決が封じられてる俺たちは。。。。。。たぶんその場合は、予選会を勝ち抜けるほどの『SSL$』は稼げない
Izumi: The only way to make a killing is to avoid Live Showdowns…… So, in that case, we probably won’t earn enough “SSL$” to win the preliminaries. 
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Ritsu: うん。普通にやっても難しいうえに、途中で俺たちの『裏指令』が露見したりしたらもう最悪
Ritsu: Yep. It’d be difficult by anyone’s standards. On top of that, having our “hidden orders” exposed halfway would be the absolute worst. 
Ritsu: ぺんぺん草も生えないぐらいに毟り取られて、俺たちはいちばん惨めで不様な敗北を喫することになる
Ritsu: We shall suffer the most wretched and unsightly defeat; pruned to the point where we’d be abandoned… where even the Shepherd’s Purse* could not grow.**
Ritsu: ESビッグ3の、向かうところ敵なしだったはずの古豪『Knights』かね
Ritsu: We, who should have been ES Big 3’s unbeatable, veteran “Knights.” 
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Arashi: そんなのはアタシも御免だけど、どうしようもないのよねェ。。。。。。実際。レオくんが言ったとおり、詰んじゃってる感じだわ
Arashi: I’m sorry about that but, truly, what can I do about it? As Leo-kun said, it feels like we’re stuck in checkmate. 
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Tsukasa: それでも諦めずに、瀬名先輩たちが欧州へ渡る前にできるかぎり稼ぐしかないでしょう。後はもう、これ以上の追い打ちがないように祈るしか。。。。。。
Tsukasa: Nevertheless, we can’t give up. It seems as though we have no choice but to make as much as possible before Sena-senpai and others go to Europe, correct? After that, we can only pray that we won’t suffer any additional blows. 
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Leo: それはそうだけど。おれたちが想像しうる "最悪の事態" よりも底抜けに最悪なことが、けっこうこの現実では起きたりするんだよ
Leo: That’s right. But, quite often, in reality, what happens is far worse than our imagined “worst-case scenario.”
Leo: な~んか、暗い気分になっちゃうよな~。。。。。。音楽は人を幸せにするためのもののはずなのに、最近はそんなのばっかりだ
Leo: Hmmm~~ I’m depressed now~…… Music should make people happy but lately, there’s nothing else to it. 
*Uses a common name for shepherd's purse as literally "Penpen weed."
**Reference to an idiom where growing shepherd's purse is analogous to being left in ruins due to that flower often growing in abandoned areas.
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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Popular Science Monthly, February 1918
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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take it easy! 🥥🌴
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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obtained rare item: 🌟 Wish Bottle
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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The Evening Review, East Liverpool, Ohio, September 28, 1944
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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Our Sunday best 👒🐰👗✨
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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The Age-Herald, Birmingham, Alabama, September 12, 1913
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